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Due to inherent issue of energy limitation in sensor nodes, the energy conservation is the primary concern for large‐scale wireless sensor networks. Cluster‐based routing has been found to be an effective mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes. In clustered wireless sensor networks, the network is divided into a set of clusters; each cluster has a coordinator, called cluster head (CH). Each node of a cluster transmits its collected information to its CH that in turn aggregates the received information and sends it to the base station directly or via other CHs. In multihop communication, the CHs closer to the base station are burdened with high relay load; as a result, their energy depletes much faster as compared with other CHs. This problem is termed as the hot spot problem. In this paper, a distributed fuzzy logic‐based unequal clustering approach and routing algorithm (DFCR) is proposed to solve this problem. Based on the cluster design, a multihop routing algorithm is also proposed, which is both energy efficient and energy balancing. The simulation results reinforce the efficiency of the proposed DFCR algorithm over the state‐of‐the‐art algorithms, ie, energy‐aware fuzzy approach to unequal clustering, energy‐aware distributed clustering, and energy‐aware routing algorithm, in terms of different performance parameters like energy efficiency and network lifetime.  相似文献   

杨志高 《电视技术》2014,38(5):120-123,163
针对LEACH算法在准备阶段出现的簇头分布不均匀、整个网络能耗不均衡,以及传输距离受限等不足,综合考虑空间信息和梯度、节点剩余能量、簇头能耗等因素,用于簇头的选举与数据的传输过程中,实现了LEACH算法的改进。仿真结果表明,改进后的算法与原LEACH算法相比,使网络中节点的能耗更加均衡,且推迟了网络中第一个消亡节点出现的时间,轮数增加了1倍,提高了整个网络中能量利用率以及网络性能,使网络寿命延长50%~69%。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络节点能量有限、负载不均衡的问题,提出了一种基于粒子群优化模糊C均值的分簇路由算法POFCA.POFCA分别从成簇阶段和数据传输阶段进行了优化.成簇阶段,首先使用粒子群优化算法优化模糊C均值算法,克服了模糊C均值对初始聚类中心的敏感,并根据节点剩余能量和相对距离动态更新簇首,平衡簇内负载.数据传输阶段,...  相似文献   

~~An energy efficient clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks1. Mainwaring A, Polastre J, Szewczyk R, et al. Wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoring. Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and A…  相似文献   

Energy is an extremely critical resource for battery‐powered wireless sensor networks (WSNs), thus making energy‐efficient protocol design a key challenging problem. However, uneven energy consumption is an inherent problem in WSNs caused by multi‐hop routing and many‐to‐one traffic pattern among sensors. In this paper, we therefore propose a new clustering method called fuzzy chessboard clustering (FFC), which is capable to overcome the bottleneck problem and addressing the uneven energy consumption problem in heterogeneous WSNs. We also propose an energy‐efficient routing method called artificial bee colony routing method (ABCRM) to find the optimal routing path for the heterogeneous WSNs. ABCRM seeks to investigate the problems of balancing energy consumption and maximization of network lifetime. To demonstrate the effectiveness of FCC‐ABCRM in terms of lessening end‐to‐end delay, balancing energy consumption, and maximization of heterogeneous network lifetime, we compare our method with three approaches namely, chessboard clustering approach, PEGASIS, and LEACH. Simulation results show that the network lifetime achieved by FCC‐ABCRM could be increased by nearly 25%, 45%, and 60% more than that obtained by chessboard clustering, PEGASIS, and LEACH, respectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an energy‐constrained wireless sensor networks (WSNs), clustering is found to be an effective strategy to minimize the energy depletion of sensor nodes. In clustered WSNs, network is partitioned into set of clusters, each having a coordinator called cluster head (CH), which collects data from its cluster members and forwards it to the base station (BS) via other CHs. Clustered WSNs often suffer from the hot spot problem where CHs closer to the BS die much early because of high energy consumption contributed by the data forwarding load. Such death of nodes results coverage holes in the network very early. In most applications of WSNs, coverage preservation of the target area is a primary measure of quality of service. Considering the energy limitation of sensors, most of the clustering algorithms designed for WSNs focus on energy efficiency while ignoring the coverage requirement. In this paper, we propose a distributed clustering algorithm that uses fuzzy logic to establish a trade‐off between the energy efficiency and coverage requirement. This algorithm considers both energy and coverage parameters during cluster formation to maximize the coverage preservation of target area. Further, to deal with hot spot problem, it forms unequal sized clusters such that more CHs are available closer to BS to share the high data forwarding load. The performance of the proposed clustering algorithm is compared with some of the well‐known existing algorithms under different network scenarios. The simulation results validate the superiority of our algorithm in network lifetime, coverage preservation, and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

