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应用生态风险指数法评价沉积物中重金属污染   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金德  史永红  高良敏 《山西建筑》2010,36(13):335-336
对清江河沉积物中4种典型重金属污染物进行了分析研究,利用Hakansoll生态风险指数法评价了它们的潜在生态风险程度。结果表明,清江河恩施段已受到不同程度的重金属污染,重金属CA的潜在生态风险最大。  相似文献   

对天津城市排污河道沉积物中的重金属含量进行了测定,根据潜在生态危害指数法对重金属的生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,该城市排污河道潜在生态危害较强,金属Hg具有很强潜在生态风险,污染程度顺序为Hg〉Cd〉Cu〉Pb〉Cr〉Zn。  相似文献   

为评价大洋水库有机污染和重金属的潜在生态风险,于2013年3、6、9月对其沉积物Cu、Pb、Cd、Cr、Zn、As和Hg 7种重金属和碳、氮、磷的空间分布进行了研究。结果表明:沉积物Cu、Pb、Cd、Cr、Zn、As和Hg含量分别为19.50、86.19、0.41、2.44、126.7、3.46、0.36 mg/kg,有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量分别为7.30%、0.27%和0.099%,各种重金属和营养盐含量无空间差异;大洋水库重金属污染程度和潜在生态风险两种背景值评价方法间无差异或仅相差一个等级;以金衢盆地重金属背景值为参比,发现大洋水库沉积物处于中度重金属污染水平(Cd=10.53),7种重金属处于低污染到较高污染程度之间,其中Hg污染程度最高,Cr和As污染程度较低;大洋水库沉积物潜在重金属生态风险指数(RI)平均值为181.63,具有中等生态危害;各种重金属离子潜在生态风险由高到低依次为Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cu、Zn、Cr,其中Hg具有中等到较高的生态风险,Cd为中等风险,其他重金属为低风险。研究表明,该水库存在严重的有机污染和较严重的有机氮污染。  相似文献   

为了查明水城三岔河大湾段河道沉积物重金属污染状况,对水城三岔河流域大湾段河道沉积物进行分层采样,分析7种重金属(Cd、Pb、Zn、As、Cu、Hg、Ni)的分布特征,并采用潜在生态风险指数法评价重金属的环境风险。结果表明,三岔河河道沉积物重金属呈现明显的上下游差异和垂直分布差异。在泥煤层,重金属含量均达到了最大值,泥煤层严格控制着重金属在垂直剖面上的分布,是三岔河重要的"二次污染"支援。沉积物重金属潜在生态风险指数评价结果表明,三岔河大湾段河道沉积物RI值在1 50217 690之间,处于很强的生态风险水平。  相似文献   

为评价海州湾生态修复工程实施的效果,在分析2014年春、夏、秋3个季节本底调查数据的基础上,以"资源—环境"作为准则层,共筛选16项具体的评价因子建立生态修复效果评价指标体系,并用德尔菲法和熵权法组合赋权,通过效用函数估算海州湾生态修复治理目标的实现程度。结果表明:通过投放人工鱼礁,海州湾生态修复率达到30.14%,其中,生物资源平均修复率为17.96%,海洋环境平均修复率为33.15%,生态修复治理目标综合值为0.400 2,综合修复等级为中等。研究表明,海州湾生态修复工程对水质环境的改善效果较为明显,但对生物资源的恢复效果还有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

以华北某市DG排污河道为研究对象,在该排污河上科学布点,采集沉积物样品,检测分析了样品中重金属镉、锌、铜、铅、铬、镍、锰的含量。采用地积累指数法和平均沉积物质量基准系数法对DG排污河的重金属污染状况进行了风险评价。结果表明,目标河道沉积物中Cd、Zn、Cu累积较严重,是主要重金属污染物,且Cd处于最高污染水平。沉积物样品中Cd、Zn、Cu的毒性比例较大,非毒性比例较小。目标河道沉积物中重金属的综合作用使得该排污河道具有潜在生物毒性。  相似文献   

朱点钰  杨倩琪 《矿产勘查》2018,9(4):747-750
当前我国矿区重金属污染形势依然严峻,全国各地都积极响应土壤污染防治计划的实施。在此背景下,该研究通过抓取已公开发表的文献数据,运用Meta分析方法进行二次数据开发,整理得到了223个矿区采样点附近土壤浓度及分布状况,通过Arc GIS绘制得到了超标点位分布图,并通过潜在生态风险指数法计算得到了铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)、铬(Cr)、砷(As)5种重金属相应造成的生态风险,最终得出结论:南方地区如云南、广西等省份矿区污染更为严重,且总体上镉污染最为严重,需要优先管控。  相似文献   

