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基于ECC的TES网络链路层安全协议的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
研究了TES网络物理配置和协议配置,分析了当前TES网络可能存在的安全隐患,结合民航TES网络安全的需求,提出了保障TES网络安全的措施;根据TES网络工作的特点,提出了一种基于椭圆曲线加密(ECC)的TES网络链路层安全协议.该协议给出了TES网络安全所需的软件认证、信息加密、密钥分配以及攻击检测等安全方案,并对该协议进行了安全性分析.TES网络链路层安全协议的实施将为TES网络提供鉴别非法用户、防止信息窃取和应对恶意攻击的保障能力. 相似文献
为了克服以往协议在密钥协商阶段易于受到各种攻击而导致会话密钥泄漏的缺点,提出了一种改进的基于ECC的免配对密钥协商协议,与传统的密钥协商协议相比在密钥协商阶段引入了身份验证令牌,使得窃听者无法窃取和篡改会话密钥,有效克服了以往协议容易受到攻击的弱点.分析表明,新协议与其他相关协议相比在保持较小的信息交换的前提下,使安全性有了很大的提高. 相似文献
Martínezet al. have proposed a secure RFID protocol recently which relies exclusively on the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) combined with a zero knowledge based authentication scheme. In this paper, we show that this proposed protocol is not secure against the tracking attack. To make the attack successful, the adversary needs to execute three phases. Firstly, the attacker just eavesdrops on the messages exchanged between Reader and Tag. Secondly, the attacker impersonates the Reader to replay the message which is obtained from the first phase. Finally, the adversary acts as a man in the middle to tamper the messages exchanged between Reader and Tag. Then we propose an enhancement and prove that the revision is secure against the tracking attack while keeping other security properties. 相似文献
基于ECC算法的双向认证协议研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
提出了一种应用于连接保护系统上的基于椭圆曲线密码学(ECC)算法的认证协议,并对它的安全性和效率进行了分析.分析发现,在保证安全性的前提下,这里提出的认证协议与DTCP协议相比,效率更高. 相似文献
In order to secure communications between two clients with a trusted server's help in public network environments, a three‐party authenticated key exchange (3PAKE) protocol is used to provide the transaction confidentiality and the efficiency. In 2009, Huang proposed a simple three‐party password‐based authenticated key exchange (HS‐3PAKE) protocol without any server's public key. By analysis, Huang claimed that the proposed HS‐3PAKE protocol is not only secure against various attacks, but also more efficient than previously proposed 3PAKE protocols. However, this paper demonstrates that HS‐3PAKE protocol is vulnerable to undetectable online password guessing attacks and off‐line password guessing attacks by any other user. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
To solve the issue of networking authentication among GEO and LEO satellites in double-layer satellite network,a secure and efficient authenticated key agreement scheme was proposed.Based on symmetric encryption,the proposed scheme can achieve trust establishment and secure communication between satellites without the trusted third party.Meanwhile,considering characteristics of highly unified clock and predictable satellite trajectory in satellite networks,a pre-calculation method was designed,which can effectively improve the authentication efficiency of satellite networking.Moreover,formal proof and security analysis demonstrate that the scheme can satisfy various security requirements during satellite networking.Performance analysis and simulation results show that the scheme has low computation and communication overhead,which can achieve the authentication of satellite networking in resource-limited scenarios. 相似文献
In the past decades, the demand for remote mutual authentication and key agreement (MAKA) scheme with privacy preserving grows rapidly with the rise of the right to privacy and the development of wireless networks and Internet of Things (IoT). Numerous remote MAKA schemes are proposed for various purposes, and they have different properties. In this paper, we survey 49 three‐factor–based remote MAKA schemes with privacy preserving from 2013 to 2019. None of them can simultaneously achieve security, suitability for multiserver environments, user anonymity, user untraceability, table free, public key management free, and independent authentication. Therefore, we propose an efficient three‐factor MAKA scheme, which achieves all the properties. We propose a security model of a three‐factor–based MAKA scheme with user anonymity for multiserver environments and formally prove that our scheme is secure under the elliptic curve computational Diffie‐Hellman problem assumption, decisional bilinear Diffie‐Hellman problem assumption, and hash function assumption. We compare the proposed scheme to relevant schemes to show our contribution and also show that our scheme is sufficiently efficient for low‐power portable mobile devices. 相似文献
本文描述并分析了一种适用于多信道VSAT卫星数据通信网的报文传输协议,特别是考虑了无线信道误码率对传输协议的影响,分析表明利用S-RE-ALOHA作为预订信道的多址方式及按报文占用数据信道方法可以减小报文传输延时并增加系统吞吐量。 相似文献