The utilization of limited energy in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is the critical concern, whereas the effectiveness of routing mechanisms substantially influence energy usage. We notice that two common issues in existing specific routing schemes for WSNs are that (i) a path may traverse through a specific set of sensors, draining out their energy quickly and (ii) packet retransmissions over unreliable links may consume energy significantly. In this paper, we develop an energy‐efficient routing scheme (called EFFORT) to maximize the amount of data gathered in WSNs before the end of network lifetime. By exploiting two natural advantages of opportunistic routing, that is, the path diversity and the improvement of transmission reliability, we propose a new metric that enables each sensor to determine a suitable set of forwarders as well as their relay priorities. We then present EFFORT, a routing protocol that utilizes energy efficiently and prolongs network lifetime based on the proposed routing metric. Simulation results show that EFFORT significantly outperforms other routing protocols. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Minimising energy consumption has always been an issue of crucial importance in sensor networks. Most of the energy is consumed in data transmission from sensor nodes to the base station due to the long distance of nodes from the base station. In the recent past, a number of researchers have proposed that clustering is an efficient way of reducing the energy consumption during data transmission and enhancing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Many algorithms have been already proposed for cluster head selection. In this work, we analyse and compare the lifetime of the network with three different fuzzy-based approaches of cluster head selection. The three strong parameters which play an important role in lifetime enhancement – energy, centrality and node density – are considered for cluster head selection in our proposed fuzzy approaches. In the first approach, energy and centrality are considered simultaneously in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the second approach, energy and node density have been taken in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the third approach, node density and centrality are considered simultaneously by a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. Simulation results of these fuzzy logic-based approaches show that all the three approaches are superior to the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Simulation results also show that the energy-centrality-based fuzzy clustering scheme gives best performance among all the three fuzzy-based algorithms and it enhances the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by a significant amount.  相似文献   

Recently, underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have attracted much research attention to support various applications for pollution monitoring, tsunami warnings, offshore exploration, tactical surveillance, etc. However, because of the peculiar characteristics of UWSNs, designing communication protocols for UWSNs is a challenging task. Particularly, designing a routing protocol is of the most importance for successful data transmissions between sensors and the sink. In this paper, we propose a reliable and energy‐efficient routing protocol, named R‐ERP2R (Reliable Energy‐efficient Routing Protocol based on physical distance and residual energy). The main idea behind R‐ERP2R is to utilize physical distance as a routing metric and to balance energy consumption among sensors. Furthermore, during the selection of forwarding nodes, link quality towards the forwarding nodes is also considered to provide reliability and the residual energy of the forwarding nodes to prolong network lifetime. Using the NS‐2 simulator, R‐ERP2R is compared against a well‐known routing protocol (i.e. depth‐based routing) in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, end‐to‐end delay and delivery ratio. The simulation results proved that R‐ERP2R performs better in UWSNs.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

侯华  宋彬  周武旸 《电视技术》2015,39(13):73-75
无线传感器网络(WSN)具有的能量有限,其能量利用效率的高低直接影响着网络的生命周期.为了提高无线传感器网络的能量利用效率,提出了一种能量感知非均匀成簇路由优化算法(Energy Awareness Unequal Clustering Routing Optimization Algorithm,EUCR).该算法通过节点在网络中所处的位置确定各节点的邻居节点,并以局部能量选举簇头,各簇头根据其邻居节点构建非均匀分簇网络.同时该算法在路由阶段考虑了簇头的剩余能量和转发代价.仿真结果表明,EUCR算法能有效提高网络的能量利用效率,并延长网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

