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应用分离自我国传统酸面团的区域特色乳酸菌--旧金山乳杆菌分别发酵小麦粉和小麦麸皮基质制成(小麦/麦麸)酸面团,研究了两种不同发酵基质的酸面团及其添加量对酵母面团体系面包烘焙及老化特性的影响。结果表明:与小麦粉制作的空白组面包相比,小麦酸面团可以明显改善面包的比容和感官品质;添加未发酵麦麸制作的非酸面团麦麸面包品质低于空白组,但引入麦麸酸面团(10%、20%、30%)后面包比容和感官评定得分均高于相对应的非酸面团麦麸面包。小麦酸面团和麦麸酸面团以及小麦麸皮均可以改善面包的老化特性,在相同贮藏期内,酸面团面包和麦麸面包的硬度增加量、水分迁移量和老化焓值都低于空白组,并且添加麦麸酸面团的面包其硬度和老化焓值都低于相对应的非酸面团麦麸面包。  相似文献   

一株去除玉米赤霉烯酮酵母的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定了一株具有玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEA)去除能力的菌株CLY01。CLY01酵母在添加了ZEA的培养基中进行发酵,采用HPLC法检测发酵醪中ZEA的浓度,发现该菌株发酵96h后,培养基中的ZEA浓度从3·893mg/L降低为0·125mg/L,ZEA去除率达到96·79%。该菌株具有高效去除玉米赤霉烯酮的能力。   相似文献   

文章详细介绍了天然酵母面包的酸面团及其分类、天然酵母菌种中的主要微生物、天然酵母液制备工艺及其特点,国内外天然酵母面包研究现状,以期为天然酵母面包的开发推广提供参考。最后,对天然酵母面包发展趋势进行了推测。  相似文献   

酸性面团对普通面包和豆渣面包品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用活性酸奶乳酸菌发酵制作酸性面团,在普通面包与豆渣面包中分别加入30%~40%(以面粉计)的这种酸性面团后,面包体积、口感、风味、保鲜期和营养品质得到了明显改善。  相似文献   

The effects of transglutaminase (TG) and glucose oxidase (GO) on the handling properties of model bread dough were examined at both normal (2% wt. by flour) and reduced (1% wt.) sodium chloride (NaCl) levels using two Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) cultivars; Pembina and Harvest. The reduction of NaCl level had negative effects on dough rheology and stickiness, however, the inclusion of GO (0.001 and 0.01% by flour weight) or TG (only at the 0.5% by flour weight inclusion) was able to improve dough strength and reduce stickiness. GO appeared to be more effective than TG (at 0.01%) at equivalent concentrations for improving dough‐handling properties. Flour cultivar had significant effects; Harvest flour (weaker) was more impacted by salt reduction and enzyme inclusion compared to Pembina flour (stronger). Crosslinking assays showed significant differences in glutenin macropolymer (GMP) content in dough prepared with GO, and dough prepared with different flours. Additionally, significantly fewer free thiol groups were found in dough produced with GO compared to dough without any enzymes and those with TG. GO appears to have potential for use as a bread improver to reduce stickiness and improve the strength of bread dough produced at lower salt concentrations, especially for dough prepared with weaker flour cultivars.  相似文献   

本文研究了米酒老面添加量(40%、50%、60%、70%和80%)对面团的pH、湿面筋含量、面筋指数及馒头的比容、硬度、白度、感官评分的影响。结果表明:随着米酒老面添加量的增加,面团pH呈现下降的趋势。米酒老面添加量为60%的面团中湿面筋含量显著低于其他四种添加量(P<0.05),馒头的比容、硬度、白度和感官评分显著高于其他四种添加量(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明,面团pH与馒头的感官评分呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);面团湿面筋含量与馒头比容呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与馒头硬度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与馒头白度呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。面团面筋指数与馒头比容呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与馒头硬度呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与馒头白度呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。米酒老面的添加会改变面团和馒头的品质,其最适添加量为60%。  相似文献   

The thermal degradation of zearalenone (ZEA) was investigated using a crust-like model, representing maize bread, which was prepared with naturally contaminated maize flour. Model samples were heated under isothermal conditions at the temperature range of 100–250°C. No reduction was observed at 100°C. Thermal degradation rate constants (k) were calculated as 0.0017, 0.0143 and 0.0216?min?1 for 150, 200 and 250°C, respectively. Maize bread baked at 250°C for 70?min was used to test the capability of model kinetic data for the prediction of ZEA reduction. The time–temperature history in the crust and crumb parts was recorded separately. Partial degradation of ZEA at each time interval was calculated by means of the corresponding k-values obtained by using the Arrhenius equation, and the total reduction occurring at the end of the entire baking process was predicted. The reduction in the crumb and crust of bread was also experimentally determined and found to be consistent with the predicted values. It was concluded that the kinetic constants determined by means of the crust-like model could be used to predict the ZEA reduction occurring during baking of maize bread.  相似文献   

