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基于提升小波变换和分形维数的声纳图像识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分形理论在图像的纹理识别中得到了广泛应用,由于分形维数不能反映图像的空间信息,容易造成误识别。针对该问题并结合声纳图像的特点,通过提升结构构造了Haar小波,并将提升小波变换同分形理论相结合,利用小波分解的多分辨率特点和分形维数的多尺度特性,提高图像的识别率。采用Levenberg-Marquardt(L-M)算法优化的BP神经网络对不同信噪比的声纳图像进行分类识别。实验结果表明,文中方法不论在识别率还是识别时间上均优于传统纹理识别方法。  相似文献   

针对航空板结构健康监测需求,提出一种基于分形计盒维数的板结构分布式光纤冲击载荷定位方法。使用分形维数能够定量描述与刻画非线性系统行为的复杂性以及度量信号的不规则度。研究发现,光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感器冲击响应信号频谱的分形计盒维数与冲击距离以及冲击位置与光纤轴向角度存在关联,以此为特征参数可以实现对冲击位置定位。由于冲击响应信号频谱的分形计盒维数与冲击位置之间存在重复性、非线性等问题,采用偏最小二乘回归法,对多个传感器数据进行数据融合,提高了冲击点位置预测提高定位精度。该方法与时差冲击定位方法相比,无需高速FBG解调设备。  相似文献   

为了实现脉冲噪声背景下频谱感知,本文提出基于Myriad滤波及分形盒维数的频谱感知方法。Alpha稳定分布噪声影响信号的分形盒维数值。由于Myriad滤波可以抑制Alpha稳定噪声,所以先对接收信号Myriad滤波,再计算其分形盒维数值作为检验统计量。仿真结果表明,该方法在Alpha稳定分布噪声下具有良好的频谱感知性能  相似文献   

为解决倒立摆模糊控制器的优化设计问题,提出一种基于Bloch量子遗传算法(BQGA)的优化设计方案.该方案将量子位的3个Bloch坐标都看作基因位,每条染色体包含3条并列的基因链,每条基因链代表一个优化解,即一组控制器参数,在与普通量子遗传算法(CQGA)染色体数目相同时可加速优化进程.以模糊神经网络控制器(FNNC)...  相似文献   

针对滚动轴承振动信号通常具有非线性与低信噪比特点,提出基于局部均值分解(Local Mean Decomposition,LMD)与形态学分形维数的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。采用LMD将滚动轴承振动信号分解为若干个乘积函数(Product Function,PF)分量,计算包含有滚动轴承故障特征的PF分量形态学分形维数,并将其用作特征量判断滚动轴承工作状态及故障类型。实验分析结果表明,该方法能有效用于滚动轴承的故障诊断。  相似文献   

目前基于振动响应的板类结构损伤检测技术存在着噪声免疫力弱、对轻微损伤难以识别等困难。对此,提出一种对板振型进行双树复小波变换(DT-CWT)降噪和仿射变换预处理的Katz分形维迹线扫描融合的板结构损伤检测方法。该方法首先利用DT-CWT对原始实测板结构的振型信号进行降噪;然后将降噪后的振型沿板纵、横向离散分解为振型曲线;将分解后的振型曲线进行仿射变换,得到拉伸后的线型面图;对变换后的线型面图分别进行Katz分形维迹线扫描,得到沿板纵向和横向的分形维迹线曲面图,将二者取均值得到融合后的分形维迹线曲面图;此融合后的曲面图中的凸起预示了损伤的发生,凸起的位置、形状和尺寸反应了损伤所在的位置、形状和尺寸。通过两个模型试验证明了该方法对板结构损伤识别的有效性;对比分析说明了对振型进行DT-CWT降噪和仿射变换预处理的重要性。  相似文献   

