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Phytosterols are nutritional phytochemicals that may undergo oxidation and be transformed into phytosterol oxidation products (POPs), thus inducing pathological and toxic effects. This work investigated four main phytosterols and 28 POPs in 104 kinds of commercial baked food by using GC-MS. The dietary exposure and hazard index values (HI) associated with POPs from baked food consumption in China were estimated by using Monte Carlo simulation. Concentrations of the total phytosterols were between 3.39 and 209.80 μg/g. The total concentrations of POPs, including 5α,6α/5β,6β-epoxysterols, 7-ketosterol, 7α/7β-hydroxysterols, 6-hydroxysterols, and triols, ranged from 0.37 to 27.81 μg/g. The median dietary exposure of POP contents in baked food for four age groups in China were 10.91 (children), 6.20 (adolescents), 3.63 (adults), and 3.40 (seniors) mg/(kg×day). Risk assessment of median HI with respect to POPs indicated no risk (HI <1) for people in adolescents, adults, and seniors in the country area of China, while a risk (1 < HI < 10) would refer to the baked food consumption of people in urban area and children in country area of China. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis showed that the most significant variables for each age group in China were POP concentration, body weight, and ingestion rate.  相似文献   

膳食铝暴露评估研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铝的毒性不容忽视,食品添加剂联合专家委员会多次修改铝的暂定每周耐受摄入量,2011年最新铝的暂定每周耐受摄入量为2.0 mg/kg bw.本文阐述普通人群铝的暴露来源,膳食铝的生物利用率及其影响因素,国内外膳食铝暴露评估研究情况.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市常见市售食品中反式脂肪酸(TFAs)含量,评估上海15岁及以上居民膳食TFAs的摄入水平及其潜在健康风险。方法 在本市超市、农贸市场、餐饮店等采样点采集11大类664份食品样品,采用《食品安全国家标准 食品中反式脂肪酸的测定》(GB 5009.257—2016)检测TFAs含量。结合“2013年上海市居民膳食与健康状况监测”消费量数据,采用简单分布模型(确定性评估)方法,计算每个个体每日TFAs摄入量及其供能比。结果 在各类食品中,植物油中TFAs平均含量最高,达0.7 g/100 g,乳及乳制品中TFAs平均含量次之,为0.67 g/100 g,牛羊肉及其制品中的TFAs平均含量也较高,为0.51 g/100 g。上海市15岁及以上人群TFAs平均摄入量为0.34 g/d,平均供能比为0.18%,远低于WHO的建议水平(1%)。从个体TFAs供能比在人群中的分布来看,大部分居民供能比在0.1%~0.3%范围内,最大值为0.68%。从不同类食品对TFAs摄入的贡献率来看,加工食品占总摄入水平的75.16%,其中植物油贡献率最高,约占51.58%。结论 植物油是上海市15岁及以上居民膳食TFAs的最主要来源;上海市15岁及以上人群膳食摄入TFAs的健康风险很低。  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the levels of 18 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the most widely consumed foodstuffs in Catalonia, Spain, as well as the total dietary intake of these compounds. Forty food items were analysed. Only perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA), perfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA) and perfluorooctanoicdecanoic acid (PFOcDA) were not detected in any sample. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the compound found in the highest number of samples (33 out of 80), followed by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluorodecane sulfonic acid (PFDS). Fish and shellfish was the food group in which more PFASs were detected and where the highest PFAS concentrations were found. The highest dietary intakes corresponded to children, followed by male seniors, with values of 1787 and 1466ng/day, respectively. For any of the age/gender groups of the population, the Tolerable Daily Intakes (TDIs) recommended by the EFSA were not exceeded. In general terms, PFAS levels found in the current study are lower than the concentrations recently reported in other countries.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the occurrence and exposure assessment of multiple mycotoxins in corn-based food products from Shandong Province, China. Results demonstrated that the mean level of total mycotoxins in test samples was 197.2 µg/kg. The most frequently found mycotoxins were deoxynivalenol (96.7%) and fumonisin B1 (94.4%), with mean contamination levels of 65.24 and 128.2, respectively. Among these corn-based food products, thin corn pancake had the highest mean contamination (886.7 µg/kg), followed by wotou (143.7 µg/kg), corn cake (135.4 µg/kg) and mantou (63.73 µg/kg). The average exposure values to total fumonisins and deoxynivalenol were 0.05 and 0.02 µg/kg bw/day, which were lower than the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake values of 2 and 1 µg/kg bw/day, respectively, as established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. In the future strict control and systematic monitoring are needed to secure food safety and human health.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍总膳食研究实施的方法步骤,阐明其在食品安全风险评估中,尤其是在人群膳食暴露评估中的应用进展。  相似文献   


