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概率时间自动机是在时间自动机的基础上加上各个状态迁移的概率以后形成的一种扩展的时间自动机,能用来对基于时间的随机协议、容错系统等进行建模,具有很强的实用性。本文针对概率时间自动机给出一种基于SMT的限界模型检测方法来验证该模型下的PTACTL性质,该方法由基于SMT的限界模型检测算法演变而来,通过将迁移时间和迁移概率融入ACTL性质中,改变模型的编码以及待验证性质的编码方式来实现对性质的验证。通过2个实例说明检测过程的有效性和高效性。  相似文献   

在实时系统的形式验证中,为了直接验证带有明显时间约束的性质,选用了一种被广泛接受的(线性时间)实时时序逻辑——度量区时序逻辑来描述待验证的性质;提出了基于迁移的扩展时间B chi自动机;构建了度量区时序逻辑的基于迁移的扩展时间B chi自动机。这样扩展了已有实时系统模型检测工具的性质规范语言的表达能力,使其能直接处理和验证带有明显时间约束的性质。实现的工具表明,该算法有效且可行,并且显著地减少了结果自动机节点和迁移的数量,从而降低了结果自动机的大小,有利于进一步的模型检测过程。  相似文献   

提出了基于DNA下推自动机二进制减法和乘法的实现方法.一位二进制借位减法,是通过预先构造好的DNA下推自动机模型在一个试管中以该模型的运行方式自动完成运算.m位二进制借位减法,是在一位二进制减法的基础上,按照从低位到高位的顺序,将低位产生的借位作为高位试管操作巾的输入符号串,从而完成高位的减法运算.两位二进制乘法中包含移位和加法操作,在两个试管中分别设计好DNA下推自动机模型,分别完成被乘数与乘数各位的移位操作,同时结合相应的生物操作,将其作为另一个试管加法操作中的输入符号串,则加法操作中产牛的结果即为所求.在此基础上,m位二进制乘法可通过移位操作的并行性和加法操作的串行性来完成运算.这些实现方法为DNA下推自动机实现基本的算术运算提供了比较完整的运算机制.  相似文献   

易锦  张文辉 《软件学报》2006,17(4):720-728
目前的模型检测方法中,有一种方法是基于自动机来实现的.具体做法是:将抽象出的系统模型用Büchi自动机来表示,将需要验证的性质用LTL(linear temporal logic)公式来表达;然后将LTL公式取反后转化为Büchi自动机,并检查这两个自动机接受语言之间的包含关系.有一类LTL公式转化为Büchi自动机的算法是:在计算过程中,首先得到一个标注在迁移上的扩展Büchi自动机(transition-based generalized Büchi automaton,简称TGBA),然后把这种扩展Büchi自动机转换成非扩展的Büchi自动机.针对这类转换算法,根据Büchi自动机接受语言的特点,重新定义了基于迁移的扩展Büchi自动机的求交运算,减少了需要复制的状态个数,使转换后的自动机具有较少的状态.测试的结果表明:对随机产生的公式,新算法相对于以往的算法有明显的优势.  相似文献   

一种求解组卷问题的二元粒子群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从一维细胞自动机模型入手,设计了一种求解二元离散优化问题的二元粒子群算法细胞自动机模型(BPSO-CA)。然后将其用来求解组卷问题,同时对BPSO-CA模型进行扩展,得到一次能产生多套有一定重复率或重复率为0的标准化试卷。仿真实验表明该模型能快速有效地完成组卷,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于有限状态自动机的复合事件检测的程序实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周涛 《计算机工程》2005,31(23):85-86
通过对复合事件的自动机检测模型的研究,讨论了构造事件表达式的自动机模型的完整过程。给出了在DFA向程序转化的过程中两种代码产生算法;直接代码生成算法,表驱动代码生成算法。  相似文献   

针对当前的模型检测工具不能对时间自动机直接检测带时间约束的线性时序逻辑性质的问题,对带时间约束的线性时序逻辑性质的模型检测进行了研究。带时间约束的线性时序逻辑公式转Büchi自动机后,性质自动机的迁移边上含有了时间约束,在对性质自动机和模型自动机的复合进行空性检测时,通过使用不同方法对如何获取性质自动机迁移边上的时间约束进行了研究,实现了对带时间约束的线性时序逻辑性质的检测,扩展了工具CATV的检测范围,方便了用户的使用。  相似文献   

