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Let X and Y be two run-length encoded strings, of encoded lengths k and l, respectively. We present a simple O(|X|l+|Y|k) time algorithm that computes their edit distance.  相似文献   

Finding a sequence of edit operations that transforms one string of symbols into another with the minimum cost is a well-known problem. The minimum cost, or edit distance, is a widely used measure of the similarity of two strings. An important parameter of this problem is the cost function, which specifies the cost of each insertion, deletion, and substitution. We show that cost functions having the same ratio of the sum of the insertion and deletion costs divided by the substitution cost yield the same minimum cost sequences of edit operations. This leads to a partitioning of the universe of cost functions into equivalence classes. Also, we show the relationship between a particular set of cost functions and the longest common subsequence of the input strings. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

A common approach in structural pattern classification is to define a dissimilarity measure on patterns and apply a distance-based nearest-neighbor classifier. In this paper, we introduce an alternative method for classification using kernel functions based on edit distance. The proposed approach is applicable to both string and graph representations of patterns. By means of the kernel functions introduced in this paper, string and graph classification can be performed in an implicit vector space using powerful statistical algorithms. The validity of the kernel method cannot be established for edit distance in general. However, by evaluating theoretical criteria we show that the kernel functions are nevertheless suitable for classification, and experiments on various string and graph datasets clearly demonstrate that nearest-neighbor classifiers can be outperformed by support vector machines using the proposed kernel functions.  相似文献   

We consider a relationship between the unit cost edit distance for two rooted ordered trees and the unit cost edit distance for the corresponding Euler strings. We show that the edit distance between trees is at least half of the edit distance between the Euler strings and is at most 2h+1 times the edit distance between the Euler strings, where h is the minimum height of two trees. The result can be extended for more general cost functions.  相似文献   

We propose a new variant of the bit-parallel NFA of Baeza-Yates and Navarro (BPD) for approximate string matching [R. Baeza-Yates, G. Navarro, Faster approximate string matching, Algorithmica 23 (1999) 127-158]. BPD is one of the most practical approximate string matching algorithms under moderate pattern lengths and error levels [G. Myers, A fast bit-vector algorithm for approximate string matching based on dynamic programming, J. ACM 46 (3) 1989 395-415; G. Navarro, M. Raffinot, Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings—Practical On-line Search Algorithms for Texts and Biological Sequences, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002]. Given a length-m pattern and an error threshold k, the original BPD requires (mk)(k+2) bits of space to represent an NFA with (mk)(k+1) states. In this paper we remove redundancy from the original NFA representation. Our variant requires (mk)(k+1) bits of space, which is optimal in the sense that exactly one bit per state is used. The space efficiency is achieved by using an alternative, but equally or even more efficient, simulation algorithm for the bit-parallel NFA. We also present experimental results to compare our modified NFA against the original BPD and its main competitors. Our new variant is more efficient than the original BPD, and it hence takes over/extends the role of the original BPD as one of the most practical approximate string matching algorithms under moderate values of k and m.  相似文献   

The guided tree edit distance problem is to find a minimum cost series of edit operations that transforms two input forests F and G into isomorphic forests F and G such that a third input forest H is included in F (and G). The edit operations are relabeling a vertex and deleting a vertex. We show efficient algorithms for this problem that are faster than the previous algorithm for this problem of Peng and Ting [Z. Peng, H. Ting, Guided forest edit distance: Better structure comparisons by using domain-knowledge, in: Proc. 18th Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), 2007, pp. 28-39].  相似文献   

主要探讨了用Visual FoxPro设计编辑框中文本的查找与替换方法。首先在进行查找与替换表单界面的设计及相关属性设置的基础上,阐明了查找与替换的功能目标;然后分析了相应对象相关事件的基本过程,并提供了相应的Visual FoxPro程序代码。  相似文献   

主要探讨了用Visual FoxPro设计编辑框中文本的查找与替换方法.首先在进行查找与替换表单界面的设计及相关属性设置的基础上,阐明了查找与替换的功能目标;然后分析了相应对象相关事件的基本过程,并提供了相应的Visual FoxPro程序代码.  相似文献   

