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To reduce the number of radio frequency (RF) chains in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, generalized spatial modulation (GSM) techniques have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a zero‐forcing (ZF)‐based detector, which performs an initial pruning of the search tree that will be considered as the initial condition in a sphere decoding (SD) algorithm. The proposed method significantly reduces the computational complexity of GSM systems while achieving a near maximum likelihood (ML) performance. We analyze the performance of the proposed method and provide an analytic performance difference between the proposed method and the ML detector. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed method is very close to that of the ML detector, while achieving a significant computational complexity reduction in comparison with the conventional SD method, in terms of the number of visited nodes. We also present some simulations to assess the accuracy of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

Cross‐layer design is a generic designation for a set of efficient adaptive transmission schemes, across multiple layers of the protocol stack, that are aimed at enhancing the spectral efficiency and increasing the transmission reliability of wireless communication systems. In this paper, one such cross‐layer design scheme that combines physical layer adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) with link layer truncated automatic repeat request (T‐ARQ) is proposed for multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems employing orthogonal space‐‐time block coding (OSTBC). The performance of the proposed cross‐layer design is evaluated in terms of achievable average spectral efficiency (ASE), average packet loss rate (PLR) and outage probability, for which analytical expressions are derived, considering transmission over two types of MIMO fading channels, namely, spatially correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels and keyhole Nakagami‐m fading channels. Furthermore, the effects of the maximum number of ARQ retransmissions, numbers of transmit and receive antennas, Nakagami fading parameter and spatial correlation parameters, are studied and discussed based on numerical results and comparisons. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For wireless multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) communications systems, both channel estimation error and spatial channel correlation should be considered when designing an effective signal detection system. In this paper, we propose a new soft‐output MMSE based Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space‐Time (V‐BLAST) receiver for spatially‐correlated Rician fading MIMO channels. In this novel receiver, not only the channel estimation errors and channel correlation but also the residual interference cancellation errors are taken into consideration in the computation of the MMSE filter and the log‐likelihood ratio (LLR) of each coded bit. More importantly, our proposed receiver generalizes all existing soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receivers, in the sense that, previously proposed soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receivers can be derived as the reduced forms of our receiver when the above three considered factors are partially or fully simplified. Simulation results show that the proposed soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receiver outperforms the existing receivers with a considerable gain in terms of bit‐error‐rate (BER) performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial modulation (SM) is a simple and spectral efficient modulation technique that has received much interest recently. In this paper, an adaptive SM (ASM) scheme is presented by combining adaptive modulation with conventional SM. The performance of ASM is analyzed in spatially correlated Rayleigh fading channels. In order to reduce the computational complexity of average bit error rate (BER), an approximate expression of error probability of the antenna index estimation, which contributes one of two components of the average BER, is derived by using the fitting method and matches well with simulation results in the SNR range of interest. With the above results, the closed-form spectrum efficiency (SE) and overall average BER are obtained, respectively. Besides, the optimized switching thresholds for maximizing SE under an average BER constraint are achieved by means of the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions, and the resultant SE performance can be improved greatly when compared to the ASM system with fixed thresholds. Simulations indicate that the theoretical SE and BER are effective and agree well with the corresponding simulations. Moreover, the SE and BER performance of ASM under spatially correlated channel are poorer than those under spatially independent channel because of the influence of spatial correlation.  相似文献   

The existing analytical average bit error rate (ABER) expression of conventional generalised spatial modulation (CGSM) does not agree well with the Monte Carlo simulation results in the low signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) region. Hence, the first contribution of this paper is to derive a new and easy way to evaluate analytical ABER expression that improves the validation of the simulation results at low SNRs. Secondly, a novel system termed CGSM with enhanced spectral efficiency (CGSM‐ESE) is presented. This system is realised by applying a rotation angle to one of the two active transmit antennas. As a result, the overall spectral efficiency is increased by 1 bit/s/Hz when compared with the equivalent CGSM system. In order to validate the simulation results of CGSM‐ESE, the third contribution is to derive an analytical ABER expression. Finally, to improve the ABER performance of CGSM‐ESE, three link adaptation algorithms are developed. By assuming full knowledge of the channel at the receiver, the proposed algorithms select a subset of channel gain vector (CGV) pairs based on the Euclidean distance between all CGV pairs, CGV splitting, CGV amplitudes, or a combination of these.  相似文献   

