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Dietary exposure to pesticide residues was assessed in Yaoundé, Cameroon, using the total diet study (TDS) method. Sixty-three composite samples, representative of the foods as consumed in Yaoundé, were collected, prepared, and analysed for residues of pesticides including organochlorine, organophosphorous, and pyrethroids. A multi-residue method was used with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.005 mg kg(-1). Additional analyses were performed for dithiocarbamates (LOD=0.050 mg kg(-1)), glyphosate (LOD=0.005 mg kg(-1)) and chlordecone (LOD=0.0008 mg kg(-1)) on certain composites samples. The overall contamination was low with 37 out of 46 pesticides below the LOD in all samples. The estimated upper bound (for values less than the LOD equal the LOD; and values less than the LOQ equal the LOQ) of the mean dietary exposures ranged from 0.24% (cypermethrin) to 3.03% (pirimiphos-methyl) of the acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) for pesticides for which at least one analysis was greater than the LOD. This study suggests a low dietary exposure to pesticide residues in Yaoundé.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure to pesticide residues was assessed in Yaoundé, Cameroon, using the total diet study (TDS) method. Sixty-three composite samples, representative of the foods as consumed in Yaoundé, were collected, prepared, and analysed for residues of pesticides including organochlorine, organophosphorous, and pyrethroids. A multi-residue method was used with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.005mgkg?1. Additional analyses were performed for dithiocarbamates (LOD=0.050mgkg?1), glyphosate (LOD=0.005mgkg?1) and chlordecone (LOD=0.0008mgkg?1) on certain composites samples. The overall contamination was low with 37 out of 46 pesticides below the LOD in all samples. The estimated upper bound (for values less than the LOD equal the LOD; and values less than the LOQ equal the LOQ) of the mean dietary exposures ranged from 0.24% (cypermethrin) to 3.03% (pirimiphos-methyl) of the acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) for pesticides for which at least one analysis was greater than the LOD. This study suggests a low dietary exposure to pesticide residues in Yaoundé.  相似文献   

The content of many nutrients in breast milk are dependent on the nutritional status of the lactating woman. This is particularly true for fat and water-soluble vitamins, some of which have antioxidant properties. The aim of the study entertained herein was to evaluate the changes in total antioxidant status of human milk during the first 4 months of lactation, and to correlate such changes with the contents in specific antioxidant oligoelements (Cu, Zn, Mn and Se). Milk samples were collected from (31) lactating women recruited at the Service of Obstetrics of the Hospital de São João in Porto, after 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after birth. The total antioxidant status (TAS) of human milk was measured by the Randox® commercial kit and trace metals by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry). The results found for TAS and oligoelements under study show a decrease in the concentration of these parameters from 7 days to 4 months of breast-feeding and significant correlations (p < 0.05) were found between TAS and Cu, Zn and Se (not Mn). The decreases of Cu, Zn and Se were also correlated, but not proportional between them, suggesting diverse excretion mechanisms for all. Between primipara and multipara women, a significant difference was found only for Cu and Zn concentrations at 7 days of lactation, but not for the other metals or TAS. With respect to the mother’s age, no correlation was found, either for trace metal concentrations or TAS.  相似文献   


The aim of this systematic review is to provide information regarding the incidence and levels of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in raw and heat processed cow’s milk in Serbia during 2015–16 and to compare these with collected data on the occurrence of AFM1 in raw milk and dairy products during the last decade in our region. Estimation of dietary exposure (EDI) and hazard index (HI) calculations for different age groups of the population were also carried out, based on the AFM1 content of milk samples and on available food consumption data in Serbia. AFM1 was detected in 69.9% (984/1408) of raw milk samples in 2015 versus 84.9% (3094/3646) in 2016, while in heat-processed milk, AFM1 was detected in 77.8% (364/468) in 2015 versus 98.5% (753/765) in 2016. On the basis of the obtained results, 450 (9%) of raw and 14 (1.1%) of heat-processed milk samples were contaminated with AFM1 levels above the maximum permitted level in Serbia (0.25 μg kg?1). However, a large percentage of raw and heat processed milk in Serbia (30.1% and 17.3%, respectively) was contaminated with AFM1 levels above the maximum permitted level regulated in the European Union (0.05 μg kg?1). Therefore, in order to protect consumer health, it is extremely important to further control the level of aflatoxins in milk, and this should be considered as a high priority for risk management actions.  相似文献   


