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Recent findings from studies of populations of children with and without otitis media show that a poor ability to equalize negative pressure is a fundamental deficit of eustachian tube function. Not only was active function found to be poor in children with otitis media with effusion, it was also impaired in healthy children, as compared to adults. However, the deficit improved with age and time. The active rather than the passive tubal function seems to be of critical importance with respect to proneness to recurrent acute otitis media and secretory otitis media. This suggests the involvement of primarily a eustachian tube opening dysfunction or muscular opening hypofunction in children, which is considered to be a primary endogenous etiologic factor. In a subgroup of children with recurrent acute otitis media or secretory otitis media, habitual sniffing in combination with closing failure and poor active function may be a possible mechanism for the development of otitis media.  相似文献   

Canine Eustachian tube epithelium was examined by means of the scanning electron microscope. The part of the tube at the bone-cartilage junction was found to be the most active. It is here that goblet cells and large numbers of ciliated cells were found. Cilia were dense and covered by a mucus blanket. Near the tympanic end of the Eustachian tube, goblet cells were more numerous and ciliated cells less so. Near the pharyngeal end, goblet cells were numerous, while cilia were scanty and not uniform in length. Our findings support the concept that middle ear clearance is carried out by an active mucociliary mechanism as in other parts of the upper respiratory system.  相似文献   

The aortic area (Torlin) for diseased stenotic aortic valves was calculated in 10 patients using two different methods; data obtained in preoperative cardiac catheterization and by intraoperative flowmetric and aortic and left ventricular pressure-recording measurements, and their mutual correlation was tested. The correlation between the aortic valve areas obtained by these methods was very good (r = 0.992), confirming the valve and reliability of the intraoperative flowmetric and pressure recording measurements in clinical work.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the in vitro effects of a resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative material on human enamel. METHODS: Enamel specimens were restored with Photac-Fil, a resin-modified glass ionomer; Ketac-Fil, an autopolymerizing glass ionomer and silver amalgam. The samples were pH cycled and then subjected to an artificial caries challenge. Specimens were evaluated by fluoride microdrill biopsy and quantitative microradiography at 1, 2, and 3 mm from restorations. Data on fluoride content, lesion depth, and mineral content were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Student's t test, Neuman-Keuls procedure (multiple [pairwise] comparison), and Pearson's product-moment correlation tests. RESULTS: There were significant differences in fluoride uptake, lesion depth, and mineral density between groups. Significant correlational relationships were also determined. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that Photac-Fil and Ketac-Fil prevent in-vitro demineralization of enamel and suggests different mechanisms of action for each material.  相似文献   

To ascertain the relationship among 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) concentrations in nerve, serum and urine, rats were injected subcutaneously with 2.6 mmol/kg 2,5-HD alone, or together with 2.6 or 13.0 mmol/kg of methyl ethyl ketone, acetone and toluene. 2,5-HD concentrations in sciatic nerve (NC), serum (SC) and urine (UC) were determined, and the linear regression between each two of NC, SC, and UC were calculated. There was good correlation between NC and SC, SC and UC in the 2,5-HD alone group, and good correlation between NC and SC in the co-treated groups. Co-treatment solvent had little effect on the relationship between SC and NC. 13.0 mmol/kg co-treated solvent tended to decrease the regression coefficients compared with 2.6 mmol/kg co-treated solvent. These results show that SC can be used in estimating NC in the 2,5-HD alone or co-treated groups, and UC can be used in estimating SC in the 2,5-HD alone group.  相似文献   

A severe allergic reaction to a porcelain-fused-to-metal fixed partial denture containing 79% palladium, 2% gold, and 19% copper, resulting in a variety of symptoms and hospitalization of the patient, is reported. The reaction occurred 4 hours after cementation of the fixed partial denture. Suggestions for use of nongold metal alloys are discussed.  相似文献   

The series consists of 49 operable breast cancers, prospectively registered over a five month period. The removed axillary fat was peroperatively radiologically examined by trained radiologist, and the result was reported to the surgeon. Afterwards it was sent to the pathologist for a thorough histopathological examination. Peroperative radiographic examination showed that 30.6% of the resected axillary fat contained less than ten lymph nodes. Subsequent pathological examination found that only 8.2% actually contained less than ten lymph nodes. We conclude that peroperative radiological examination of removed axillary fat is not a reliable method to assess the number of lymph nodes removed during the surgical procedure. In our hands, a careful anatomical dissection removing all axillary fatty tissue and lymphatics including level I and II seems to be the method of choice.  相似文献   

