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Yue‐Shan Chang Chih‐Tien Fan Ruey‐Kai Sheu Syuan‐Ru Jhu Shyan‐Ming Yuan 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2018,31(1)
With the advances of cloud computing, business and scientific‐oriented jobs with certain workflows are increasingly migrated to and run on a variety of cloud environments. These jobs are often with the property of deadline constraint and have to be completed within limited time. Therefore, to schedule a job with workflow (short for workflow) with deadline constraint is increasingly becoming a crucial research issue. In this paper, we, based on previous work, propose an agent‐based workflow scheduling mechanism to schedule workflows that are with deadline constraint into federated cloud environment.Design and Methods
We add a workflow agent into the original framework to schedule the deadline‐constraint workflow. The workflow agent can smoothly schedule workflows to the cloud system according to their required resource and automatically monitor their execution. In order to accurately predict the execution time of each task to meet deadline constraint on certain VM with given resource, we inherit the use of rough set theory to estimate execution time of task in our previous work.Result and Discussion
A heuristic algorithm that is embedded into the workflow agent is also proposed because the problem had been shown to be NP‐complete. The mechanism also adopts dynamic job dispatching method to reduce the usage of VM and to improve the resource utilization. We also conducted experiments to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness.Conclusion
The experimental results show that the prediction time is very close to the real execution time and can efficiently schedule multiple scientific workflows to meet the deadline constraints simultaneously. 相似文献4.
In view of the deadline-constrained scientific workflow scheduling on multi-cloud,an adaptive discrete particle swarm optimization with genetic algorithm (ADPSOGA) was proposed,which aimed to minimize the execution cost of workflow while meeting its deadline constrains.Firstly,the data transfer cost,the shutdown and boot time of virtual machines,and the bandwidth fluctuations among different cloud providers were considered by this method.Secondly,in order to avoid the premature convergence of traditional particle swarm optimization (PSO),the randomly two-point crossover operator and randomly one-point mutation operator of the genetic algorithm (GA) was introduced.It could effectively improve the diversity of the population in the process of evolution.Finally,a cost-driven strategy for the deadline-constrained workflow was designed.It both considered the data transfer cost and the computing cost.Experimental results show that the ADPSOGA has better performance in terms of deadline and cost reducing in the fluctuant environment. 相似文献
高效的调度方法促使云计算更快更好地服务,一般采用优化算法来解决云计算中的调度问题。将布谷鸟搜索(CS)和粒子群优化(PSO)两种算法相结合,提出多目标布谷鸟粒子群优化算法(MO-CPSO),主要目的是提高云计算的服务质量。使用Cloudsim仿真工具对MO-CPSO算法的性能进行了评估。仿真结果表明,与CS、ACO和Min-Min算法相比,MO-CPSO算法使makespan、开销和截止时间违背率均最小。 相似文献
Aida Amini Motlagh Ali Movaghar Amir Masoud Rahmani 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2020,33(6)
Today, cloud computing has developed as one of the important emergent technologies in communication and Internet. It offers on demand, pay per use access to infrastructure, platforms, and applications. Due to the increase in its popularity, the huge number of requests need to be handled in an efficient manner. Task scheduling as one of the challenges in the cloud computing supports the requests for assigning a particular resource so as to perform effectively. In the resource management, task scheduling is performed where there is the dependency between tasks. Many approaches and case studies have been developed for the scheduling of these tasks. Up to now, a systematic literature review (SLR) has not been presented to discover and evaluate the task scheduling approaches in the cloud computing environment. To overcome, this paper presents an SLR‐based analysis on the task scheduling approaches that classify into (a) single cloud environments that evaluate cost‐aware, energy‐aware, multi‐objective, and QoS‐aware approaches in task scheduling; (b) multicloud environment that evaluates cost‐aware, multi‐objective, and QoS‐aware task scheduling; and (c) mobile cloud environment that is energy‐aware and QoS‐aware task scheduling. The analytical discussions are provided to show the advantages and limitations of the existing approaches. 相似文献