为研究海洋沉积物-水界面间营养盐的交换状况,进一步了解营养物质的循环动力学和水体富营养化的内在机理,采用实验室培养法,对海州湾海洋牧场2014年春季(5月)5个站位、夏季(8月)6个站位和秋季(10月)6个站位沉积物-水界面营养盐的交换速率和交换通量进行了研究。结果表明:海州湾沉积物-水界面上硅酸盐(Si O2-3-Si)、磷酸盐(PO_4~(3-)-P)在春季表现为由水体向沉积物进行迁移,其交换速率平均值分别为-3.27、-0.32 mmol/(m~2·d),夏季和秋季均表现为由沉积物向水体进行释放,夏季二者的交换速率平均值分别为8.53、0.41 mmol/(m~2·d),秋季分别为4.92、0.32 mmol/(m~2·d);溶解态无机氮(DIN)在春、夏、秋季均表现为由沉积物向水体进行释放,交换速率平均值分别为2.86、3.39、13.04 mmol/(m~2·d);海州湾沉积物-水界面SiO_2-3-Si、PO_4~(3-)-P、DIN的交换通量在3个季节的平均值分别为4.56×10~8、1.82×10~7、8.65×10~8mmol/d,沉积物可为海州湾初级生产力提供66%的SiO_2-3-Si、42%的PO_4~(3-)-P、124%的DIN营养供给。研究表明,海州湾海洋牧场沉积物-水界面营养盐的交换速率与国内外近岸海区相比处于中等水平。  相似文献   

为探明沉积物中重金属的解吸规律,对德国德累斯顿公园不同采样点的路面沉积物和管道沉积物进行取样分析。首先测定了各样品的颗粒级配、有机质含量、重金属含量,然后通过解吸实验研究雨水p H值对沉积物中重金属动态解析的影响。结果表明:粒径630μm的沉积物重金属含量最高,管道沉积物中的有机质含量比路面沉积物高,重金属在水中的溶解率很低,2种沉积物中的重金属在不同p H值下的解吸率都很低。  相似文献   

以某地区气田5座井场泥浆池周边耕地土壤为研究对象,分析耕作层(0~20 cm)氯化物、砷、钡、铬、铜、铅含量,并以该省土壤背景值为参比,采用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价井场泥浆池周边耕地土壤潜在生态风险。结果表明:通过与对照土壤中砷、铬、铜、铅含量对比分析,5座井场泥浆池周边耕地土壤中砷、铬、铜、铅4种重金属潜在生态危害指数小于150,为轻微生态危害程度,说明井场泥浆池周边耕作层土壤并未受到天然气钻井作业污染影响。井场泥浆池周边土壤重金属主要来源于成土母质。  相似文献   

本文以陕西省商洛市银花河流域中村—银花段钒矿区为研究对象,通过测试表层土壤的pH、有机碳、矿物、主量元素及重金属元素等含量,分析其地球化学特征,并评估该区土壤的健康生态风险等级。研究区土壤整体显示碱性的特征,土壤中碳主要以黏土矿物中有机碳的形式赋存。土壤中主要矿物为白云石,其次为石英、斜长石和黏土矿物。土壤主量元素中SiO2含量最高,Al2O3含量次之,其余元素含量较低。土壤中V、Cr、Ni、Cu和Zn元素含量较高,As、Cd、Pb和Hg元素含量相对较低。综合分析认为土壤中Hg、Cd和As这3种元素均污染明显,其余元素无明显污染特征。潜在生态风险综合指数表明研究区土壤整体为轻微—中等的污染程度,V元素通过口鼻和皮肤摄入的健康风险性极低。  相似文献   

油画教育是高校美术教学的一部分,正处于快速发展的阶段,也取得了一定的效果。为进一步推进地方高校油画教育的发展,取得更好的教学效果,需要准确把握地方高校油画教学现状和存在的问题,在此基础上优化油画教学理念、教学方法和教学内容,为油画教育的创新发展提供思路。  相似文献   

D.M. Revitt  J.B. Ellis 《Water research》1980,14(10):1403-1407
Samples of street surface and roadside gutter sediments within a separately sewered catchment in N.W. London have been analysed for heavy metal contamination. Particle size distributions are presented and the removal efficiency of metal species demonstrated for various street cleaning procedures. Laboratory sorption and desorption studies are described and solution concentrations are obtained for Pb, Cd and Mn.Solubility curves are typically variable with time with Mn showing the strongest tendency to attain equilibrium. No obvious dependence of metal concentrations on grain size is readily apparent although Cd tends to desorb more rapidly from size fractions greater than 250 μm.  相似文献   

