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A method much used in functional analysis for solving nonlinear equations is applied to the Boltzmann equation.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 900–907, November, 1969.  相似文献   

Abstract. Unlike all preceding theorists of cometary tail formation, Newton introduced a mechanism in which a comet's tail was produced by the convection of rarified ethereal particles which carried with them particles from the comet's upper atmosphere, which in turn became heated by reflecting of the sun's rays. The centrality of the action of the ether particles in this theory made it problematic, as a consistent theory of the ether was not then available. As a result, the theory was not wholly accepted even by some of Newton's closest colleagues and disciples. This paper briefly presents Newton's theory of tail formation and examines its reception, primarily in England. I review seven accounts of cometary tail formation that were developed in a Newtonian framework and published between 1696 and 1757 by William Whiston, David Gregory, Henry Pemberton, Voltaire, Colin Maclaurin, J. T. Desaguliers, and Benjamin Martin. Newton's comet theory showed both philosophical and practical defects typical of his better known work, and I identify four major issues that early Newtonians disputed. These disagreements show that we still have much to learn about the way Newton's physics was studied in the 18th century.  相似文献   

交互品质在创新设计研究中的应用途径   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘伟 《包装工程》2015,36(8):14-16,21
目的研究支持新式交互风格的办公工具和服务,以提升年轻职场人群在办公情境中的用户体验。方法通过分析和对比功能途径、体验途径和技术途径,利用交互品质来指导新式交互风格的设计。结果在一项历时6个月的交互科技设计科研课题中,设计和开发了一系列的交互原型,通过这些原型探索并演示了具体的交互品质。结论从原型的设计、创建和测试中,探讨了如何利用交互品质来直接指导并约束设计过程。交互品质能够整合以上3种设计途径,并作为一个新的途径指导创新设计研究。  相似文献   

东京的金秋,格外地艳丽。迎来了第十二届(APD)亚洲包装设计展示交流会的召开暨日本包装设计协会50周年庆典活动。在此时刻,我衷心地祝愿本届(APD)大会圆满成功并希望"JPDA"事业前程似锦!  相似文献   

通过1J85铁芯在交流磁化条件下的磁性能参数的测量、分析、比较,找到了影响芯磁性能的原因。对如何提高1J85产品质量作了一些具有应用价值的研讨。  相似文献   

The Kantorovich theorem is virtually the only known sufficiency condition for convergence of Newton's method on a set of non-linear equations. The theorem gives very conservative bounds and is difficult to apply. In this paper the power system load flow problem is solved by Newton's method, and a sufficiency condition for the convergence of the iterations on this particular problem is given. The criterion relates to a condition number defined on the Jacobian matrix associated with the non-linear equations. Computational feasibility is considered and the merits of its use are discussed.  相似文献   

计量是起源于古代,经过不同的发展阶段逐步成熟、规范。  相似文献   

张苇 《包装工程》2015,36(18):97-100,114
目的研究中庸思想在产品包装设计中的应用。方法通过对中庸思想内涵的深入挖掘,寻找中庸思想的境界及与包装设计的关系,探讨传统包装中的中庸之美,总结中庸思想指导下包装设计的原则,并从选材、造型、装潢3个方面研究中庸思想在产品包装设计中的应用。结论中庸思想是儒家思想的核心,它对中国人的文化产生了深远的影响。中庸思想追求的是"天人合一"的理想境界,实现人、自然和包装的有机结合。中庸思想指导下的包装设计要坚持适度原则和包容性原则,通过选材、造型和装潢表现出包装设计的和谐之美、阴柔之美和包容之美,为包装艺术开辟广阔的空间。  相似文献   