Slit-island analysis (SIA) has been successfully used to measure the fractal dimensional increment (D*) of fracture surfaces. The fracture toughness in brittle ceramics is related to the fractal dimension. However, the measurement technique may affect the determined D* values. The purpose of this study was to determine the contour angle at which a valid fractal dimension measurement could be obtained using the SIA method for baria silicate glass-ceramic and zinc selenide ceramic. Two specimens of each material were duplicated for each of the following contour angles: 0°, 3°, 5°, 7°, 22°, and 90°. After polishing to 1 m alumina slurry, the coastlines were photographed and arranged in a collage. The coastline was analyzed using the Richardson technique. Results showed that the SIA technique is sensitive to the contour angle since D* decreases with increasing contour angle for both materials.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于LonWorks总线的门禁控制器,实现了门禁控制器对控制区域内的信息数据的采集、处理与存储.该控制器通过LonWorks总线将这些数据传递至网络,实现了门禁系统的远程控制.该门禁控制器采用埃施朗公司最新的FT5000神经元芯片作为核心处理器,负责LON网通信和数据存储管理,使用AVR128单片机采集刷卡信息、门状态信息,实现了出入口的本地管理.  相似文献   

针对旋转机械耦合故障的诊断问题,提出一种基于EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)和分形盒维数的诊断方法。该方法结合EMD对非线性信号处理的自适应性和分形盒维数能对非线性行为定量描述的特点,先对故障信号进行EMD处理,得到含有故障特征的本征模式函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,简称IMF),然后求出各IMF的盒维数,通过盒维数的比较分析进行故障诊断。构造了含有裂纹-碰摩-松动耦合故障的转子-轴承系统动力学模型,用龙格库塔法求出故障模型振动信号。通过对耦合故障信号进行分析,得到耦合故障特征向量,并与传统的边界谱诊断方法比较,证明该方法对旋转机械耦合故障诊断的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

针对复杂的水岸景物彩色图像水岸界线识别,提出了融合多特征的分数维方法。该方法用提取边界来降低维数;再将横向细长窗口内的 Lebesgue 测度(μmin =260)和水岸界线形状位置等特征作为限定条件,只对符合条件点应用基于 ε-blanket 方法的覆盖技术进行迭代计算,找到分数维数最接近 1 的窗口;用经过部分改造的最小二乘法拟合窗口内符合条件点即为水岸界线。这样可以大幅度减少计算量,需迭代计算像素点数量仅为原算法的 0.88%。对多种自然条件下水岸图像 1026 幅进行识别,完全识别率达 85.3%,反应出该方法的鲁棒性与实用性。  相似文献   

蓝云秀  周国忠 《光电工程》2004,31(Z1):148-151
基于 PCI 总线的接口设计通过 PCI 接口控制芯片 S5933, 双端口 RAM 和可编程逻辑器件实现主机同各外围设备间的数据交换。用户应用程序调用利用 WinDriver 编程的设备驱动程序提供的各函数接口来操作硬件。  相似文献   

介绍加液机控制系统的工作原理及其相关电路,在保证安全使用的前提下,降低加液机成本,提高计量准确度。设计一种基于ATmega128单片机的加液机控制系统,采用单片机作为核心控制芯片,采用科里奥利质量流量计和DG1300型号的压力变送器,分别完成对流量和压力信号的自动采集,同时将采集到的信号送入单片机,根据系统的设定值完成相应的PI控制。最后论述其程序的实现方法,并对改进的PI算法进行验证,给出仿真结果。  相似文献   

Fractal dimensions of grain boundary region in doped SnO2 ceramics were determined based on previously derived fractal model. This model considers fractal dimension as a measure of homogeneity of distribution of charge carriers. Application of the derived fractal model enables calculation of fractal dimension using results of impedance spectroscopy. The model was verified by experimentally determined temperature dependence of the fractal dimension of SnO2 ceramics. Obtained results confirm that the non-Debye response of the grain boundary region is connected with distribution of defects and consequently with a homogeneity of a distribution of the charge carriers. Also, it was found that CT −1 function has maximum at temperature at which the change in dominant type of defects takes place. This effect could be considered as a third-order transition.  相似文献   