Recent studies from Greenland and the Canadian Arctic have shown high concentrations of heavy metals, such as mercury, and organochlorines in the blood and fatty tissue of the Inuit. This is attributed in particular to their high consumption of the meat and blubber of marine mammals. In the present study, 180 pregnant women and 178 newborn babies were studied, amounting to 36% of the total number of births in the Disko Bay area during 1994-1996. The pesticides found in the highest concentrations in maternal blood were DDE (4.8 micrograms/l wet wt.), trans-nonachlor (1.6 micrograms/l) and hexachlorobenzene (1.2 micrograms/l) while the total concentration of PCB (Aroclor 1260) was 19.1 micrograms/l. Calculated on a lipid basis, concentrations were slightly higher in maternal than in cord blood. The mercury concentrations were 16.8 micrograms/l in maternal blood and 35.6 micrograms/l in cord blood. In a linear regression analysis, the concentrations of organochlorines, mercury and selenium increased with maternal age. Concentrations of mercury and cadmium increased with the consumption of marine mammals, and cadmium was associated with smoking. The contaminants are potentially toxic for several organ systems but the high concentrations of pollutants have so far not been shown to influence health in Greenland.  相似文献   

We sampled eighteen stations in the lagoon and nine in the canals of the industrial area of Porto Marghera. At each lagoon site a short core, 10 cm long, was taken and immediately extruded to obtain four slices 2.5 cm thick. Surficial sediment samples from the canals were 2-8 cm thick. Samples were analysed for As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn after acid extraction. Maximum values are seen in sediments taken from the oldest part of the industrial area (up to 132, 70, 48, 929, 8295 microg g(-1) for As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn, respectively), whereas the highest concentrations in the lagoon are much lower (25, 5.0, 2.3, 114, 1115 microg g(-1) for As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn, respectively). Metal distributions are not driven by sediment characteristics, such as grain size composition and organic carbon content: the strong gradients reflect the relative importance of the sources. In fact, a series of factories have been treating minerals for many years for the production of metals and chemicals. Concentration-depth profiles in lagoon sediments suggest that the contamination is decreasing, thus confirming the trends shown by previous core data. Since the release of metals from the industrial plants has been reduced, the polluted sediments stored in the industrial canals are presently the most likely source of toxic metals to the lagoon environment. The influence of this source can be seen in the still high levels found in the lagoon sample closest to the industrial area.  相似文献   

Chemical binding of heavy metals in anoxic river sediments.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
K C Yu  L J Tsai  S H Chen  S T Ho 《Water research》2001,35(17):4086-4094
Acid volatile sulfides (AVS) in sediments are available for binding with divalent cationic metals through the formation of insoluble metal-sulfide complexes, thereby controlling the metal bioavailability and subsequent toxicity to benthic biocommunities. However, when the molar concentrations of simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) were greater than AVS, the unexpectedly low or nondetectable levels of metal in pore water could also be found. Thus, except AVS, additional binding phases in sediments were supposed to provide the binding sites for SEM. The aims of this study are to realize the spatial distribution of AVS, SEM, and other binding phases of heavy metals in anoxic sediments of the Ell-Ren river and to elucidate what may be the main additional binding phases except AVS in the anoxic river sediments. By comparing the spatial distributions of SEM/ AVS ratio with various binding phases in extremely anoxic sediments (redox potential was between -115 and -208 mV), both organic matter and carbonates could be considered to be the main additional binding phases of SEM other than AVS. In addition, AVS appeared to have the priority to bind with SEM. By comparing the binding phases of heavy metals before and after AVS extraction, it could be found that Fe-oxides could also be considered to be the main additional binding phase associated with Zn in slightly anoxic sediments (redox potential was between -50 and -130mV), while organic matter with Cu being the next.  相似文献   

The change in colloid-chemical properties of natural sludge sol formed as a result of biological treatment of domestic wastewater in the process of heavy metals leaching induced by metabolizing heterotrophic (acidogenic and alkaligenic) chemotrophic biocoenosis was investigated. It was found that bioleaching of heavy metals involving heterotrophs results in hydrophobization of sludge colloids and reduces its negative charge. Heavy metals leaching also results in destabilization of sludge sol, maximum in biological processes. Exopolysaccharides significantly stabilizing sludge sol have a little effect on its stability after heavy metals have been leached.  相似文献   

绿地土壤是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,随着城市化进程的加快,绿地中的重金属污染问题日益引起人们的重视。为查明天津市环城四区绿地重金属含量特征、空间变异特征及潜在生态风险,本文以环城四区200件绿地土壤样品为基础,对Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、As、Hg、Cd等8项重金属指标进行测定,应用统计分析、对比分析及Hankanson生态风险指数法等进行探讨,结果表明:(1)绿地土壤中Hg和Cd的变异程度最高,与人类活动关系密切;Cu、Zn、As具有较大的变异性;Pb、Ni、Cr在土壤中分布均匀。(2)与天津市表层土壤背景值相比,Hg、Cd和Zn这3种元素明显富集,Cu、Pb、As、Ni与土壤背景值相差不大,Cr低于土壤背景值。(3)单一重金属的潜在生态因子Hg为强烈生态风险,Cd为中等生态风险。(4)潜在生态危害指数RI=241.42为中等生态风险,居住绿地的土壤重金属生态风险相对较高,Hg和Cd为主要的影响因素,贡献率分别为为65.79%和21.68%,须注意管控和生态保护。  相似文献   

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