在Min-Min的基础上,针对所存在的缺陷,提出了一种负载均衡的改进算法.仿真实验表明,在一定条件下,改进后的算法比传统的算法有一定的提高. 相似文献
相对于传统的应用部署方式,云计算是基于互联网的一种并行处理技术,提供了一个高度可扩展和按需处理的服务。任务调度一直是云计算环境中的研究热点,在云计算环境中具有重要作用。能否合理分配任务到虚拟机资源上是重要问题之一。本文通过对任务请求的资源进行分析,对不同类型的任务进行聚类,将不同类型任务通过改进贪心调度算法合理分配到虚拟机资源上。通过Cloudsim平台模拟实验表明,该算法相对于Min-Min算法在节省能耗方面有较好的效果。 相似文献
Nan Zhang Xiaolong Yang Min Zhang Yan Sun Keping Long 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2018,31(1)
With the rapid development of cloud computing, the number of cloud users is growing exponentially. Data centers have come under great pressure, and the problem of power consumption has become increasingly prominent. However, many idle resources that are geographically distributed in the network can be used as resource providers for cloud tasks. These distributed resources may not be able to support the resource‐intensive applications alone because of their limited capacity; however, the capacity will be considerably increased if they can cooperate with each other and share resources. Therefore, in this paper, a new resource‐providing model called “crowd‐funding” is proposed. In the crowd‐funding model, idle resources can be collected to form a virtual resource pool for providing cloud services. Based on this model, a new task scheduling algorithm is proposed, RC‐GA (genetic algorithm for task scheduling based on a resource crowd‐funding model). For crowd‐funding, the resources come from different heterogeneous devices, so the resource stability should be considered different. The scheduling targets of the RC‐GA are designed to increase the stability of task execution and reduce power consumption at the same time. In addition, to reduce random errors in the evolution process, the roulette wheel selection operator of the genetic algorithm is improved. The experiment shows that the RC‐GA can achieve good results. 相似文献
一种云计算环境下任务调度策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章提出的问题是在云计算环境下任务调度策略。该策略的目标是将任务分配到计算单元上达到任务完成总时间最少和资源充分利用。基于此目标文章提出利用遗传算法对任务完成时间进行优化,并为处于空闲状态计算单元动态调整任务分配以改善资源利用率。利用CloudSim仿真平台验证该方法的有效性。 相似文献
A workflow task scheduling algorithm based on the resources' fuzzy clustering in cloud computing environment 下载免费PDF全文
Fengyu Guo Long Yu Shengwei Tian Jiong Yu 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2015,28(6):1053-1067
Cloud computing is the key and frontier field of the current domestic and international computer technology, workflow task scheduling plays an important part of cloud computing, which is a policy that maps tasks to appropriate resources to execute. Effective task scheduling is essential for obtaining high performance in cloud environment. In this paper, we present a workflow task scheduling algorithm based on the resources' fuzzy clustering named FCBWTS. The major objective of scheduling is to minimize makespan of the precedence constrained applications, which can be modeled as a directed acyclic graph. In FCBWTS, the resource characteristics of cloud computing are considered, a group of characteristics, which describe the synthetic performance of processing units in the resource system, are defined in this paper. With these characteristics and the execution time influence of the ready task in the critical path, processing unit network is pretreated by fuzzy clustering method in order to realize the reasonable partition of processor network. Therefore, it largely reduces the cost in deciding which processor to execute the current task. Comparison on performance evaluation using both the case data in the recent literature and randomly generated directed acyclic graphs shows that this algorithm has outperformed the HEFT, DLS algorithms both in makespan and scheduling time consumed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为优化IaaS服务的执行效率,提出面向IaaS的信号驱动任务调度算法,该算法根据IaaS模型的结构特征建立控制子系统和节点子系统,根据任务的结构特征建立任务的DAG(directed acyclic graph)调度模型,并建立各任务分片的状态转化机制及控制子系统和节点子系统间的信号通信机制。以系统间信号交互的方式驱动任务分片的状态改变,并在每一调度时刻来临时利用并行优化选择策略分配任务分片。由于本算法采用了模拟IaaS模型的双系统控制方式,使本算法与IaaS模型的分布式体系相兼容且复杂度较低。最后通过实验验证了所提算法的有效性和实用性。 相似文献
