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H. Stadtler 《OR Spectrum》1992,14(4):217-227
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Erweiterung der klassischen wirtschaftlichen Losgrößenformel vorgestellt, um die für eine Leichtmetallgießerei typische Entscheidungssituation abbilden zu können. Hierzu ist von einer zyklischen Nachfrage mit endlicher Nachfragegeschwindigkeit — verursacht durch die Losauflagen der folgenden Produktionsstufe — auszugehen. Neben der Losgröße ist auch die Anzahl der für eine Teilenummer parallel einzusetzenden Maschinen festzulegen. Maschinen können sowohl ständig zur Produktion einer Teilenummer eingesetzt als auch zur losweisen Fertigung zugeschaltet werden. Zur Bestimmung einer optimalen stationären Lospolitik wird ein einfaches Verfahren vorgeschlagen und das damit erzielbare Einsparungspotential beispielhaft an drei Teilenummern veranschaulicht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über die Struktur einer optimalen Lospolitik lassen sich unmittelbar für die Disposition in der Leichtmetallgießerei nutzen.Dem Aufsatz liegt eine Studie zugrunde, die der Autor im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit bei der SCS Informationstechnik GmbH, Hamburg (heute: CAP debis Software und Systeme GmbH) durchgeführt hat.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe einfacher Lagerhaltungs- und Warteschlangenmodelle untersucht, ob die vom Just-in-Time Konzept geforderte Minimierung der Lagerbestände sinnvoll ist, und ob es möglich ist, die Lagerbestände auf Null zu reduzieren. Hierzu wird davon ausgegangen, daß die die Lagerbestände determinierenden Parameter, insbesondere die Rüstkosten und die Lieferfristen durch strategische Maßnahmen beeinflußt werden können. Auf der operativen Ebene werden die Entscheidungen über Losgrößen und Meldemengen so getroffen, daß die laufenden Kosten, die von den strategischen Maßnahmen abhängen, minimiert werden. Durch parametrische Variation der Investitionen für strategische Maßnahmen kann gezeigt werden, daß zwar Substitutionsbeziehungen zwischen der Kapitalbindung in Lagern und der Kapitalbindung durch die erforderlichen Investitionen bestehen, daß aber abnehmende Grenzraten der Substitution bestehen. Eine Reduktion der Lager auf Null ist in den zugrundeliegenden Modellen nicht möglich.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Informationsverarbeitungsaktivitäten, Informationstechnologien und Informationsproduktionsfunktionen (Information Production Functions) bei Datenverarbeitungsprozessen — insbesondere in der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS) — herzuleiten. Grundlage für die Betrachtungen sollen verschiedene Verfahren zur Losgrößenplanung sein, aus denen sich mit Hilfe von Sensitivitätsuntersuchungen die entsprechenden Aktivitäten gewinnen lassen.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Erweiterung des mehrstufigen stationären Losgrößenproblems mit endlichen Produktionsgeschwindigkeiten um den zeitpunktgeballten Transportvorgang vorgestellt. Diese Darstellung gibt die Beziehungen zwischen Zulieferer, Transporteur und Produzent adäquat wieder. Hinsichtlich der Abstimmung der Entscheidungsgrößen dieser organisatorischen Einheiten wird zwischen einer rein simultanen, einer rein sukzessiven sowie zweier gemischt simultan-sukzessiver Koordinationsarten unterschieden. An Hand einer analytischen Untersuchung werden Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der jeweiligen Entscheidungsgrößen und der daraus resultierenden Kostenfunktionen dargestellt. Schließlich zeigt eine numerische Analyse die Gesamtkostenunterschiede zwischen der rein simultanen und rein sukzessiven Koordinationsart auf.An extension is introduced to the multi-stage stationary lot-sizing problem with finite production rates by the time-concentrated transportation-process. This representation adequately demonstrates the relations between supplier, carrier and producer. With regard to the reconciliation of the decision variables of these institutional units one differentiates between a pure simultaneous, a pure gradual and two mixed simultaneous-gradual coordination methods. The differences and correspondences of the respective decision variables and the resulting cost functions are demonstrated by means of an analytical examination. Finally, a numerical analysis shows the distinctions in total cost between the pure simultaneous and pure gradual coordination method.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der Gestaltung von Ernteprozessen — beispielsweise des Prozesses Mähdrusch, Körnertransport und -abnahme — als transportverbundene Fließarbeitsverfahren mit mindestens zwei verschiedenen Arbeitsmitteln gibt es einen großen Optimierungsspielraum. Solche Prozesse sind mehrstufige Bedienungsprozesse mit gemischter Anordnung der Bedienungseinrichtungen. Außerdem besitzen sie stark ausgeprägte räumliche Aspekte. Es wird vor allem gezeigt, welche Merkmale solcher Prozesse in Simulationsmodellen abgebildet sein müssen, welche Zielgrößen in Abhängigkeit von welchen Einflußgrößen unter Berücksichtigung welcher Prozeßbedingungen ermittelt werden sollten und wie der Bewertungsprozeß zur Ermittlung der gewünschten Informationen gestaltet werden muß.  相似文献   

