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Within engineering design, optimization often involves building models of working systems to improve design objectives such as performance, reliability and cost. Bond graph models express systems in terms of energy flow and can be used to identify key factors that influence system behaviour. Robust Engineering Design (RED) is a strategy for the optimization of systems through experimentation and empirical modelling; however, experiments can often be prohibitively expensive for large or complex systems. By using bond graphs as a front‐end to RED, experiments on systems could be designed more efficiently, reducing the number of experiments required for accurate empirical modelling. Two case study examples are given which show that bond graphs can be used to good effect in the empirical analysis of engineering systems. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of enterprise systems requires a more advanced analysis of the representation of services expected than is currently possible. Consequently, the specification stage, which could be facilitated by formal verification, becomes very important to the system life-cycle. This paper presents a formal modelling approach, which may be used in order to better represent the reality of the system and to verify the awaited or existing system's properties, taking into account the environmental characteristics. For that, we firstly propose a formalization process based upon properties specification, and secondly we use Conceptual Graphs operations to develop reasoning mechanisms of verifying requirements statements. The graphic visualization of these reasoning enables us to correctly capture the system specifications by making it easier to determine if desired properties hold. It is applied to the field of Enterprise modelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model for simulating the bond between steel and concrete, in precast prestressed concrete elements, during the prestressing force release. The model establishes a relationship between bond stress, steel and concrete stress and slip in such concrete structures. This relationship allows us to evaluate the bond stress in the transmission zone, where bond stress is not constant, along the whole prestressing force release process. The model is validated with the results of a series of tests, considering different steel indentation depths and concrete covers and is extended to evaluate the transmission length. This capability has been checked by comparing the transmission length predicted by the model and one measured experimentally in two series of tests.  相似文献   

Bond graphs can be used to build thermodynamically‐compliant hierarchical models of biomolecular systems. As bond graphs have been widely used to model, analyse and synthesise engineering systems, this study suggests that they can play the same rôle in the modelling, analysis and synthesis of biomolecular systems. The particular structure of bond graphs arising from biomolecular systems is established and used to elucidate the relation between thermodynamically closed and open systems. Block diagram representations of the dynamics implied by these bond graphs are used to reveal implicit feedback structures and are linearised to allow the application of control‐theoretical methods. Two concepts of modularity are examined: computational modularity where physical correctness is retained and behavioural modularity where module behaviour (such as ultrasensitivity) is retained. As well as providing computational modularity, bond graphs provide a natural formulation of behavioural modularity and reveal the sources of retroactivity. A bond graph approach to reducing retroactivity, and thus inter‐module interaction, is shown to require a power supply such as that provided by the ATP ⇌ ADP + Pi reaction. The mitogen‐activated protein kinase cascade (Raf–MEK–ERK pathway) is used as an illustrative example.Inspec keywords: molecular biophysics, bond graphs, hierarchical systems, thermodynamics, enzymes, physiological models, biology computingOther keywords: signalling networks, behavioural modularity, Michaelis‐Menten kinetics, Raf‐MEK‐ERK pathway, mitogen‐activated protein kinase cascade, ATP⇌ADP + Pi reaction, intermodule interaction, retroactivity, computational modularity, block diagram representations, thermodynamically‐compliant hierarchical models, biomolecular systems, modular bond‐graph modelling  相似文献   

研究了液压系统键合图建模方法.使用20-sim软件,建立了减振器试验台压缩时液压系统的键合图模型,并进行动态仿真,得到系统输出速度和输出压力的动态响应曲线,仿真结果证明了建模方法的可行性与正确性;通过建立系统的Simulink模型进行对比仿真分析,进一步验证仿真结果的可靠性.研究工作为液压系统的动态建模及仿真提供新的思路.  相似文献   

This study includes the design and testing of a program that creates quadric-based geometric models of the trabecular region, designed specifically for use with the 2005 version of the Monte Carlo radiation transport code PENELOPE. Our model was tested, by comparison with published data, in two aspects: the distributions of path lengths throughout the geometry and absorbed fraction values from the monoenergetic emission of electrons from within our geometry. In both comparisons, our results show a close agreement with published methods.  相似文献   

In this article we present numerical studies of waves interacting with a cylindrical point absorber that is directly driving a seabed based linear generator. For waves useful for power conversion, the wave/point absorber interaction can be modelled, using potential theory assuming an inviscid irrotational incompressible fluid. The generator is modelled as a viscous damper. This paper pays special attention to the case when the converter is in resonance with the wave. The power capture capability of the system has been studied both for a harmonic wave and for real ocean waves.  相似文献   

