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从2016年1月1日起,燃煤电厂执行新超低排放标准,要求新建30万k W及以上燃煤发电机组必须同步建设先进高效脱硫、脱硝和除尘设施,不得设置烟气旁路通道,大气污染物排放浓度应低于燃气机组排放限值,即在基准氧含量6%的条件下,烟尘、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放浓度应分别低于5 mg/m~3、35 mg/m~3、50 mg/m~3。江苏华美热电有限公司2台350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉在氮氧化物排放控制方面采用了多项技术措施,包括:炉膛温度场控制、高效二次风系统、炉膛分层、分段、分级燃烧等,使得其在氮氧化物排放控制方面大大优于CFB锅炉。  相似文献   

目前我国燃煤排放的二氧化硫占二氧化硫排放总量的90%以上.为了控制二氧化硫大量排放,防治城市空气污染,北京市于2002年3月颁布实施了<锅炉污染物综合排放标准>(DB11/139-2002),对容量为14~45.5MW的燃煤锅炉Ⅱ时段二氧化硫排放限值规定为150mg/m3,烟尘排放限值为50mg/m3.  相似文献   

<正>超低排放,是指火电厂燃煤锅炉在发电运行、末端治理等过程中,采用多种污染物高效协同脱除集成系统技术,使其大气污染物排放浓度基本符合燃气机组排放限值,即烟尘、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放浓度(基准含氧量6%)分别不超过10 mg/m~3、35 mg/m~3、50 mg/m~3。  相似文献   

大力削减氮氧化物等大气污染物是上海市环境保护工作的重要内容,为鼓励上海市燃煤电厂在满足国家氮氧化物排放限值的基础上进一步降低氮氧化物排放,上海市拟在脱硝电价的基础上,对燃煤机组氮氧化物超量减排的增量成本进行补贴。本文在分析本市公用燃煤电厂脱硝设施改造技术路线、运行情况和运行成本的基础上,结合国家和上海市相关政策,界定脱硝超量减排的边界,模拟分析不同排放浓度时的脱硝运行成本及核算,并提出超量减排的增量成本测算结果和补贴建议。  相似文献   

烟气氮氧化物和二氧化硫的排放控制已成为炼油企业关注的重点。对加热炉烟气、催化裂化装置、硫磺回收装置和废酸再生装置的工艺废气的排放控制进行探讨,从操作优化与技术改造两方面提出应对措施。对氮氧化物排放不合格的燃气加热炉,采用低氮燃烧器进行改造,以满足特别限值排放地区NOx排放限值100mg/m3的标准;导致惠州炼化燃料气硫含量偏高的主要因素是催化/焦化干气硫含量偏高、气柜回收瓦斯未脱硫。通过提高干气脱硫能力、对火炬系统气柜回收瓦斯脱硫后再补入燃料气系统,可满足加热炉烟气二氧化硫排放标准。催化裂化装置通过加入脱硝助剂,催化烟气中NOx由640mg/m3降至85mg/m3左右,满足特别排放限值地区NOx排放标准。增上催化烟气湿法脱硫除尘措施,可满足催化烟气SO2排放标准。硫磺回收装置通过液硫脱气改造,并采用高效复配脱硫剂,可满足尾气SO2排放标准。废酸再生装置通过操作优化与增加尾气洗涤系统,其烟气可满足国家最新排放标准。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍安钢高炉热风炉烟气治理技改采用SCR脱硝和SDS脱硫工艺技术的应用实践,包括工艺流程、设计和运行参数、运行效果、技术特点和实际经验等,发现高炉热风炉烟气通过脱硝、脱硫治理后,烟气中二氧化硫、氮氧化物和颗粒物排放质量浓度优于河南省地标中规定的二氧化硫、氮氧化物和颗粒物分别不超过50mg/m3、150mg/m3和10mg/m3的排放限值。尤其是在重污染天气管控期间,高炉热风炉日排放污染物减排率超过85%,为工序间的生产协调奠定了基础。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气中所含的烟尘、二氧化硫和氮氧化物是我国污染防治攻坚战工作的重点。在实现超低排放后,燃煤烟气中所携带剧毒性物质汞以及三氧化硫在大气中形成亚微米级的硫酸盐颗粒,也必将成为燃煤电厂重点控制污染物。文中以某电厂CFB机组为例,在发挥循环流化床洁净燃烧的基础上,有机集成应用了"炉内脱硫脱硝+SNCR+干式超净工艺"的超低排放装备,实现了二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟尘排放浓度优于超低排放标准,并高效协同脱除汞和三氧化硫等多污染物,无脱硫废水产生。  相似文献   

<正>2015年4月1日,由浙江大学自主研发的"燃煤烟气活性分子氧化污染物一体化脱除技术"成功应用于杭州中策清泉炭黑锅炉烟气处理项目,并顺利通过168h运行考核,实现了锅炉烟气NO_x由初始浓度800mg/Nm~3降至3mg/Nm~3,SO_2由初始浓度1000mg/Nm~3降至15mg/Nm~3。排放浓度不仅远低于"史上最严"的环保部最新重点地区燃煤电厂排放标准限值,同时也低于"超低排放",即天然气机组排放限值(NO_x50mg/Nm~3,SO_235mg/Nm~3)。这标志着浙江大学锅炉烟气治理技术的新突破,为我国工业锅炉烟气实现"超低排放"  相似文献   

