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以不规则的钨粉为原材料,采用射频等离子体球化技术制备了球形钨粉,重点研究了选区激光熔化制造纯钨零件,系统研究了工艺参数(激光功率、扫描速度)对制备的纯钨样品致密化、显微组织、显微硬度和压缩性能的影响,从而反馈指导钨粉球化工艺参数的优化。结果表明:球化后钨粉形状规则且球化率高于98%,钨粉的振实密度和松装密度增大,流动性增强。同时球化后的钨粉具有良好的选区激光熔化适用性,打印样品件的致密度在84%-95.6%之间。研究发现,随 激光功率的增大,打印件的致密度、显微硬度和抗压强度呈先上升后下降的趋势,裂纹和孔洞减少。随着扫描速度的增大,打印件的致密度和硬度降低,裂纹增多。因此探究合适的打印参数对钨粉的选区激光熔化成形有着重要意义。  相似文献   

本文采用射频等离子体球化法制备的球形钽粉进行选区激光熔化(SLM)成形致密化研究。通过工艺参数优化,在扫描速度为650 mm/s和激光能量为240 W条件下,获得了完全致密的钽样件。由于原始粉末具有较高的流动性,激光成形钽样件表现出较好的成形性能和表面质量。微观组织表征结果显示,样件顶面和侧面分别呈现等轴晶和柱状晶。EBSD结果表明,在制造方向呈现<111>择优取向。最高显微硬度和抗拉强度分别达到296.2 Hv和697 MPa,致密样件的延伸率也显著提高到28.5%。  相似文献   

球化现象是选区激光熔化(SLM)成形中的常见缺陷,是影响零件致密度及力学性能的关键因素之一。目前,国内外对SLM成形方面还处于初步阶段,对SLM成形中球化的成形理论、成形过程及控制方法研究还不够深入。本文从金属液与固体表面的润湿性问题和SLM成形中液滴飞溅两个方面阐述了球化的成形理论;从激光熔化金属粉末是否穿透粉层的角度分析了球化的成形过程;从氧含量和金属粉末熔化量等方面提出了球化的控制方法。  相似文献   

陈艳  王飞  孙靖  陈裕梁  张骏 《电焊机》2021,51(5):82-87
通过一系列实验探究难熔金属钽的激光选区熔化(Selective?Laser?Melting,SLM)成形工艺,分别选取不同激光功率、扫描速度和扫描间距,进行了单道实验、单层实验以及块体实验.结果表明,SLM成形钽最优工艺参数为激光功率300?W,扫描速度50?mm/s.针对SLM过程中钽层出现不同程度的开裂现象,从热传...  相似文献   

以不规则状钠还原钽粉为原料,采用射频等离子体球化技术制备高纯致密球形钽粉,实现了还原钽粉的球化、致密化和纯化。研究了送粉速率、载气流量、反应室压力等工艺参数对钽粉球化率及粉体特性的影响,并探索了球化钽粉的选区激光熔化成形适用性。结果表明:不规则状钠还原钽粉,经射频等离子体球化处理后可得到表面光滑、内部致密、高纯低氧、球化率可达100%的球形钽粉。球化处理后,钽粉粒度分布变窄。钽粉的球化率随送粉速率的增大而降低,随载气流量的增加先升高后降低。弱负压更有利于获得较高球化率的钽粉。随着球化率的提高,钽粉的流动性能显著改善,松装密度与振实密度明显提高。当送粉速率为30 g/min,载气流量为5.0 L/min,反应室压力为82.7 kPa时,球形钽粉霍尔流速提高到5.98 s/50g,与不规则形钠还原钽粉相比,松装密度由3.503 g/cm~3提高到9.463 g/cm~3,振实密度由5.344g/cm~3提高到10.433g/cm~3,且氧含量由0.076%降低至0.0481%。另外,射频等离子体球化钽粉具有良好的选区激光熔化成形适用性,其试样致密度ρ≥99.5%,抗拉强度σ_b=693 MPa,屈服强度σ_(0.2)=616 MPa,延伸率δ=28.5%。  相似文献   

研究了单、双层扫描策略和能量密度(246~640 J/mm3)对选区激光熔化钽显微组织及力学性能的影响。采用扫描电子显微镜和电子背散射衍射对选区激光熔化钽的显微组织进行表征,并对其显微硬度和拉伸性能进行检测。结果表明,选区激光熔化钽显微组织由明显向上生长的柱状晶构成,双层扫描后的钽具有更细的晶粒尺寸。随着输入能量密度的提高,选区激光熔化钽的强度、显微硬度和塑性均具有明显的上升趋势。此外,双层扫描工艺可进一步提高材料密度,且在保留强度的基础上,增强材料塑性。在能量密度为640 J/mm3(双层扫描)时,金属钽性能最优,显微硬度、极限抗拉伸强度及延伸率分别为2307 MPa,527 MPa和11.4%。  相似文献   

