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The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides symmetrically using a medial F-actin- based contractile ring to produce equal-sized daughter cells. Mutants defective in two previously described genes, mid1 and pom1, frequently divide asymmetrically. Here we present the identification of three new temperature-sensitive mutants defective in localization of the division plane. All three mutants have mutations in the polo kinase gene, plo1, and show defects very similar to those of mid1 mutants in both the placement and organization of the medial ring. In both cases, ring formation is frequently initiated near the cell poles, indicating that Mid1p and Plo1p function in recruiting medial ring components to the cell center. It has been reported previously that during mitosis Mid1p becomes hyperphosphorylated and relocates from the nucleus to a medial ring. Here we show that Mid1p first forms a diffuse cortical band during spindle formation and then coalesces into a ring before anaphase. Plo1p is required for Mid1p to exit the nucleus and form a ring, and Pom1p is required for proper placement of the Mid1p ring. Upon overexpression of Plo1p, Mid1p exits the nucleus prematurely and displays a reduced mobility on gels similar to that of the hyperphosphorylated form observed previously in mitotic cells. Genetic and two-hybrid analyses suggest that Plo1p and Mid1p act in a common pathway distinct from that involving Pom1p. Plo1p localizes to the spindle pole bodies and spindles of mitotic cells and also to the medial ring at the time of its formation. Taken together, the data indicate that Plo1p plays a role in the positioning of division sites by regulating Mid1p. Given its previously known functions in mitosis and the timing of cytokinesis, Plo1p is thus implicated as a key molecule in the spatial and temporal coordination of cytokinesis with mitosis.  相似文献   

Generation of cell polarity in yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yeast cells constitute an excellent system for studying cell polarity. They polarize by means of internally programmed patterns of cell division; they polarize chemotropically towards a partner during mating; and they utilize polarity to segregate cell-fate determinants during division. In the past year, considerable progress has been made towards increasing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying each of these processes.  相似文献   

Dapsone hydroxylamine (DDS-NOH) is a direct-acting hemolytic agent responsible for dapsone-induced hemolytic anemia in the rat. The hemolytic activity of DDS-NOH is associated with the formation of disulfide-linked hemoglobin adducts on membrane skeletal proteins. We have postulated that this membrane protein "damage" is a consequence of DDS-NOH-induced oxidative stress within the red cell and that it serves as the trigger for premature removal of injured but intact red cells from the circulation by splenic macrophages. Oxidative stress has also been associated with the induction of lipid peroxidation, and it is possible that direct damage to the lipoidal membrane may play a role in the premature sequestration of the damaged cells in the spleen. To investigate this possibility, rat and human red cells were incubated with hemolytic concentrations of DDS-NOH and examined for evidence of lipid peroxidation using two independent assays: thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances formation and cis-paranaric acid degradation. Phenylhydrazine, which is known to induce lipid peroxidation in red cells, was used as a positive control. The extent of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances formation and cis-paranaric acid degradation in DDS-NOH-treated rat and human red cells was not significantly different from that in control cells. In contrast, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances formation and cis-paranaric acid degradation were significantly increased in red cells treated with hemolytic concentrations of the positive control, phenylhydrazine. These data suggest that lipid peroxidation is not involved in the mechanism underlying dapsone-induced hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Localization of human intestinal defensin 5 in Paneth cell granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotic peptides of higher animals include the defensins, first discovered in phagocytic cells but recently also found to be produced by epithelial cells. We biosynthesized recombinant human intestinal defensin 5 (rHD-5) using the baculovirus-insect cell expression system. Since insect cells process defensin incompletely and secrete the precursor proHD-5, we substituted a methionine for an alanine at a likely processing site to allow selective chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide, and rHD-5 was used to elicit polyclonal antibodies. By the immunoperoxidase-staining technique, the antibodies selectively stained Paneth cells of the normal adult small intestine. Immunogold electron microscopy further localized HD-5 to the Paneth cell secretory granules. Since some defensins exert activity cytotoxic to mammalian cells, we assayed the effect of rHD-5 on the human intestinal cell lines Caco2 and Int407. proHD-5 did not exert cytotoxic activity, and rHD-5 showed only minimal activity against Int407 and was inert against Caco2. Since Paneth cells release their granules adjacent to the mitotic cells of the intestinal crypts, HD could protect this cell population against invasion and parasitization by microbes.  相似文献   

