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红色旅游作为一种新兴的专项旅游活动形式和产品类型,是在二十世纪九十年代中后期才逐步发展起来的,它是政治、教育、文化、经济在旅游中的创新结合和有效统一。本文通过与井冈山市比较,分析遵义红色旅游的优势与不足。在今后的发展中可以借鉴井冈山的创新模式和利用遵义自身优势,为红色旅游发展提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

利用自回归分布滞后(ARDL)模型,实证检验1984—2013年我国的金融政策组合的企业技术创新效应,目的是考察我国宏观金融政策组合对企业技术创新的影响效应。研究发现:(1)货币政策和信贷政策对企业技术创新的增长效应显著,其中货币政策的短期效应大于长期效应,而信贷政策是长期效应大于短期效应;(2)人民币实际汇率对企业技术创新的作用随着滞后期的推移不断弱化,且对企业技术创新的影响是长期效应大于短期效应;(3)利率政策的技术创新效应并不显著。故而,研究金融政策组合差别化的作用,正确甄选和优化金融政策组合,对推动企业技术创新能力的提升具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正从建国后到改革开放前,我国红色旅游景区一直都以纯粹的政治接待为主。直到改革开放以后,随着全国旅游业的迅猛发展,红色旅游景区才逐渐摆脱原来的纯政治接待色彩。90年代后期,正式提出了红色旅游的概念,开展各种形式的红色旅游推广活动,这时的红色旅游才算真正起步。随着我国经济的发展,城市化进程突飞猛进,这时的新科技、新城市文化不断涌现,给城市带来了实质性的发展。目前,延安的城市化进程也进入到了高热化阶段。虽然,这强有力的带动了延安市的城市建设和经济发展,但也造成了多方面的负面影响。延安是众所周知的革命圣地,所以,对延安文化遗产的建设成为了延安城市建设的重点,而延安的重要文化遗产就是红色景观文化,则延安红色旅游景区的文化保护显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

百色市龙景区红色旅游休闲示范区规划策划探讨了城市更新改造与旅游开发建设的契合,并进一步在红色革命文化的基础上策划了红色旅游休闲示范区,在旅游开发建设的同时更新改造了城市的不和谐片区,完善了城市功能,这是红色旅游城市拆迁改造项目的 次探索,也是协调老区风貌和新城形象的一条有效途径.  相似文献   

教科书是课程体系的重要组成部分,教科书研究一直备受重视。然而,教科书使用研究还不够深入,研究借鉴教育主客体互动模式对教科书使用四面体模型进行解析,意在指明"教师、学生"与"教科书、知识、能力"的主客关系、教科书与"知识、能力"的表述关系以及教师与学生的交往关系,厘清教科书使用所包含的三种活动,拓展教科书使用四面体模型中的对象性教育客体,使其包括知识、技能、能力、情感、态度、价值观等层面的内容。在此基础上,构建适切的教科书使用菱形模型。  相似文献   

引力模型现已广泛应用于空间经济学领域,成为研究经济主体空间相互作用的核心工具之一。利用引力模型对佛山陶瓷产业转移的典型案例进行研究,得到产业转移引力模型的引力指标及大小,并结合相关指标数据进行计量实证检验,借此探讨决定产业转移影响因素的作用力大小,为解决产业转移滞缓问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

选取我国资本市场2006年到2012年的有效财务预测数据进行实证分析,就三阶段剩余收益模型中代表性的两种——RIM-σ2和TSSV-θ模型,基于预测能力进行实证比较分析。研究结果表明,RIM-σ2模型的预测能力要优于TSSV-θ模型。  相似文献   

建筑火灾是破坏性的复杂动态过程。建筑火灾有其普遍的特征规律,也因其作用的对象和时间的不同而体现出不同的效果。建筑火灾发展受到建筑特征、相关人员干预、环境条件变化等众多因素的影响而呈现出复杂的变化趋势。建筑火灾的动态过程可以理解为火势蔓延与建筑内外的主动、被动防御系统及人员作用相互影响的互动过程。本文在对建筑火灾特性分析的基础上,应用微剂量作用计量方法(Fractional Effective Dose,FED)分别分析可用安全疏散时间(Available Safety Egress Time,ASET)内的高温伤害、毒气侵袭、浓烟影响和结构坍塌对建筑火灾逃生安全的影响。基于建筑火灾安全分析和建筑消防系统互动作用分析,研究在火灾风险威胁和消防系统保护双重作用下逃生者的环境互动影响与逃生行为决策关系。  相似文献   

本研究以2011年10月至2014年2月的上海黄金交易所黄金Au100g每日的加权平均价为例,以时间序列的相关理论为基础,建立ARIMA(2,1,0)模型对黄金价格的走势进行实证分析,并对2014年3月至2014年5月的数据进行短期预测.实验结果表明,ARIMA(2,1,0)模型能够比较准确地刻画黄金价格的动态走势,这为中国黄金投资者更好地预测黄金市场的行情提供了一个可行的方法,也为他们理性地投资黄金提供了一个理论依据.  相似文献   

