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Lead, a ubiquitous heavy metal, can be found in the environment and food. The present study is the first to estimate the lead dietary exposure of Shenzhen adults (≥ 20 years old) in various age–gender subgroups, and to assess the associated health risk. Food samples that represented the Shenzhen people’s dietary pattern were collected and prepared for analysis. Lead was determined in 13 food groups using 276 individual cooked samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Dietary exposures were estimated by combining the analytical results with the local food consumption data of Shenzhen adults. The mean and 95th percentile lead exposure of Shenzhen adults were 0.59–0.73 and 0.75–0.94 μg kg?1 bw day?1, respectively. In all food groups, the highest lead exposure was from ‘Eggs and their products’ (42.4–51.6% of the total exposure); preserved eggs being the main contributor. The other major contributors to lead exposure of Shenzhen adults were ‘Fish and seafood, and their products’ (14.3–16.7% of the total exposure) and ‘Vegetables and their products’ (15.5–16.2% of the total exposure). The margin of exposure (MOE) approach was used for the risk assessment of lead, and the results showed that the risk was considered to be low in all age–gender groups for Shenzhen adults. However, having considered a number of toxic effects of lead, it is suggested that more efforts should be made to reduce the lead levels in foodstuff for Shenzhen adults.  相似文献   

This paper reports an estimate of the dietary intake of lead by children and adults from the Jinhu area in South-eastern China. A duplicate diet approach was used to collect food samples in November and December 2007. The lead content was measured by furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Median lead intakes for different groups were as follows: children: 1.65 µg(kgbw)?1 day?1; and adults: 1.10 µg(kgbw)?1 day?1. No exposure exceeded the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of 25 µg(kgbw)?1 week?1 proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, median and maximum exposure for the children group amounted to 60.8% and 97.2% of the PTWI, respectively, which were higher than those for adults, which were 40.5% and 86.4%, respectively. It was concluded that health risks due to dietary lead intake seem to be high in Jinhu.  相似文献   

The aim of this first study was to determine the dietary exposure of antimony, lead, mercury in foodstuffs consumed by secondary school students in Hong Kong. Around 100 composite food items were purchased and then cooked prior to analysis. Antimony was measured by hydrogen generation (HG)/inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP–MS), while lead was determined by ICP–MS. Total mercury was measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. The detection limits for antimony, lead and total mercury were 1, 0.6 and 3 µg kg?1, respectively. The dietary intake of antimony, lead and total mercury for an average secondary student were estimated to be 0.252, 1.98 and 0.92 µg (kg bw)?1 week?1, respectively. The dietary intake of antimony, lead and total mercury for high-consumer secondary student were estimated to be 0.567, 5.09 and 2.33 µg (kg bw)?1 week?1, respectively. The main contribution to antimony, lead and mercury were milk, vegetables and seafood, respectively. The Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of antimony, as recommended by WHO, is 6 µg (kg bw)?1 week?1, while the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes (PTWI) of lead and mercury, as recommended by JECFA, are 25 and 5 µg (kg bw)?1 week?1, respectively. The estimated exposure values for secondary school students were compared to these safety reference values. For the relevant population, this study confirms the low probability of health risks from these metals via food consumption.  相似文献   


In the period from 2007 to 2017 furan levels of foods were analysed by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Based on these analytical data and the Austrian consumption data the dietary exposure of children and adults to furan was estimated by using a deterministic approach. For the adult population the mean and 95th percentile dietary exposures to furan were estimated at 0.31 µg/kg bodyweight per day and at 0.72 µg/kg bodyweight per day, respectively. The mean dietary exposure of children was estimated at 0.18 µg/kg bodyweight per day and is thus only about half as high as for Austrian adults. At the 95th percentile the dietary exposure of children was estimated at 0.49 µg/kg bodyweight per day. The main contributor to the total dietary exposure for adults is coffee followed by convenience products and for children the main contributors are grain products as well as convenience products, bread and snacks. Based on the BMDL10 of 0.064 mg/kg bodyweight per day for the development of cholangiofibrosis, the MOE-calculation revealed that the current levels of dietary exposure to furan are of concern for Austrian adult high consumers. The MOE-calculation, based on the BMDL10 of 1.31 mg/kg bodyweight per day for the development of hepatocellular adenomas, indicated a health concern for Austrian children and adults.  相似文献   

