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Lee KS 《Applied optics》2000,39(33):6144-6149
Three different grating tilting formulas for predicting the optimum grating tilt angle for strong mode coupling in planar waveguide gratings are derived. The optimum tilt angles obtained by the ray-optics approach deviate ~1 degrees for transmissive mode coupling and ~1.5 degrees for reflective mode coupling from those computed by the coupled-mode approach. The coupled-mode analysis and ray-optics analysis of the tilted planar waveguide gratings show that the transmissive planar waveguide gratings should be tilted more than 84 degrees for strong TE(0)-to-TE(mu) mode coupling near 1550 nm.  相似文献   

Simple first-order correction formulas are developed to describe the combined effect of wall distortion and wall loss on the propagation constant and normalized impedance of nominally rectangular waveguides intended for use in reflectometry. A simple method of measuring the propagation constant at a single frequency is described, resulting in practical advantages in characterization of the waveguide at other frequencies  相似文献   

Brazas JC  Li L  McKeon AL 《Applied optics》1995,34(4):604-609
Waveguide grating couplers that have surface corrugation on both boundaries of the waveguide were fabricated by the deposition of waveguide material at high-vacuum pressures onto a surface-relief grating etched into the substrate. A lateral shift between the two gratings along the direction of the common grating vector was created during the waveguide deposition when the substrate normal was tilted with respect to the direction of material deposition. A series of waveguide thicknesses having an identical angle of deposition were examined to observe the effect of the waveguide thickness, and corresponding lateral shift, on the branching ratio and input-coupling efficiency. Branching ratios of above 98% and input-coupling efficiencies near the theoretical limit for an incident Gaussian beam were obtained.  相似文献   

The perturbation to the refractive index induced by a periodic electric field from two systems of interdigitated electrodes with the electrode-finger period l is analyzed for a waveguide with an electro-optically (EO) active core-cladding. It is shown that the electric field induces two superimposed transmissive refractive-index gratings with different symmetries of their cross-section distributions. One of these gratings has a constant component of an EO-induced refractive index along with its variable component with periodicity l, whereas the second grating possesses only a variable component with periodicity 2l. With the proper waveguide design, the gratings provide interaction between a guided fundamental core mode and two guided cladding modes. Through the externally applied electric potential, these gratings can be independently switched ON and OFF, or they can be activated simultaneously with electronically controlled weighting factors. Coupling coefficients of both gratings are analyzed in terms of their dependence on the electrode duty ratio and dielectric permittivities of the core and cladding. The coupled-wave equations for the superimposed gratings are written and solved. The spectral characteristics are investigated by numerical simulation. It is found that the spectral characteristics are described by a dual-dip transmission spectrum with individual electronic control of the dip depths and positions. Within the concept, a new external potential application scheme is described in which the symmetry of the cross-sectional distribution of the refractive index provides coupling only between the core mode and the cladding modes, preventing interaction of the cladding modes with each another. This simple concept opens opportunities for developing a number of tunable devices for integrated optics by use of the proposed design as a building block.  相似文献   

Yih JN  Chu YM  Mao YC  Wang WH  Chien FC  Lin CY  Lee KL  Wei PK  Chen SJ 《Applied optics》2006,45(9):1938-1942
The reflection resonance spectrum of a subwavelength diffraction-grating-coupled waveguide is used to analyze biomolecular interactions in real time. By detecting this resonance wavelength shift, the optical waveguide biosensor provides the ability to identify the kinetics of the biomolecular interaction on an on-line basis without the need for extrinsic labeling of the biomolecules. A theoretical analysis of the subwavelength optical waveguide biosensor is performed. A biosensor with a narrow reflection resonance spectrum, and hence an enhanced detection resolution, is then designed and fabricated. Currently, the detection limit of the optical waveguide sensor is approximately 10(-5) refractive-index units. The biosensor is successfully applied to study of the dynamic response of an antibody interaction with protein G adsorbed on the sensing surface.  相似文献   

Prathap  Gangan 《Scientometrics》2018,115(1):577-583

Research evaluation is a multi-dimensional problem as there are multiple input dimensions, multiple output dimensions and a country space of many dimensions. The data making the connections are usually available in matrix form. In this paper, we use matrix normalization and multiplication so that totalized input and output measures can be obtained. This facilitates comparative research evaluation. The US and Japan lead as the major players when patents and papers are jointly considered. Most of the countries considered register totalized output that is commensurate with totalized input. Three countries are seen to be falling short of this ideal: China, Russia and Mexico.