云计算环境下传统独立任务调度算法容易导致较高资源能耗或较大任务时间跨度.针对该问题,文中提出了两种能量感知的任务调度算法,并利用遗传算法并行化搜索合理调度方案.两种算法在搜索过程中,分别通过能耗时间归一和能耗时间双适应度方法定义适应度函数并进行个体选择.仿真结果表明,与单独考虑时间或能耗相比,这两种算法能够更有效地缩短任务执行时间跨度,降低资源能耗. 相似文献
Hadi Zavieh Amir Javadpour Arun Kumar Sangaiah 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2024,37(5):e5689
Recently, there has been a growing emphasis on reducingenergy consumption in cloud networks and achieving green computing practices toaddress environmental concerns and optimize resource utilization. In thiscontext, efficient task scheduling minimizes energy usage and enhances overallsystem performance. To tackle the challenge ofenergy-efficient task allocation, we propose a novel approach that harnessesthe power of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Our Artificial neural network Dynamic Balancing (ANNDB) method is designed toachieve green computing in cloud environments. ANNDB leverages the feed-forwardnetwork architecture and a multi-layer perceptron, effectively allocatingrequests to higher-power and higher-quality virtual machines, resulting inoptimized energy utilization. Through extensive simulations, wedemonstrate the superiority of ANNDB over existing methods, including WPEG,IRMBBC, and BEMEC, in terms of energy and power efficiency. Specifically, ourproposed ANNDB method exhibits substantial improvements of 13.81%, 8.62%, and9.74% in the Energy criterion compared to WPEG, IRMBBC, and BEMEC,respectively. Additionally, in the Power criterion, the method achievesperformance enhancements of 3.93%, 4.84%, and 4.19% over the mentioned methods.The findings from this research hold significant promise for organizations seekingto optimize their cloud computing environments while reducing energyconsumption and promoting sustainable computing practices. By adopting theANNDB approach for efficient task scheduling, businesses and institutions cancontribute to green computing efforts, reduce operational costs, and make moreenvironmentally friendly choices without compromising task allocationperformance. 相似文献
Cloud computing is a newly emerging distributed system. Task scheduling is the core research of cloud computing which studies how to allocate the tasks among the physical nodes, so that the tasks can get a balanced allocation or each task's execution cost decreases to the minimum, or the overall system performance is optimal. Unlike task scheduling based on time or cost before, aiming at the special reliability requirements in cloud computing, we propose a non‐cooperative game model for reliability‐based task scheduling approach. This model takes the steady‐state availability that computing nodes provide as the target, takes the task slicing strategy of the schedulers as the game strategy, then finds the Nash equilibrium solution. We also design a task scheduling algorithm based on this model. It can be seen from the experiments that our task scheduling algorithm is better than the so‐called balanced scheduling algorithm. 相似文献
基于粒子群算法的嵌入式云计算资源调度 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着移动互联网的发展,基于嵌入式设备的云计算服务成为研究热点。在国内,嵌入式云计算目前正处于探索研究阶段,云资源管理调度是嵌入式云计算的核心技术之一,其效率直接影响嵌入式云计算系统的性能。为了提高云计算性能,本文提出一种基于粒子群优化算法的云计算任务调度模型。粒子群算法中粒子位置代表可行的资源调度方案,以云计算任务完成时间及资源负载均衡度作为目标函数,通过粒子群优化算法,找出最优资源调度方案。在matlab实验平台进行了仿真,通过大量数据模拟实验表明,该模型可以快速找到最优调度方案,提高资源利用率,具有较好的实用性和可行性。 相似文献
对于传统蚁群算法用于云计算资源分配和调度问题过程中存在的不足,提出了一种可以提高负载均衡度、缩短任务执行时间、降低任务执行成本的改进自适应蚁群算法,改进算法以能够基于用户提交的任务求解出执行时间较短、费用较低,负载率均衡的分配方案为目标,通过CloudSim平台对传统蚁群算法、最新的AC-SFL算法、改进自适应蚁群算法进行仿真实验对比。实验数据表明,改进后的自适应蚁群算法能够快速找出最优的云计算资源调度问题的解决方案,缩短了任务完成时间,降低了执行费用,保持了整个云系统中心的负载均衡。 相似文献