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Despite the rapid advances in mobile tech-nology, many constraints still prevent mobile de-vices from running resource-demanding applica-tions in mobile environments. Cloud computing with flexibility, stability and scalability enables ac-cess to unlimited resources for mobile devices, so more studies have focused on cloud computing- based mobile services. Due to the stability of wire-less networks, changes of Quality of Service (QoS) level and user' real-time preferences, it is becoming challenging to determine how to adaptively choose the “appropriate”service in mobile cloud compu-ting environments. In this paper, we present an a-daptive service selection method. This method first extracts user preferences from a service's evaluation and calculates the similarity of the service with the weighted Euclidean distance. Then, they are com-bined with user context data and the most suitable service is recommended to the user. In addition, we apply the fuzzy cognitive maps-based model to the adaptive policy, which improves the efficiency and performance of the algorithm. Finally, the experi-ment and simulation demonstrate that our approach is effective.  相似文献   

The Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment (MUSE),established through the coordination and integration of mobile telecommunications and ubiquitous network,in the pursuit of Always Best Experience (ABE),represents the major development trend for the next generation mobile wireless network. Research on MUSE will involve the integration of the computing model system,service platform system,operating system and terminal structure system,all of which involve exploration and innovation of a new networking structure,its control and management as well as way of measuring. The change in network resources triggers the change in network computing models. To let readers have a basic understanding of MUSE,this lecture introduces it in four sections. This section focuses on the development and demand analysis of the service platform.  相似文献   

传统移动应用的开发都是针对特定的需求而定制开发的,复用性低.本文结合云计算模式、SOA和中间件相关技术,给出一个可复用的面向云服务结构的移动应用中间件,该模型以SOA为基础,充分利用SOA自身的优势,通过中间件来间接访问云资源,屏蔽了多终端异构平台间的差异,解决终端应用瓶颈,支持离线处理、安全通信,与异构移动设备可靠通信,提高服务性能和效率.最后,通过实验证明了该模型的稳定性.  相似文献   

提出一套按需供给移动云计算安全服务解决方案,提升了云计算环境中安全资源的使用率,充分保障云服务的安全。该方案针对移动互联网环境,基于云计算提供服务的业务,满足不同用户、不同业务对安全的复杂、多变、多样化的安全需求,能够动态、实时地感知并分析安全态势、调整安全执行策略,尽可能地为用户降低安全支出成本,为不同用户、不同安全状态下的移动互联网业务提供差异化、高效的安全防护机制。  相似文献   

移动云计算——移动增强现实技术和服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了中兴通讯移动增强现实解决方案。方案针对增强现实目标的识别技术采用客户机/服务器(C/S)架构,以充分利用云的海量存储和并行计算能力,进行样本图像的训练以及识别样本库的生成和训练,从而实现快速的增强现实目标的迅速识别;针对海量增强现实内容信息和训练样本数据高效存储的需求,采用分布式的非结构化存储机制以保存图像等信息,对于兴趣点信息采用结构化存储机制以保存兴趣点各种增强现实元数据信息;通过在结构化存储机制中建立特征索引等快速查询机制,以达到高效数据查询的目的。此外,为了分担增强现实业务请求负载,在靠近用户的地方部署若干用户接入云,缓存热点的增强现实信息,减轻增强现实业务处理机的负载压力。  相似文献   

移动增值业务安全框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别介绍了3GPP与OMA在移动增值业务安全框架方面的研究,包括3GPPGAA的框架、内容、业务流程以及OMASEC_CF的架构与基本流程,并给出了两者的关系与区别。  相似文献   

This paper discussed the differences of context-aware service between the cloud computing environment and the traditional service system. Given the above differences, the paper subsequently analyzed the changes of context-aware service during preparation, organization and delivery, as well as the resulting changes in service acceptance of consumers. Because of these changes, the context-aware service modes in the cloud computing environment change are intelligent, immersive, highly interactive, and real-time. According to active and responded service, and authorization and non-authorized service, the paper drew a case diagram of context-aware service in Unified Modeling Language (UML) and established four categories of context-aware service modes.  相似文献   

After a comprehensive literature review and analysis, a unified cloud computing framework is proposed, which comprises MapReduce, a vertual machine, Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), Hbase, Hadoop, and virtualization. This study also compares Microsoft, Trend Micro, and the proposed unified cloud computing architecture to show that the proposed unified framework of the cloud computing service model is comprehensive and appropriate for the current complexities of businesses. The findings of this study can contribute to the knowledge for academics and practitioners to understand, assess, and analyze a cloud computing service application.  相似文献   

After a comprehensive literature review and analysis, a unified cloud computing framework is proposed, which comprises MapReduce, a vertual machine, Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), Hbase, Hadoop, and virtualization. This study also compares Microsoft, Trend Micro, and the proposed unified cloud computing architecture to show that the proposed unified framework of the cloud computing service model is comprehensive and appropriate for the current complexities of businesses. The findings of this study can contribute to the knowledge for academics and practitioners to understand, assess, and analyze a cloud computing service application.  相似文献   

