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The length-constrained heaviest path (LCHP) in a weighted tree T, where each edge is assigned a weight and a length, is the path P in T with maximum total path weight and total path length bounded by a given value B. This paper presents an O(nlogn) time LCHP algorithm which utilizes a data structure constructed from the spine decomposition of the input tree. This is an improvement over the existing algorithm by Wu et al. (1999), which runs in O(nlog2n) time. Our method also improves on a previous O(nlogn) time algorithm by Kim (2005) for the special case of finding a longest nonnegative path in a constant degree tree in that we can handle trees of arbitrary degree within the same time bounds.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance of a simple randomized algorithm for finding 2-factors in directed Hamiltonian graphs of out-degree at most two and in undirected Hamiltonian graphs of degree at most three. For the directed case, the algorithm finds a 2-factor in O(n2) expected time. The analysis of our algorithm is based on random walks on the line and interestingly resembles the analysis of a randomized algorithm for the 2-SAT problem given by Papadimitriou [On selecting a satisfying truth assignment, in: Proc. 32nd Annual IEEE Symp. on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 1991, p. 163]. For the undirected case, the algorithm finds a 2-factor in O(n3) expected time. We also analyze random versions of these graphs and show that cycles of length Ω(n/logn) can be found with high probability in polynomial time. This partially answers an open question of Broder et al. [Finding hidden Hamilton cycles, Random Structures Algorithms 5 (1994) 395] on finding hidden Hamiltonian cycles in sparse random graphs and improves on a result of Karger et al. [On approximating the longest path in a graph, Algorithmica 18 (1997) 82].  相似文献   

We study the problem of transforming pseudo-triangulations in the plane. We show that a pseudo-triangulation with n vertices can be transformed into another one using O(nlogn) flips only. This improves the previous bound O(n2) of Brönnimann et al. [Fall Workshop on Comput. Geometry, 2001]. We present an algorithm for computing a transformation between two pseudo-triangulations in O((f+n)logn) time where f is the number of flips.  相似文献   

We present semi-streaming algorithms for basic graph problems that have optimal per-edge processing times and therefore surpass all previous semi-streaming algorithms for these tasks. The semi-streaming model, which is appropriate when dealing with massive graphs, forbids random access to the input and restricts the memory to bits.Particularly, the formerly best per-edge processing times for finding the connected components and a bipartition are O(α(n)), for determining k-vertex and k-edge connectivity O(k2n) and O(n⋅logn) respectively for any constant k and for computing a minimum spanning forest O(logn). All these time bounds we reduce to O(1).Every presented algorithm determines a solution asymptotically as fast as the best corresponding algorithm up to date in the classical RAM model, which therefore cannot convert the advantage of unlimited memory and random access into superior computing times for these problems.  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of maintaining a dynamic graph so that queries of the form “is there an edge between u and v?” are processed fast. We consider graphs of bounded arboricity, i.e., graphs with no dense subgraphs, like, for example, planar graphs. Brodal and Fagerberg [G.S. Brodal, R. Fagerberg, Dynamic representations of sparse graphs, in: Proc. 6th Internat. Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'99), in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 1663, Springer, Berlin, 1999, pp. 342-351] described a very simple linear-size data structure which processes queries in constant worst-case time and performs insertions and deletions in O(1) and O(logn) amortized time, respectively. We show a complementary result that their data structure can be used to get O(logn) worst-case time for query, O(1) amortized time for insertions and O(1) worst-case time for deletions. Moreover, our analysis shows that by combining the data structure of Brodal and Fagerberg with efficient dictionaries one gets O(logloglogn) worst-case time bound for queries and deletions and O(logloglogn) amortized time for insertions, with size of the data structure still linear. This last result holds even for graphs of arboricity bounded by O(logkn), for some constant k.  相似文献   

Matching with don't-cares and a small number of mismatches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In matching with don't-cares and k mismatches we are given a pattern of length m and a text of length n, both of which may contain don't-cares (a symbol that matches all symbols), and the goal is to find all locations in the text that match the pattern with at most k mismatches, where k is a parameter. We present new algorithms that solve this problem using a combination of convolutions and a dynamic programming procedure. We give randomized and deterministic solutions that run in time O(nk2logm) and O(nk3logm), respectively, and are faster than the most efficient extant methods for small values of k. Our deterministic algorithm is the first to obtain an O(polylog(k)⋅nlogm) running time.  相似文献   