On the basis of a mixture of the selection combining and switch‐and‐stay combining schemes, the enhanced switch combining (ESC) scheme is proposed for antenna diversity over multiple correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels, where a switch window with upper and lower switch thresholds are used. Compared with the existing select‐and‐stay combining or switch with post‐examining, the ESC scheme reduces simultaneous multiantenna observations and hence saves processing time and energy from multibranch observations, while achieving matched receiver performance. Thus, ESC also has better performance than switch‐and‐examine combining (SEC). To assess the reduction of simultaneous observations, a dual‐observation rate is defined. Moreover, the ESC unifies some well‐known switch‐based combining schemes (for example selection combining, switch‐and‐stay combining, or SEC) in the sense that, by adjusting switch thresholds, these combining schemes become different special cases of ESC. The CDF, PDF, and moment generating function of the combined signal‐to‐noise ratio for ESC are derived for general fading channels. Then, the outage probability and the average BER of different binary modulations over correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels are evaluated. Numerical results from analysis and simulation are presented to demonstrate ESC performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a spatial modulation (SM) scheme referred to as complex quadrature SM (CQSM). In contrast to quadrature SM (QSM), CQSM transmits two complex signal constellation symbols on the real and quadrature spatial dimensions at each channel use, increasing the spectral efficiency. To achieve that, signal symbols transmitted at any given time instant are drawn from two different modulation sets. The first modulation set is any of the conventional QAM/PSK alphabets, while the second is a rotated version of it. The optimal rotation angle is obtained through simulations for several modulation schemes and analytically proven for the case of QPSK, where both results coincide. Simulation results showed that CQSM outperformed QSM and generalized SM by approximately 5 dB and 4.5 dB, respectively, for the same transmission rate. Its performance was similar to that of QSM; however, it achieved higher transmission rates. It was additionally shown numerically and analytically that CQSM outperformed QSM for a relatively large number of transmit antennas.  相似文献   

Cooperative spatial multiplexing (CSM) system has played an important role in wireless networks by offering a substantial improvement in multiplexing gain compared with its cooperative diversity counterpart. However, there is a limited number of research works that consider the performance of CSM systems. As such, in this paper, we have derived exact performance of CSM with amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relays in terms of outage capacity and ergodic capacity. We have shown that CSM systems yield a unity diversity order regardless of the number of antennas at the destination and the number of relays in the networks, which is the direct result of diversity and multiplexing gain trade‐off. Our analytical expressions are corroborated by Monte‐Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a high data rate bidirectional relay network is proposed by combining the merits of spatial modulation (SM) and physical layer network coding. All nodes in the network are equipped with multiple antennas. Spatial modulation technique is used to reduce hardware complexity and interchannel interference by activating only one antenna at any time during transmission. In the proposed bidirectional relay network, transmit antennas are selected at the source nodes and relay node on the basis of the order statistics of channel power. It increases received signal power and provides a significant improvement in the outage performance. Also, the data rate of the proposed network is improved by physical layer network coding at the relay node. A closed form analytical expression for the outage probability of the network over Nakagami‐m fading channel is derived and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, asymptotic analysis is investigated at high signal‐to‐noise ratio region.The outage performance of the proposed network is compared with SM and physical layer network coding bidirectional relay network without transmit antenna selection and point‐to‐point SM. With approximate SNR≈1 dB difference between the two networks, the same data rate is achieved.  相似文献   