时间自动机模型验证的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于时间自动机的模型验证是一种形式化的实时并发系统时间性质验证技术,重大软件对时间行为、时序关系的高可靠性要求,不断刺激时间自动机模型验证技术的发展.介绍了时间自动机理论、模型验证算法及工具,对该领域的研究进展做了综述,指出了时间自动机模型验证存在的问题和研究方向.  相似文献   

在计算机计算能力大大增强的时代,为了提高对时间自动机进行空性检测的效率,进一步高效利用多核处理器的优势,研究了利用Büchi自动机的多核空性判定算法改造CTAV,使它成为一款时间自动机模型关于线性时序逻辑的多核模型检测工具,从而提高模型检测的效率.通过对符号化状态之间包含关系的研究,利用这种状态之间的包含关系更快的找到接收路径并避免不必要的状态展开,实现了多核模型检测算法的优化,对比了一些常见模型的验证数据,取得了更好的效果.  相似文献   

面向对象实时多任务系统的优化实现模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文提出了一种基于抢占门限的实时多任务系统的优化实现模型,它同时具有低开销与高可调度性。该模型扩展了固定优先级调度模型,同时通过实现模型中线程数的减少实现了运行时的低开销。文中同时也讨论了互不抢占分组的实现算法及每个任务最大抢占门限的分配算法。  相似文献   

Forward Analysis of Updatable Timed Automata   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Timed automata are a widely studied model. Its decidability has been proved using the so-called region automaton construction. This construction provides a correct abstraction for the behaviours of timed automata, but it suffers from a state explosion and is thus not used in practice. Instead, algorithms based on the notion of zones are implemented using adapted data structures like DBMs. When we focus on forward analysis algorithms, the exact computation of all the successors of the initial configurations does not always terminate. Thus, some abstractions are often used to ensure termination, among which, a widening operator on zones.In this paper, we study in detail this widening operator and the corresponding forward analysis algorithm. This algorithm is most used and implemented in tools like KRONOS and UPPAAL. One of our main results is that it is hopeless to find a forward analysis algorithm for general timed automata, that uses such a widening operator, and which is correct. This goes really against what one could think. We then study in detail this algorithm in the more general framework of updatable timed automata, a model which has been introduced as a natural syntactic extension of classical timed automata. We describe subclasses of this model for which a correct widening operator can be found.  相似文献   

Two base algorithms are known for reachability verification over timed automata. They are called forward and backwards, and traverse the automata edges using either successors or predecessors. Both usually work with a data structure called Difference Bound Matrices (DBMs). Although forward is better suited for on-the-fly construction of the model, the one known as backwards provides the basis for the verification of arbitrary formulae of the TCTL logic, and more importantly, for controller synthesis. Zeus is a distributed model checker for timed automata that uses the backwards algorithm. It works assigning each automata location to only one processor. This design choice seems the only reasonable way to deal with some complex operations involving many DBMs in order to avoid huge overheads due to distribution. This article explores the limitations of Zeus-like approaches for the distribution of timed model checkers.Our findings justify why close-to-linear speedups are so difficult –and sometimes impossible– to achieve in the general case. Nevertheless, we present mechanisms based on the way model checking is usually applied. Among others, these include model-topology-aware partitioning and on-the-fly workload redistribution. Combined, they have a positive impact on the speedups obtained.
F. SchapachnikEmail:

