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《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(2):337-348
A theoretical model for predicting the soil-water characteristic curves of simple granular soils during different wetting and drying processes is proposed. In this model, the irregular pores in a simple granular soil are assumed to be regular symmetrical cone-shaped capillary pores. The wetting and drying processes of the soil are considered to be the filling and draining processes of the symmetrical cone-shaped capillary pores. The degree of saturation of the soil is determined by estimating the amount of water in the cone-shaped capillary pores. The suction in the soil is estimated by applying the so-called capillary law to the cone-shaped capillary pores. The influence of the closed air bubbles in pore water on the soil-water characteristic curves is also simulated in the theoretical model. All model parameters in the model have definite physical base. The model is verified using experimental data.  相似文献   

土水特征曲线参数的概率统计及敏感性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究不同类型土体的土水特征曲线(SWCC)特性,以Fredlund-Xing模型的3种模式及van Genuchten模型的3种模式为SWCC拟合模型,以MATLAB编程语言中的3种函数为拟合方法,以UNSODA数据库中的黏土、砂土、广西膨胀土及合肥膨胀土为研究对象,对大量的基质吸力-体积含水率数据进行了曲线拟合及参数统计,分析了拟合模型与拟合方法对模型参数的影响,得到了这4类土的SWCC参数概率分布特征;提出了考虑变量间相关性时对体积含水率进行参数敏感性分析的计算公式。拟合结果表明:拟合方法对SWCC参数有一定影响;在低吸力部分,各种拟合模型的SWCC基本一致;在高吸力部分,FX2与VG2、FX3与VG3的SWCC基本一致;体积含水率对参数a的敏感性很小,对参数n与m的敏感性较大。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2006,46(3):299-313
The applicability of three previous empirical correlations proposed for estimating relative density of sandy soils based on the SPT N-value, effective overburden stress and soil gradation characteristics was investigated in the present study by using a data base of relative density obtained from high quality undisturbed samples of fine to medium sand with Fc≦20%, D50≦1.0 mm and Dmax≦4.75 mm. All undisturbed samples were recovered by in-situ freezing method. The relative density estimated by Meyerhof's method (1957) was in the range of +15%~-45% of the measured values. Meyerhof's method (1957) was modified by Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983) by considering the effect of fines content on the SPT N-value. The relative density estimated by Tokimatsu and Yoshimi's method (1983) is in the range of +25%~-20% of the measured values. The underestimation of relative density of Meyerhof's method (1957) was modified. On the contrary, the overestimation of relative density is more significant than Meyerhof's method. The relative density estimated by the method proposed by Kokusho et al. (1983) is in the range of +20% to -35% of the measured values even for dense sand with a relative density larger than 60%. Meyerhof's method (1957) and the method proposed by Kokusho et al. (1983) have a common disadvantage that they will extremely underestimate the relative density of fine to medium sand for SPT N-value lower than about 8. The errors in estimation of relative density by these methods are large. A simple empirical correlation (Eq. (10)) was proposed in the present study to estimate the relative density of fine to medium sand based on the normalized SPT N-value, N1. The relative density estimated by the proposed method is in the range of +15% to -30% of the measured values for N1 in the range between 0 and 50. As a whole, the proposed method is less in errors for estimating relative density compared with those estimated by Meyerhof's method (1957) and the method proposed by Kokusho et al. (1983). Based on a data base of undisturbed samples with data of fines content obtained from the SPT spoon samples, the method proposed by the authors is again compared with the three previous methods. The relative density estimated by the proposed method based on the above data base is in the range of +15% to -10% of the measured values. Among four methods, as a whole, the proposed method shows the least errors in estimation of relative density. The proposed method was also modified (Eq. (16)) by taking into account of the effect of fines content of SPT samples. The relative density estimated by the modified method based on the fines content is almost in the range of +10% to -10% of the measured values. Two empirical correlations proposed in the present study are less in errors of estimating relative density compared with three previous methods. The range of relative density estimated by the proposed method is well consistent with the range of the measured values (40% to 90%). The empirical correlations proposed in the present study should be applied to fine to medium sand with Fc≦20%, D50≦1.0 mm and Dmax≦4.75 mm.  相似文献   

为了得到干密度与粒径对非饱和尾矿砂土水特征曲线的影响规律,利用GEO-Experts压力板仪,开展了不同干密度、粒径的尾矿砂土-水特征曲线试验,探讨了干密度与粒径对尾矿砂土水特征曲线的影响,并采用F-X模型对试验数据进行拟合。结果表明:尾矿砂粒径越小,进气值越高,残余含水率越大,且小于0.25 mm粒径的含量增加能有效提高尾矿砂的持水能力;干密度对尾矿砂土水特征曲线的影响集中表现在过渡阶段,粒径相同时随着干密度的增大,脱水速率减小,残余含水率增大,但残余基质吸力基本不变;F-X模型对于尾矿砂土水特征曲线具有较高的拟合精度,能较好地反映尾矿砂的持水性能。  相似文献   

