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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their probio-active cellular substances exert many beneficial effects in the gastrointestinal tract. LAB prevent adherence, establishment, and replication of several enteric mucosal pathogens through several antimicrobial mechanisms. LAB also release various enzymes into the intestinal lumen and exert potential synergistic effects on digestion and alleviate symptoms of intestinal malabsoption. Consumption of LAB fermented dairy products with LAB may elicit antitumor effects. These effects are attributed to the inhibition of mutagenic activity; decrease in several enzymes implicated in the generation of carcinogens, mutagens, or tumor-promoting agents; suppression of tumors; and the epidemiology correlating dietary regimes and cancer. Specific cellular components in LAB strains seem to induce strong adjuvant effects including modulation of cell-mediated immune responses, activation of reticuloendothelial system, augmentation of cytokine pathways and regulation of interleukins, and tumor necrosis factors. Oral administration of LAB is well tolerated and proven to be safe in 143 human clinical trials and no adverse effects were reported in any of the total 7,526 subjects studied during 1961-1998. In an effort to decrease the reliance on synthetic antimicrobials and control the emerging immunocompromised host population, the time has come to carefully explore the prophylactic and therapeutic applications of probiotic LAB.  相似文献   

This study investigated the probiotic characteristics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from 14 Malaysian fermented food or milk products. In total, 22.3% (121 of 542) of the LAB isolated from the local fermented products exhibited antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus. Twelve LAB that demonstrated better antibacterial activity against M. luteus as compared to a commercial strain Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LABPC) were selected for further characterisation. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence, the LAB were identified as pediococci (seven) and lactobacilli (five). All 12 LAB showed bile tolerance, but only eight were acid tolerant at pH ≥ 3.0. The highest level of adhesion to HT‐29 cells was observed among the Lactobacillus sp. LAB 1 and 10. The LAB also showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus through the production of organic acids. LAB isolated from Malaysian fermented food and milk products, especially fermented tapioca, contains potential probiotic candidates.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from Kung‐Som at various fermentation periods. Only ten strains, named D2SM22, D6SM3, D6SM24, D6SM26, D8SM21, D10SM5, D10SM11, D10SM16, D10SM20 and D16SM26 showed a survival rate of more than 50% under the simulated gastric juice. After being subjected to simulated gastric juice, four strains (D6SM3, D8SM21, D10SM16 and D10SM20) showed a survival rate of more than 50% in simulated small intestinal juices. Growth of strain D6SM3, D8SM21 and D10SM16 under micro‐aerobic and anaerobic conditions was not different. Tested pathogenic strains (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella sp.) were inhibited by probiotic LAB. However, none of strains could produce bacteriocins. All strains were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum. No differences in pH, acidity, LAB count and liking scores between Kung‐Som produced with starter culture and conventional method were observed (P > 0.01).  相似文献   

Allergic diseases are reported to be caused by a skew in the balance between T helper type 1 and 2 cells. Because some lactic acid bacteria have been shown to stimulate IL-12 (p70) production, which in turn shifts the balance between the T helper type 1 and 2 cell response from the latter to the former, they have the potential to either prevent or ameliorate disease conditions or both. They have therefore been extensively studied in the recent past for their probiotic activities. Nevertheless, much less information is available concerning the microbial factors that determine the strain-dependent ability to affect the production of cytokines. The objectives of our study were first to select potentially probiotic lactobacilli that strongly stimulate cytokine production in vitro, and then to determine whether the selected Lactobacillus strains could suppress antigen-specific IgE production in vivo by using allergic model animals. Finally, our investigation was extended to analyze which bacterial components were responsible for the observed biological activity. Twenty strains of heat-killed lactobacilli isolated from humans were screened for their stimulatory activity for the production of IL-12 (p70) by murine splenocytes in vitro. The results showed that some strains of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus gasseri had a higher stimulatory activity for IL-12 (p70) production than the other lactobacilli tested; however, this effect was strain dependent rather than species dependent. Oral administration of the heat-killed strains that showed higher stimulatory activity for IL-12 (p70) production tended to reduce the serum antigen-specific IgE levels in ovalbumin-sensitized BALB/c mice compared with the controls. Among the lactobacilli tested, L. gasseri OLL2809 showed the highest activity in reducing the level of antigen-specific IgE. Furthermore, the stimulatory activity for IL-12 (p70) production was found to be reduced after treating the lactobacilli with N-acetyl-muramidase and to be positively correlated with the amount of peptidoglycan in the cells. The present data suggest that L. gasseri OLL2809 is a good candidate for potential probiotics in terms of either the prevention or amelioration of allergic diseases or both. In addition, the strain-dependent stimulatory activity for IL-12 (p70) production was found to be due, at least in part, to the amount of peptidoglycan present in the cells.  相似文献   