A certifying algorithm for a problem is an algorithm that provides a certificate with each answer that it produces. The certificate is an evidence that can be used to authenticate the correctness of the answer. A Hamiltonian cycle in a graph is a simple cycle in which each vertex of the graph appears exactly once. The Hamiltonian cycle problem is to determine whether or not a graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle. The best result for the Hamiltonian cycle problem on circular-arc graphs is an O(n2logn)-time algorithm, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph. In fact, the O(n2logn)-time algorithm can be modified as a certifying algorithm although it was published before the term certifying algorithms appeared in the literature. However, whether there exists an algorithm whose time complexity is better than O(n2logn) for solving the Hamiltonian cycle problem on circular-arc graphs has been opened for two decades. In this paper, we present an O(Δn)-time certifying algorithm to solve this problem, where Δ represents the maximum degree of the input graph. The certificates provided by our algorithm can be authenticated in O(n) time.  相似文献   

The 3-domatic number problem asks whether a given graph can be partitioned into three dominating sets. We prove that this problem can be solved by a deterministic algorithm in time n2.695 (up to polynomial factors) and in polynomial space. This result improves the previous bound of n2.8805, which is due to Björklund and Husfeldt. To prove our result, we combine an algorithm by Fomin et al. with Yamamoto's algorithm for the satisfiability problem. In addition, we show that the 3-domatic number problem can be solved for graphs G with bounded maximum degree Δ(G) by a randomized polynomial-space algorithm, whose running time is better than the previous bound due to Riege and Rothe whenever Δ(G)?5. Our new randomized algorithm employs Schöning's approach to constraint satisfaction problems.  相似文献   

An acyclic edge colouring of a graph is a proper edge colouring in which the union of any two colour classes does not contain a cycle, that is, forms a forest. It is known that there exists such a colouring using at most 16Δ(G) colours where Δ(G) denotes the maximum degree of a graph G. However, no non-trivial constructive bound (which works for all graphs) is known except for the straightforward distance 2 colouring which requires Δ2 colours. We analyse a simple O(mnΔ22(logΔ)) time greedy heuristic and show that it uses at most 5Δ(logΔ+2) colours on any graph.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the communication primitives of broadcasting (one-to-all communication) and gossiping (all-to-all communication) in known topology radio networks, i.e., where for each primitive the schedule of transmissions is precomputed in advance based on full knowledge about the size and the topology of the network. The first part of the paper examines the two communication primitives in arbitrary graphs. In particular, for the broadcast task we deliver two new results: a deterministic efficient algorithm for computing a radio schedule of length D + O(log3 n), and a randomized algorithm for computing a radio schedule of length D + O(log2 n). These results improve on the best currently known D + O(log4 n) time schedule due to Elkin and Kortsarz (Proceedings of the 16th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 222–231, 2005). Later we propose a new (efficiently computable) deterministic schedule that uses 2D + Δlog n + O(log3 n) time units to complete the gossiping task in any radio network with size n, diameter D and max-degree Δ. Our new schedule improves and simplifies the currently best known gossiping schedule, requiring time , for any network with the diameter D = Ω(log i+4 n), where i is an arbitrary integer constant i ≥ 0, see Gąsieniec et al. (Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, vol. 3104, pp. 173–184, 2004). The second part of the paper focuses on radio communication in planar graphs, devising a new broadcasting schedule using fewer than 3D time slots. This result improves, for small values of D, on the currently best known D + O(log3 n) time schedule proposed by Elkin and Kortsarz (Proceedings of the 16th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 222–231, 2005). Our new algorithm should be also seen as a separation result between planar and general graphs with small diameter due to the polylogarithmic inapproximability result for general graphs by Elkin and Kortsarz (Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, vol. 3122, pp. 105–116, 2004; J. Algorithms 52(1), 8–25, 2004). The second author is supported in part by a grant from the Israel Science Foundation and by the Royal Academy of Engineering. Part of this research was performed while this author (Q. Xin) was a PhD student at The University of Liverpool.  相似文献   

Subexponential algorithms for partial cover problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Partial Cover problems are optimization versions of fundamental and well-studied problems like Vertex Cover and Dominating Set. Here one is interested in covering (or dominating) the maximum number of edges (or vertices) using a given number k of vertices, rather than covering all edges (or vertices). In general graphs, these problems are hard for parameterized complexity classes when parameterized by k. It was recently shown by Amini et al. (2008) [1] that Partial Vertex Cover and Partial Dominating Set are fixed parameter tractable on large classes of sparse graphs, namely H-minor-free graphs, which include planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus. In particular, it was shown that on planar graphs both problems can be solved in time 2O(k)nO(1).During the last decade there has been an extensive study on parameterized subexponential algorithms. In particular, it was shown that the classical Vertex Cover and Dominating Set problems can be solved in subexponential time on H-minor-free graphs. The techniques developed to obtain subexponential algorithms for classical problems do not apply to partial cover problems. It was left as an open problem by Amini et al. (2008) [1] whether there is a subexponential algorithm for Partial Vertex Cover and Partial Dominating Set. In this paper, we answer the question affirmatively by solving both problems in time not only on planar graphs but also on much larger classes of graphs, namely, apex-minor-free graphs. Compared to previously known algorithms for these problems our algorithms are significantly faster and simpler.  相似文献   