The aim was to estimate the adult exposure to cadmium, lead and mercury from daily household diets in Eastern Poland (Lublin city and province). A duplicate diet approach was used to top collect diet samples in 1990, 1993, 1998 and 2002. Cadmium and lead contents were measured by flame atomic absorption and the mercury content was measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. The intake of the three elements was calculated using FOOD computer software. The exposure to cadmium taken with daily diets was from 16.4 - 34.5 μg/person/day (27-58% PTWI). The lead exposure was 66.5 - 106 μg/person/day (31-49% PTWI), which posed a smaller risk, and the exposure risk to mercury of 4.08-6.65 μg/person/day (10-16% PTWI) was even lower.  相似文献   

典型膳食来源亚硝酸钠暴露对我国人群健康风险的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估中国居民膳食因素亚硝酸钠摄入量及对健康影响的潜在风险,为食品安全风险管理提供科学依据.方法 应用典型食品(酱类、肉制品和腌菜)中亚硝酸钠含量的实际监测结果和我国居民对含亚硝酸钠食品实际的膳食消费量数据,采用简单分布模型方法,对我国居民全人群的膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量进行估计,并与国际组织JECFA制定的亚硝酸钠每日允许摄入量(ADI)进行比较.结果 全人群的亚硝酸钠平均摄入量为0.021 mg/kgBW/day,占ADI的30.0%,而高暴露人群(亚硝酸钠摄入量的P97.5)的亚硝酸钠摄入量为0.150 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的2.1倍;各性别-年龄组人群的膳食亚硝酸钠平均摄入量均未超过ADI,但就各组高暴露人群而言,亚硝酸钠摄入量范围为0.124 8 ~0.275 0 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的1.8~3.9倍;酱/咸菜是我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的主要来源,占总摄入量的61.9%.结论 我国全人群平均膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量处于安全水平,但高暴露人群摄入的亚硝酸钠具有较高的健康风险,需予以重点关注;调整饮食习惯和行为,改进食品加工工艺,最大限度地减少外源性亚硝酸盐的添加和内源性亚硝酸钠的产生是降低我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的有效手段.  相似文献   

上海市居民膳食中铅镉暴露水平评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解上海市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露的基础数据,评估上海市市售食品中铅、镉污染的危险性.方法 对上海市市售食品中铅、镉含量进行监测,并结合上海市居民膳食营养素摄入量调查,应用WHO推荐的食品中化学污染物膳食暴露评估方法,对上海市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露水平进行评估.结果 上海市居民平均每周膳食中铅、镉暴露量分别为0.006...  相似文献   

目的对桶装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌的膳食暴露进行风险评估。方法依据湖南省2017年3月~12月桶装饮用水的抽检监测数据,以桶装饮用水出厂后为起点,以最终饮用完为终点,采用蒙特卡罗模拟技术,运用@risk5.5风险评估软件对铜绿假单胞菌进行膳食暴露风险评估。结果正常人群按照《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》推荐的饮水量,且饮用水的来源全部为未经烧开的桶装饮用水,铜绿假单胞菌平均摄入量为32 CFU,大部分的消费者(众数)摄入量为0.06 CFU,摄入量大于0.15 CFU的概率为3.1%,消费者的感染概率平均值为2.4×10~(-8)。结论通过对湖南省桶装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌的膳食风险暴露评估可知,该菌在饮用水摄入途径上,总体上处于安全水平。  相似文献   

目的评估中国居民水产品中铅、镉、汞、砷四种重金属的暴露水平和健康风险。方法利用2013—2017年水产品中铅、镉、汞、砷的含量监测数据和相应食物消费量数据,采用简单分布评估方法,计算中国居民水产品中四种重金属的摄入情况,依据相应健康指导值或基准剂量评估其潜在危险。结果各性别-年龄组人群镉、甲基汞的暴露量均低于其相应健康指导值,但除66岁以上女性组镉平均暴露量外,平均暴露量均在相应健康指导值的5%以上,高端暴露量(P95)超过健康指导值的20%。各人群铅、无机砷的暴露限值(MOE)均高于1。2~6岁性别-年龄组除无机砷外,另三种重金属平均暴露量和P95在各性别-年龄组中均最高。水产品中四种重金属贡献率最高的为海蟹和鱼类。结论中国居民通过水产品的铅、镉、汞、砷暴露量总体上低于相应的健康指导值或基准剂量,但达到通过制定限量标准进行管理的水平。鱼类和海蟹是对四种重金属暴露贡献率最高的水产品,高消费人群的重金属暴露需要加以关注,建议进一步开展重金属的累积暴露评估研究,明确水产品中重金属的累积暴露风险。  相似文献   