为解决智慧园区中无线传感器网络(WSN)的能耗不均衡问题,构建了路由代价函数,并提出了一种新的能耗均衡路由算法.该算法结合智慧园区中无线传感器网络的特点,综合考虑节点地理位置和剩余能量来构建路由代价函数.传感器节点通过选择其邻居节点中路由代价最小的节点进行数据转发.仿真结果表明,该算法可以有效节约网络能耗,同时延长了网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent wireless telecommunications platform, which contains a set of sensor nodes linked by wireless sensor networks (WSNs). These approaches split the sensor nodes into clusters, in which each cluster consists of an exclusive cluster head (CH) node. The major scope of this task is to introduce a novel CH selection in WSN applicable to IoT using the self-adaptive meta-heuristic algorithm. This paper aids in providing the optimal routing in the network based on direct node (DN) selection, CH selection, and clone cluster head (CCH) selection. DNs are located near the base station, and it is chosen to avoid the load of CH. The adoption of the novel self-adaptive coyote optimization algorithm (SA-COA) is used for the DN selection and CCH selection. When the nodes are assigned in the network, DN and CCH selection is performed by the proposed SA-COA. Then, the computation of residual energy helps to select the CH, by correlating with the threshold energy. CCH is proposed to copy the data from the CH to avoid the loss of data in transmitting. By forming the CCH, the next CH can be easily elected with the optimal CCH using SA-COA. From the simulation findings, the best value of the designed SA-COA-LEACH model is secured at 1.14%, 3.17%, 1.18%, and 7.33% progressed than self-adaptive whale optimization algorithm (SAWOA), cyclic rider optimization algorithm (C-ROA), krill herd algorithm (KHA), and COA while taking several nodes 50. The proposed routing of sensor networks specifies better performance than the existing methods.  相似文献   

崔灿  孙毅  陆俊  郝建红 《通信学报》2016,37(5):176-183
建立基于混合CS的六边形格状WSN分簇模型,定量分析网络数据传输次数与数据压缩比例和分簇大小的关系,并求解最优网络分簇个数。提出基于混合CS的WSN六边形格状优化分簇路由算法,均衡网络通信开销的同时减少数据传输次数。通过仿真实验验证所提出的优化分簇模型与算法优于传统分簇模型,能有效降低网络数据传输次数。建立基于混合CS的六边形格状WSN分簇模型,定量分析网络数据传输次数与数据压缩比例和分簇大小的关系,并求解最优网络分簇个数。提出基于混合CS的WSN六边形格状优化分簇路由算法,均衡网络通信开销的同时减少数据传输次数。通过仿真实验验证所提出的优化分簇模型与算法优于传统分簇模型,能有效降低网络数据传输次数。  相似文献   

任克强  余建华  谢斌 《电视技术》2015,39(13):69-72
为了降低无线传感器网络(WSN)的能耗,延长网络的生存周期,提出一种多簇头双工作模式的分簇路由算法.算法对低功耗自适应集簇分层(LEACH)协议作了以下改进:采用多簇头双工作模式来分担单簇头的负荷,以解决单簇头因能耗较大而过早消亡的问题;选举簇头时充分考虑节点位置和节点剩余能量,并应用粒子群优化(PSO)算法优化簇头的选举,以均衡网络内各节点的能耗;建立簇与簇之间的数据传输路由,以减少簇间通信的能耗.仿真结果表明,算法有效降低了网络的能耗,延长了网络的生存周期.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of battery‐constrained sensors often deployed in harsh environments with little to no human control, thereby necessitating scalable and energy‐efficient techniques. This paper proposes a scalable and energy‐efficient routing scheme, called WCDS‐DCR, suitable for these WSNs. WCDS‐DCR is a fully distributed, data‐centric, routing technique that makes use of an underlying clustering structure induced by the construction of WCDS (Weakly Connected Dominating Set) to prolong network lifetime. It aims at extending network lifetime through the use of data aggregation (based on the elimination of redundant data packets) by some particular nodes. It also utilizes both the energy availability information and the distances (in number of hops) from sensors to the sink in order to make hop‐by‐hop, energy‐aware, routing decisions. Simulation results show that our solution is scalable, and outperforms existing schemes in terms of network lifetime. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通常的无线传感器分簇网络存在节点负载不均衡的问题。为均衡各节点能量消耗,延长网络生存周期,将K均值算法与遗传算法相结合,提出一种负载均衡的无线传感器网络路由算法,算法利用遗传算法的全局寻优能力以克服传统K均值算法的局部性和对初始中心的敏感性,实现了传感器网络节点自适应成簇与各节点负载均衡。仿真实验表明,该算法显著延长了网络寿命,相对于其他分簇路由算法,其网络生存时间延长了约43%。  相似文献   