The determination of acrylamide in potato products, bakery products and coffee, and the human dietary exposure is reported. The method reported is based on a single extraction step with water, followed by the clean-up of the extract using solid phase extraction columns and finally, the determination of acrylamide using UPLC–MS/MS. The MS/MS detection was carried out using an ESI interface in positive ion mode. Internal calibration was used for the quantification of acrylamide, because of the suppression/enhancement matrix effects due to the complex nature of the samples. The method performance characteristics were determined after spiking blank samples. The mean recoveries in spiked coffee samples, potato chips, breakfast cereals and crispbread ranged from 93% to 99%, with RSDs lower than 5% for both repeatability and reproducibility conditions. The estimated limits of detection and quantification of the method were 10 and 32 μg kg?1, respectively. The method was used for monitoring acrylamide in 406 samples. Acrylamide amounts ranged from <32 to 2450 μg kg?1. A total of 360 samples (89%) were contaminated with acrylamide, but only 14% of the samples exceeded the benchmark levels of the EU legislation. Foods with the highest mean acrylamide amounts were potato crisps (642 μg kg?1), French fries (383 μg kg?1) and biscuits (353 μg kg?1). The mean and 95th percentile acrylamide exposures of adolescents in Cyprus were 0.8 and 1.8 μg kg?1 body weight per day, respectively. The estimated levels of dietary exposure to acrylamide are not of concern with respect to neurotoxicity. However, the margins of exposure (MOEs) indicate a concern for carcinogenicity. Potato fried products (45%), fine bakery ware (21%) and potato chips (14%) contributed the most to overall acrylamide exposure.  相似文献   

Metallurgic calcines with very high mercury and methylmercury content from the Almadén mining district were analyzed by synchrotron-based microprobe techniques. Information about mercury speciation was obtained by micro-EXAFS (microscopic extended X-ray absorption fine structure) spectroscopy, whereas elemental associations were evaluated by micro-XRF (microscopic X-ray fluorescence analysis) mapping. Complementary characterization methodologies, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-optical spectroscopy (ICP-OES), as well as a sequential extraction scheme (SES), were used to predict the potential availability of mercury. Analysis of total metal content revealed extremely high concentrations of mercury and iron (between 7 and 35 and 65-70 g kg(-1), respectively) and high zinc concentrations (2.2-2.5 g kg(-1)), whereas other metals such as copper, nickel, and lead were found at low concentration levels (30-300 mg kg(-1)). Micro-EXAFS results indicate that cinnabar (HgS(red)) is one of the main species within the studied mercury-rich particles (5-89% of total mercury content), together with more soluble mercury compounds such as Hg3(SO4)02 (schuetteite) and HgO (5-55% of total mercury content). Additionally, element-specific micro-XRF maps of selected mercury-rich particles in the studied samples revealed an evident correlation among Hg-Pb-Ni (and S), indicating a possible geochemical linkage of these elements. Correlations were also found among Fe-Mn and Hg, which have been attributed to sorption of mercury onto oxyhydroxides of Fe and Mn. This finding was supported by results from a sequential extraction scheme, where a significant  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for the major milk proteins were estimated in the 3 main French dairy cattle breeds (i.e. Montbéliarde, Normande, and Holstein) as part of the PhénoFinlait program. The 6 major milk protein contents as well as the total protein content (PC) were estimated from mid-infrared spectrometry on 133,592 test-day milk samples from 20,434 cows in first lactation. Lactation means, expressed as a percentage of milk (protein contents) or of protein (protein fractions), were analyzed with an animal mixed model including fixed environmental effects (herd, year × month of calving, and spectrometer) and a random genetic effect. Genetic parameter estimates were very consistent across breeds. Heritability estimates (h2) were generally higher for protein fractions than for protein contents. They were moderate to high for αS1-casein, αS2-casein, β-casein, κ-casein, and α-lactalbumin (0.25 < h2 < 0.72). In each breed, β-lactoglobulin was the most heritable trait (0.61 < h2 < 0.86). Genetic correlations (rg) varied depending on how the percentage was expressed. The PC was strongly positively correlated with protein contents but almost genetically independent from protein fractions. Protein fractions were generally in opposition, except between κ-casein and α-lactalbumin (0.39 < rg < 0.46) and κ-casein and αS2-casein (0.36 < rg < 0.49). Between protein contents, rg estimates were positive, with highest values found between caseins (0.83 < rg < 0.98). In the 3 breeds, β-lactoglobulin was negatively correlated with caseins (?0.75 < rg < ?0.08), in particular with κ-casein (?0.75 < rg < ?0.55). These results, obtained from a large panel of cows of the 3 main French dairy cattle breeds, show that routinely collected mid-infrared spectra could be used to modify milk protein composition by selection.  相似文献   

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