连续粒径水泥颗粒在浆体中的堆积密度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过流动度试验发现,粒径分布不同的水泥在相同流动度时其需水量有显著差异,说明粒径分布不同的水泥其堆积密度不同;推导了连续粒径粉体在浆体中的堆积密度计算公式,并通过试验对该公式进行了验证.  相似文献   

以不同颗粒度砂岩和不同颗粒级配砂岩配料,通过对所熔制的样品进行DTA,TG和XRD分析,探讨砂岩颗粒度和颗粒级配对硅酸盐形成和熔融过程的影响,以及掺水后不同颗粒度砂岩配合料的硅酸盐形成反应变化.研究结果表明,砂岩下限控制在150目的掺水配合料无明显细粉团聚现象,具有不掺水细颗粒砂岩配合料的硅酸盐形成反应特点和良好的熔制效果  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2009,49(4):509-523
To investigate liquefaction properties of sandy soils, undrained cyclic loading tests are usually performed. However, it would be difficult to simulate fully the actual soil behaviour through the laboratory tests because the tested sample can be disturbed even though it is taken by in-situ freezing technique. In this study, by using three kinds of in-situ frozen sandy soils which were taken from Holocene and Pleistocene deposits and their reconstituted samples, their volume change properties were measured during freeze and thaw processes at different confining pressures of 30 kPa and 98 kPa. In order to investigate the effects of the possible sample disturbance on the liquefaction resistance, small strain characteristics were measured as well, which would reflect the soil structure. Decreases in the small strain characteristics and the liquefaction resistance were observed in case of the Holocene specimens that were thawed at the confining pressure that was lower than the in-situ overburden stress. On the other hand, in case of the Pleistocene specimens, the effects of the confining pressure during the thaw process on the small strain characteristics and the liquefaction resistance were small. Such contrastive feature between the Holocene and the Pleistocene samples could be linked with the difference in the types of their natural aging effects.  相似文献   

荷载变形测试是评判土工构筑物的极限承载力和安全性的重要技术手段之一。基于现行技术规范,某一特定场地下往往需要评判多个或数十个土工构筑物,当综合分析这些构筑物的荷载变形曲线时,会呈现出较强的离散性。为此,结合京畿地区场地水平下的荷载变形典型测试成果,包括钻孔灌注桩、CFG桩单桩和锚杆,分别探讨了给定荷载下的变形量值的概率密度分布和给定变形下的荷载量值的概率密度分布。拟合优度检验中选用了两参数的概率密度分布形式,如正态、对数正态、伽玛、耿贝尔和威布尔。基于AIC准则,确定了这些量值(变量)的最优分布概型。计算表明,尽管特定场地下的荷载量值或变形量值的最优概率密度分布并不总是服从正态分布,但它与最优分布之间差异不大。结合基桩承载能力的极限状态设计,探讨了基于概率密度分布的可靠性分析方法。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2009,49(2):259-274
In order to investigate the effects of different geological ages on liquefaction properties of sandy deposits, a series of undrained cyclic triaxial tests was performed on three kinds of in-situ frozen and their reconstituted samples which were retrieved from Holocene (Tone-river sand) and Pleistocene (Edo-river B and C sands) deposits. The specimens were subjected to isotropic consolidation at a specified confining stress which is equivalent to the in-situ overburden stress at the depth of sampling, and small strain shear moduli were measured before and during the undrained cyclic loading tests. The liquefaction properties and the small strain shear moduli were affected by not only the natural aging effect of the specimen but also the inter-locking effect that was enhanced by applying drained cyclic loading before the undrained cyclic loading tests. During liquefaction, different tendencies of degradation in the small strain shear moduli which would reflect the aging effects of the specimen were observed between Tone-river Holocene sand and Edo-river B and C Pleistocene sands. The applicability of reconstituted samples as substitutes for in-situ frozen samples was confirmed with Tone-river Holocene sand that has no cementation effect between soil particles, whereas it seems difficult to simulate fully the liquefaction behaviour of Edo-river B and C Pleistocene sands which have higher cementation effect.  相似文献   

贵州盘县某项目挖、填方工程地基采用强夯进行处理,现场采用灌水法进行压实度检测,最大干密度的确定采用室内击实试验及现场试验两种方法,通过试验成果的对比,表明室内击实试验剔除了大于40 mm以上粒径的碎石土,与现场实际粒径不相符,应采用现场试验确定碎石土最大干密度.  相似文献   

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - In this paper, a SWC-150 Fredlund soil water characteristic device is used to test the soil-water characteristic curve of fly ash to investigate the...  相似文献   