自1995年以来我国出口贸易规模迅速扩张,目前排名世界第一。但是近年来国际金融危机导致世界经济出现疲软,我国的经济进入改革转型阶段,人民币汇率波动等因素都对我国出口贸易口造成了一定的影响,我国出口贸易速度放缓,波动加剧。本文基于引力模型实证这些因素的影响程度,为我国出口贸易发展提供实证依据。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战期间,日本的"国民组织化"这种战争动员形式,曾为二战时期德、意、日等法西斯国家的共有现象,但日本的国民组织化又有其自身的特点,为战时日本国民在对外侵略战争中起着重要的作用。日本必须反思侵华战争中日本国民的战争责任。  相似文献   

为研究没食子酸与恩诺沙星联合用药及单用恩诺沙星在福瑞鲤Cyprinus carpio体内的药代动力学参数及其残留消除规律,采用平行对照试验,将体质量为(200±30)g的鲤随机分为单用恩诺沙星组(对照)和联合用药组(没食子酸与恩诺沙星质量比为10:1),试验水温为26℃,各组均按2 mg/kg(体质量)剂量的恩诺沙星单次混饲口灌给药,于给药后不同时间点采集鲤血浆、肌肉、肝胰脏、肾脏组织,采用高效液相色谱法测定各组织中恩诺沙星的浓度,并使用DAS 3.0药物代谢动力学软件的非房室模型统计矩方法分析药时数据。结果表明,没食子酸能显著增大鲤各组织对恩诺沙星的吸收效率,提高有效药物浓度20.0%~44.9%,并加快了恩诺沙星的代谢和消除,240 h时联合用药组鲤血浆、肌肉组织中药物残留量比对照组分别降低了44.2%和34.1%。  相似文献   

Various chemical and biological measures were determined in carp (Cyprinus carpio) sampled from seven sites along the Cuyahoga River, Ohio; from the relatively pristine headwaters to the lower portion heavily polluted from various industrial, urban and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Levels of nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs; NP1EO, NP2EO) and total NPEs (NP plus the NPEs) in fish increased in a downstream direction, with maximal values observed below the discharge of the Akron WWTP. In female fish there were no significant differences between sites in GSI or levels of vitellogenin (VTG) and 17beta-estradiol (E2). However, differences were observed between sites using measures of 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and the ratio E2/11-KT. In male fish the highest levels of VTG were observed downstream of the Akron WWTP and a significant correlation (r=85%) between levels of NP and VTG was demonstrated. No site differences were observed in the measures of GSI, E2, 11-KT or the E2/11-KT ratio in male fish. These data suggest that endocrine active chemicals, such as, NP and NPEs are impacting fish downstream of the Akron WWTP; however, further work is warranted to separate linkages to other possible chemical factors in the water.  相似文献   

UV radiation present in the environment may induce several eye disorders including inflammation and cataract. The aim of this work was to study catalase activity and Mg, Cu, Ca and Zn contents in the eyeballs of gibel carp exposed to ecologically relevant doses of UV radiation (0.09 kJ/m2 for UV-A and 0.98 kJ/m2 for UV-B) simulated in laboratory conditions. Ultraviolet exposure resulted in significant reduction of catalase activity in the eyeballs of tested fish. Reductions in Mg, Cu and Ca contents after UV exposure were also observed. The differences in Mg and Cu levels between control and UV exposed animals were statistically significant, whereas the reduction of Ca level was insignificant. Zinc level in the eyeballs of UV-exposed fish was significantly higher than in non-irradiated specimens. The results suggest that ultraviolet radiation affects prooxidant/antioxidant balance and Mg, Cu, Zn contents in the eyes of fish living in shallow habitats. These may lead to cataract formation.  相似文献   

Common carp Cyprinus carpio was chronically exposed to cadmium (2.5 mgL‐1) and combined treatment of cadmium and KMnO4 (1 mgL‐1) for 90d in outdoor artificial enclosures. Although total and filtrable (dissolved) cadmium of water gradually decreased during the experiment whole body concentration of cadmium in common carp progressively increased in both treatments. Combination of KMnO4 with cadmium marginally reduced the accumulation of cadmium during the initial periods (30 d) but failed to produce any impact on accumulation at the end of experiment (90 d). Cadmium treatment alone did not reduce the length and weight of fish, but there was abnormality in the length weight relationship. KMnO4 alone and in combination with cadmium significantly reduced the length, weight and yield of fish. Limnological parameters were not affected by KMnO4 alone, but combined treatment of Cd and KMnO4 reduced the zooplankton and phytoplankton population, primary productivity of water and NPP/CR ratio. Judicious use of KMnO4 in aquaculture to avoid toxic interaction with cadmium has been recommended.  相似文献   