Gluten‐free (GF) sourdough was prepared from wheat sourdough and analysed both in fresh (GFS) and dried forms (DGFS). The gluten content in each GF sourdough sample was <20 mg kg?1. The dough leavening capacity and the properties of the bread samples were investigated and compared to those of bread prepared using bakery yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Two commercial rice‐based mixtures (different for the presence/absence of buckwheat flour) were used to prepare bread samples. In GFS, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts were found in amounts corresponding to 108 and 107 CFU g?1, respectively, whereas both LAB and yeasts were detected in lower amounts (about 106 CFU g?1) in DGFS. When used in bread‐making, both GFS types produced significant dough acidification and exhibited good dough development during proofing, resulting in loaves with specific volume values between 3.00 and 4.12 mL g?1, values similar to those obtained for reference bread (3.05÷4.15 mL g?1). The use of GFS was effective in lowering the bread staling rate during storage for up to 7 days.  相似文献   

为了确定酵子冷冻面团馒头最佳发酵工艺,首先研究了预醒发时间对冷冻面团馒头品质的影响,在单因素试验的基础上,选取酵子添加量、加水量、发酵温度、发酵时间进行了4因素3水平的正交试验,确定了酵子冷冻面团馒头的最佳发酵工艺。结果表明:预醒发时间60 min时,冷冻面团的外观较好,成品馒头的感官总分最高;各因素对馒头感官品质的影响顺序为:发酵时间>加水量>发酵温度>酵子添加量,酵子冷冻面团馒头的最佳发酵工艺为:酵子添加量8 g、加水量50 m L、发酵温度35℃、发酵时间135 min。对照试验中,酵子冷冻面团馒头感官总分比酵母冷冻面团馒头高,酵子冷冻面团馒头与新鲜馒头相比,新鲜馒头感官总分较高。  相似文献   

赖氨酸在面包制作中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过探讨赖氨酸对面粉粉质、面包焙烤品质以及面包贮存过程中老化程度的影响,研究了赖氨酸作为面包添加剂的可行性。结果表明,赖氨酸可改变面团的流变特性,适量添加可以增加面包体积和比容,改善面包芯的硬度和组织结构,对增加成品的蛋白质含量,提高面包营养和感官品质有促进作用,同时有效地延缓面包的老化,延长其货架期。本实验条件下,添加1.2%为最适添加量,体积增加7.7%,比容增加5.3%,含水量增加9.9%,蛋白质增加4.0%,硬度减小36.6%,老化速度放缓。  相似文献   

综述了酵母和加工条件对冷冻面团生产的影响,介绍了如何通过选择酵母种类、改善配方、改进制作方法及控制冷冻解冻条件等来改善冷冻面团的稳定性.  相似文献   

为研究乳酸菌发酵酸面团对青麦仁面包品质的影响,利用植物乳杆菌发酵制作酸面团,添加到青麦仁面包中,并测定小麦面包、青麦仁面包、青麦仁酸面团面包3种样品的质构、感官评价、慢消化性淀粉含量(SDS)、挥发性风味物质等。结果表明:添加酸面团能显著降低样品的硬度、咀嚼性,增大弹性(P<0.05);添加酸面团的样品其感官评分接近于小麦面包,与小麦面包不存在显著性差异(P>0.05);在贮藏过程中,青麦仁酸面团面包的慢消化性淀粉含量低于其他样品,说明酸面团的添加能有效延缓面包的老化;小麦面包、青麦仁面包、青麦仁酸面团面包3种样品中分别检测出32种、42种、46种风味物质,有15种物质共同存在于3种面包中,表明酸面团的添加增加了面包挥发性风味物质种类,改善了面包的口味;综合研究结果表明酸面团的添加能有效改善青麦仁面包的品质。  相似文献   