Mobile‐to‐mobile (M‐to‐M) communications are expected to play a crucial role in future wireless systems and networks. In this paper, we consider M‐to‐M multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) maximal ratio combining system and assess its performance in spatially correlated channels. The analysis assumes double‐correlated Rayleigh‐and‐Lognormal fading channels and is performed in terms of average symbol error probability, outage probability, and ergodic capacity. To obtain the receive and transmit spatial correlation functions needed for the performance analysis, we used a three‐dimensional (3D) M‐to‐M MIMO channel model, which takes into account the effects of fast fading and shadowing. The expressions for the considered metrics are derived as a function of the average signal‐to‐noise ratio per receive antenna in closed‐form and are further approximated using the recursive adaptive Simpson quadrature method. Numerical results are provided to show the effects of system parameters, such as distance between antenna elements, maximum elevation angle of scatterers, orientation angle of antenna array in the xy plane, angle between the xy plane and the antenna array orientation, and degree of scattering in the xy plane, on the system performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of space time‐turbo trellis coded modulation (ST‐TTCM) is evaluated over Rician and Rayleigh fading channels with imperfect phase. We modify Baum–Welch (BW) algorithm to estimate the fading and phase jitter parameters for multi‐antenna configurations. Thus, we assume that the channel parameters change slower than carrier frequency. We know that, at high data rate transmissions over wireless fading channels, space–time block codes (STBC) provide the maximal possible diversity advantage. Here, the combined effects of the amplitude and the phase of the received signal are considered, each one modelled by Rician and Tikhonov distributions, respectively. We investigate space time‐turbo trellis coded modulation (ST‐TTCM) for 8‐PSK for several Rician factor K and phase distortion factor η. Thus, our results reflect the degradations both due to the effects of the fading on the amplitude and phase noise of the received signal while the channel parameters are estimated by BW algorithm. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dual‐branch selection‐and‐stay combining (SSTC) is analyzed for diversity reception on independent and correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels, where the conventional selection combining (SC) is employed only at the switching instance, and the receiver uses the selected branch till its signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) estimation is lower than a preset threshold. In this combining scheme, the receiver only needs to continuously estimate the SNR of the single selected branch. For the performance analysis of SSTC, the switching rate and the average bit error rates (BERs) of different binary coherent and non‐coherent modulations are evaluated. Numerical results based on the analysis and simulations are illustrated. According to the analysis and numerical results, the SSTC outperforms the existing switch‐and‐stay combining in the senses of the average BER and switching rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) and long term evolution (LTE)/LTE‐advanced specifications have been proposed to offer high data rate for the forwarding link under high‐mobility wireless communications. The keys include supporting multi‐modes of various coding schemes (e.g., VSF‐OFCDM, OFDM, OFDMA), multiple‐input multiple‐output, relay networks, and so on. To balance loads among different communication interfaces is one of the most important issues that should be addressed for achieving efficient radio resource allocations. In a shared packet service, the 3GPP UMTS adopts the VSF‐OFCDM interface to allocate orthogonal codes of an OVSF code tree in two‐dimension (2D) spreading at the time and frequency domains. However, it easily leads to high packet loss rate and high bandwidth waste rate, because it does not consider interference and the adaptive modulation and coding scheme simultaneously. Conversely, although the LTE/LTE‐advanced interface offers a high data rate, it suffers from unbalanced loads and moderate reward. This paper thus proposes an adaptive radio resource allocation for balancing loads between the UMTS and LTE/LTE‐advanced interfaces according to various interference and mobility environments. In addition, an adaptive multi‐code allocation is proposed for the UMTS to minimize the bandwidth waste rate while guaranteeing quality of service. Numerical results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms other approaches in fractional reward loss and system utilization. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the detailed design and the key system performance results of a comprehensive laboratory demonstrator for a broadband Ka‐band multi‐beam satellite system exploiting the new DVB‐S2 standard with adaptive coding and modulation (ACM). This complete demonstrator allows in‐depth verification and optimization of the ACM techniques applied to large satellite broadband networks, as well as complementing and confirming the more theoretical or simulation‐based findings published so far. It is demonstrated that few ACM configurations (in terms of modulation and coding) are able to efficiently cope with a typical Ka‐band multi‐beam satellite system with negligible capacity loss. It is also demonstrated that the exploitation of ACM thresholds with hysteresis represents the most reliable way to adapt the physical layer configuration to the spatial and time variability of the channel conditions while avoiding too many physical layer configuration changes. Simple ACM adaptation techniques, readily implementable over large‐scale networks, are shown to perform very well, fulfilling the target packet‐error rate requirements even in the presence of deep fading conditions. The impact of carrier phase noise and satellite nonlinearity has also been measured. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Visible light communication (VLC) is the branch of optical wireless communications that uses light‐emitting diodes for the dual purpose of illumination and very‐high‐speed data communication. The main motivation behind the current work is finding alternatives to the saturated radio frequency spectrum, radio frequency security issue, and vulnerability to interferences. The current work is aimed at developing a module for the physical layer of a VLC‐based ad hoc network in network simulation 3. The VLC physical layer module is developed by using the optical signal modules available in the network simulator. The work also includes modelling of VLC‐based transmitter, wireless optical channel, and the optical receiver. Furthermore, the implementation and evaluation of the VLC‐based physical layer is carried out over a typical ad hoc network under different performance metrics. The designed ad hoc network is also tested under Wi‐Fi module followed by its comparison with corresponding ad hoc network under VLC module. The comparison is based on bit error rate curves, system throughput, and gain in received signal‐to‐noise ratio mainly. Finally, the suitability of different modulation schemes is also investigated in the current work for both Wi‐Fi– and VLC‐based ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

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