Materials fatigue by rolling contact stressing – A hypothesis of the mechanism Research in Rolling contact fatigue produced plenty of experimental observations and theoretical knowledge. By considering all these detailed informations a hypotheses for/describing the mechanism of the fatigue process was developed and will be presented. The fatigue process may be devided up in three phases. In phase 1 and 2 the structure will be deformed microplastically. The strength localy becomes smaller. Residual compressive stresses grow. Added to the load stresses, the stressing continual change. In phase 2 the deformations nearly stop. There is a critical point by material behaviour and stressing when phase 2 attains phase 3. The microplastic deformation changes to a macroplastic deformation. The structure “flows” in the direction of the relative tension stress, more and more (in direction) towards the surface. At both sides of the track vaults arise. In the middle of the track a vault also tends to arise, but it will be smoothed by over rolling. So normal to the raceway residual tensile stresses are created. They become biger and biger. Finally they start the subsurface cracks. By the hypotheses nearly all phenomena detected in rolling contact fatigue research can be explained. The thesis reveals chances, rolling contact systems to optimize.  相似文献   

Fracture mechanisms of Thermally Sprayed MCrAlY/lN617 Composite Materials during Tensile Tests up to 800 °C Tensile strength of thermally sprayed MCrAlY/IN617 composite materials has been prooved at temperatures up to 800 °C in a SEM. For these investigations two different qualities of composite materials have been developed. One sort of composite material had been produced with a good quality, the other one was produced with defects in the coating layer. The tensile strength of the good homogeneous material shows no dependence with increasing temperature, whereas the inhomogeneous composite materials develop better strength values with increasing temperature. The inhomogeneous coating always breaks in the near of the defect.  相似文献   

R. Emadi 《Materials Letters》2010,64(8):993-139
In this study, a novel method was used to synthesize ß-TCP/HAP biphasic ceramic scaffold from natural cancellous bone. Bovine bone was calcined to remove the organic content. The remaining material was then soaked in P2O5 solution for different periods. P ions were doped into cancellous bone and reacted with hydroxyapatite (HAP) to produce ß-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP) at room temperature without any subsequent high-temperature heat treatment. By increasing the soaking time, the crystalline phase composition of the calcined bone gradually changed from HAP into a HAP/ß-TCP biphasic structure with different HAP/TCP ratios. The crystallite size of HAP and ß-TCP was smaller than 100 nm.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Repräsentation und Verarbeitung unsicheren Wissens in einer mathematisch korrekten und berechenbaren Weise ist eines der zentralen Anliegen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Am Beispiel der schon berühmt gewordenen Studentin Léa Sombé aus [27] zeigen wir in dieser Arbeit, wie subjektives, unvollständiges Wissen in einer probabilistischen Wissensbasis dargestellt und als Grundlage für Inferenzen dienen kann. Dies wird durch entropie-optimalen Abgleich von Verteilungen erreicht. Diese in der Expertensystem-Shell SPIRIT implementierte Methodik zeichnet sich nicht nur durch gute Berechenbarkeit aus, sondern gestattet auch dank der hier aufgezeigten Kompatibilität mit der Konditionallogik eine logisch profunde Informationsverarbeitung.  相似文献   

Life time assessment on multiaxial cyclic loadings at low and high temperatures For the calculation of fatigue strength of components made out of ductile materials under complex cyclic load different assessments are present. As typical representatives of stress theories the shear stress intensity hypothesis (SIH) as well as the method of critical plane approach (MKS) are considered and compared for rigid and non rigid principle stress directions. Furthermore for synchronous loads the calculation methods are compared with Bach's method. The calculation method becomes more complex, if time dependent material properties at corresponding high temperatures have to be taken into account. In this case the application of viscoplastic material models is necessary, which allows the consideration of combination of creep and fatigue. As an example a modified material model by Chaboche / Nouailhas is used in order to present the calculation of multiaxial creep fatigue tests.  相似文献   

The impact of the grain size, in the range of about ~ 3-12 μm, on spontaneous microcracking and therefore on the value of the bulk β-eucryptite negative thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) has been carefully investigated. In order to control the grain size, pure β-eucryptite powders were synthesized, slip-casted and sintered in air at 1300 °C for 0, 6 and 24 h. The results show that only a slight variation of the intrinsic β-eucryptite TEC is obtained after sintering. On the contrary, the larger the grain size the more important the microcracking phenomenon, leading to a significant and progressive decrease of the bulk β-eucryptite TEC.  相似文献   

An alloy having composition Fe73Si13B9Nb4Cu1 was synthesized by melt spinning to investigate the kinetics of crystallization. Techniques of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectroscopy were employed to characterize the phases produced due to annealing at various temperatures. High temperature DSC revealed two stage crystallization reactions. First stage, crystallization occurs at temperature around 514°C with the production of α-Fe (bcc) and Fe3Si phases. In the second stage, Fe2B and α-Fe (Si,Nb) phases were produced. Mössbauer results revealed the formation of Fe3Si, Fe13Si3 and Fe7Si1 in the first stage and Fe3Si, Fe13Si3, Fe2B and α-Fe (Si,Nb) phases in the second stage of crystallization. An abrupt change in average internal magnetic field was observed at 500°C. The maximum hardness value was found for the sample heat-treated at 500°C.  相似文献   