蔬菜汁的乳酸菌发酵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为制备不含任何动物性来源成分的纯植物性的乳酸菌发酵产品,采用双歧乳杆菌、植物乳杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌4种乳酸菌,在豆角、香菇、番茄、青瓜、胡萝卜和包菜6和蔬菜培养液中进行发酵。实验结果证明,4种乳酸菌可以在不添加其他营养物质的纯蔬菜培养液正常生长,但是不同菌种适合的蔬菜培养液也不相同,且混合蔬菜培养液培养效果要好于单一蔬菜培养液。番茄和青瓜混合培养液适合双歧乳杆菌生长,包菜和青瓜混合培养液适合植物乳杆菌生长,包菜和番茄混合培养液适合保加利亚乳杆菌生长,豆角和青瓜混合培养液适合嗜酸乳杆菌生长。蔬菜的乳酸菌发酵产品,在4℃下冷藏2周后,4种菌体的存活率均在106CFU/mL以上。在不添加其他营养物质的条件下,蔬菜汁可以用来生产活性乳酸菌产品,满足素食主义者、乳糖不耐症者的消费需求。  相似文献   

将植物乳杆菌MA2及Kefir发酵剂应用于益生菌干酪生产中,并对干酪的理化指标、感官进行了测定、评价,结果显示:成熟45 d后,相比于普通干酪,添加了植物乳杆菌MA2及Kefir的新型益生菌干酪的可溶性氮及不饱和脂肪酸的含量显著升高;并且具有良好的风味和质地,其中MA2干酪具有明显的酸奶味,提高了干酪的适口性,更加符合国人的口味习惯,具有良好的生产开发前景;而Kefir干酪具有Kefir发酵乳的特有风味,带有适宜的酒香味,可以被开发成个性化干酪,丰富了干酪的品种。  相似文献   

三种乳酸菌混合培养的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在5L罐中对保加利亚乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌进行了单独培养及混合培养研究。实验结果表明,嗜酸乳杆菌及嗜热链球菌会抑制保加利亚乳杆菌的生长,保加亚利乳杆菌与嗜酸乳杆菌可能对嗜热链球菌的生长具有促进作用,嗜热链球菌对嗜酸乳杆菌具有促进作用,保加利亚乳杆菌对嗜酸乳杆菌的生长没有促进作用。这种实验结果为混合培养益生菌提供的实验参考。  相似文献   

目的分离鉴定农家自制传统发酵豆腐乳中的乳酸菌,探讨其作为豆类乳酸菌发酵饮品菌株的可行性。方法利用MRS(man rogosa sharp)培养基分离豆腐乳中的乳酸菌,通过形态学观察、生理生化特性和16S rDNA基因序列分析进行鉴定,并将所分离到的乳酸菌与适合于豆类植物发酵的植物乳杆菌FJAT-7926(Lactobacillus plantarum FJAT-7926)和干酪乳杆菌FJAT-7928 (Lactobacillus casei FJAT-7928)进行发酵特性的对比研究。结果从豆腐乳中分离出1株乳酸菌,命名为FJAT-46777,该菌株菌体细胞为圆端直杆状或圆端弯曲杆状,无芽孢,革兰氏阳性,过氧化氢酶阴性,生理生化特征与发酵乳杆菌(Lactobacillus fermentum)一致,对菌株的16S rDNA基因进行扩增测序、分子系统发育树分析,也表明其为发酵乳杆菌。发酵乳杆菌FJAT-46777发酵的豆乳中乳酸菌增殖速度最快,最终活菌数最高,为9.42 lg(CFU/mL); pH值下降最快,最终pH值最低,为3.91;滴定酸度上升速度最快,最终滴定酸度最高,为62~ΟT。结论分离自豆类自然发酵食品中的发酵乳杆菌FJAT-46777,对豆类植物为主的基质具有更优良的发酵特性,发酵时间快,乳酸菌含量高,产酸能力强,适用于发酵豆乳的开发。  相似文献   

Survival in harsh environments is critical to both the industrial performance of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their competitiveness in complex microbial ecologies. Among the LAB, members of the Lactobacillus casei group have industrial applications as acid-producing starter cultures for milk fermentations and as specialty cultures for the intensification and acceleration of flavor development in certain bacterial-ripened cheese varieties. They are amongst the most common organisms in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of humans and other animals, and have the potential to function as probiotics. Whether used in industrial or probiotic applications, environmental stresses will affect the physiological status and properties of cells, including altering their functionality and biochemistry. Understanding the mechanisms of how LAB cope with different environments is of great biotechnological importance, from both a fundamental and applied perspective: hence, interaction between these strains and their environment has gained increased interest in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the important features of stress responses in Lb. casei, and related proteomic or gene expression patterns that may improve their use as starter cultures and probiotics.  相似文献   