In order to address the issue of excessive intake of aluminium (Al) from Al-containing food additives in the Chinese diet, this study conducted a dietary exposure assessment of Al in the general population based on the national surveillance data of Al content in foods and national food consumption data. It was found that the mean dietary exposure of the whole Chinese population to Al from Al-containing food additives was 1.795 mg kg?1 bw week?1, not exceeding the PTWI, while high dietary exposures (e.g., 97.5th percentile) to Al were 7.660 and 2.103–2.903 mg kg?1 bw week?1 for children, respectively, both exceeding the PTWI. It was found that the dietary exposure to Al for 32.5% of the total Chinese population and 42.6% of children aged 4–6 years exceeded the PTWI. Wheat flour and wheat-based products are the main source of dietary A l exposure (85% of the total intake); and puffed foods are the major source of Al intake for children. These findings suggested that consumption of Al-containing food additives could be a health concern for consumers with high food consumption (97.5th percentile) and children under the age of 14 years.  相似文献   

目的掌握吉林省主要食品中砷污染水平,评估吉林省居民砷暴露风险及对人体潜在的健康危害。方法 2012—2017年吉林省居民主要食品中砷的含量数据来自国家食品风险监测,共11种类别4 532份样品。食物消费量的数据来自2012年吉林省居民营养与健康调查。采用确定性评估方法 ,结合无机砷的原暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)和暴露边距(MOE),评价吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露情况。结果 11类食品中砷平均含量为0.030 mg/kg,谷物类、蔬菜类和水产类是膳食中砷的主要来源,三者贡献率之和为76.59%,其中谷物类贡献率高达54.44%。10个不同性别-年龄组平均摄入量为0.73~1.31μg/kg BW,一般人群暴露量MOE均1。结论吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露风险总体上是安全的。  相似文献   

对2013~2015年湖南省内超市、批发市场等白酒进行抽检,采用概率评估法对白酒中的两种邻苯二甲酸酯类[邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯]的膳食暴露进行风险评估。结果表明:湖南省的白酒邻苯二甲酸酯类膳食暴露总体上处于安全水平,但饮酒量在240g/d以上的成年饮酒者,DBP的高百分位(95%)暴露水平接近欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)制定的每日耐受摄入量值(TDI值),存在一定的暴露风险。  相似文献   

A probabilistic estimation of dietary exposure to cypermethrin residues for the Chinese population was performed. Cypermethrin residue data were obtained from the national food contamination monitoring program for 2001–2006, encompassing 14,096 samples from 36 commodities with a detection rate of 10.4%. Food consumption data were gathered from the national nutrition and health survey conducted in 2002, comprising 65,915 consumers aged 2–100 years and 3701 children of 2–6 years old. The whole country was roughly divided into six regions and the ranges of the median and of P99.9 exposure estimated for these regions were 0.018–0.026 and 3.131–7.095?µg?kg?1?bw?day?1, respectively. Pak-choi and Chinese cabbage contributed 33.9 and 13.2%, respectively, to the cypermethrin intake for the general population, while pak-choi and citrus covered 30.7 and 22.5% of the total intake for children, respectively. The exposure of the rural population was higher than urban populations. Rural areas mainly located in the plains of central China had among the highest exposure of the six regions, accounting for 17.7% of the ARfD at P99.9, while the 99.99th percentile of exposure for children, especially rural children, far exceeded the ARfD, which is a cause for concern.  相似文献   

基于对中国地区市售97份干酪样品获得的8种生物胺检测数据,以及2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查报告中的膳食消费数据,采用Monte Carlo模拟和@Risk软件量化人群干酪生物胺膳食暴露量的变异度和不确定度,构建中国地区干酪生物胺风险评估中膳食暴露评估模型。按不同地区、性别和年龄段差异的人群,分析其干酪生物胺膳食暴露量分布的统计量和90%置信区间。评估结果显示,中国城市人群的干酪生物胺暴露量明显高于同年龄段的农村人群;且城市地区女性暴露量通常高于男性,而农村地区则相反。干酪生物胺膳食暴露概率评估方法相比点评估和简单分布评估方法,能够定量评估结果的变异度和不确定度,评估更为准确。   相似文献   

目的 开展海南即溶咖啡粉中丙烯酰胺的膳食暴露风险评估, 为咖啡粉质量安全的监管提供技术支撑。方法 采用食品安全风险评估的一般步骤: 危害识别、危害特征描述、膳食暴露评估、风险特征描述, 对海南即溶咖啡粉中的丙烯酰胺进行膳食暴露风险评估。结果 各年龄段居民的理论暴露量均低于其理论每日允许摄入量。结论 海南产即溶咖啡粉中的丙烯酰胺不会对消费者身体健康产生危害, 不必进入风险管理程序。  相似文献   