砂土液化判别是场地岩土地震稳定性评价的重要组成部分。国内通常采用规范推荐的基于标准贯入试验的砂土液化判别方法;而欧美、非洲及东南亚大多采用Seed简化法。在对我国《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)中砂土液化判别方法与国外修正的Seed简化法的原理、方法及参数进行分析的基础上,将这2种方法进行比较,进而讨论了2种方法判别结果的差异。对比分析发现:相对于规范法,Seed简化法对于表层地基土偏于安全;但对深层地基土判别,规范法更为保守。  相似文献   

为研究级配缺失对砂土剪切力学特性的影响,结合室内直剪试验和离散元模拟对其进行了分析。室内试验结果表明,颗粒级配的缺失会导致砂土抗剪强度出现不同程度的下降,其中缺失粗颗粒的土样强度下降程度最大。通过建立与室内试验结果相匹配的PFC2D数值模型,很好的弥补了室内试验在细观参数监测上的不足,主要对级配缺失后土样的力链形态、剪胀特性及孔隙率演变等情况进行了讨论,结果表明,在剪切过程中粗颗粒对土样的应力传递和局部应变起到主要的作用,而细颗粒的填充有助于提高砂土力链网络的稳定性。  相似文献   

分析了3种再生剂对3种老化沥青的再生作用,以探究再生过程对沥青相对分子质量和分子尺寸分布的影响.首先,通过分子凝胶色谱(GPC)分析了沥青再生前后相对分子质量分布的变化;然后,通过动态剪切流变(DSR)仪获得沥青再生前后的主曲线,并计算得到相应的沥青松弛谱图(CRS)和分子尺寸分布的变化;最后,对沥青相对分子质量分布、沥青分子尺寸分布与沥青物理性质的关联进行了分析讨论.结果表明:再生剂对老化沥青大尺寸分子存在降解作用和稀释作用,且2种作用受老化沥青种类和再生剂种类的影响;沥青再生过程中,再生剂对沥青大尺寸分子的分散效果与沥青的宏观软化效果存在很强的正相关关系.  相似文献   

目前,大多土水特征曲线的数字模型都只能预测一组试验数据,且没有考虑试样体积变化对土水特征曲线的影响.本文基于土体孔隙毛细管原理,假定孔隙的最大和最小孔径分布呈正态分布,提出一个考虑土体体积变化的土水特征曲线模型,并将模型预测结果与室内试验结果进行对比,验证了模型的准确性;最后,对模型参数敏感性进行分析.  相似文献   

笔者通过对B2坯料配方进行了不同颗粒度坯料的泥浆性能,湿坯性能、干燥及烧成性能等的研究,为产品生产过程中球磨细度工艺参数的制定以及坯料干燥及烧成等工艺性能的改善提供了依据.  相似文献   

用渐近线辅助拟合法确定大粒径砂卵石最大干容重   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种降低拟合曲线外推偏差的方法--渐近线辅助拟合法。将该法用于确定大粒径砂卵石最大干容重,克服了《土工试验规程》推荐的“相似级配模型系列延伸法”以及其它类似方法所普遍存在的外插值偏差较大的问题。  相似文献   

研究了稀土氧化物Ce2O3、Gd2O3、La2O3、Y2O3对ZnO-Bi2O3系压敏陶瓷晶粒尺寸和电气性能的影响,结果表明,稀土氧化物可有效地抑制ZnO晶粒的生长,掺杂Ce2O3、Gd2O3、La2O3、Y2O3后,晶粒的主要分布分别为0~18μm、0~14μm、0~11μm、0~16μm;平均晶粒尺寸下降,其中掺杂Gd2O3后晶粒尺寸最小,为6.2μm。ZnO晶粒分布的标准方差明显下降,改善了晶粒尺寸分布的均匀性。掺杂稀土氧化物后,电位梯度显著提高,E1mA达到了427.5V/mm,改善了ZnO压敏陶瓷的电气性能。  相似文献   

结合渤海近海口软基处理工程,开展了不同浓度的六偏磷酸钠溶液对渤海近海口软黏土颗粒分析试验(密度计法)的影响研究,简单阐述了六偏磷酸钠对颗分试验的影响机理。试验结果表明:六偏磷酸钠对颗粒分析试验结果有着明显影响,试验中添加六偏磷酸钠是必不可少的;渤海近海口沉积的淤泥质软黏土适宜采用浓度为6%~8%的六偏磷酸钠溶液(10mL)作为颗粒分析试验的分散剂,在此浓度区间六偏磷酸钠的分散效果最佳,有较好的稳定性。细粒含量随着添加的六偏磷酸钠浓度的增加而增大,并趋于稳定,其中粉粒含量先减小后增加,黏粒含量先增加后减小。  相似文献   

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