Here, the origin of the pseudogap in HTSC is attributed to the modulated antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase, whose preliminary version has been sketched recently by the present author (in J. Super. Nov. Mag. 22:517, 2009). Starting from the t-J Hamiltonian, I show that the formal failure of the perturbation theory leads to a transformation to the pseudogap phase. This phase is characterized by the aggregation of the holes into rows and columns, which in turn results in two internal fields. The first is the modulated AFM field, whose main evidence comes from Neutron scattering experiments. The second internal field is made up by the checkerboard charge density waves that have been observed by scanning tunneling measurements. The present paper deals mainly with the internal field of the first type, and discusses the second type only tentatively. Formalism is derived that yields the ground state, the internal field, the Hamiltonian, and the propagators of the condensed phase. Our results resolve the presumably inherent self-contradictory concept of pseudogap. It is shown that the excitation energy spectrum is gapless despite the order parameter that is inherent to the condensed system. In addition, it is shown qualitatively that our model predicts “Fermi surface” that is in agreement with the experiment.  相似文献   

公元前2000年前后,在地中海东岸,当今的黎巴嫩、叙利亚沿海一带,也就是出现“楔形文字”的两河流域附近,闪米特人(Semtes)的分支——腓尼基人(PhOenlclan)建立了一批奴隶制城邦。他们以航海、殖民及海上贸易著称,至公元前1000年左右,活动范围已遍及地中海沿岸的塞浦路斯、西西里岛、撒丁岛、法国、西班牙及北非一带。  相似文献   

干涉法直接测量量块长度时的位相差是一个重要的误差来源.我国现在位相测量方法是堆积法,该方法需要很好的研合水平,而且重复性差.提出了一种利用牛顿环来测量光反射位相差的新方法.将一个特制的小透镜分别放置在被测量块和平晶上,在小透镜的下表面和量块或平晶上表面之间形成等厚干涉的同心圆环,即牛顿环.分析牛顿环的图象可以测量反射相移和位相差.使用该方法研制的测量装置对量块和平晶表面的光反射位相差进行了测量试验,其测量结果的标准不确定度小于5 nm.  相似文献   

对于烧结这类高度复杂的动态系统,提出了利用图象序列和动态模式识别的思想。把图象序列的特征量和质量相结合,很好地解决了烧结质量的在线检测,为最终实验复杂生产系统的自动控制探索出一条新的途径。  相似文献   

本文介绍了引起游标卡尺测量误差的主要因素,并对误差来源进行了分析.  相似文献   

赵瑞  文玉琴  吴金杰  韩露  郭彬 《计量学报》2022,43(7):960-964
医用诊断X射线防护器具的防护性能通常用铅当量表示,根据IEC 61331-1,防护材料衰减性能的测定主要是在40~150kV X射线范围内,研究纯铅、含铅和无铅材料在窄束、宽束以及逆向宽束条件下铅当量的大小。为进一步研究不同测量方法下防护材料的屏蔽性能,需要建立符合标准要求的X射线参考辐射质,并对其能谱进行模拟或测量。依托工业X射线光机,通过添加铝附加过滤和不同厚度铝吸收片,建立了40~150kV范围内8个X射线参考辐射质,测量半值层最大相对偏差为2.8%。利用EGSnrc蒙卡模拟程序,模拟了不同辐射质的X射线能谱,其平均能量与IEC推荐值的最大相对偏差不超过0.4%,满足防护材料X射线铅当量辐射质的要求。  相似文献   

Origin of USO     
Till now a lot of unidentified 'room temperature superconductors', some times mocked as USO (unidentified superconducting object), have been reported with a claimed Tc between 200 to 300K.Here we report a ferroelectric behavior for CuO around room temperature as well as at lower temperatures. This experimental result shows that the ferroelectric property, together with the antiferromagnetic transition which occurs around 230K, may give the apparently "superconducting' evidence around room temperature.Therefore the fundamental ferroelectric and magnetic properties of CuO must be considered seriously in identifying a possible new superconductors.  相似文献   

Origin of USO     
Till now a lot of unidentified 'room temperature superconductors', some times mocked as USO (unidentified superconducting object), have been reported with a claimed Tc between 200 to 300K.Here we report a ferroelectric behavior for CuO around room temperature as well as at lower temperatures. This experimental result shows that the ferroelectric property, together with the antiferromagnetic transition which occurs around 230K, may give the apparently "superconducting' evidence around room temperature.Therefore the fundamental ferroelectric and magnetic properties of CuO must be considered seriously in identifying a possible new superconductors.  相似文献   

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