乳酸菌原生质体融合筛选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对从市售酸乳中分离的嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌进行原生质体融合,用再生的菌落和原始菌进行发酵,筛选出凝乳好且产酸量高的融合子;再用高温法筛选耐热性好的融合子。实验结果显示用溶菌酶处理后得N2种菌的原生质体,在融合了3min后所涂的平板上长出了12株再生菌落,观察凝乳结果表明4、6、8号菌为凝乳快且好的融合子;从酸度测量结果分析得出4、5、6、8号菌为产酸量高的融合子;利用高温法依据菌的耐热性优点筛选出4号和8号菌的最高耐受温度为56℃。  相似文献   

由风干香肠中分离纯化得到的3株乳酸菌ORC2、QM7和QM8,均能产乳酸、革兰氏染色阳性、接触酶阴性。经系统发育分析,结合菌落形态、细胞形态、生化反应试验,确定菌株ORC2和QM7为肠膜明串珠菌,QM8为柠檬明串珠菌。乳酸菌ORC2、QM7和QM8均能降低培养基中的胆固醇,且对·OH、DPPH·和O-2·有一定的清除能力,其清除率都与细胞浓度呈正相关。在细胞浓度为5×108CFU/mL时,菌株ORC2对·OH的清除率最高,为65.36%;菌株QM8对DPPH·的清除率最高,为61.21%;而对O-2·的清除率最高的菌株为QM7,达到75.70%。菌株QM7在培养96 h能清除最多的胆固醇,清除率为51.2%。  相似文献   

目的比较4种具有保鲜作用的乳酸菌对酸奶中霉菌的抑制效果及在发酵和贮藏过程中对酸奶品质的影响。方法将4种乳酸菌添加到发酵乳中,比较对酸乳中霉菌的抑制作用,并对酸奶酸度、活菌数、质构和感官品质进行检测。结果按厂家推荐量和相同活菌数(2.0×10~6 CFU/m L)添加4种乳酸菌均对霉菌的生长具有抑制作用,其中,乳酸菌A和C的抑菌效果较好;按照厂家推荐量添加4种乳酸菌发现,乳酸菌A和B的添加对酸奶的发酵时间、贮藏期内的酸度、活菌数、质构和感官均无影响,而乳酸菌C和D的添加会对酸奶贮藏期内的酸度和感官产生影响。结论乳酸菌A能够有效抑制酸奶中霉菌滋生,同时不会对酸奶的品质产生影响。  相似文献   

黄瓜圣女果复合汁乳酸发酵饮料的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌进行驯化,使其适应复合菜浆的生长环境。通过正交试验确定黄瓜、圣女果复合汁乳酸发酵饮料的最佳发酵条件为:黄瓜汁:圣女果汁=1∶1(W/W),牛乳添加量为10%(V/V),接种量6%(V/V),发酵温度40℃,发酵时间18h。最佳调配方案为:白砂糖5%(W/W),柠檬酸0.15%(W/W),草莓香精0.02%(V/V)。  相似文献   

杜欣  李理 《中国酿造》2013,32(7):24
应用鼠李糖乳杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌发酵豆腐黄浆水,分析了黄浆水和发酵黄浆水还原三价铁、清除DPPH和ABTS+自由基以及螯合二价铁的能力.结果表明,嗜酸乳杆菌发酵黄浆水的还原力最强,显著高于鼠李糖乳杆菌发酵的黄浆水和未发酵的黄浆水;经过发酵的黄浆水清除DPPH和ABTS+自由基的能力明显大于未发酵黄浆水,但是菌种和发酵时间影响不大;螯合二价铁的能力依次为鼠李糖乳杆菌发酵的黄浆水>嗜酸乳杆菌发酵的黄浆水>未发酵黄浆水,且延长发酵时间能提高其螯合二价铁的能力.  相似文献   