采用激光选区熔化技术成形Cu-Al-Mn-La合金,成形过程中合金粉末逐层叠加并经历快速熔化凝固的过程,使得合金的组织与铸造中不同,性能得到了改善。通过对微观组织分析,试样在熔敷道中心至边界依次分布着细晶区、过渡区和等轴晶区,同时存在马氏体结构;物相分析可知试样中含有β1母相和马氏体相,纳米压痕分析显示试样的纳米硬度为(4.33±0.17)GPa,杨氏模量为(122±8)GPa。  相似文献   

为有效推进选区激光熔化成形技术的推广与应用,在功能需求分析基础上,结合.NET C#和FreeCAD平台,提出一种选区激光熔化成形控制系统软件设计。该系统以开源几何模型软件Free CAD+Visual Studio.NET(C#)2010为平台,设计了标准的CAD几何对象管理数据结构,具有CAD/CAM三维零件实体模型数据处理模块和良好的人机交互功能模块。股骨假体零件的加工试验结果表明,所提出的选区激光熔化成形控制系统运行良好,具有较好的成形工艺精度。  相似文献   

采用粉末床电子束选区熔化技术制备了高密度(99.93%)且无明显缺陷的块状钽样品,并对其微观结构、力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,沉积态的钽金属具有平行于生长方向的柱状晶结构。由于成形过程中的高冷却速率,在块状样品中观察到(001)织构和大量的小角度晶界。由于间隙元素氧和氮的固溶强化,电子束选区熔化成形的钽试样表现出了优异的室温屈服强度(613.55±2.57 MPa)和延伸率(30.55%±4.23%)。  相似文献   

选区激光熔化(Selective laser melting, SLM)具有高温度梯度、高冷却速度的工艺特点,成形涉及复杂的理化过程,对于组分比较复杂的高温合金,开裂是普遍存在的现象,已成为制约SLM成形高温合金工业应用的瓶颈问题。本文对SLM成形高温合金的裂纹类型、影响因素及控制方法等进行了综述,分析了当前研究存在的问题,对后续的研究热点进行了展望。以期对SLM成形高温合金开裂机理、裂纹消除的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

粉末形貌对选区激光熔化316L不锈钢力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以气雾化316L不锈钢粉为原料,结合等离子球化和选区激光熔化技术制备了不锈钢块体,并用XRD、SEM、激光粒度仪、振实密度仪和万能力学试验机等对等离子球化粉体和选区激光不锈钢块的组织结构和性能进行了表征.结果表明:316L不锈钢粉经等离子球化处理后,不规则扁平状颗粒数量减少,球形颗粒数量增加,振实密度与松装密度的比值(...  相似文献   

采用直流电弧热等离子体对不规则TA1粉末进行球化处理。利用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、粒度粒形分析仪、霍尔流速计、斯科特容量计及氧氮分析仪等分析测试手段,研究球化工艺对粉末组织形貌、粒度分布、球形度、流动性、松装密度及氧含量的影响。结果表明,球化处理可将不规则形状TA1粉末球化为表面附着亚微米颗粒的实心球形;球形粉末内部组织由等轴状α相转变为长条状α相。球化处理使TA1粉末平均粒径和氧含量降低,球形度升高。原料粉末粒度越小、等离子体发生器功率越高,球化后粉末平均粒径越小,球形度越高;但会导致球化后粉末中亚微米颗粒含量增加、粉末流动性变差、松装密度降低;去除亚微米颗粒可以提高粉末流动性,并进一步降低氧含量。  相似文献   

In order to produce metallic parts directly from powder material using CAD data, the selective laser melting (SLM) process has been developed. From a series of material tests, nickel-based alloy, Fe alloy and pure titanium powders are found to be feasible for fabrication of metallic models by SLM. Finite element simulation shows stress distribution within the solid single layer formed on the powder bed during forming and some methods for avoiding defects in the products are suggested. The die for metal forming from the nickel-based alloy and the pure titanium models of bone and dental crown are demonstrated. The density of the model made by SLM is higher than 90% of the solid model. The mechanical properties of the formed model can be improved to those of the solid by post-processing.  相似文献   