Dheerendra Mishra;Purva Rewal;Komal Pursharthi; 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2024,42(4):313-328
The mobile satellite communication (MSC) system is a vital communication method in which mobile users and network control centers connect via satellites. Since the satellite's communication is wireless, communication security is a critical factor to ensure accountable communication. Key exchange and authentication (KEA) mechanism is widely used to achieve data security for data transmitted in an insecure or open channel. Different authentication systems are suggested in the last many years to establish safe communication, whereas most existing security protocols are based on factorization or discrete logarithm. However, these systems are no longer reliable by Shor's algorithm as any discrete logarithm and factorization can be resolved in polynomial time on quantum computers. Thus, developing a quantum secure KEA protocol for MSC systems is necessary. In this direction, recently a ring learning with an error-based KEA technique is proposed to ensure a quantum-safe environment. This scheme is quantum-safe and satisfies desirable security attributes but has low efficiency in computation and communication. Moreover, establishing a secure session requires six communications among involved entities. As a result, replay attack detection at an early stage is not possible for the central authority (server), which could delay the server response, and the adversary gets the advantage of drawing a denial of service scenario for authorized entities. We propose a lattice-based KEA protocol for the MSC system to improve computation, communication efficiency, and early-stage replay attack detection. The security analysis of the proposed scheme is presented in the random oracle model. Calculation of performance is also presented to observe advantages in computation and communication overhead. 相似文献
本文简要分析了CDMA通信系统安全需求,在阐述椭圆曲线密码体制的优点及在无线通信中应用优势的基础上,提出了椭圆曲线密码体制在CDMA通信系统中鉴权的一种实现方案。 相似文献
Yuanyuan Zhang Jianhua Chen Baojun Huang 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2015,33(2):135-146
Recently, Lee et al. proposed a simple and efficient authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems. However, we find that their scheme is vulnerable to the smart card loss attack, the denial of service attack and the replay attack. To overcome the weaknesses of Lee et al.'s scheme, we proposed an authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems to improve security. The proposed scheme possesses the essential properties and security requirements, which should be considered for the authentication scheme of mobile satellite communication systems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Yuanyuan Zhang Jianhua Chen Baojun Huang 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2014,27(12):4300-4306
Recently, Chang et al. proposed an authentication and key agreement protocol for satellite communications, and they claimed that their scheme could withstand various attacks. However, in this paper, we will show that their scheme is vulnerable to the denial of service attack and the impersonation attack. Moreover, we also point out that the adversary could compute the session key through the intercepted message. The analysis shows the scheme of Chang et al. is not secure for practical applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Cheng‐Chi Lee Chun‐Ta Li Rui‐Xiang Chang 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2012,30(1):29-38
In this article, the authors shall propose a simple and efficient authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems. The proposed scheme can achieve the following security requirements: (S1) withstand impersonation attacks; (S2) withstand denial server attacks; (S3) withstand smart card loss attacks; (S4) withstand replay attacks; and (S5) withstand stolen‐verifier attacks, and achieve the following functionality requirements: (F1) freely choose identity; (F2) provide mutual authentication; (F3) provide session key agreement; (F4) provide user anonymity; and (F5) provide perfect forward secrecy. In additional, the proposed scheme does not use the high complex computation, such as public key cryptosystem or secret key cryptosystem, for the mobile users' side. The proposed scheme is only based on hash functions and exclusive‐OR operations. Compared with other schemes, the proposed scheme has a lower computation cost. It is more simple and efficient scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Mingping Qi Jianhua Chen Yitao Chen 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2019,37(3):234-244