The length of the longest common subsequence (LCS) between two strings of M and N characters can be computed by an O(M × N) dynamic programming algorithm, that can be executed in O(M + N) steps by a linear systolic array. It has been recently shown that the LCS between run-length-encoded (RLE) strings of m and n runs can be computed by an O(nM + Nm − nm) algorithm that could be executed in O(m + n) steps by a parallel hardware. However, the algorithm cannot be directly mapped on a linear systolic array because of its irregular structure.In this paper, we propose a modified algorithm that exhibits a more regular structure at the cost of a marginal reduction of the efficiency of RLE. We outline the algorithm and we discuss its mapping on a linear systolic array.  相似文献   

两字符串的编辑距离是从一个串转换到另一个串所需要的最少基本操作数。编辑距离广泛应用于字符串近似匹配、字符串相似连接等领域。动态规划法利用编辑距离矩阵来计算两个串的编辑距离,需要计算矩阵中的所有元素,时间效率低。改进的方法改变了矩阵中元素的计算次序,减少了需要比对的元素,但仍需要比对一半以上的元素,时间效率还有待提高。提出基于基本操作序列的编辑距离顺序验证方法。首先,分析了基本操作序列的可列性,给出了列举基本操作序列的方法。然后依次顺序验证基本操作数从小到大的基本操作序列直到某一序列通过验证,得到其编辑距离。在阈值为2的字符串近似搜索实验中发现,所提方法比动态规划类方法具有更高的效率。  相似文献   

Given a text T[1…n] and a pattern P[1…m] over some alphabet Σ of size σ, we want to find all the (exact) occurrences of P in T. The well-known shift-or algorithm solves this problem in time O(nm/w⌉), where w is the number of bits in machine word, using bit-parallelism. We show how to extend the bit-parallelism in another direction, using super-alphabets. This gives a speed-up by a factor s, where s is the number of characters processed simultaneously. The algorithm is implemented, and we show that it works well in practice too. The result is the fastest known algorithm for exact string matching for short patterns and small alphabets.  相似文献   

The greedy algorithm for edit distance with moves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The edit distance between given two strings X and Y is the minimum number of edit operations that transform X into Y without performing multiple operations that involve the same position. Ordinarily, string editing is based on character insert, delete, and substitute operations. Motivated from the facts that substring reversals are observed in genomic sequences, and it is not always possible to transform a given sequence X into a given sequence Y by reversals alone (e.g., X is all 0's, and Y is all 1's), Muthukrishnan and Sahinalp [S. Muthukrishnan, S.C. Sahinalp, Approximate nearest neighbors and sequence comparison with block operations, in: Proc. ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2000, pp. 416-424; S. Muthukrishnan, S.C. Sahinalp, An improved algorithm for sequence comparison with block reversals, Theoretical Computer Science 321 (1) (2004) 95-101] considered a “simple” well-defined edit distance model in which the edit operations are: replace a character, and reverse and replace a substring. A substring of X can only be reversed if the reversal results in a match in the same position in Y. The cost of each character replacement and substring reversal is 1. The distance in this case is defined only when |X|=|Y|=n. There is an algorithm for computing the distance in this model with worst-case time complexity O(nlog2n) [S. Muthukrishnan, S.C. Sahinalp, An improved algorithm for sequence comparison with block reversals, Theoretical Computer Science 321 (1) (2004) 95-101]. We present a dynamic programming algorithm with worst-case time complexity O(n2) but its expected running-time is O(n). In our dynamic programming solution the weights of edit operations can vary for different substitutions, and the costs of reversals can be a function of the reversal-length.  相似文献   

We present improved variations of the BNDM algorithm for exact string matching. At each alignment our bit-parallel algorithms process a q-gram before testing the state variable. In addition we apply reading a 2-gram in one instruction. Our point of view is practical efficiency of algorithms. Our experiments show that the new variations are faster than earlier algorithms in many cases.  相似文献   