A risk assessment was performed of parsley- and dill-based plant food supplements (PFS) containing apiol and related alkenylbenzenes. First, the levels of the alkenylbenzenes in the PFS and the resulting estimated daily intake (EDI) resulting from use of the PFS were quantified. Since most PFS appeared to contain more than one alkenylbenzene, a combined risk assessment was performed based on equal potency or using a so-called toxic equivalency (TEQ) approach based on toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) for the different alkenylbenzenes. The EDIs resulting from daily PFS consumption amount to 0.74–125 µg kg–1 bw for the individual alkenylbenzenes, 0.74–160 µg kg–1 bw for the sum of the alkenylbenzenes, and 0.47–64 µg kg–1 bw for the sum of alkenylbenzenes when expressed in safrole equivalents. The margins of exposure (MOEs) obtained were generally below 10,000, indicating a priority for risk management if the PFS were to be consumed on a daily basis. Considering short-term use of the PFS, MOEs would increase above 10,000, indicating low priority for risk management. It is concluded that alkenylbenzene intake through consumption of parsley- and dill-based PFS is only of concern when these PFS are used for long periods of time.  相似文献   


The safety of nine synthetic colour additives approved in Korea were assessed through hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment, and risk characterisation. Hazard identification and characterisation were conducted using new risk information based on toxicology data. Exposure assessment calculated the estimated daily intake (EDI) of the nine colours. Finally, the risk was evaluated by comparing the EDIs of the colours with the acceptable daily intake (ADI). 1,114 samples (24 food categories) among a total of 1,454 samples contained colour additives either at a level that was not detectable or up to a quantified maximum of 288 mg kg?1. The likelihood of risk of exposure to all food colours, evaluated by comparing the EDI with the ADI, was less than 0.52% of the ADI for the general population. These results indicate that use of synthetic food colour in Korea is safe and does not result in excessive exposure to any population group.  相似文献   

目的掌握吉林省主要食品中砷污染水平,评估吉林省居民砷暴露风险及对人体潜在的健康危害。方法 2012—2017年吉林省居民主要食品中砷的含量数据来自国家食品风险监测,共11种类别4 532份样品。食物消费量的数据来自2012年吉林省居民营养与健康调查。采用确定性评估方法 ,结合无机砷的原暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)和暴露边距(MOE),评价吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露情况。结果 11类食品中砷平均含量为0.030 mg/kg,谷物类、蔬菜类和水产类是膳食中砷的主要来源,三者贡献率之和为76.59%,其中谷物类贡献率高达54.44%。10个不同性别-年龄组平均摄入量为0.73~1.31μg/kg BW,一般人群暴露量MOE均1。结论吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露风险总体上是安全的。  相似文献   

目的 调查中国猪肉中指示性多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染水平以及我国居民膳食暴露情况和风险。方法选取2020年中国13个省(自治区、直辖市)为监测点采集猪肉样品,采用同位素稀释-气相色谱-高分辨磁质谱联用法测定203份猪肉中7种指示性PCBs(PCB28、PCB52、PCB101、PCB118、PCB138、PCB153、PCB180)的含量,并分析其指纹特征。依据各省(自治区、直辖市)猪肉的消费量数据,评估居民通过猪肉暴露指示性PCBs的健康风险。结果 猪肉中7种指示性PCBs(∑7PCBs)的平均浓度范围为0.053(广西)~0.826 ng/g脂肪(浙江),P95浓度范围为0.091(广西)~2.702 ng/g脂肪(浙江)。PCB28和PCB52为主要的指纹特征。中国居民通过食用猪肉每日摄入∑7PCBs的平均水平和P95水平分别为(0.062±0.076)ng/kg·BW和(0.158±0.207)ng/kg·BW,暴露风险指数(ERI)均小于1。结论 中国猪肉中∑7PCBs的污染水平较低,居民通过猪肉膳食暴露指示性...  相似文献   