基于Riccati不等式的微动隔振平台鲁棒性能控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对辨识参数存在摄动的精密隔振平台系统的鲁棒性能控制器设计问题,基于参数摄动系统的鲁棒性能与Riccati不等式解之间的关系,推导出了一类参数摄动系统的输出反馈鲁棒性能控制器设计方法,将鲁棒性能控制器设计转化为参数确定的辅助系统的一般输出反馈鲁棒控制器求解,计算较方便.通过对单自由度微动隔振平台的仿真分析表明,空气弹簧支撑隔振平台虽能隔离地基的高频成分,但对低频成分以及台面直接干扰的隔振效果不好;采用所设计的鲁棒性能控制器,闭环系统能够在不确定参数较大的摄动范围内有效隔离地基的低频振动,而且对台面直接干扰和量测噪声也具有很好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the second deadliest type of cancer. Early detection of breast cancer can considerably improve the effectiveness of treatment. A significant early sign of breast cancer is the mass. However, separating the cancerous masses from the normal portions of the breast tissue is usually a challenge for radiologists. Recently, because of the availability of high‐accuracy computing, computer‐aided detection systems based on image processing have become capable of accurately diagnosing the various types of cancers. The main purpose of this study is to utilize a powerful image segmentation method for the diagnosis of cancerous regions through mammography, based on a new configuration of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network. The most popular method for minimizing the errors in an MLP neural network is backpropagation. However, this method has certain drawbacks, such as a low convergence speed and becoming trapped at the local minimum. In this study, a new training algorithm based on the whale optimization algorithm is proposed for the MLP network. This algorithm is capable of solving various problems toward the current algorithms for the analyzed systems. The proposed method is validated on the Mammographic Image Analysis Society database, which contains 322 digitized mammography images, and the Digital Database for Screening Mammography, which contains approximately 2500 digitized mammography images. To assess the detection performance of the proposed system, the correct detection rate, percentage of identification with false acceptance, and percentage of identification with false rejection were evaluated and compared using various methods. The results indicate that the proposed method is highly efficient and yields significantly better accuracy compared with other methods.  相似文献   

针对液黏调速离合器存在非线性和控制精度较低,难以满足工业领域较高的传动特性需求等问题,提出了基于RBF (radial basis function, 径向基函数)神经网络的液黏调速离合器活塞位移滑模控制策略。对液黏调速离合器局部结构进行改进,增设位移传感器和导电滑环以采集位移信号;建立了电液比例溢流阀和液黏调速离合器的数学模型,设计并分析了基于RBF神经网络的液黏调速离合器活塞位移滑模控制器;搭建了液黏调速离合器AMESim-MATLAB联合仿真模型。仿真结果表明:基于RBF神经网络的液黏调速离合器活塞位移滑模控制可以有效地适应液黏调速离合器的非线性,并解决滑模控制的抖振问题,能够提高控制精度,使液黏调速离合器控制器具有很好的鲁棒性,可以满足较高的工业需求。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for designing job shops under the fractal layout organization that has been introduced as an alternative to the more traditional function and product organizations. We first begin with an illustration of how a fractal job shop is constituted from individual fractal cells. We then consider joint assignment of products and their processing requirements to fractal cells, the layout of workstation replicates in a fractal cell and the layout of cells with respect to each other. The main challenge in assigning flow to workstation replicates is that flow assignment is in itself a layout dependent decision problem. We confront this dilemma by proposing an iterative algorithm that updates layouts depending on flow assignments, and flow assignments based on layout. The proposed heuristic is computationally feasible as evidenced by our experience with test problems taken from the literature. We conclude by showing how the methodologies developed in this paper have helped us evaluate fractal job shop designs through specification of fractal cells, assignment of processing requirements to workstation replicates, and development of processor level layouts. This step has had the far-reaching consequence of demonstrating the viability and the validity of the fractal layout organization.  相似文献   

基于区域极点配置的汽车主动悬架H2/H 控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用混合H2/H 控制方法设计了某重载车辆悬架控制器。以此种方法设计出的控制器,通过H 控制指标保证被控对象约束输出传递函数的无穷范数低于适当γ值的同时,最小化一个给定的H2性能指标函数,较好的解决了悬架系统性能和系统鲁棒性之间的折衷优化控制问题,同时,通过将闭环极点配置在指定位置,保证了系统的动态性能,结果显示,通过将单一范数(H2或H )控制方法改进为混合范数H2/H 控制方法,强化了每种范数各自的优势,系统综合性能品质得到了保证。  相似文献   

Venkatadri el a.(HE Transactions, 29, 911-924, 1997) have proposed a new methodology for shop floor layout that involves the use of fractal cells and have compared the performance of their new layout with those obtained using the function, group and holographic layouts. A few inconsistencies are present in their results, expressed as flow scores. This note points out these inconsistencies through the use of appropriate examples.  相似文献   

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