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Luminescence and Preparation of LED Phosphor Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2:Eu2+   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Calcium magnesium chlorosilicate doped by europium, Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2:Eu2 , was prepared by the solid state reaction at high temperature. The compound obtained is pure Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2 phase with cubic structure. Its average particle size is 5 μm, and it has good dispersity and morphological form. The excitation spectrum of Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2:Eu2 is a wide band, which covers from 270 to 480 nm. The emission spectrum is also a wide band peaked at 510 nm. The luminescent intensity reaches to the maximum when the concentration of Eu2 is 2%. The wavelength of emission and excitation of the phosphor with various Eu2 contents keeps constant. This spectrum range matches violet and blue LED chips very well, and its strong luminescence intensity is suitable for a green phosphor of tricolor phosphor of white light LED.  相似文献   

Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2:Eu2 phosphor doped with Sr2 cation for Ca2 partially, was synthesized by solid-state reaction at high temperature under reducing atmosphere, and its luminescent properties were investigated. The experimental results indicate that the emission intensity of the phosphor increases after being doped with a few amount of Sr2 ion. The emission peak of the phosphor blue shift to about 464 nm when the phosphor is doped with large quantity of Sr2 ions. The excitation spectrum indicates that the phosphor can be well excited by UV and blue light from 300 to 460 nm, and the phosphor was fitted well for the excitation by UV or blue-LED.  相似文献   

ChlorosilicatecrystalmaterialM4 Si3O8Cl4 (M =Ba ,Sr ,Ca)isasuitablehostlatticeforluminescencematerials .Adivalenteuropiumactivatedstrontiumchlorosilicatephosphorisakindofgoodblue greenemissionphotoluminescencematerialunderUVexcita tion .Itsluminescencepropertiesandcrystalstructurehavebeenintensivelystudied[1~4 ] .Inthechlorosili catehost ,theluminescenceofEu2 consistsofa4f6 5d1- 4f7(8S7/2 )broad bandemission ,whichbe longstoelectric dipoleallowedtransitionandhasthepropertiesoflargeabso…  相似文献   

The new phosphor calcium magnesium chlorosilicate, codoped with Eu^2+ and Dy^3+, was synthesized with the help of the high temperature solid state reaction in reducing atmosphere. The excitation and emission spectra were very similar to that of Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2 :Eu^2+, and the Dy^3+ concentration influenced the emission intensity of this phosphor. The intensity of Eu^2+ and Dy^3+ codoped CMSC was stronger than that of Eu^2+ singly doped CMSC. The emission spectrum of the Dy^3+ ion overlapped the absorption band of the Eu^2+ ion, indicating that an energy transfer from Dy^3+ to Eu^2+ took place in CMSC:Eu^2+, Dy^3+ phosphor. The mechanism of the energy transfer from Dy^3+ tO Eu^2+, in this phosphor, might be resonant energy transfer.  相似文献   

To realize red emission, the Ce3+-Mn2+ activated Mg3Ca3(PO4)4 phosphors were synthesized by solid-state reaction. The phase and luminescence properties of the as-prepared samples were characterized by ...  相似文献   

Sol-gel method was utilized to synthesize two different series of red silicate phosphors:MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 powder samples doped with Mn2 , conducted the investigation of red long-lasting phosphor: MgSiO3:Eu2 , Dy3 , Mn2 . TGA curves of the gel precursor for two series depicted that the loss of residual organic groups and NO3 groups occurs below 450 ℃. According to the XRD patterns, the major diffraction peaks of the MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 series are consistent with a proto-enstatite structure (JCPDS No.11-0273) and a forsterite structure (JCPDS No.85-1364) respectively. With the excitation at 415 nm, the red emission band of Mn2 ions is peaked at 661 nm for MgSiO3:1%(atom fraction) Mn2 or 644 nm for Mg2SiO4:1%(atom fraction) Mn2 . Compared with Mg2SiO4:Mn2 samples, MgSiO3:Mn2 samples exhibit higher luminescence intensity and higher quenching concentration. In addition, the two series co-doped with Eu2 , Dy3 , Mn2 were also prepared. Photo-luminescence and afterglow properties of the two co-doped series were analyzed, which show that MgSiO3:Eu2 , Dy3 , Mn2 is more suitable for a red long-lasting phosphor.  相似文献   

