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《聊斋》是中国清代小说家蒲松龄创作的一部文言短篇小说集,堪称中国古典文言小说的巅峰。内容丰富,情节离奇,写到了许多狐鬼花妖的故事。其中的人狐故事模式堪称经典也有其独特的特点,《聊斋》人狐相恋的故事三十九篇,这些故事大都有其固定的模式和特点。本文将产生这种现象的原因用精神分析的视角进行剖析,得出结论是因为蒲松龄的科举情结以及其被压抑的潜意识欲望。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》代表了我国古代短篇文言小说的最高成就。蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》塑造了众多花妖狐媚的形象,女性形象大多兰心惠质,而男性则多以刚毅伟岸形象示人。在为数不多的男鬼形象中,最为人们熟悉和喜爱的当属王六郎。王六郎知恩图报,有情有义,待人真诚。他虽为鬼,却食人间烟火;他虽为神,却知体恤百姓。蒲松龄塑造王六郎这个形象讽刺了现实社会人世的丑陋,表达对友情的赞颂和渴望。  相似文献   

蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了众多的狐鬼花妖形象。其中,翩翩是一个融入了蒲松龄深情和理想的艺术形象。她崇尚自然天性、独抒性灵、超凡而脱俗。然而,由于理想与现实的矛盾,翩翩最终归于虚幻,芳踪难觅。这也预示了蒲松龄美好梦幻的破灭。  相似文献   

蒲松龄,清初山东人,由于当时科举考场中舞弊成风,他四次应试举人都落第了。于是,他立志要写出一部《愤之书》。他镌刻了一副对联。联云:有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。蒲松龄以此自警自勉。后来,他终于写出了文学巨著《聊斋志异》,成为万古流芳的文学家。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》中有人物七百之多,作者蒲松龄对其中的六百多人给予命名。其各种各样的人物命名不但是人物之间区别的标示,而且也反映出蒲松龄对其笔下人物的评价以及别具一格的审美情趣。通过对《聊斋志异》人物命名艺术的探析,能够让我们对其作品的思想及艺术性有更加深刻的理解。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》中人物的名字,不仅是人物区别与他人的标示,同时也传达出蒲松龄对笔下人物的评价,体现着作家的情感和价值趋向,以及其独特的审美情趣。蒲松龄笔下的人们命名,尽显了他对真、善、美的不懈追求,丰富了《聊斋志异》的人物命名艺术。  相似文献   

号称“天下第一村”的山东省淄博市周村,有个闻名遐尔的古镇——王村镇。这个镇历史悠久,镇内的“五古城”是西汉时设置土鼓县城的故址。清代著名小说家蒲松龄在此设馆执教38年,并创作出巨著《聊斋志异》。不仅如此,在改革开放的今天,王村镇的小城镇建设也谱写了新篇章。  相似文献   

"写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入木三分。"郭沫若先生为聊斋堂题写的这幅对联精准的评价了《聊斋志异》这部传奇小说的文学地位与内容。《聊斋志异》刻画了形形色色的鬼狐形象,好的,坏的,奸的,邪的……不一而足,在继承创新我国古代鬼狐文化的基础上集古代鬼狐小说之大成。  相似文献   

本文通过对蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中人物的各种描写手法进行了综合的分析,认为这些人物形象在蒲松龄的笔下都具有外貌内化与心灵外化的特征,蒲松龄这种对人物的描写手法是具有独创性的,是值得我们当代叙事理论研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》四百多篇作品题材多样,内容繁杂。关于家庭生活的篇章数目也是众多,其中有不少篇章涉及到香火传承。传承香火遇阻原因不一,解决办法各异。通过对《聊斋志异》中传承香火问题的整理与研究,可以看到作者蒲松龄个人思想中对传统儒家孝道文化的崇拜,对完整家庭生活的向往。  相似文献   

Malathion, one of the most widely applied insecticides, is still used in agriculture. There are many studies regarding its degradation under different experimental conditions, but few deal with its transformation products, i.e. malaoxon and isomalathion. Thus, malathion, malaoxon, isomalathion, and Radotion (one of its over 6000 commercial forms) were studied in terms of their degradation kinetics, identification of their transformation products, their toxicity, and their degree of mineralization, during UV photolysis (lambda = 254 nm) and TiO(2) photocatalysis (lambda = 355 nm). The degradation kinetics was similar for all four starting materials. More than 75% of theoretically expected sulfur in PS and P-S groups was oxidized after 240 min of photolysis and photocatalysis. On the other hand, less than 30% of stoichiometrically predicted amounts of phosphate was detected in the photolytic experiments, but more than 80% of expected phosphate was detected after photocatalytic treatment of all four organophosphorous materials. Several transformation products were identified by mass spectra of representative gas chromatographic peaks. Oxidation and isomerization were found as the main reactions of butenedioc acid diethyl esters and their analogs. The formation of malaoxon, isomalathion or trimethyl phosphate esters correlated well with the induced toxicity (inhibition of acetylcholinesterase), which was observed in photocatalysis of malathion and Radotion, and in photolysis of malaoxon and Radotion.  相似文献   