A 3D mesoscopic model is developed to simulate selective laser melting processes using the ALE3D multi-physics code. We study the laser-induced melting of a random bed of stainless steel 316 particles on a solid substrate (1000 μm × 300 μm × 50 μm) and its solidification into either a continuous track or a discontinuous track as a result of Plateau–Rayleigh instability. Our approach couples thermal diffusion to hydrodynamics and accounts for temperature dependent material properties and surface tension, as well as the random particle distribution. The simulations give new physical insight that should prove useful for development of continuum models, where the powder is homogenized. We validate our approach against the experiment and find that we match the main laser track characteristics.  相似文献   

Selective laser melting (SLM) manufactures components through the overlapping of multi-track and multi-layer molten pools of metal powders, resulting in two types of molten pool boundaries (MPBs), “layer–layer” and “track–track” MPBs, remaining in SLM parts. The microstructure of MPBs exhibits a complex and regular spatial topological structure. There is a coarse grain zone below the MPBs and nonmetallic elements (C, O, Si) near the MPBs are in an unstable state. Long and thin columnar grains with the same orientations distribute on two sides of the “layer–layer” MPBs, whereas the columnar grains on both sides of “track–track” MPBs have different orientations. The “track–track” MPBs are short and intersect with “layer–layer” MPBs at some points and form acute angles, where cracks are initiated when applied with external loads. The effect of the MPBs on microscopic slipping, macroscopic ductility and fracture mechanism of the SLM parts made along different directions, which were exerted a tensile loading in the as-built condition without heat treatment, was analyzed and evaluated using slip theory and experiments. The results reveal that the MPBs have a significant impact on the microscopic slipping at the loading, macroscopic plastic behavior and fracture mode, and are one of the main reasons for the obvious anisotropy and low ductility of SLM parts.  相似文献   

采用选区激光熔化成形技术制备了两种钛合金体心立方多孔结构(BCC和BCC-Z)制件,验证了其成形复杂孔制件的可行性;进行了静态压缩试验,结果表明制件沿近45°方向断裂;压缩试验应力应变曲线表明多孔件使材料抗拉强度大大减小,且随着边径比和孔隙率的增大,峰值应力减小。同时,在边径比和孔隙率相差不大的情况下,BCC-Z结构承受载荷的能力明显高于BCC结构;通过有限元模拟分析了BCC制件在压缩过程中的应力分布情况,针对单元体节点处的应力集中现象,提出了节点加固方法。同时预测了多孔制件的弹性模量和屈服强度,模拟与试验结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

Porous structures are widely used in medical implant, aerospace and other light-weight manufacturing fields. The research on processability and fabricating process are of great importance to laser addictive manufacturing of porous structure, therefore formulating several rules for SLM fabrication of porous structure is necessary. This article had studied the designing rules and the key points to fabricate the porous structure precisely based on selective laser melting (SLM). In order to obtain the fabricating effect of the pre-designed porous structure, besides optimizing fabricating process, there are still a few problems to be solved gradually, including the critical inclined angle, the fabricating resolution, powder adhesion, designing unit cell and porous structure that fit for SLM process. Through the experiments of fabricating overhanging structures with different inclined angles, the critical inclined angle for designing the porous structure was got. Through designing the thin walls and cylinders with different geometrical dimensions, the SLM fabricating resolution is obtained. Then, based on the critical inclined angle and the geometrical resolution, the octahedral unit cell structure and corresponding design rules that fitted for SLM process were proposed. At last, the experiment of fabricating porous structure was conducted and the pore's sizes were also measured. The results proved that the porous structure can be well fabricated by SLM. This study provides theoretical basis for designing and manufacturing of controllable porous structure based on SLM technique.  相似文献   

通过射频等离子体球化处理工艺,以不规则形状钨粉为原料,制备了球形钨粉,并研究了加料速率和粉末粒度对粉末球化率的影响。采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射和激光粒度分析仪对球化处理前后粉末的形貌、物相和粒度分布进行了测试和分析。结果表明:粒度在5.5~26.5 μm范围的不规则形状钨粉,经等离子球化处理后得到表面光滑、分散性好、球化率可达100%的球形钨粉。球化处理后,粉末的粒度略微增大。随加料速率的增加,钨粉的球化率降低。随着钨粉球化率的提高,粉末的松装密度和流动性得到显著改善。松装密度由6.80 g/cm3 提高到11.5 g/cm3,粉末流动性由14.12 s/50 g提高为6.95 s/50 g  相似文献   

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