The paper considers research carried out on the topic of life cycle (LC) modelling of industrial processes with emphasis upon energy utilisation and gaseous emissions. The aim of the work is to investigate existing LC assessment codes, in particular for their outputs and decision making potential, and to develop the characteristics of new software as appropriate. The paper focuses on a comparison of two methods for LC modelling: use of “SimaPro 5” with ECO-indicators and logical-information modelling. The considered approaches require attention to dynamic modelling having features for decision making; for example, in areas of costs, sensitivity analysis and optimisation of LC process parameters to economically reduce the total environmental load. Brick making is chosen as an energy intensive process for model application.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a deeper insight into the molecular mechanism controlling the cellular response to high-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, the number and size of pATM (S1981) and gamma-H2AX foci were compared in cultures of diploid human fibroblasts after exposure to charged particles of varying species, energy and LET at the NIRS-HIMAC-facility (Chiba, Japan). Particle LET ranged from 2.2 to 300 keV/mum, and a low fluence of 7.3 x 10(4) cm(-2) was chosen. Therefore, about 1 out of 7 nuclei was traversed by a particle. Doses and LET were verified with thermoluminescence detectors (LiF:Mg, Ti) evaluated according to the high temperature ratio method. Two hours after irradiation, fibroblasts were fixed and the subcellular distribution of pATM (S1981) and gamma-H2AX was visualised by immunofluorescence or histochemical staining using phosphorylation-specific antibodies. It was found that the number of pATM (S1981) foci per nucleus was higher after exposure to higher-LET particles. Irradiation with the two highest LET beams (Fe-ions, 197 and 300 keV/mum) gave a significant increase in the number of pATM foci, whereas ions with an LET lower than 30 keV/mum yielded similar numbers of pATM foci compared with unirradiated control samples. These data show that the early cellular response to high-LET radiation is modulated by the energy deposition of the particle. Therefore, the correlation between the microdosimetric aspect of energy deposition and biologic consequences at low radiation doses deserves further study.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed to describe the relationship between the energy absorption properties of paper honeycombs and ambient humidity, as well as the structural parameters thereof. The model is a piecewise function modelling the energy absorption of four deformation stages of paper honeycomb (linear-elastic stage, yield stage, plateau stage and densification stage) separately. Function of each stage is a simple formula relating the energy absorption capacity to the thickness-to-length ratio of honeycomb cell, the mechanical property of a cell-wall material tested under a controlled atmosphere [23 °C and 50% relative humidity (RH)] and the RH. Energy absorption curves were thereby obtained for paper honeycombs with a wide range of thickness-to-length ratios in arbitrary humidity environments. The created model was then verified by comparing the predicted energy absorption curves with the experimental ones. A good accordance between the predictions and the observations was achieved, indicating that the energy absorption models developed here could be used to practical application for the designing optimisation and material selection of paper honeycombs.  相似文献   

We have elaborated a procedure for numerically modelling the behaviour of polymer-based materials as a function of two independent variables such as temperature and rate. The parameters of the model are chosen to have close physical significance, e.g. in terms of molecular theories or other measurements. The model may be adjusted to the data by a least-squares fit, yielding the optimal parameters provided the chi-squared test shows the fit to be acceptably good. Specimens may be compared by studying the dependence of individual fitted model parameters on preparation variables. Under certain conditions this procedure can be extended to result in the quantitative prediction of the ingredients and preparation needed to produce a material of desired properties. We describe the implementation of the procedure on a computergraphics facility, and apply it to the study of the tear energy in filled vulcanizates.  相似文献   