The topic of this study is the effect of anthropogenic metals on the geochemical quality of urban soils. This is accomplished by comparing the metal contents and associations between two alluvial soils of the lower Mississippi River Delta, freshly deposited alluvial parent materials and alluvial soils collected from a nearby urban environment. Fresh alluvium samples (n = 97) were collected from the Bonnet Carré Spillway. The urban alluvial soil samples (n = 4026) were collected from New Orleans and stratified by census tracts (n = 286). The Spillway samples tend to have less Pb and Zn than generally noted for the baseline of natural soils. Except for Mn and V, Spillway alluvium contains significantly less metal than urban soils. For Spillway samples, the median metal content (in microg g(-1)) is 4.7 Pb, 11.1 Zn, 0.7 Cd, 164 Mn, 0.8 Cr, 3.9 Ni, 3.2 V, and 3.9 Cu. For urban soils, the median metal content (in microg g(-1)) is 120 Pb, 130 Zn, 3.2 Cd, 138 Mn, 2.1 Cr, 9.8 Ni, 3.8 V, and 12.7 Cu. Metal associations also differ between Spillway alluvium and urban alluvial soils. Fresh alluvium correlation coefficients between individual metals vary from 0.87 to 0.99 (P < 10(-13)) except for Cr which ranges from 0.57 to 0.68 (P < 10(-7)). The urban soil correlation coefficients for metals and the index value are 0.40-0.98. In urban soils, Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cu are dominant metals and highly associated, with a correlation coefficient ranging from 0.83 to 0.98 (P < 10(-25)). Their strong association justifies the use of GIS to map the integrated soil metal index (sum of the medians of metals by census tract) of New Orleans. Although also positively correlated (0.40-0.68, P < 10(-10)), Cd, Mn, Ni and V differ in their distribution in the city compared to Pb, Zn, Cr and Cu. Overall, significantly higher metal values occur in the inner city and lower values occur in outlying areas. The human health impact of the mixture of metals is not well understood. This study provides empirical data about the mixture and distribution of metals in New Orleans alluvial soils. Given common technical development, especially of traffic flows in cities, similar patterns of soil metals are expected for all US cities and probably international cities as well. Primary prevention of urban metal accumulations is necessary to enhance and sustain the development of urban culture.  相似文献   

城市风貌特色的维护、弘扬、完善和塑造   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王建国 《规划师》2007,23(8):5-9
城市风貌特色鲜明是世界上绝大多数优秀城市所共有的一种品质.城市风貌特色具有历史积淀、形态延续和有序演进三大特点.我国城市风貌特色的维育应善于把握城市发展和建设机遇,树立城市人工建设和自然要素的和谐观,遵循总体调控、分区突出倾向、局部彰显特色的原则,努力构建多样统一、和而不同的城市风貌特色.  相似文献   

白静 《建筑节能》2004,32(5):14-15
步入90年代室内空间设计在飞速发展,“传统”概念向模糊化发展,世界流行文化室内空间设计师越来越注重“共性化”的创造。室内空间设计更有引人注目之处。如大型复合商业设施的升级,历史文化的底蕴,自然材料的应用,高科技的应用。中国在近50年里室内空间设计有了很大的发展,今后应在“国际新文化环境”的创造方面予以更多的重视。  相似文献   

周培 《规划师》2022,38(3):89-94
生态空间规划管控是实现生态空间治理和推进生态文明建设的基础.文章回顾与评价了厦门经济特区设立以来的生态空间规划管控历程,并结合国土空间规划体系改革要求和生态理念,对市级生态空间规划进行了思考,从而提出了转变规划思维、调整规划方法,统筹全市域、全要素生态空间;衔接国土空间规划、生态设计、生态修复及生态相关规划,运用"多规...  相似文献   

The Djoser funerary complex was meant to be a house for a god and a metaphor for the sky. Today, it is usually understood that this original work of classical architecture is a vacant house of stone “from which the gods have fled.”

This difference does not have to be understood as a further sign of an irrecoverable loss of meaning. It is a historical doubling of meaning, or a duplicity. This article explores the duplicity of meaning of the Djoser complex by comparing references to architecture in the Pyramid Texts with texts of contemporary criticism, in particular, “The Pit and the Pyramid” by Jacques Derrida.  相似文献   

钱辰伟   《城市建筑》2011,(12):60-63
三座石质立方体即为三座博物馆.围绕在中心入口楼周围.形如风车上的叶板。这样的建筑设定清晰地表达了三座场馆的功能差异。三座立方体建筑雕塑感十足.高雅而极具个性的开放空间成为入口大堂,令三座展馆别具一格。  相似文献   

Concentrations of Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Sb, Se and Zn in IAEA milk (dry) standard A-11 were re-evaluated with the help of instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis (NAA). The results show reasonably good agreement for Co (5.1 ± 0.55 ng/g) and Zn (34 ± 2.5 μg/g), in relation to the recommended values. For Cu (374 ± 15 ng/g), Fe (2.4 ± 0.34 μg/g) and Mn (250 ± 20 ng/g); the results obtained are lower than the reported values.Cu, Mn, and Zn were cross-checked by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The results, Cu = 331 ± 27 ng/g, Mn = 302 ± 62 ng/g, and Zn = 35 ± 1 μg/g, fall within the range of mean values obtained by NAA.For Hg and Se, using instrumental NAA, only upper limits could be indicated; because of the low levels of concentrations of Hg and Se on one hand, and high content of P (9100 μg/g) in A-11 milk standard on the other, NAA coupled with radiochemistry is to be preferred for these two elements.In pooled human milk, in addition to Cu and Mn (radiochemical) and Co, Fe, Sb and Zn (instrumental), Hg and Se could also be determined non-destructively because of the favourable Hg/P and Se/P ratios in this matrix.  相似文献   

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