模型检验是一种重要的形式化自动验证技术,通过状态空间搜索来保证软硬件设计的正确性。由于TCTL不是针对时间自动机,而是针对有限状态变迁系统的,从而无法使用TCTL直接对时间自动机进行模型检验。给出了一种从时间自动机到有限状态变迁系统的方法,并在不改变时间自动机的语义上,使时间自动机等价后的域状态数尽可能少,在一定程度上有效地解决了状态空间爆炸问题。  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(8):1149-1172
We present a model, task automata, for real time systems with non-uniformly recurring computation tasks. It is an extended version of timed automata with asynchronous processes that are computation tasks generated (or triggered) by timed events. Compared with classical task models for real time systems, task automata may be used to describe tasks (1) that are generated non-deterministically according to timing constraints in timed automata, (2) that may have interval execution times representing the best case and the worst case execution times, and (3) whose completion times may influence the releases of task instances. We generalize the classical notion of schedulability to task automata. A task automaton is schedulable if there exists a scheduling strategy such that all possible sequences of events generated by the automaton are schedulable in the sense that all associated tasks can be computed within their deadlines. Our first technical result is that the schedulability for a given scheduling strategy can be checked algorithmically for the class of task automata when the best case and the worst case execution times of tasks are equal. The proof is based on a decidable class of suspension automata: timed automata with bounded subtraction in which clocks may be updated by subtractions within a bounded zone. We shall also study the borderline between decidable and undecidable cases. Our second technical result shows that the schedulability checking problem will be undecidable if the following three conditions hold: (1) the execution times of tasks are intervals, (2) the precise finishing time of a task instance may influence new task releases, and (3) a task is allowed to preempt another running task.  相似文献   

自动验证并发实时系统的线性时段性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个就线性时段性验证实时系统正确性的工具的设计思想以及相关算法,使用时间自动机作为产时系统的描述模型,同时,为了便珩描述并发实时系统,使用带共享变量和通道的时间自动机网作为模型描述并发实时系统,在检验时间自动机网时,用户可以使用工具提供的合成程序将其合并为一个时间自动机然后进行检验,由于时间自动机的状态空间是无究的,通过引入整数状态和状态等价关系的概念,将整个状态0空间划分为有限的状态等价类空间,模型检验过程只需要通过对等价类空间的搜索就可以完成,但往往等价类空间的规模很大,超出了现在计算机的处理能力,原始搜索算法仅仅在理论上是可知地的,为了增工具的使用性,工具中使用的算法运用了一些优化技术来避免对等价类空间的穷尽搜索,使得工具在使用时具有比较好的时间和空间效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of checking a timed automaton for a Duration Calculus formula of the form Temporal Duration Property is addressed. It is shown that Temporal Duration Properties are in the class of discretisable real-time properties of Timed Automata, and an algorithm is given to solve the problem based on linear programming techniques and the depth-first search method in the integral region graph of the automaton. The complexity of the algorithm is in the same class as that of the solution of the reachability problem of timed automata.  相似文献   

为了提高对时间自动机进行空性检测的效率,研究了使用基于时钟区域(zone)的符号化方法和抽象对时间自动机进行空性检测,提出了针对时间自动机自身特点对检测过程进行改进的方法.通过使用基于zone的符号化表示方法和抽象,一个符号化状态表示显式的状态的集合,时间自动机的状态空间会显著缩小,不同的抽象方法对状态空间有不同的效果.符号化状态间不仅有相等关系还有包含关系,通过判断这种包含关系可以尽早的找到接收路径和避免不必要的状态展开从而提高空性检测的效率.实现了改进的检测过程,对一些例子进行了数据比较,取得了较好的实验结果.  相似文献   

During the last years, weighted timed automata have received much interest in the real-time community. Weighted timed automata form an extension of timed automata and allow us to assign weights (costs) to both locations and edges. This model, introduced by Alur et al. (2001) and Behrmann et al. (2001), permits the treatment of continuous consumption of resources and has led to much research on scheduling problems, optimal reachability and model checking. Also, several authors have derived Kleene-type characterizations of (unweighted) timed automata and their accepted timed languages. The goal of this paper is to provide a characterization of the behaviours of weighted timed automata by rational power series. We define weighted timed automata with weights taken in an arbitrary semiring, resulting in a model that subsumes several weighted timed automata concepts of the literature. For our main result, we combine the methods of Schützenberger, a recent approach for a Kleene-type theorem for unweighted timed automata by Bouyer and Petit as well as new techniques. Our main result also implies Kleene-type theorems for several subclasses of weighted timed automata investigated before, e.g., for timed automata and timed automata with stopwatch observers.  相似文献   

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