S. S. Seiden 《Algorithmica》2000,28(2):173-216
The use of randomization in online multiprocessor scheduling is studied. The problem of scheduling independent jobs on m machines online originates with Graham [16]. While the deterministic case of this problem has been studied extensively, little work has been done on the randomized case. For m= 2 a randomized 4/3-competitive algorithm was found by Bartal et al. A randomized algorithm for m ≥ 3 is presented. It achieves competitive ratios of 1.55665, 1.65888, 1.73376, 1.78295, and 1.81681, for m = 3, 4, 5, 6,7 , respectively. These competitive ratios are less than the best deterministic lower bound for m=3,4,5 and less than the best known deterministic competitive ratio for m = 3,4,5,6,7 . Two models of multiprocessor scheduling with rejection are studied. The first is the model of Bartal et al. Two randomized algorithms for this model are presented. The first algorithm performs well for small m , achieving competitive ratios of 3/2 , , for m=2,3,4 , respectively. The second algorithm outperforms the first for m ≥ 5 . It beats the deterministic algorithm of Bartal et al. for all m = 5 ,. . ., 1000 . It is conjectured that this is true for all m . The second model differs in that preemption is allowed. For this model, randomized algorithms are presented which outperform the best deterministic algorithm for small m . Received August 11, 1997; revised February 25, 1998.  相似文献   

Given n points in a plane, a minimum spanning tree is a set of edges which connects all the points and has a minimum total length. A naive approach enumerates edges on all pairs of points and takes at least Ω(n2) time. More efficient approaches find a minimum spanning tree only among edges in the Delaunay triangulation of the points. However, Delaunay triangulation is not well defined in rectilinear distance. In this paper, we first establish a framework for minimum spanning tree construction which is based on a general concept of spanning graphs. A spanning graph is a natural definition and not necessarily a Delaunay triangulation. Based on this framework, we then design an O(nlogn) sweep-line algorithm to construct a rectilinear minimum spanning tree without using Delaunay triangulation.  相似文献   

An undirected biconnected graph G with nonnegative integer lengths on the edges is given. The problem we consider is that of finding a cycle basis B of G such that the length of the longest cycle included in B is the smallest among all cycle bases of G. We first observe that Horton's algorithm [SIAM J. Comput. 16 (2) (1987) 358-366] provides a fast solution of the problem that extends the one given by Chickering et al. [Inform. Process. Lett. 54 (1995) 55-58] for uniform graphs. On the other hand we show that, if the basis is required to be fundamental, then the problem is NP-hard and cannot be approximated within 2−?, ∀?>0, even with uniform lengths, unless P=NP. This problem remains NP-hard even restricted to the class of complete graphs; in this case it cannot be approximated within 13/11−?, ∀?>0, unless P=NP; it is instead approximable within 2 in general, and within 3/2 if the triangle inequality holds.  相似文献   

We study the problem of finding the next-to-shortest paths in a weighted undirected graph. A next-to-shortest (u,v)-path is a shortest (u,v)-path amongst (u,v)-paths with length strictly greater than the length of the shortest (u,v)-path. The first polynomial algorithm for this problem was presented in [I. Krasikov, S.D. Noble, Finding next-to-shortest paths in a graph, Inform. Process. Lett. 92 (2004) 117-119]. We improve the upper bound from O(n3m) to O(n3).  相似文献   

Given a list of n items and a function defined over sub-lists, we study the space required for computing the function for arbitrary sub-lists in constant time.For the function mode we improve the previously known space bound O(n2/logn) to O(n2loglogn/log2n) words.For median the space bound is improved to O(n2loglog2n/log2n) words from O(n2⋅log(k)n/logn), where k is an arbitrary constant and log(k) is the iterated logarithm.  相似文献   

In a FOCS 1990 paper, S. Irani proved that the First-Fit online algorithm for coloring a graph uses at most O(klogn) colors for k-inductive graphs. In this note we provide a very short proof of this fact.  相似文献   

The primal-dual scheme has been used to provide approximation algorithms for many problems. Goemans and Williamson gave a (2−1/(n−1))-approximation for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem that runs in O(n3logn) time—it applies the primal-dual scheme once for each of the n vertices of the graph. We present a primal-dual algorithm that runs in O(n2logn), as it applies this scheme only once, and achieves the slightly better ratio of (2−2/n). We also show a tight example for the analysis of the algorithm and discuss briefly a couple of other algorithms described in the literature.  相似文献   

We prove that the rank-width of an n-vertex graph can be computed exactly in time O(n2n3log2nloglogn). To improve over a trivial O(n3logn)-time algorithm, we develop a general framework for decompositions on which an optimal decomposition can be computed efficiently. This framework may be used for other width parameters, including the branch-width of matroids and the carving-width of graphs.  相似文献   

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