We study a recent algorithm for fast on-line approximate string matching. This is the problem of searching a pattern in a text allowing errors in the pattern or in the text. The algorithm is based on a very fast kernel which is able to search short patterns using a nondeterministic finite automaton, which is simulated using bit-parallelism. A number of techniques to extend this kernel for longer patterns are presented in that work. However, the techniques can be integrated in many ways and the optimal interplay among them is by no means obvious. The solution to this problem starts at a very low level, by obtaining basic probabilistic information about the problem which was not previously known, and ends integrating analytical results with empirical data to obtain the optimal heuristic. The conclusions obtained via analysis are experimentally confirmed. We also improve many of the techniques and obtain a combined heuristic which is faster than the original work. This work shows an excellent example of a complex and theoretical analysis of algorithms used for design and for practical algorithm engineering, instead of the common practice of first designing an algorithm and then analyzing it. Received March 31, 1998; revised November 18, 1998.  相似文献   

Data compression can be used to simultaneously reduce memory, communication and computation requirements of string comparison. In this paper we address the problem of computing the length of the longest common subsequence (LCS) between run-length-encoded (RLE) strings. We exploit RLE both to reduce the complexity of LCS computation from O(M×N) to O(mN+Mnmn), where M and N are the lengths of the original strings and m and n the number of runs in their RLE representation, and to improve the inherent parallelism of the proposed algorithm, so that it may execute in O(m+n) steps on a systolic array of M+N units.We also discuss the application of the proposed algorithm to the related problem of edit distance (ED) computation.  相似文献   

Ferraro  Godin 《Algorithmica》2008,36(1):1-39
Abstract. In this paper we propose a dynamic programming algorithm to compare two quotiented trees using a constrained edit distance. A quotiented tree is a tree defined with an additional equivalent relation on vertices and such that the quotient graph is also a tree. The core of the method relies on an adaptation of an algorithm recently proposed by Zhang for comparing unordered rooted trees. This method is currently being used in plant architecture modelling to quantify different types of variability between plants represented by quotiented trees.  相似文献   

There is no known algorithm that solves the general case of theapproximate string matching problem with the extended edit distance, where the edit operations are: insertion, deletion, mismatch and swap, in timeo(nm), wheren is the length of the text andm is the length of the pattern. In an effort to study this problem, the edit operations were analysed independently. It turns out that the approximate matching problem with only the mismatch operation can be solved in timeO(nm logm). If the only edit operation allowed is swap, then the problem can be solved in timeO(n logm logσ), whereσ=min(m, |Σ|). In this paper we show that theapproximate string matching problem withswap andmismatch as the edit operations, can be computed in timeO(nm logm). Amihood Amir was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-01-04494 and ISF Grant 35/05. This work is part of Estrella Eisenberg’s M.Sc. thesis. Ely Porat was partially supported by GIF Young Scientists Program Grant 2055-1168.6/2002.  相似文献   

During the past few years, several works have been done to derive string kernels from probability distributions. For instance, the Fisher kernel uses a generative model M (e.g. a hidden Markov model) and compares two strings according to how they are generated by M. On the other hand, the marginalized kernels allow the computation of the joint similarity between two instances by summing conditional probabilities. In this paper, we adapt this approach to edit distance-based conditional distributions and we present a way to learn a new string edit kernel. We show that the practical computation of such a kernel between two strings x and x built from an alphabet Σ requires (i) to learn edit probabilities in the form of the parameters of a stochastic state machine and (ii) to calculate an infinite sum over Σ* by resorting to the intersection of probabilistic automata as done for rational kernels. We show on a handwritten character recognition task that our new kernel outperforms not only the state of the art string kernels and string edit kernels but also the standard edit distance used by a neighborhood-based classifier.  相似文献   

Graph matching and graph edit distance have become important tools in structural pattern recognition. The graph edit distance concept allows us to measure the structural similarity of attributed graphs in an error-tolerant way. The key idea is to model graph variations by structural distortion operations. As one of its main constraints, however, the edit distance requires the adequate definition of edit cost functions, which eventually determine which graphs are considered similar. In the past, these cost functions were usually defined in a manual fashion, which is highly prone to errors. The present paper proposes a method to automatically learn cost functions from a labeled sample set of graphs. To this end, we formulate the graph edit process in a stochastic context and perform a maximum likelihood parameter estimation of the distribution of edit operations. The underlying distortion model is learned using an Expectation Maximization algorithm. From this model we finally derive the desired cost functions. In a series of experiments we demonstrate the learning effect of the proposed method and provide a performance comparison to other models.  相似文献   

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