The dental profession faces educational, scientific, and ethical challenges in orofacial pain and headache. Past educational deficiencies are being addressed with guidance and recommendations from the AADS, the ADA, and the AAOP. With education and further research, many dental ethical questions in TMD will be resolved. The educational process must continue with a solid foundation in scientific basis provided in university settings. The appropriate use of TMD diagnostic machines, treatment modalities, and management of perpetuating factors such as sleep will evolve with the new knowledge of scientific discovery. These are some of the many challenges of orofacial pain and headache disorders that warrant special consideration.  相似文献   

Differentiated cells have been established in monolayer culture from adult rat liver and their ultrastructural and biochemical features characterized after 20-30 generations. Hepatocytes were isolated by enzyme perfusion of the liver followed by treatment with papain, which allowed cultures to be established more readily and to be cloned at an early stage. Ultrastructural studies indicated that the cells were derived largely from hepatic parenchymal cells. The cells showed structural modifications during primary culture but were stable thereafter. The cultured cells retained some differentiated functions unique to liver cells, including the synthesis of ornithine form arginine and the secretion of serum proteins, albumin, chi- and beta-globulins.  相似文献   

Nystatin isolated from Streptomyces is a polyene antibiotic that is frequently used in the treatment and prophylaxis of fungal infections. Here, the fractional sterol concentration dependencies of the partition coefficient for partitioning of nystatin into ergosterol/dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), cholesterol/DMPC, ergosterol/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), and ergosterol/POPC/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylethano lam ine (POPE) multilamellar vesicles have been determined fluorometrically at 37 degrees C using approximately 0.3-1.0 mol % sterol concentration increments over a wide concentration range (e.g., 18-54 mol % sterol). This unconventional approach of varying membrane sterol content, in contrast to previous studies using large sterol concentration increments (e.g., 10 mol %), leads to a striking observation. The partition coefficient of nystatin changes dramatically with membrane sterol content in a well-defined alternating manner, displaying a local minimum at or very close to the critical sterol mole fractions (e.g., 20.0, 22.2, 25.0, 33.3, 40.0, and 50.0 mol % sterol) predicted for sterols regularly distributed in either hexagonal or centered rectangular superlattices. In ergosterol/DMPC bilayers, for example, there is a >3-fold increase in nystatin partitioning with a minute change (approximately 1 mol %) in sterol content on either side of the critical sterol mole fraction, 25.0 mol %. These results provide semifunctional evidence supporting the sterol regular distribution model [Chong, P. L.-G. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 10069-10073]. More importantly, these results reveal a new membrane phenomenon, that is, that nystatin partitioning is affected by the extent of sterol regular distribution in the plane of the membrane. This phenomenon occurs not only in saturated (e.g., DMPC) but also in unsaturated (e.g., POPC) lipid membranes, and persists in the presence of polar headgroup heterogeneity (e.g., POPC/POPE). This membrane property points to a new method for studying the interactions of polyene antibiotics with sterol-containing membranes, and the need to consider the membrane sterol content of the target cells when administering nystatin or other polyene antibiotics.  相似文献   

The linearized plasmid with complementary (cohesive) ends was shown to restore the circular form in cells of the rad57 mutant with a lower efficiency than in Rad+ cells. This process proved to be cold-sensitive in mutant cells, in contrast to wild-type cells. When mutant cells were shifted from 23 up to 36 degrees C, the repair efficiency increased approximately 1.5 times. In most cases examined, the repair was not accompanied by the doublestrand gap repair within the break site and did not depend on temperature. Homology between chromosomal and plasmid DNA sequences in the break region and the presence of cohesive ends were shown to be essential for the repair of linearized plasmids with a double-strand gap in cells of the rad57 mutant. Degradation of cohesive ends of the linearized plasmid during its repair in rad57 cells is insignificant. Possible mechanisms of linearized plasmid repair in the rad57 mutant are proposed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the C-terminal domain of Bcl-2 family members may contain a signal anchor sequence that targets these proteins to the mitochondrial outer membrane. We have investigated the consequence of deleting this domain upon cytochrome c release in yeast strains that coexpress truncated forms of Bax (i.e. BaxA) and Bcl-X(L) (i.e. Bcl-X(L)delta). We find that (i) Bax(delta) is as efficient as full-length Bax in promoting cytochrome c release, but Bcl-x(L)delta has remarkably reduced rescuing ability compared to full-length Bcl-x(L); (ii) full-length Bcl-X(L) protein acts by relocalizing Bax from the mitochondrial fraction to the soluble cytosolic fraction; (iii) Bax undergoes N-terminal cleavage when expressed in yeast, which is prevented by coexpression of Bcl-X(L), suggesting that Bcl-x(L) may mask the cleavage site of Bax through a direct physical interaction of the two proteins.  相似文献   