Wireless sensor network comprises billions of nodes that work collaboratively, gather data, and transmit to the sink. “Energy hole” or “hotspot” problem is a phenomenon in which nodes near to the sink die prematurely, which causes the network partition. This is because of the imbalance of the consumption of energy by the nodes in wireless sensor networks. This decreases the network's lifetime. Unequal clustering is a technique to cope up with this issue. In this paper, an algorithm, “fuzzy‐based unequal clustering algorithm,” is proposed to prolong the lifetime of the network. This protocol forms unequal clusters. This is to balance the energy consumption. Cluster head selection is done through fuzzy logic approach. Input variables are the distance to base station, residual energy, and density. Competition radius and rank are the two output fuzzy variables. Mamdani method is employed for fuzzy inference. The protocol is compared with well‐known algorithms, like low‐energy adaptive clustering hierarchy, energy‐aware unequal clustering fuzzy, multi‐objective fuzzy clustering algorithm, and fuzzy‐based unequal clustering under different network scenarios. In all the scenarios, the proposed protocol performs better. It extends the lifetime of the network as compared with its counterparts.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being used in a wide variety of critical applications such as military and health‐care applications. Such networks, which are composed of sensor nodes with limited memory capacity, limited processing capabilities, and most importantly limited energy supply, require routing protocols that take into consideration these constraints. The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient power aware routing algorithm for WSNs that guarantees QOS and at the same time minimizes energy consumption by calculating the remaining battery capacity of nodes and taking advantage of the battery recovery process. We present an online‐battery aware geographic routing algorithm. To show the effectiveness of our approach, we simulated our algorithm in ns2 and compared it with greedy perimeter stateless routing for wireless networks and battery‐aware routing for streaming data transmissions in WSNs. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, continued operation of battery‐powered devices plays a crucial role particularly in remote deployment. The lifetime of a wireless sensor is primarily dependent upon battery capacity and energy efficiency. In this paper, reduction of the energy consumption of heterogeneous devices with different power and range characteristics is introduced in the context of duty scheduling, dynamic adjustment of transmission ranges, and the effects of IEEE 802.15.4‐based data aggregation routing. Energy consumption in cluster‐based networks is modeled as a mixed‐integer linear and nonlinear programming problem, an NP‐hard problem. The objective function provides a basis by which total energy consumption is reduced. Heuristics are proposed for cluster construction (Average Energy Consumption and the Maximum Number of Source Nodes) and data aggregation routing (Cluster‐based Data Aggregation Routing) such that total energy consumption is minimized. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of balancing cluster size with dynamic transmission range. The heuristics outperform other modified existing algorithms by an average of 15.65% for cluster head assignment, by an average of 22.1% for duty cycle scheduling, and by up to 18.6% for data aggregation routing heuristics. A comparison of dynamic and fixed transmission ranges for IEEE 802.15.4‐based wireless sensor networks is also provided. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of the practical limitations of the energy and processing capabilities, the deployment of many Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is facing two main challenges of increasing network lifetime and reducing End to End Delay (EED) which become critical when the nodes are mobile and use non‐rechargeable energy sources. One way to help to extend network lifetime is using fuzzy logic in a form of artificial intelligence. To this end we propose a new routing protocol for using mobile WSNs, which holds the nodes in an equal level of energy and decreases energy dissipation of the network. An optimum path is selected based on the cost of each node to increase network lifetime. In order to lessen EED, we also attempt to design a novel zoning‐scheme for the network area. In this scheme, zonation is dynamic and works based on the Data Link (DL) position. The simulation result shows a significant improvement in lifetime and EED by proposed protocol compared with existing protocols. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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