Patients with affections of the vascular system of the lower extremities at several levels present a complicated problem for vascular surgery. The authors submit their experience with a combination of vascular reconstruction and peroperative transluminal angioplasty. In 25 patients, mean age 64 years, they performed 29 of these combined operations, 10 times on account of claudications, 11 times on account of pain at rest, 8 times on account of trophic defects. The pelvic vessels were dilated 6 times; the dilated vessels as well as the reconstruction remained patent. Peroperative angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery was performed 6 times, occlusion occurred once. Twelve times they dilated the distal portion of the popliteal artery or the vessels of the leg, 3 times the dilated portion became occluded. None of the patients lost the limb, one patient died from acute myocardial infarction shortly after operation. The authors describe the technique of peroperative transluminal angioplasty, evaluate the results and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this method.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To improve the safety and success of selective and superselective arterial catheterization in the rabbit. METHODS: A 2-F catheter introducer system was devised that consisted of the sheath of an 18-gauge, 5.1-cm sheath needle and a hemostatic valve attached to the hub of the sheath. The system was tested in 14 adult male New Zealand white rabbits with regard to ease of insertion and facilitation of superselective arterial catheterization. RESULTS: The introducer system was easily placed in all rabbits, and no bleeding was seen around the sheath at the puncture site. Preshaped 2-F polyethylene catheters were readily inserted through the assembly and sheath. The valve prevented bleeding from around the catheter, and the side-arm flush tube served as a route for heparinization. The system greatly facilitated the manipulation of 2-F angiographic catheters. CONCLUSION: Use of the introducer system with a 2-F polyethylene angiographic catheter improved the success of selective and superselective arterial catheterization in the rabbit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The normal conjunctival flora is one of the main sources of intraocular contamination during cataract surgery. The theory that the positive anterior chamber (AC) pressure during phacoemulsification (phaco), and the smaller wound utilised, might reduce the rate of contamination was studied. METHODS: The peroperative AC aspirates of 210 consecutive patients undergoing cataract surgery were assessed. In group 1, 100 patients underwent a standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE). In group 2, 110 patients underwent phacoemulsification of the crystal-line lens through a scleral tunnel. AC aspirates from the Simcoe irrigation/aspiration cannula (group 1) and phaco probe (group 2) were collected and microbiological studies performed after direct and enrichment cultures. RESULTS: There were 29 (29%) positives in the ECCE group compared with 22 (20%) positive cultures from AC aspirates in the phaco group. Coagulase negative staphylococcus (CNS) was the commonest contaminant in both groups. CONCLUSION: Although there was a higher rate of AC contamination during ECCE, the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.10, chi 2 = 2.31).  相似文献   

On the basis of results obtained from extensive pre- and intraoperative diagnostic investigations of 69 patients, minimalisation of epileptogenic brain tissue resection was strived for. The extent of resection ranged from selective amygdalohippocampectomy up to "en bloc" standard resections, and in rare cases even beyond these. In the majority of cases however, tailoring allowed smaller resections than the standard "en bloc" resections. The outcome of tailoring in regard to seizure control as well as verbal memory and visual performance show that this method should be favoured in epilepsy surgery of temporal lobe epilepsies.  相似文献   

Over the years, permissible radiation exposure of operators working with x-ray equipment has become progressively reduced. The number of cardiac catheterizations and related interventional procedures has increased and the procedures have become more prolonged. The patient receives relatively infrequent primary radiation while the operator receives frequent but mainly secondary radiation. The operator uses protective barriers, correct positioning of the patient and careful techniques to reduce radiation exposure. The effects of radiation are cumulative and permanent. They may be stochastic or nonstochastic, and somatic and/or genetic, and onset may be delayed for many years. To minimize exposure of patient and operator, cardiologists need a better understanding of radiation physics and of cardiac x-ray equipment. Technical breakthroughs such as digital imaging, pulse fluoroscopy, reduction of frame rates from 60 or 30 frames/s to 15 frames/s, and progression to the filmless laboratory will substantially reduce radiation. This review discusses current cardiac x-ray equipment, possible future developments, radiation, and techniques for reducing radiation and improving safety in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.  相似文献   

The optimal positioning post-outpatient cardiac catheterization is a largely unexplored area of research. Traditionally, patients have been placed supine, with the head of the bed (HOB) flat. This study sought to explore the influence of three different post-procedure positions on the incidence of complications and patient perceptions of satisfaction. Sixty-nine patients were randomized into three groups immediately after hemostasis of the arterial puncture site was achieved. Group 1 patients were placed supine with the HOB flat. Group 2 patients were placed on their sides, with the affected extremity straight. Group 3 patients were placed on their backs, with the HOB at 15-30 degrees. Endpoints included the presence of any complication (bleeding, hematoma formation or expansion, back pain and urinary retention) and patient comfort and satisfaction with the randomized position. Patients were asked prior to discharge to select the position they would have preferred post-procedure. Selection of an alternative position was felt to indicate dissatisfaction with the randomized position. Ten patients in Group 1, and nine patients in Group 2 and Group 3 experienced a complication (X2 = 3.682, df = 1, p = 0.05). Eighty-five percent of Group 1 patients selected an alternative position vs. 24% of those patients in Group 2 and Group 3 (X2 = 27.6, df = 1, p < .001). Conclusion: varying patient position post-outpatient cardiac catheterization is at least as safe as the traditional supine position and is more comfortable for patients.  相似文献   

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