产品开发过程中单输入多输出耦合设计任务间存在复杂的信息依赖关系。采用单阶段方法的任务执行方式时,因所执行的任务数量多并且需传递的信息量大,致使任务间存在的复杂信息关系难以被理清,从而导致任务执行过程中的方案分配不够合理,任务间的迭代返工次数过多,产品开发周期过长。针对这些问题,在深入分析单输入多输出耦合设计任务单阶段迭代模型的基础上,提出了一种任务迭代过程中的信息处理策略,并构建了一种单输入多输出耦合设计任务的二阶段迭代模型及其求解执行时间的数学模型。应用该数学模型,可以计算得到最佳二阶段设计任务分配方案。以某发动机开发项目为例,进行了该方法的应用分析。研究表明,采取二阶段迭代模型,任务迭代执行时间比单阶段短,并且通过合理分配在1,2两个阶段执行的任务,能够获得最短的二阶段任务迭代执行时间。该方法根据任务间不同的信息关系选择合适的任务迭代模型,能够有效缩短产品开发周期,可为产品设计人员在产品开发过程中选择合理的任务执行方式提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

Polarization dependence of UV-written Bragg gratings in buried ion-exchanged glass waveguides is investigated. A polarization-dependent shift in Bragg wavelength of less than 0.02 nm is measured, both for the even and the odd modes of a laterally dual-mode waveguide. The measured wavelength shift corresponds to a waveguide birefringence of the order of 10(-5), which is negligible for most applications in optical communications. It is observed that the UV-induced birefringence is small, within the limits of the measurement accuracy. The thermal stability of the fabricated gratings is also very good. The results are of particular importance for devices considered here since they require a polarization-independent mode-converting waveguide Bragg grating. Polarization-independent performance of these gratings enables the fabrication of a new class of integrated optical devices for telecommunication applications.  相似文献   

Polarization-mode coupling in birefringent fiber gratings is analyzed. The general expression for coupling coefficient components is also derived. It indicates that the polarization-mode coupling between any two linearly polarized (LP) core modes is possible by appropriately adjusting the grating parameters such as the grating tilt angle, the grating length, the orientation of the grating plane, the grating period, the birefringence, and the birefringent axis. It is analytically found that the complete LP01x-to-LP01y mode coupling and LP01x-to-LP11y mode coupling occur when fiber is pressed periodically. The LP01x-to-LP11y mode coupling in the linearly birefringent gratings created by pressing a two-mode fiber with a groove plate with a period of 80 microm at a tilt angle between 81.5 degrees and 83.5 degrees has also been experimentally demonstrated. The resonant LP01x-to-LP11y mode coupling in the birefringent gratings and their experimental transmission spectra were reasonably well predicted by the coupled-mode analysis.  相似文献   

We describe the use of arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) in the interrogation of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) for dynamic strain measurement. The ratiometric AWG output was calibrated in a static deflection experiment over a +/-200 microepsilon range. Dynamic strain measurement was demonstrated with a FBG in a conventional single-mode fiber mounted on the surface of a vibrating cantilever and on a piezoelectric actuator, giving a resolution of 0.5 microepsilon at 2.4 kHz. We present results of this technique extended to measure the dynamic differential strain between two FBG pairs within a multicore fiber. An arbitrary cantilever oscillation of the multicore fiber was determined from curvature measurements in two orthogonal axes at 1125 Hz with a resolution of 0.05 m(-1).  相似文献   

Adapting the concept of solid immersion lenses, we numerically study a micro-optical scheme for conventional high-index and photonic-crystal waveguide coupling by using a combination of different numerical methods such as ray tracing, angular-spectrum propagation, finite-difference time-domain simulations, and finite-element-method simulations. The numerical findings are discussed by means of impedance, group- or energy-velocity, spot-size, and phase-matching criteria. When fabrication constraints for high-index immersion lenses made of silicon are taken into account, a coupling efficiency of -80% can be reached for monomode silicon-on-insulator waveguides with a quadratic cross section of the core and rectangular cross sections of moderate aspect ratio. Similar coupling efficiencies of -80% can be obtained for silicon-on-insulator photonic-crystal waveguides. Tolerances that are due to misalignments and variations of the substrate thickness of the silicon lens are discussed.  相似文献   