针对某500 t/h燃煤锅炉脱硝系统氨消耗量过大的情况,进行脱硝系统的喷氨优化。优化后的锅炉氮氧化物排放需满足《关于印发全面实施燃煤电厂超低排放和节能改造工作方案的通知》(环发〔2015〕164号)的大气污染排放限制要求。即:NO_x排放浓度小于50 mg/Nm~3,同时要求平均氨逃逸小于3 ppm。  相似文献   

烟气一体化工艺包括烟气再热炉、SCR脱硝/二噁英降解一体反应器、气气换热器、引风机及烟囱,该组合工艺在上海漕泾化工园区用于降解现有2套废气氧化炉排放烟气中的二噁英以及氮氧化物(NOx).新增该一体化工艺系统后,排放烟气中的二噁英浓度小于0.09ng-TEQ/Nm3,氮氧化物浓度小于80mg/Nm3,各污染物的排放浓度低于《上海市大气污染物综合排放标准》(DB31/933-2015)中的大气污染物项目排放限值.  相似文献   

In the past decades, there has been a worldwide multilateral efforts to reduce carbon emissions. In particular, the “cap-and-trade” mechanism has been regarded as an effective way to control emissions. This is a market-based approach focused on the efficient allocation of initial emissions allowances. Based on the “grandfather” allocation method, this paper develops an alternative method derived from Boltzmann distribution to calculate the allowances. Further, with fully considering the relationship between the regional authority, power plants and grid company, a three-level multi-objective model for carbon emission allowance allocations in the power-supply industry is presented. To achieve tripartite equilibrium, the impacts on electricity output, carbon emissions and carbon intensity of the allocation method, allocation cap, and emission limits are assessed. The results showed that the greatest impact was seen in the emission limits rather than the allocation cap or allocation method. It also indicated that to effectively achieve reduction targets, it is necessary to allocate greater allowances to lower carbon intensity power plants. These results demonstrated the practicality and efficiency of the proposed model in seeking optimal allocation policies.  相似文献   

Widespread mortality of forests in the western United States due to a bark beetle epidemic provides a source of biomass for power generation. This study assessed availability and economics of co-firing beetle kill biomass with coal in power plants in the western U.S. Since biomass may be considered carbon neutral under careful management, co-combustion of biomass with coal provides power plants a way to meet emission reduction requirements, such as those in the EPA Clean Power Plan (CPP). Cost has been a barrier to co-firing, but the economics are altered by emission reduction requirements, such as CPP guidelines. The present study assessed beetle kill biomass availability in national forests in Wyoming and Colorado through Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of U.S. Forest Service (USFS) data. Power plants near beetle kill mortality were identified as candidates for co-firing. An economic assessment of costs to implement co-firing was conducted. Co-firing reduces the need for the USFS to manage beetle kill trees when they are harvested for energy use, and these mitigated treatment costs were considered as an effective subsidy of co-firing. The results of this analysis include beetle kill availability, costs, and annual CO2 emissions reductions that can be met by co-firing.  相似文献   

节能减排是贯彻落实科学发展观、建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的必然选择.火电厂节能减排任重道远.为了提高火电机组的经济性和环保性,必须发展超(超)临界、燃气-蒸汽联合循环、整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)、循环流化床、大容量热电联产和大型空冷等发电新技术.概述了这些火电新技术在我国的应用现状、问题与差距,并提出了2020年我国火力发电技术装备要达到的目标.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the opportunities that exist for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions by switching from coal to gas‐fired units in electricity generation, ‘forced’ by the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) price level of CO2. It attempts to find efficient GHG cost profiles leading to a reasonable GHG emission reduction. In a methodological demonstration case (an electricity generation system consisting of two coal and two gas‐fired power plants), we demonstrate how a GHG emission cost can lead to a certain switch of power plants with an accompanying GHG emission reduction. This GHG emission cost is dependent on the load level. The switching point method is applied to an electricity generation system similar to the Belgian one. It is found that the greatest opportunities for GHG emission reductions are situated in the summer season. By switching only the coal‐fired units with the combined cycle (CC) gas‐fired units, a significant GHG emission reduction is possible at a modest cost. With the simulation tool E‐Simulate, the effect of a GHG emission cost in the summer season is investigated. A potential GHG emission reduction of 9.5% in relation to the case where there is no cost linked to GHG emission is possible at a relative low cost. When implementing a GHG cost in winter season, a smaller GHG reduction occurs while costs are higher. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biomass provides the largest reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission when it replaces coal, which is the dominating fuel in heat and electricity production in Poland. One means of replacing coal with biomass is to co-fire biofuels in an existing coal-fired boiler. This paper presents an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of co-firing biofuels in Poland with respect to technical, environmental, economical and strategic considerations. This analysis shows that co-firing is technically and economically the most realistic option for using biofuels in the large pulverized fuel (PF) boilers in Poland. However, from an environmental perspective, co-firing of biofuels in large combined heat and power (CHP) plants and power plants provides only a small reduction in sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission per unit biofuel, since these plants usually apply some form of desulphurization technology. In order to maximize the SO2 emission reduction, biofuels should be used in district heating plants. However, co-fired combustion plants can handle disruptions in biofuel supply and are insensitive to moderate changes in fuel prices, which makes them suitable utilizers of biofuels from perennial energy crops. Co-firing could therefore play an important role in stimulating perennial crop production.  相似文献   