Minimally processed fruits are an ideal alternative to dairy products to deliver probiotic microorganisms. At the same time, several innovative employments of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been proposed in the food industry, including bio-fortification with nutritional compounds and bio-protection against foodborne pathogenic bacteria. In this study, probiotic riboflavin over-producing Lactobacillus plantarum B2 and Lactobacillus fermentum PBCC11.5 were inoculated on fresh-cut cantaloupe by immersion in a dipping solution. The viability of probiotic microorganisms and the main physico-chemical parameters of melon pieces, including the riboflavin content, were monitored for 11 days of storage under refrigerated conditions. Finally, both probiotics were tested for their antagonistic effect against different concentrations of an isolate of Listeria monocytogenes from fruit origin. Overall, high viability of both probiotics species was found at the end of the shelf life. The main technological and nutritional parameters of the fruits were unaffected by probiotic-enrichment, except some sensorial attributes when melons were inoculated with L. plantarum B2. The riboflavin content increased about two-fold in probiotic cantaloupe. Moreover, L. plantarum B2 and L. fermentum PBCC11.5 showed a good ability to reduce the level of L. monocytogenes on artificially contaminated melons. In conclusion, the results of this work encourage further implementation of new foods with multifunctional properties.  相似文献   

母乳涵盖了婴儿成长所需的全部营养,为保证婴儿健康、快速生长,母乳喂养是最好的方式。传统培养技术和现代分子生物学技术已证明母乳是乳酸菌的天然来源,乳酸菌从母体肠道传递给乳腺的过程中免疫系统起到至关重要的作用。目前从健康母体的母乳中经常能够分离得到的乳酸菌有链球菌属(Streptococcus)、乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、乳球菌属(Lactococcus)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、双歧杆菌属(Bifidobacterium)、明串珠菌属(Leuconostoc)和片球菌属(Pediococcus)等。很多研究都已证明母乳中的乳酸菌具有特殊的功能如抑制病原微生物生长、免疫调节、调节肠道健康、抗HIV及治疗乳腺炎等。本文就母乳中乳酸菌的来源、母婴间乳酸菌的传递方式、母乳源乳酸菌的种类和功能特性等进行综述,以期为母乳源乳酸菌的开发和应用提供参考。   相似文献   

The probiotic strains Lactobacillus brevis CCMA1284 and Lactobacillus plantarum CCMA0359 were microencapsulated by spray drying using different matrices – whey powder (W), whey powder with inulin (WI) and whey powder with maltodextrin (WM). Viability of the microencapsulated strains in acid and bile juices and during 90 days of storage (seven and 25 °C) was evaluated. The two strains exhibited high encapsulation efficiency (> 86%) by spray drying. The different matrices maintained L. plantarum viability above six log CFU g−1 at 7 °C for 90 days, whereas similar results for L. brevis were observed only for W. The use of inulin as matrix of encapsulation did not enhance bacterial viability in the evaluated conditions. In general, the use of W and WM as matrices was effective for L. plantarum viability. However, only W was effective for L. brevis in the evaluated conditions. The spray drying technique was successfully adopted for the encapsulation of L. plantarum CCMA0359 and L. brevis CCMA1284 strains.  相似文献   

以面包乳杆菌(Lactobacillus crustorum D2-5)和植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum D5-5)为研究对象,分别选取不同浓度乙醇胁迫处理后,进行诱变育种,探究经乙醇胁迫后乳酸菌诱变育种的耐受性;根据最佳诱变剂量的条件,确定最佳诱变方法;以乙醇胁迫处理后乳酸杆菌的生长曲线,验证乙醇胁迫后乳酸菌诱变菌株的耐受性。结果表明:添加与乳酸菌悬浮液等体积的1%硫酸二乙酯(DES)化学诱变效果最佳,最适诱变时间为40 min,乙醇胁迫过程中诱变菌株的生长速率有所提高,以体积分数8%乙醇胁迫为例,24 h时,D2-5菌落总数的对数值由6.2提高至7.3,D5-5菌落总数的对数值由6.9提高至7.1。说明诱变育种有助于乳酸杆菌乙醇胁迫耐受性的提高,并获得乙醇耐受特性较好的菌株D2-5。  相似文献   

本文从甘肃地区自制酸菜汁中分离出39株革兰氏阳性菌,过氧化氢酶实验均为阴性。通过滴定法筛选获得6株产酸率高于1%的菌株,经形态学鉴定均为杆菌,其中LS-9菌株的产酸率最高。通过单因素实验确定了LS-9菌株培养基的最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为胰蛋白胨。利用正交实验优化培养条件为葡萄糖添加量20 g/L,胰蛋白胨添加量12 g/L,发酵温度为36 ℃。其中温度对菌株发酵产酸影响最大,其次是胰蛋白胨添加量,葡萄糖添加量对发酵产酸影响最小。验证实验表明,菌株在最佳条件下的产酸率为1.74%±0.05%。经16S rRNA测序和系统进化树分析,LS-9菌株与干酪乳杆菌的同源性较高。全脂奶发酵实验表明LS-9凝乳时间约为6 h,酸度102.4 °T,活菌数可达1.25×108 CFU/mL。  相似文献   

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