After the incidences of induction of aristolochic acid nephropathy after consumption of herbal weight loss preparations that accidentally contained aristolochic acids (AAs), several countries defined national restrictions on the presence of AAs in food, including plant food supplements (PFS) and herbal products. This study investigates whether the risks associated with exposure to AAs via PFS and herbal products are at present indeed negligible. Data reported in literature on AA levels in PFS and other herbal products and also obtained from a new series of PFS in the present study were used to calculate the estimated daily intakes (EDIs) and corresponding margins of exposure (MOEs). Available literature data revealed that 206 out of 573 samples were found to contain aristolochic acid I (AAI) and/or aristolochic acid II (AAII). The results obtained from recently collected PFS revealed that both AAI and AAII were detected in three out of 18 analysed PFS at levels up to 594.8 and 235.3 µg g–1, respectively, being in line with the levels reported in literature. The EDIs resulting from intake of these PFS resulted in MOEs that were generally below 10,000, corroborating the priority for risk management. Although these results refer to PFS collected by targeted sampling strategies, the data reveal that AA-containing PFS are still freely available. When considering that the use of these samples may be limited to shorter periods of time, the EDIs might be lower, but MOE values would still be lower than 10,000 for more than 50% of the AA-containing PFS and herbal products. In conclusion, the presence of AAs in PFS and herbal products even several years after instalment of the legal restrictions still raises concern, especially for people who frequently use the respective PFS and herbal products.  相似文献   

反式脂肪酸是一类包含一个或多个反式构型双键的不饱和脂类分子。膳食中的反式脂肪酸有2类:微量的天然反式脂肪酸和可观的人造反式脂肪酸。过去的研究认为反式脂肪酸的摄入仅仅是一个营养问题,但越来越多的毒理学和暴露评估的研究结果表明反式脂肪酸对人体健康有诸多不良影响。因此,反式脂肪酸的摄入已成为一个食品安全问题。目前,许多国家已经对反式脂肪酸的摄入量做了规定。本文主要围绕膳食反式脂肪酸的来源、对人体产生的生理效应和病理影响、产生这些效应的细胞或分子机制,以及如何有效控制反式脂肪酸的摄入等进行综述,并讨论了反式脂肪酸的风险评估现状和未来展望。  相似文献   

基于对中国地区市售97份干酪样品获得的8种生物胺检测数据,以及2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查报告中的膳食消费数据,采用Monte Carlo模拟和@Risk软件量化人群干酪生物胺膳食暴露量的变异度和不确定度,构建中国地区干酪生物胺风险评估中膳食暴露评估模型。按不同地区、性别和年龄段差异的人群,分析其干酪生物胺膳食暴露量分布的统计量和90%置信区间。评估结果显示,中国城市人群的干酪生物胺暴露量明显高于同年龄段的农村人群;且城市地区女性暴露量通常高于男性,而农村地区则相反。干酪生物胺膳食暴露概率评估方法相比点评估和简单分布评估方法,能够定量评估结果的变异度和不确定度,评估更为准确。   相似文献   

对2013~2015年湖南省内超市、批发市场等白酒进行抽检,采用概率评估法对白酒中的两种邻苯二甲酸酯类[邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯]的膳食暴露进行风险评估。结果表明:湖南省的白酒邻苯二甲酸酯类膳食暴露总体上处于安全水平,但饮酒量在240g/d以上的成年饮酒者,DBP的高百分位(95%)暴露水平接近欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)制定的每日耐受摄入量值(TDI值),存在一定的暴露风险。  相似文献   