An important commitment in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is to conduct mitigation analysis and to communicate climate change measures and polices. In major part reducing CO2 as well as the other greenhouse gas emissions in Kazakstan can be a side-product of measures addressed to increasing energy efficiency. Since such measures are very important for the national economy, mitigation strategies in the energy sector of Kazakstan are directly connected with the general national strategy of the energy sector development. This paper outlines the main measures and technologies in energy sector of Kazakstan which can lead to GHG emissions reduction and presents the results of current mitigation assessment.

The mitigation analysis addressed to energy production sector. A baseline and six mitigation scenarios were developed to evaluate the most attractive mitigation options, focusing on specific technologies which have been already included in sustainable energy programs. According to the baseline projection, Kazakstan's CO2 emissions will not exceed their 1990 level until 2005. The potential for CO2 emission reduction is estimated to be about 11% of the baseline emission level by the end of considered period (in 2020). The main mitigation options in the energy production sector in terms of mitigation potential and technical and economical feasibility include rehabilitation of thermal power plants aimed to increasing efficiency, use of nuclear energy, and further expansion in the use of hydro energy based on small hydroelectric power plants.  相似文献   

With the liberalization of energy markets and the introduction of an emission trading system, electricity production by gas combined cycle power plants has significantly increased in the European Union in recent years. Reasons for the significant increase include the short construction time for gas power plants and the favourable investment costs. One further advantage is the relatively low CO2 emissions of gas power plants. Thus, a key option for reducing emissions is seen in the increased use of gas for power production. Model calculations from various models show that an increase of gas power production is expected. In general, however, the interdependencies of the different markets (gas, electricity and CO2) as well as the country-specific gas supply options, determined by pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG), are neglected. As the competitiveness of gas power plants mainly depends on the availability of gas and the gas price, a novel model that integrates electricity, gas, and CO2- emission markets assuming perfect competition will be presented. The objective of this paper is to analyse the long-term relevance of the gas market for the electricity sector in the European Union in the context of CO2-emission reduction targets.  相似文献   

The electricity consumption growth in Iran requires a rapid development of power plant construction. Like many other countries, most of the power plants in Iran are using fossil fuel. In the past decade, thermal power plants generated about 94% of electricity and about 6% was generated by renewable sources such as hydro-power. This study is to show a clear view of 42 years an evolutionary trend of Iran's electricity generation industry. The capacity of power generation installed and electricity generation from the years 1967 to 2008 has been gathered. The total pollutant emissions and emission per unit electricity generation for each type of power plants have also been calculated using emission factors and the pattern of electricity generation and emission has been presented. The results shown that encouraging of using renewable energy sources and increasing the contribution of the combined cycle as a best type of thermal power plants and use more natural gas is recommended to reduce emission.  相似文献   

  目的  燃煤电厂的低碳节能路径是缓解我国能源危机与环境污染的重要策略。  方法  文章评述了当前燃煤电厂在燃料供应设计阶段和节能运行维护阶段的低碳节能技术以及低碳技术潜在的发展方向。  结果  对于电厂燃料供应设计阶段的低碳技术应优化生物质/氨与煤的掺烧比例,良好的掺烧比例有利于炉内充分燃烧,降低碳排;电厂节能运行维护阶段吸收技术、吸附技术和气体分离技术是碳颗粒捕集的常用手段,同时储能技术、深度调峰技术、柔性直流供电技术对于CO2减排具有重要作用。  结论  对电厂低碳技术发展进行展望,认为采用综合互补低碳协同方式,并结合电厂运行过程中的监管反馈调控措施,将是促进电厂可持续能源发展的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

The ongoing transformation of the European energy system comes along with new challenges, notably increasing amounts of power generation from intermittent sources like wind and solar. How current objectives for emission reduction can be reached in the future and what the future power system will look like is, however, not fully clear. In particular, power plant investments in the long run and power plant dispatch in the short run are subject to considerable uncertainty. Therefore an approach is presented which allows electricity market development to be assessed in the presence of stochastic power feed-in and endogenous investments in power plants and renewable energies. To illustrate the range of possible future developments, five scenarios for the European electricity system up to 2050 are investigated. Both generation investments and dispatch as well as utilization of transmission lines are optimized for these scenarios and additional sensitivity analyses are carried out.  相似文献   

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