Recently, Liu et al came up with an authentication with key agreement scheme for securing communication over the low‐earth‐orbit satellite communication systems. However, this paper demonstrates that this scheme cannot provide perfect forward secrecy or defend against the smart card stolen attack, and has some very bad design defects, making it unpractical. Thus, to design a truly secure authentication scheme for satellite communication systems, this paper presents a new scheme, making use of the advantages of elliptic curve cryptography and symmetric cryptography. The security analyses by the widely used BAN logic and heuristic discussions demonstrate that our new scheme possesses perfect security properties and can defend against various well‐known malicious attacks. Moreover, our new scheme allows users to update passwords locally in accordance with their wishes, achieving a good user experience. 相似文献
移动通信中的安全保密度不可抵赖性最实现其诸多业务的保证。本文提出了一个改进的椭圆曲线加密算法,并给出了基于该算法的移动通信认证方案,经过安全性分析,该方案提高了通信过程中的安全保密程度,并保证了移动服务的不可抵赖性。 相似文献
Mingping Qi Jianhua Chen 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2018,36(3):296-304
To ensure secure communication in satellite communication systems, recently, Zhang et al presented an authentication with key agreement scheme and claimed that their scheme satisfies various security requirements. However, this paper demonstrates that Zhang et al's scheme is insecure against the stolen‐verifier attack and the denial of service attack. Furthermore, to authenticate a user, Zhang et al's scheme requires large computational load to exhaustively retrieve the user's identity and password from the account database according to a temporary identity and then update the temporary identity in the database. To overcome the weaknesses existing in Zhang et al's scheme, we proposed an enhanced authentication with key agreement scheme for satellite communication systems. The analyses of our proposed scheme show that the proposed scheme possesses perfect security properties and eliminates the weaknesses of Zhang et al's scheme well. Therefore, from the authors' viewpoints, the proposed scheme is more suitable for the authentication scheme of mobile satellite communication systems. 相似文献
In three‐party password‐based key exchange protocol, a client is allowed to share a human‐memorable password with a trusted server such that two clients can negotiate a session key to communicate with each other secretly. Recently, many three‐party password‐based key exchange protocols have been developed. However, these proposed schemes cannot simultaneously achieve security and efficiency. Based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), this paper will propose a new simple three‐party password‐based authenticated key exchange scheme. The proposed method not only reduces computation cost for remote users and a trusted server but also is more efficient than previously proposed schemes. It is better suited for resource constrained devices, such as smart cards or mobile units. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
常兴华 《信息安全与通信保密》2008,(4):80-82
文章介绍了基于对象存储的Lustre存储系统,指出了该存储系统在提供网络存储功能时存在的安全问题,针对存储系统的结构特点并基于椭圆曲线密码体制设计了相应的安全模型,通过提供双向身份认证、会话密钥协商和抵抗重放攻击安全功能,防止存储系统遭到身份冒充攻击,保证数据的传输安全,提高了存储系统的安全性。 相似文献
Security is an essential requirement in any data communication system because a cyber criminal might try to break into it at any point by any means possible. A key agreement procedure is a necessary technique to ensure the security of data communication by way of encryption and mutual authentication. This article proposes a simple key agreement scheme on the basis of chaotic maps for VSAT satellite communications. The new scheme keeps the advantages of all chaotic maps‐based public key cryptosystems, providing a secure function of session key agreement. Based on the intractability of chaotic map discrete logarithm problem and chaotic map Diffie–Hellman problem, the security of this new scheme has been proven to be robust enough against all the well‐known cryptographical attacks with perfect forward secrecy provided. In addition, compared with similar schemes that serve the same purposes, the proposed scheme demands a lower computation cost. With all the previous features put together, the proposed scheme is extremely suitable for the use in very small aperture terminal satellite communication environments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献