Superantigens bind to antigen-presenting cells on the outside of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule and to T cells via the external face of the T cell receptor (TCR) V beta element. As a consequence, superantigens stimulate populations of T cells in a V beta-specific, non-MHC-restricted manner. However, accumulating evidence has shown an additional contribution of the TCR alpha-chain and polymorphic residues of the MHC molecule to superantigen recognition by some T cells. These data suggest that the TCR and MHC come into contact during superantigen engagement and indirectly modulate the superantigen reactivity. Thus, additional interactions between non-V beta elements of the TCR and MHC play a role in the overall stability of the superantigen/MHC/TCR complex, explaining the influence of the TCR alpha-chain. It is likely that this additional interaction is of greater consequence for weakly reactive T cells. This modulation of superantigen reactivity in individual T cells may have physiological consequences, for example, in the induction of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Mutations at the phosphorylation site (Asp-378) of the yeast plasma-membrane H+-ATPase have been shown previously to cause misfolding of the ATPase, preventing normal movement along the secretory pathway; Asp-378 mutations also block the biogenesis of co-expressed wild-type ATPase and lead to a dominant lethal phenotype. To ask whether these defects are specific for Asp-378 or whether the phosphorylation region as a whole is involved, alanine-scanning mutagenesis has been carried out to examine the role of 11 conserved residues flanking Asp-378. In the sec6-4 expression system (Nakamoto, R. K., Rao, R., and Slayman, C. W. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7940-7949), the mutant ATPases displayed varying abilities to reach the secretory vesicles that deliver plasma-membrane proteins to the cell surface. Indirect immunofluorescence of intact cells also gave evidence for a spectrum of behavior, ranging from mutant ATPases completely arrested (D378A, K379A, T380A, and T384A) or partially arrested in the endoplasmic reticulum to those that reached the plasma membrane in normal amounts (C376A, S377A, and G381A). Although the extent of ER retention varied among the mutants, the endoplasmic reticulum appeared to be the only secretory compartment in which the mutant ATPases accumulated. All of the mutant proteins that localized either partially or fully to the ER were also malfolded based on their abnormal sensitivity to trypsin. Among them, the severely affected mutants had a dominant lethal phenotype, and even the intermediate mutants caused a visible slowing of growth when co-expressed with wild-type ATPase. The effects on growth could be traced to the trapping of the wild-type enzyme with the mutant enzyme in the ER, as visualized by double label immunofluorescence. Taken together, the results indicate that the residues surrounding Asp-378 are critically important for ATPase maturation and transport to the cell surface.  相似文献   

1. The amnesia induced by various stress stimuli through hypoxia and cerebral ischemia was evaluated by the shortening of the response latency in a step-through task in mice. 2. The hypoxia-induced amnesia was reduced by cromakalim, a K+ channel opener (KCO), given 10 min before or immediately after the hypoxic treatment. 3. Similarly, the ischemia-induced amnesia was also reduced by cromakalim given 30 min before the occlusion. 4. In ischemic-induced amnesic mice, pyknotic cells, indicating the condensation of chromatin, were observed histochemically at the dentate gyrus granule cells in hippocampal regions 96 hr after ischemic treatment. In addition, cromakalim inhibited the induction of pyknotic cells. 5. These results suggest that KCOs might produce prophylactically neuroprotective effects against hypoxia- and cerebral ischemia-induced amnesia.  相似文献   

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