研究了加水量对冷冻面团馒头感官品质、比容、柔软度、总评分的影响。实验结果表明:随着加水量的变化,冷冻面团馒头感官品质、比容、柔软度、总评分也发生变化,加水量在53%时可以使冷冻面团馒头获得较好感官品质、比容、柔软度和总评分。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The objective of this study was to determine the effects of hydrocolloids in dough (xanthan 0.02%, 0.06%, and 0.1%; κ-carrageenan and carboxymethylcellulose 0.2%, 0.6%, and 1.0%) and duration of frozen storage on the quality of finished bakery product. Doughs were prepared with different concentrations of gums, stored at −18 °C and analyzed after 0, 7, 14, and 30 d for fermentation activity of yeast and rising time of dough. At the end of each frozen storage interval, bread was prepared and characterized for specific volume, crumb firmness, and crumb structure. The addition of the gums had significant effects on dough performance and quality of the final product. Gums at all tested concentrations reduced fermentation activity of yeast and prolonged the rising time of dough, which was similar to the effects of frozen storage. However, specific volume of bread for the control sample significantly decreased on the 30th d of frozen storage. Addition of hydrocolloids resulted in higher specific volume of loaves compared to the specific volume of control sample loaves. With the increase of the duration of frozen storage the specific volume of bread decreases in all analyzed samples. This decrease is less in the samples with hydrocolloids compared to the decrease in the control sample. The addition of 0.1% xanthan accomplished the same or higher values for specific fermentation activity, specific volume, and penetrometric's number compared to the values accomplished by the addition of 1% carboxymethylcellulose and κ-carrageenan, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Combinations of proline and glutamine significantly increased the functional properties of soft wheat that were unseen when added individually. To hard wheat, proline contributed more positively than glutamine on most dough and bread properties, which is different from the observations with soft wheat. Addition of glutamine to hard wheat increased the amount of gluten and glutenin after mixing, whereas proline hinders gluten formation despite the increase in glutenin. The ability of proline and glutamine to modify the functional properties of dough and bread appears to be interdependent. Addition of either proline or glutamine appears to have a protective effect on the retention of the other amino acid during breadmaking.  相似文献   

研究老酵头储存时间对馒头品质的影响。对储存不同时间的老酵头进行发酵力测定,然后,分别用不同储存时间的老酵头制作馒头并对制得的馒头做感官、比容、硬度、白度、内部组织结构等品质测定。实验结果显示,储存时间为13 d左右时馒头的总体品质最佳,特别是风味最好。  相似文献   

不同酵母、不同发酵工艺对面包质量影响的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了使用不同酵母和不同发酵工艺,对面包的风味、感官质量和保鲜期的影响。研究结果表明:不同种类酵母、不同发酵工艺对面包质量具有显著影响。  相似文献   

添加剂对冷冻面团馒头品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冷冻面团制作馒头进行了尝试,研究了羧甲基纤维素钠、硬酯酰乳酸钙钠、谷朊粉、维生素C以及它们复合对冷冻面团馒头品质的影响,结果表明:冷冻面团技术也可用于生产馒头,冷冻面团馒头复合品质改良剂的最优配方为:谷朊粉4%,硬酯酰乳酸钙钠0.05%,维生素C0.006%,羧甲基纤维素钠0.6%,此时冷冻面团馒头的品质较好。  相似文献   

添加剂对冷冻面团面包的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆婕  梁运祥 《食品科学》1999,20(10):47-50
研究了各种添加剂在冷冻面团面包中的作用。起酥油和蛋黄有同时改善冷冻面团面包比容和风味的作用,在面团形成后再加入起酥油有利于面团的持气力,市售添加剂以法国添加剂为佳,适量添加α-淀粉酶和增稠剂可改善面包品质。冷冻面团面包可采用3%起酥油,5%蛋黄,0.5%法国添加剂。  相似文献   

Effects of Waxy Wheat Flour and Water on Frozen Dough and Bread Properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT:  The quality of bread made from frozen dough is diminished by changes that occur during freezing. New cultivars of waxy wheat flour (WWF), containing less than 2% amylose, offer unique properties for the production of baked products. In this study, dough properties and bread quality were investigated at various levels of WWF (0% to 45% flour weight) and water (55% to 65%). Dough stickiness increased with higher levels of WWF and water. During frozen storage, dough with greater WWF and lower water had less change in stickiness. Maximum resistance to extension (MRE) decreased with higher WWF and water. Dough with greater WWF and less water had less change in extensibility after frozen storage. Dough with greater WWF and water was more extensible. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies showed that frozen dough with higher WWF content had lower transverse relaxation ( T 2) time of 9 to 11ms. After frozen storage, dough with higher WWF still showed lower T 2. Dough with 15% WWF had higher yeast activity. Bread made from 15% and 30% WWF had higher volume in bread made from unfrozen and frozen dough. Bread firmness decreased with higher amounts of WWF and water. This research demonstrated that specific combinations of WWF and water produced a better quality of frozen dough and bread.  相似文献   

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