Towards Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article we present a perspective on future vision of mobile communications and services which is referred to as Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment (MUSE). Based on analysis of wireless communications and services, we exploit a conceptual model for MUSE via a top-down approach. The conceptual model consists of three major elements: Terminal Service Environment (TSE), Network Service Environment (NSE) and User Identity (UID). The concept of Always the Best Experience (ABE) is addressed as the hinge in design and development such that the user-centric services could be provided automatically and intelligently in the future diverse wireless world Based on these, we further discuss the issues on design and implementation of architecture of future wireless communication system. Requirements for architecture brought by the new features of MUSE are listed. Moreover, we also address several tradeoffs that should be taken into consideration in design. Finally, the deployment challenges for MUSE, such as reflectiveness of system, security and privacy, as well as peer-to-peer AAA are predicted.Ji Yang received PhD degree on Circuit and System, Bachelor degree on Telecommunication Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2002 and 1993 respectively. Currently, he is an associate professor of BUPT, chief technical supervisor of Wireless Technology Innovation Institute, and vice manager of MTlab of Sino-Germany Software Institute. He leads the research on service and application in Future Forum in China. He also made much contribution to the China Communication Standardization Association (CCSA), including the vision of future Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment, architecture of future B3G mobile terminal, etc. His research interests include architecture design for mobile ubiquitous networks, theory of self-organization, etc.Zhang Ping is now the professor of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and director of Wireless Technology Innovation (WTI) Institute, BUPT. He has also served on the senior member of C3G Group, China MOST 863 future mobile communication FuTURE project, vice-chairman of China FuTURE Forum, and member of Vision Committee of World Wireless Research Forum(WWRF), he was vice chair of WWRF in 2005. He is also invited as the consultants for many domestic and oversea communication companies. He is very active on the international research activity on Beyond 3G area. He also participated in several European projects such as E2R and MOCCA. Until now, he has published 6 books, around 400 publications in journals and conferences in the area of telecommunications. His main research interests are theory and applications in wireless communication area. He was awarded by government, city of Beijing and Ministry of Information Industry several times for his great contribution to the industry and research activity in China.Hu Zheng is a PH.D candidate in mobile communications engineering in Wireless Technology Innovation Institute (WTI) at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He received B.S degree from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2002, majoring in computer communications engineering. He currently works on serivce aspects of mobile ubiquitous communication system with focus on design and performance evaluation of interaction protocols and services in self-organized service environment.Wang Xu received the B.Tech. degree in electronic engineering from Beijing Polytechnic University (now named as Beijing University of Technology), Beijing, China, in 2002. Now he is working for his Ph.D. degree in Wireless Technology Innovation (WTI) Institute, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). His current interests include wireless communications in personal area, ad hoc networks and peer-to-peer system.Li Yinong received the BS degree major in Telecommunication Engineering in 1993 from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the MS degree and PhD degree major in Telecommunication and Electronic System in 1995 and 2003 from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is currently a lecture of STE (School of Telecommunication Engineering) of BUPT. His main research interests include service modeling, service composition approach, and intelligent service. In BUPT, he has given several lectures to both graduate and undergraduate students such as Information Theory, Speech Recognition, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.  相似文献   

移动系统上许多应用程序执行需要进行大量的计算,这就需要消耗大量的能源。文章归纳了移动系统的节能方法,重点分析了移动云计算环境下移动系统能源消耗情况,以及移动云计算所面临的挑战对能源消耗的影响和解决方案。  相似文献   

泛在网络环境中,组合服务选择不仅需要考虑服务上下文还需要考虑用户上下文,而描述上下文属性的数据类型可能有实数、区间数、三角模糊数和直觉模糊集。为解决这种基于复杂上下文的组合服务选择难题,本文提出一个复杂上下文感知的组合服务选择框架,能够感知服务上下文和用户上下文。该框架基于智能主体设计,其中用户端框架完成用户上下文管理,服务端框架完成服务上下文管理和组合服务选择。通过相关工作的比较,验证了该框架的优越性和有效性。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Mobile computing gained much attention in current research arena due to the enhancement of services such as mobile learning, health care monitoring and e...  相似文献   

云计算在移动环境下的多融合服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算是一种新型的基础服务共享架构方法,是分布式计算的重要发展里程碑,云计算可以看作是网格技术与基于移动环境感知的动态虚拟计算的有机融合。基于方面的云计算架构与SOA相结合,基于该框架来描述和表达移动实体之间以及无线运动智能动态服务之间的交互与协调,描述它们之间的可信的通信活动以及移动实体或服务与所在环境的交互活动。基于云计算的多融合服务组合是构建上下文环境服务组合的有效方法,多融合服务在原有服务提供的同时,云计算环境感知实现异构信息的有机匹配,体现多融合信息的动态特性和多种形式的融合。  相似文献   