La(1 − x)AlxFeO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3) has been prepared by solid state reaction method. The formation of pure crystallographic phase of LaFeO3 and the substitution of Al3+ in all the doped samples have been confirmed by Rietveld analysis. The magnetic measurements viz., magnetization curves, hysteresis loops etc. in the temperature range 300-5 K showed that magnetization of the doped samples has been appreciably enhanced compared to that of the pristine LaFeO3. The maximum enhancement factor of ~ 19 for saturation magnetization measured at room temperature has been found in La0.7Al0.3FeO3.  相似文献   

The electronic state and structural configuration of the intercalated iodine species in stage-1, I-Bi2Sr2Ca n–1Cu n O x (n = l, 2), have been studied through polarization-resolved Raman and129I Mössbauer spectroscopy. The polarization dependence of the Raman spectra and the Mössbauer measurement confirmed the dominant species to be triiodide ions, I 3 , with alignment of these linear molecules either along thea- orb-axis in the host crystals. Transport measurements such as thermoelectric power and Hall coefficient clearly indicated that hole carriers are doped into the CuO2 planes upon intercalation, by whichT c of the host superconductor is changed. Furthermore, based on resistivity measurements in a magnetic field, we suggest that the iodine intercalation leads to a decrease of the anisotropy both in normal and superconducting states, suppressing the extremely two-dimensional character of the Bi2Sr2Ca n–1Cu n O x systems.  相似文献   

Metastable ternary NdFe12B6 compound was prepared by the annealing of the amorphous Nd-Fe-B ribbons and has a main phase of NdFe12B6 with some impurities of α-Fe and Nd5Fe18B18. The NdFe12B6 was found to have a SrNi12B6 structure with space group R3¯m. Mössbauer spectra of the sample were measured between 300 K and 20 K. The result indicated that an abrupt drop with increasing temperature took place at about 205 K for the hyperfine field at both Fe(18 g) and Fe(18 h) sites. The corresponding hyperfine fields were found nearly constant at ferromagnetic state about 16.9(6) T and 19.3(5) T for Fe(18 g) and Fe(18 h) sites, respectively. Accordingly, the relative size of the Fe moments was deduced.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectrometry and Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns were used to follow the solid state amorphization transformation during the milling process of the Fe27.9Nb2.2B69.9 powders. The reaction between elemental Fe, Nb and B powders leads to the formation of the Nb(B) and Fe(B) solid solutions after 1 and 10 h of milling, respectively. A mixture of α-Fe, Nb(B) and highly disordered Fe(Nb, B) solid solution is found after 25 h of milling. An amorphous structure is obtained on further milling time (100 h). From the Mössbauer spectrometry results, it is observed that the total mixing of the elemental powders, at the atomic level, is achieved after 50 h of milling and a stationary state corresponding to a full paramagnetic amorphous phase is reached after 100 h of milling. The amorphization process can be described by an Avrami parameter close to n = 1.  相似文献   

Spinel-related Mg1+2xSbxFe2−3xO4 samples (x = 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.30) prepared using the conventional double sintering technique were investigated using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. Mössbauer spectra favor a cationic distribution of the form (MgδFe1−δ)A[Mg1+2xδSbxFe1+δ−3x]BO4 among the tetrahedral-A and octahedral-B sites of the spinel structure. The cation distribution parameter (δ) was found to vary with the Sb5+ concentration (x). The Mössbauer hyperfine magnetic fields at both sites and the Curie temperatures of the ferrites decrease as x increases. This was attributed to gradual weakening in the magnetic exchange interaction as more Fe3+ ions are substituted by diamagnetic Sb5+ and Mg2+ ones. The sample with x = 0.30 exhibits short range magnetic order due to cationic clustering and/or superparamagnetism. The magnetization of all samples was found to be temperature-dependent implying that δ depends on temperature in addition to x. At low temperatures the substituted ferrites (x ≠ 0.0) unexpectedly exhibit higher magnetization values relative to that of the pure ferrite MgFe2O4. This behavior, while at variance with the Néel's model for ferrimagnetism, is explicable in terms of the spin canting mechanism proposed in the Yafet–Kittel model.  相似文献   

Majority of the authors report elaboration of iron oxide thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering from an iron target with Ar-O2 gas mixture. Instead of using the reactive sputtering of a metallic target we report here the preparation of Fe1-xO thin films, directly sputtered from a magnetite target in a pure argon gas flow with a bias power applied. This oxide is generally obtained at very low partial oxygen pressure and high temperature. We showed that bias sputtering which can be controlled very easily can lead to reducing conditions during deposition of oxide thin film on simple glass substrates. The proportion of wustite was directly adjusted by modifying the power of the substrate polarization. Atomic force microscopy was used to observe these nanostructured layers. Mössbauer measurements and electrical properties versus bias polarization and annealing temperature are also reported.  相似文献   

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