食品中化学物累积风险评估方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品中存在的各种污染物、农药和添加剂等化学物可能会通过多种机制的联合作用对人体形成累积暴露,但传统的风险评估方法多以单一化学物暴露为基础。近年来,化学物累积暴露形成的健康风险受到越来越多的重视,一些累积风险评估方法,如类别每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)、危害指数(HI)、相对效能因子(RPF)、生理毒代动力学(PBTK)模型等也逐渐发展起来。本文对这些方法的特点及其应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A dietary survey was conducted over three consecutive days by using 24-hour dietary recall in the Pearl River Delta of South China to investigate the dietary consumption status. A total of 1702 food samples, 22 food groups, were collected, and aluminium concentrations of foods were determined by using ICP-MS. Weekly dietary exposure to aluminium of the average urban residents of South China was estimated to be 1.5 mg kg?1 body weight, which amounted to 76% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake. Wheat-made products (53.5%) contributed most to the dietary exposure, followed by vegetables (12.2%). The high-level consumers’ weekly exposure to aluminium was 11.1 mg kg?1 body weight, which amounted to 407% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake. The results indicated that the general urban residents in South China might be safe from aluminium exposure, but the high-level consumers might be at some risk of aluminium exposure. The foods contributing to aluminium exposure were processed food with aluminium-containing food additives. It is necessary to take effective measures to control the overuse of aluminium-containing food additives.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国市售婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品中呋喃污染特征,并对其健康风险进行评估.方法 基于方便抽样法,于2017—2018年在北京市、浙江省、山东省和四川省采集260份市售婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品,采用同位素稀释-顶空气相色谱-质谱法测定呋喃的含量,结合2015年婴幼儿食品消费量调查数据,通过概率评估方法...  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大在开展食品包装材料暴露评估时采用方法的原理、所需资料和计算过程,并对各种方法的覆盖面、实用性、难易程度等方面进行了比较,分析各自优缺点,为建立适合于我国国情的食品包装材料暴露评估方法,制修订食品包装材料安全标准提供科学依据,同时为食品包装材料风险评估机构、监管部门以及相关行业、企业开展相关研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the dietary exposure of nitrate and nitrite in France. A total of 13, 657 concentration levels of nitrate and nitrite measured in food, representing 138 and 109 food items, respectively, and coming from French monitoring programmes between 2000 and 2006, were used. Depending on the non-detected and non-quantified analysis treatment, lower and upper concentration mean estimates were calculated for each food item. These were combined with consumption data derived from 1474 adults and 1018 children from the French national individual consumption survey (INCA1), conducted in 1999 and based on a 7-day food record diary. A total of 18% of spinaches, 6% of salads, 10% of cheeses, 8% of meat products and 6% of industrial meat products exceeded the European nitrate maximum level or maximum residual level. A total of 0.4% of industrial meat products and 0.2% of meat products exceeded their European nitrite maximum level or maximum residual level. Nitrate dietary exposure averaged 40% of the acceptable daily intake (ADI; 3.7 mg kg?1 body weight day?1) for adults and 51???54% of the ADI for children with the major contributors being, for adults and children, respectively, vegetables (24 and 27% of ADI), potatoes (5 and 11% of ADI), and water (5 and 5% of ADI). The individual nitrate dietary intake of 1.4% (confidence interval (CI95th) [0.8; 2.0]) to 1.5% (CI95th [0.9; 2.1]) of adults and 7.9% (CI95th [6.2; 9.6]) to 8.4% (CI95th [6.7; 10.1]) of children were higher than the ADI. Nitrite dietary exposure averaged 33–67% of the ADI (0.06 mg kg?1 body weight day?1) for adults and 67–133% of the ADI for children, with contributions of additive food vectors at 33% of ADI for adults and 50–67% of ADI for children. The individual nitrite dietary intake of 0.7% (CI95th [0.3; 1.1]) to 16.4% (CI95th [14.5; 18.3]) of adults and 10.5% (CI95th [8.6; 12.4]) to 66.2% (CI95th [63.3; 69.1]) of children were higher than the ADI.  相似文献   

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