Increasing energy cost and environmental problems push forward research on energy modelling and saving strategy in the sustainable manufacturing field. A manufacturing process usually includes cutting process and non-cutting status. Energy consumption of non-cutting status accounts for a large amount of the total energy consumption during a machining process. This paper focuses on the energy modelling and saving potential analysis in non-cutting status. First, power of non-cutting status was modelled, which included the fixed power, spindle idle power, feed motion power and rapid feed power. Secondly, milling experiments were conducted to study the characteristic and modelling method of the non-cutting status power. The experiments were divided into two types, some experiments were used to calculate the coefficients, and the others were applied to verify the proposed model. Finally, regression analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were applied to illustrate the prediction accuracy of the proposed model. The energy saving strategy was developed for the non-cutting status, which includes shortening the air cutting time and not frequently changing the spindle speed to avoid a power peak. It indicates that the proposed model can predict the power consumption of non-cutting status accurately.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health issue. One key factor contributing to AMR is the ability of bacteria to export drugs through efflux pumps, which relies on the ATP-dependent expression and interaction of several controlling genes. Recent studies have shown that significant cell-to-cell ATP variability exists within clonal bacterial populations, but the contribution of intrinsic cell-to-cell ATP heterogeneity is generally overlooked in understanding efflux pumps. Here, we consider how ATP variability influences gene regulatory networks controlling expression of efflux pump genes in two bacterial species. We develop and apply a generalizable Boolean modelling framework, developed to incorporate the dependence of gene expression dynamics on available cellular energy supply. Theoretical results show that differences in energy availability can cause pronounced downstream heterogeneity in efflux gene expression. Cells with higher energy availability have a superior response to stressors. Furthermore, in the absence of stress, model bacteria develop heterogeneous pulses of efflux pump gene expression which contribute to a sustained sub-population of cells with increased efflux expression activity, potentially conferring a continuous pool of intrinsically resistant bacteria. This modelling approach thus reveals an important source of heterogeneity in cell responses to antimicrobials and sheds light on potentially targetable aspects of efflux pump-related antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

The glass surface of a glass-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic channel was modified to develop a solid-phase assay for quantitative determination of nucleic acids. Electroosmotic flow (EOF) within channels was used to deliver and immobilize semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), and electrophoresis was used to decorate the QDs with oligonucleotide probe sequences. These processes took only minutes to complete. The QDs served as energy donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for transduction of nucleic acid hybridization. Electrokinetic injection of fluorescent dye (Cy3) labeled oligonucleotide target into a microfluidic channel and subsequent hybridization (within minutes) provided the proximity for FRET, with emission from Cy3 being the analytical signal. The quantification of target concentration was achieved by measurement of the spatial length of coverage by target along a channel. Detection of femtomole quantities of target was possible with a dynamic range spanning an order of magnitude. The assay provided excellent resistance to nonspecific interactions of DNA. Further selectivity of the assay was achieved using 20% formamide, which allowed discrimination between a fully complementary target and a 3 base pair mismatch target at a contrast ratio of 4:1.  相似文献   

The human physiological system is stressed to its limits during endurance sports competition events. We describe a whole body computational model for energy conversion during bicycle racing. About 23 per cent of the metabolic energy is used for muscle work, the rest is converted to heat. We calculated heat transfer by conduction and blood flow inside the body, and heat transfer from the skin by radiation, convection and sweat evaporation, resulting in temperature changes in 25 body compartments. We simulated a mountain time trial to Alpe d'Huez during the Tour de France. To approach the time realized by Lance Armstrong in 2004, very high oxygen uptake must be sustained by the simulated cyclist. Temperature was predicted to reach 39°C in the brain, and 39.7°C in leg muscle. In addition to the macroscopic simulation, we analysed the buffering of bursts of high adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis by creatine kinase during cyclical muscle activity at the biochemical pathway level. To investigate the low oxygen to carbohydrate ratio for the brain, which takes up lactate during exercise, we calculated the flux distribution in cerebral energy metabolism. Computational modelling of the human body, describing heat exchange and energy metabolism, makes simulation of endurance sports events feasible.  相似文献   

为了准确有效地提取滚动轴承振动信号的非平稳、非线性故障特征,将复杂网络与图信号处理技术(graph signal processing,GSP)引入机械故障诊断领域,提出了基于可视图图谱幅值熵(graph spectrum amplitude entropy of visibility graph,GSAEvG)的滚动...  相似文献   

Protein domains are the basic units of signalling processes. The mechanisms they are involved in usually follow recurring patterns, such as phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycles. A set of common motifs was defined and their dynamic models were analysed with respect to number and stability of steady states. In a first step, Feinberg's chemical reaction network theory was used to determine whether a motif can show multistationarity or not. The analysis revealed that, apart from double-step activation motifs including a distributive mechanism, only those motifs involving an autocatalytic reaction can show multistationarity. To further characterise these motifs, a large number of randomly chosen parameter sets leading to bistability was generated, followed by a bifurcation analysis of each parameter set and a statistical evaluation of the results. The statistical results can be used to explore robustness against noise, pointing to the observation that multistationarity at the single-motif level may not be a robust property; the range of protein concentrations compatible with multistationarity is fairly narrow. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that protein concentrations vary substantially between cells. Considering a motif designed to be a bistable switch, this implies that fluctuation of protein concentrations between cells would prevent a significant proportion of motifs from acting as a switch. The authors consider this to be a first step towards a catalogue of fully characterised signalling modules.  相似文献   

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