Green-emitting Sr2LiSiO4F:Eu2+ and blue-emitting Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphors were synthesized by the conventional high temperature solid-state route,respectively.Their structures and photoluminescenee properties were comparatively investigated.It was found that the mixture phases of Sr2MgSi2O7 and SrF2 were obtained when a part of Sr2+ in Sr2LiSiO4F was replaced by some amount of Mg2+ in order to design the possible SrMgLiSiO4F:Eu2+ phosphor.Based on the photoluminescence analysis,Sr2LiSiO4F:Eu2+ phosphor exhibited a green broad emission band of main peak at 513 nm under the excitation of 365 nm,while the Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ and SrMgLiSiO4F:Eu2+ phosphor showed blue emission centered at 467 nm.The temperature dependent photoluminescence properties and room temperature decay time for the three kinds of phosphors were also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The (Ba1-xSrx)2SiO4∶Eu2 green-emitting phosphors were synthesized by conventional solid-state reaction in a CO-reductive atmosphere, and their luminescent properties were investigated. The XRD data show that the Ba/Sr ratio not only affects the lattice parameters, but also influences the emission peak. The excitation spectra indicate that this phosphor can be effectively excited by UV light from 370 to 470 nm. The emission band is due to the 4f65d1→4f7 transition of the Eu2 ion. With an increase in x, the emission band shifts to longer wavelength and the reason was discussed. The emission spectra exhibit a satisfactory green performance under different excitation wavelength(380, 398, 412, 420, 460 nm). (Ba1-xSrx)2SiO4∶Eu2 is a promising phosphor for green white-lighting-emission diode by ultraviolet chip.  相似文献   

Novel red-emitting Eu3+, Sm3+ singly doped and co-doped Ca14Mg2(SiO4)8 phosphors were prepared by conventional solid- state reaction. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns were employed to confirm phase pu...  相似文献   

Animportantclassoffluorescentlampandplasmadisplayphosphorsisbasedoncom poundsofthealkaliearth rareearthaluminatesystemsbecauseoftheirhighluminescenteffi ciencyandstabilityunderultravioletandvacu umultravioletlightexcitation[1] .Especially ,alkalineearthhe…  相似文献   

A series of phosphor of MO-RE2 O3-B2 O3: Eu, Mn ( M = Mg, Ca, Sr; RE = Y, La, Gd) were prepared and studied.Excitation spectra exhibited high absorption in UV region (370 ~ 400 nm).There existed two valence states for europium ions Eu2 and Eu 3 , the broad emission band peaking at 515 nm correspond to the 5d-4f emission transition of Eu2 , the sharp emission peaking at 590 and 610 nm correspond to the 5D0→7FJ(J = 1,2,3,4) emission transition of Eu 3 By the introduction of Mg and Y into MO-RE2O3-B2O3: Eu, blue-green emission was restrained ultimately and red emission peaking at 610 nm was enhanced strongly, intensity and colorimetric purity of red light were both enhanced.Furthermore, Mg1-xSrxO-Y2O3-B2O3: Eu was also researched, the introduction of Sr into MgO-Y2O3-B2O3:Eu gives rise to a shift to longer wavelengths of the position of the excitation peak, and the emission spectra varies with the increasing of x simultaneously.  相似文献   

Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2∶ A(A=Pb2 , Tm3 )phosphors were prepared through the sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and photoluminescence spectra were used to characterize the resulting phosphors. The results of XRD indicate that the phosphors crystallized completely at 1000 ℃. SEM study reveals that the average grain size is 300~1000 nm. In Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2∶ Tm3 phosphors, the Tm3 shows its characteristic blue emission at 456 nm(1D2-3F4)upon excitation into its 3H6 - 1D2(361 nm), with an optimum doping concentration of 1mol% of Gd3 in the host lattices. In Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2∶ Pb2 , Tm3 phosphors, excitation into the Pb2 at 266 nm(1S0-3P1)yields the emissions of Gd3 at 311 nm(6P-8S)and Tm3 at 367 nm(1D2 -3H6)and 456 nm(1D2-3F4), indicating that energy transfer processes of Pb2 - Gd3 and Pb2 - Tm3 have occurred in the host lattices.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a single-host white-light phosphor, a series of KCaPO4 powder samples tri-doped with Eu2+, Tb3+ and Mn2+ were synthesized via high-temperature solid-state reaction method. Their stru...  相似文献   

Ca2RE8(SiO4)6O2 (RE=Y, Gd, La) is a kind of ternary rare-earth-metal silicate with the oxyapatite structure, which was used as host materials for the luminescence of various rare earth and mercury-like ions. Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2:Er3 phosphors were prepared through the sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and photoluminescence spectra were used to characterize the resulting phosphors. The results of XRD indicate that the phosphors crystallized completely at 1000 ℃. SEM study reveals that the average grain size is 400~1000 nm. In Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2:Er3 phosphors, the Er3 shows its characteristic green emission at 528 nm (2H11/2-4I15/2) and 548 nm(4S3/2-4I15/2) upon excitation into 382 nm, with an optimum doping concentration of 5% (mole fraction) of Gd3 in the host lattices.  相似文献   