李莉 《移动信息》2023,45(7):239-241
作为新型计算机网络服务技术,云计算出现和发展的时间并不长,但它产生了巨大的影响,显著影响了软件测试方法和工具。传统计算机在硬件层面存在众多限制,而云计算则能突破这种限制,充分调用各种硬件资源,提升数据服务能力。在新的环境背景下,如何更准确地把握发展趋势,是互联网企业共同关注的话题。文中对云计算如何应用于软件测试服务进行了分析,希望对相关从业者有所帮助。  相似文献   


The future of information technology mainly depends upon cloud computing. Hence security in cloud computing is highly essential for the consumers as well as the service providers of the particular cloud environment. There are many security threats are challenging the current cloud environment. One of the important security threat ever in cloud environment is considered to be the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Where cloud is of greater benefit in terms of providing on-demand services, a certain kind of attack named as Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) occurs in pay per use payment model. Due to the occurrence of this attack the consumers are forced to pay additional amount for the services offered. EDoS attacks are similar to that of DDoS attacks Which is classified as-attacks associated with bandwidth consuming, application targeted attacks and the exhaustion of the connection layer. The main objective of the proposed work is to design a profile-based novel framework for maximizing the detection of various types of EDoS attacks. During this process, the proposed framework consisting Feature Classification (FC) algorithm ensures that false positives and negatives along with bandwidth and memory consumption are highly minimized. The proposed algorithm allows only the limited resources for allocation to the available virtual machines which increases the chances of the detecting the attack and preventing the misuse propagation of resources. The accuracy and efficiency of this approach is proven to be higher with lesser computational complexity when compare to the existing approaches.


Secure cellular data services have become more popular in the Japanese market. These services are based on 2G/3G cellular networks and are expected to move into the next-generation wireless networks, called Beyond 3G. In the Beyond 3G, wireless communication available at a user's location is selected based on the type of the service. The user downloads an application from one wireless network and executes it on another. Beyond 3G expects core and wireless operators and allows to plug-in new wireless access. A security model that can accommodate these requirements needs to be sufficiently flexible for end users to utilize with ease. In this paper, we explain the Mobile Ethernet architecture for all IP networks in terms of the Beyond 3G. We discuss usage scenario/operator models and identify entities for the security model. We separate a mobile device into a personal identity card (PIC) containing cryptographic information and a wireless communications device that offers security and flexibility. We propose a self-delegation protocol for device authentication and use a delegated credential for unified network- and service-level authentication. We also propose proactive handover authentication using the security context between different types of wireless access, such as Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and WLAN, so that the secure end-to-end communication channels established by service software on the TCP/IP are not terminated. Lastly, we raise security issues regarding the next-generation platform.  相似文献   

美国苹果公司生产的iphone和ipad给移动智能终端带来了全新的感受,深受全球无数"苹果迷"的喜爱与追捧。日前,国内企业厦门三五互联科技股份有限公司(简称:三五互联)正式向这个市场推出基于云计算、云服务模式下的35Phone手机与35Pad平板电脑。那么,三五互联为什么推出这两款产品,它们又具有哪些优势呢?该公司董事长兼总经理龚少晖先生接受了本刊记者  相似文献   

通过将估计出的损耗时间与中继选择所用时间的比较,确定预警阈值。为了避免系统错误地频繁切换,提出一种通过比较信噪比及其变化率的解决办法。再通过信噪比与阈值的比较,来触发动态选择机制,在不间断当前信息传输的过程中进行中继伙伴选择,保证通信的连通性和可靠性。由于预警阈值的设定,使得信噪比小于中断门限的概率减小,因此通过对中断概率的仿真证明该方案在减小系统中断方面有所改善。  相似文献   

Thanks to the availability of various mobile applications, lots of users shift from desktop environments, e.g., PCs and laptops, to mobile devices, e.g., smartphones and tablets. However, there are still some desktop applications without counterparts on mobile devices, such as some integrated development environments (e.g., eclipse) and automatic industry control systems. In this paper, we propose Modeap, a platform-independent mobile cloud service that can push all desktop applications developed for various operating systems from cloud servers to mobile devices. Modeap follows a design principle of complete detachment and regeneration of desktop user interface, i.e., the essential graphical primitives of the original desktop applications will be intercepted and then translated into standard web-based graphical primitives such that the interactions between users and remote cloud applications become possible via mobile web browsers. In this way, all desktop applications built upon the same set of graphical primitives can be used on mobile devices in great flexibility without installing any new software. We have developed a proof-of-concept prototype that provides Windows applications from cloud server to mobile web browsers. The results of extensive experiments show that the proposed framework can achieve our design goals with low latency and bandwidth consumption.  相似文献   

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