对广东居民通过小作坊花生油对黄曲霉毒素B_1的膳食暴露及其产生的健康风险进行评价。采用点评估模型对广东不同年龄人群通过花生油对黄曲霉毒素B_1的膳食暴露情况进行评估,按照联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会推荐的方法对黄曲霉毒素B_1引发的肝癌风险进行评价。结果表明:2017年广东地区小作坊花生油黄曲霉毒素B_1超标率11. 8%,检出率56. 9%;各年龄组高消费水平暴露量规律为7~14岁 15~50岁 50岁以上 2~6岁,15~50岁、50岁以上、2~6岁3个年龄段女性高消费水平暴露量大于男性;高消费人群由于花生油中黄曲霉毒素B1的膳食暴露引发肝癌的风险为7~14岁男性少年儿童危险度最大,高消费水平肝癌贡献率最高,达28. 9%。高消费人群花生油中黄曲霉毒素B_1引发肝癌的风险相对较高,应对全省小作坊花生油黄曲霉毒素污染予以足够的重视。  相似文献   

Perchlorate is frequently found as contaminant in a variety of food. Based on analytical data of perchlorate occurrence in food products from the Austrian market, this study calculated dietary perchlorate exposure of the Austrian population for the three age classes of adults, children and infants. Furthermore, a detailed risk assessment was conducted based on the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.3 µg/kg body weight/day, established by the European Food Safety Authority in 2014. Calculations of a scenario of average food consumption did not indicate elevated health risks by dietary perchlorate uptake. Exposure estimates reached only 12%, 26% and 24% of the TDI for adults, children and infants, respectively. However, in a scenario of high consumption, the TDI was exceeded by all age classes with 132%, 161% and 156%. The major cause for this exceedance is the comparatively high perchlorate contamination of spinach, but also other leaf vegetables, legumes and pineapples, leading to elevated exposure of high consumers. Our calculations reveal that the current provisional intra-Union trade reference level for perchlorate in spinach of 0.2 mg/kg, advocated by the European Commission, is not sufficient to protect high consumers against possible health risks. In order to reduce health risks to a tolerable level for all consumers, lowering of the regulatory maximum perchlorate concentrations is indicated. Moreover, a generally diversified diet can also counteract excessive exposure to perchlorate as well as to other harmful food contaminants.  相似文献   

Deterministic and probabilistic estimates of the chronic exposure to lead (Pb) for the inhabitants in Jiangsu Province, China, were performed. Pb contamination data were obtained from the national food contamination monitoring programme during 2001-2006 and 2600 samples from 38 commodities in Jiangsu were included. Food consumption data were from the national diet and nutrition survey conducted in 2002, including 3879 subjects aged 2-80 years and 185 children aged 2-6 years in Jiangsu. Contributions from 38 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWI) divided into daily intakes (PTWI(d)) of 3.57 microg kg(-1) bw day(-1) in the risk assessment, exposures calculated by the deterministic approach for children and the general population were 77% and 43% of the PTWI(d), respectively, which were nearly similar to the mean intake calculation in the probabilistic approach. The percentage of people whose exposure level exceeded the PTWI(d) for children, the general population, urban population and rural population were 16%, 0.4%, 0.1%, and 0.5%, respectively. The 50th, 95th and 99th percentiles of Pb exposure for children were 2.6, 4.4 and 5.5 microg kg(-1) bw day(-1), respectively. Rice followed by wheat flour and bean products contributed most to the total Pb intake for both children and the general population. This study indicated that the Pb dietary exposure in Jiangsu Province, especially for children, would be a public health concern.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure of the Valencia Region population to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and PCBs was assessed in the Region of Valencia in 2010–2011. A total of 7700 food samples were collected. Occurrence data were combined with consumption data to estimate dietary exposure in adults (>15 years of age) and young people (6–15 years of age). The estimated intake was calculated by a probabilistic approach. Average intake levels (upper-bound scenario) were 1.58 and 2.76 pg toxic equivalent (TEQ) kg?1 body weight (bw) day?1 for adults and young people, respectively. These average intakes are within range of the tolerable daily intake of 1–4 pg WHO-TEQ kg?1 bw day?1 recommended by WHO, and slightly above the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of 14 pg TEQ kg?1 bw week?1 and the Provisional tolerable monthly intake of 70 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1 set by the Scientific Committee on Food and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food, respectively. These results show that the contamination levels in food and therefore the exposure of the general population to PCDD/Fs and PCBs have declined in this region and therefore show the efficiency of the European risk-management measures. In terms of risk characterisation, the results showed that, under the upper-bound scenario, 22% of the adult and 58% of the young people population could exceed the TWI.  相似文献   

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