Longafterglowphosphorabsorbingenergyfromsolar,lampandotherlightsourcesforashorttimestorestheenergyandexhibitsbrightandlong lastingphosphorescencewhichsuitsthevisualperceptionofthehumaneyewithminimumbrightness 0 32mcd·m- 2 andlastingtimemorethan 8h) .TheSrAl2 O4 ∶Eu2 +,Dy3+phosphorhasbeenknowntobeagreenlongafterglowphosphorwithanemissionpeakat 5 2 0nm[1~ 7] .ThepropertiesofthephosphorwerefurtherexaminedbythegroupofTangMingdaoandMatsuzawaTindetailin 1995and 1996respectively[1,2 ] .Inorde…  相似文献   

(Y, Gd)Al3(BO3)4∶Eu3 samples were prepared by the conventional solid state reaction. The XRD results indicate that the crystal symmetry is low. The excitation spectrum is composed of two broad bands centered at about 170 and 250 nm respectively. In the emission spectra, the peak wavelength is about 616 nm under 147 nm VUV excitation. The luminescent chromaticity coordinate and the relative intensity change along with Gd3 mole concentration in the range of 0.15 to 0.85 mol(and Eu3 mole concentration, 0.02 to 0.1 mol). The correlative data show that the concentration quenching occurs when the Eu3 mole concentration ranges from 0.02 to 0.1 mol, and the Gd3 →Gd3 , Gd3 →Eu3 and host→Eu3 , Gd3 energy transfers exist, and Gd3 mole concentration influences Eu3 emission.  相似文献   

Gd2 O3∶Eu3+ isanefficientredemittinglumines centmaterial ,whichcanbeappliedindisplays[1,2 ] .TheconventionalcommercialGd2 O3∶Eu3+ ismainlysynthesizedbyhightemperaturesolid statereactionandchemicalco precipitationmethods .Anadvancedperformanceofdisplaysrequireshighqualityphospho rssuchashighbrightnessandefficiency ,monodisper sityandfinegrainsize .Muchresearchhasanticipatedthatsubmicrometer sizedandnanometerluminescentmaterialswillhavethesepotentialadvantages[3~ 8] ,sosubmicrometer sizedan…  相似文献   

The luminescent properties of Eu3 doped Ca2SiO4 red phosphors synthesized by the flux fusion reaction method were investigated. It was found that the excitation spectrum included two regions: the weak excitation band below 325 nm and strong narrow peaks above 325 nm. The main peak of the excitation band was located at 400 nm. The peaks located at 290 nm were assigned to the combination of the charge transfer transition of O-Eu, peaks above 325 nm (325, 385, 400, 470, 511, and 539 nm) were assigned to the f–f transitions of Eu3 . The emission spectrum was dominated by the red peak located at 612 nm due to the electric dipole transition of 5D0–7F2. In addition, the ef- fects of the Eu3 content and charge compensators of Li , Na , K , and Cl– ions on the emission intensity were investigated. The experiment results suggested that the strongest emission was obtained when the concentration of the Eu3 ions was 0.3 mol–1, and Li ions gave the best improvement to enhance the emission intensity. Ca2SiO4:Eu3 , Li was thus suitable for low-cost trichromatic white light emitting diodes (WLED) based on UV InGaN chip.  相似文献   

Europium doped MBrCl (M=Ca, Sr, and Ba) phosphors were prepared by solid state reaction in reductive atmosphere. Photolu-minescence (PL), photostimulated luminescence (PSL) after X-ray irradiation and optical absorption studies of MBrCl:Eu2+ (M=Ca, Sr, and Ba) revealed that: (1) blue light emission, under the excitation of 300 nm, was observed in all these phosphors; (2) the shape of the emission spectra in CaBrCl:Eu2+ could be changed by varying the bromine/chlorine ratio during synthesis, while that in SrBrCl:Eu2+ and BaBrCl:Eu2+ showed no change; and (3) PSL was observed in SrBrCl:Eu2+ and BaBrCI:Eu2+ after X-ray irradiation. Difference absorption spectrum (DAS) in SrBrCl:Eu2+ showed two broad bands centered at about 470 and 570 nm, and DAS in BaBrCI:Eu2+ showed two bands at about 550 and 675 nm, respectively. This enabled the use of He-Ne laser (633 nm) or even semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LED) instead of gas lasers for photostimulation.  相似文献   

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