We conduct a detailed theoretical analysis of ultrashort pulse propagation through waveguide long-period grating (LPG) structures operating in the linear regime. We first consider the case of uniform LPGs, and we also investigate the effect of the typical grating nonuniformities, e.g., grating profile apodization, grating period chirping, and discrete phase shifts, on the spectral and temporal behavior of LPG structures. The two interacting modes are analyzed separately, and advanced representation tools, namely, space-wavelength and space-time diagrams (where space refers to the longitudinal grating dimension), are used to provide a deeper insight into the physics that determines the pulse evolution dynamics through the grating structures under analysis. In addition to its intrinsic physical interest, our study reveals the strong potential of LPG-based devices for optical pulse reshaping operations in the subpicosecond regime.  相似文献   

Coppola G  Irace A  Cutolo A  Iodice M 《Applied optics》1999,38(9):1752-1758
The spectral performances of nonideal rectangular Bragg gratings, integrated in a rib waveguide, are analyzed by a multilayer approach based on the effective-index method. The effects of errors on the photolithographic definition of the grating, that is, period and shape, and of errors on the control of etching depth are investigated. Also the influence of the stitching error, which is unavoidable when the grating is realized by means of electron-beam photolithography, is addressed. A novel analytical approach that extends coupled-mode theory to the analysis of real gratings is also presented.  相似文献   

Investigations of highly efficient grating couplers for polymer slab and strip waveguides fabricated by electron-beam lithography are reported. A maximum input efficiency of 67% is achieved. The electron-beam direct-writing technique allows one to replicate the original gratings into polymer substrates by embossing. An all-polymeric optical chip with efficient grating couplers is demonstrated. Waveguide grating couplers with blazed profile and variable grating depth are investigated. Thus, the intensity distribution of the outcoupled light is matched to a Gaussian-like profile. A focusing blazed grating that couples the light with an efficiency of 42% into a polymer strip waveguide is reported. A curvature correction of the grating lines allows one to improve the focusing properties.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use and advantages of metallic strip gratings on dielectric substrates as output couplers for both optically pumped and discharge-excited submillimeter lasers. Formulas are presented for the calculation of transmittance and loss of such couplers, taking account of loss in the strip grating as well as loss and multiple reflections in the substrate. Included are expressions for the phase shifts on reflection and transmission by an arbitrary lossy grid on a plane boundary between two dielectrics according to a transmission-line model that is applicable for wavelengths in both dielectrics longer than the grid period. In relation to these phase shifts attention is drawn to an important sign convention. The theory is shown to agree well with measured transmittance of a typical device between 500 and 1600 GHz as well as spot measurements at 891 (337-microm HCN laser), 1540, and 1578 GHz (195- and 190-microm DCN laser). Finally, the theory is used to design a low-loss coupler for the low-gain 119-microm line of discharge excited H2O.  相似文献   

Lee KS 《Applied optics》2004,43(22):4393-4398
Polarization mode coupling in circularly birefringent gratings is analyzed. It is numerically found that efficient LP01x-LP02y mode coupling (where LP is linear polarization) is possible in a 50-cm-long circularly birefringent fiber grating formed in a terbium-doped borosilicate glass fiber and that complete LP01x-LP02y and LP01x-LP03y mode couplings result after a few-centimeter-long circularly birefringent grating that is formed in a bismuth-substitute iron garnet waveguide. Various parameters of polarization mode coupling in a number of circularly birefringent gratings are also computed.  相似文献   

Using the principle of self-assembly, a fluorescence-based photonic network is constructed with one input and two spatially and spectrally distinct outputs. A hexagonal DNA nanoassembly is used as a scaffold to host both the input and output dyes. The use of DNA to host functional groups enables spatial resolution on the level of single base pairs, well below the wavelength of light. Communication between the input and output dyes is achieved through excitation energy transfer. Output selection is achieved by the addition of a mediator dye intercalating between the DNA base pairs transferring the excitation energy from input to output through energy hopping. This creates a tool for selective excitation energy transfer on the nanometer scale with spectral and spatial control. The ability to direct excitation energy in a controlled way on the nanometer scale is important for the incorporation of photochemical processes in nanotechnology.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the facility layout problem in which each facility has a predetermined shape and input and output points. In the problem, facilities are placed within a given floor, and the spatial coordinates and orientation of each facility are to be determined. We give a mixed integer programming (MIP) model for the layout planning problem with the objective of minimizing the sum of rectilinear distances weighted by flow amounts between input and output points of the facilities. Using the MIP model, we develop a two-phase algorithm in which an initial layout is generated in the construction phase and is improved using four improvement methods applied iteratively in the improvement phase. Results of computational experiments show that the proposed algorithm gives better solutions than existing algorithms.  相似文献   

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