为评价大蒜素对鲫Carassius auratus非特异性免疫功能的影响,在鲫基础饲料中分别添加250、500mg/kg的大蒜素,并对鲫进行42 d的养殖试验,其中试验的第1~28天饲喂含大蒜素的试验饲料,第29~42天饲喂不含大蒜素的基础饲料。结果表明:与投喂基础饲料的对照组相比,添加250 mg/kg剂量的大蒜素能显著提高鲫血清补体C3活力(P<0.05),而添加500 mg/kg剂量的大蒜素则能显著抑制鲫血清补体C3、C4活力(P<0.05),改投不含大蒜素的基础饲料后,该剂量组C4活性仍显著低于对照组(P<0.05);添加250、500 mg/kg剂量的大蒜素能显著提高鲫血清、肝胰脏、肾脏和脾脏中溶菌酶(LZM)活力(P<0.05),改投不含大蒜素的基础饲料的14 d内,250、500 mg/kg剂量组血清LZM活性及500 mg/kg剂量组肾脏和脾脏LZM活性仍有显著升高(P<0.05);添加250 mg/kg剂量的大蒜素能显著提高肝胰脏和脾脏中一氧化氮(NO)含量(P<0.05),添加500 mg/kg大蒜素能显著提高血清和脾脏中NO含量(P<0.05),但该剂量显著抑制肝胰脏NO含量(P<0.05),250、500 mg/kg剂量组肾脏中NO含量在第42天时均显著高于对照水平(P<0.05)。研究表明,鲫基础饲料中大蒜素的适宜添加剂量为250 mg/kg。  相似文献   

3-Methylcholanthrene (3-MC) significantly induces aryl hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase (AHH) activity in mature and juvenile Cyprinus carpio of both sexes. The degree of induction of AHH by 3-MC in mature fish is significantly lower than that in juveniles and induction in mature males is significantly higher than in mature females. Pretreatment with sex steroids (testosterone in males and estradiol in females) significantly reduces 3-MC-inducibility of AHH in both mature and juvenile fish, while gonadectomy in mature fish elevates AHH inducibility. AHH induction is slightly decreased by hydrocortisone and increased by metyrapone pretreatment in mature fish only. Gonadectomy further elevates metyrapone affected 3-MC inducibility of AHH in C. carpio.  相似文献   

大学英语作为一门重要的公共必修基础课程,受众广、课时多、影响深,是课程思政的重要渠道之一。在大学英语教学中渗透思想政治教育可带来双赢的效果。教师应在提升自身道德修养的前提下,将思想政治教育寓于大学英语教材教学中,巧用教学方法,系统化教学设计,改革教学评价方式,建设具有大学英语特色和优势的"课程思政"。  相似文献   

为临床诊断和防治锦鲤Cyprinus carpio koi皮肤溃疡病,采用病理解剖方法对患病锦鲤进行临床观察和组织病理学分析,试验用患病锦鲤取自上海市朝阳锦鲤养殖场发病池塘,确定病鱼10尾(编号1~10),取每条病鱼的组织进行病理解剖、石蜡切片、H-E染色。结果表明:患病锦鲤体表溃疡病处的病灶组织出现严重淤血、炎性细胞浸润并聚集、肌束溶解和坏死等典型病理表现;体表溃疡病是由致病菌局部感染所致,并未全身性感染,10尾病料的脾组织均表现出血管扩张、管壁增厚、血管周围的实质组织凝固变性,伴有红细胞坏死和凝固变性区域内部分组织坏死等较为一致的病理特征,可以诊断为血液中有毒物质引起的脾组织病变,导致脾功能低下;肝胰组织和肾组织较脾组织病变相对较轻;肠、心、鳃、头肾组织等基本正常。研究表明,本病例全部样品均有不同程度的脾凝固变性、肝组织淤血、肾组织间质充血及其组织中血管扩张、管壁增厚的病理变化,这与体表溃疡病变无直接关联。  相似文献   

To assess the estrogenic potency of the treated domestic sewage effluent from a sewage treatment plant (STP) located in Lisbon (Chelas), 60 mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio) were exposed to different concentrations of the sewage effluent (0%, 25%, 50% and 100%) for two periods of 28 days in two different seasons (winter/spring). Vitellogenin induction in males was used as a biomarker of exposure to xenoestrogens. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken for vitellogenin analysis and the fish were sacrificed and dissected. Gonad samples were taken for histological evaluation of the sewage effects. The results showed an increase in vitellogenin induction in exposed fish, both males and females, depending on the different dilutions of the sewage effluent. In comparison with controls, the gonadosomatic index decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in fish exposed to 100% treated effluent. Although statistically not significant, the hepatosomatic index (HSI) was high in all exposed fish. Histological abnormalities in fish gonads were evaluated and related to the different percentages of sewage effluent. Seasonal variations found in estrogenic responses were attributed to weather influences on sewage dilution.  相似文献   

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