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Ever since the Kyoto Protocol entered into force, the issues of climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have drawn more and more attention globally. However, the major concern of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the overall GHG emissions might be inaccessible for most developing countries, which rely heavily on the energy-intensive industries for exports and economic growth. In this study, an innovative indicator of net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which excludes the emissions corresponding to the exports, is proposed to explicitly reveal domestic situations of developing countries. By introducing the indicator of net CO2 emissions to top five energy-intensive industries in Taiwan, the analysis indicates that the increase in CO2 emissions from 1999 to 2004 is mostly contributed by the expanded exports rather than the domestic demand. The distinct growth patterns of the apparent and net CO2 emissions also imply the transformation of the industrial sector. It is expected that, for developing countries, the concept of net emissions may not only serve as a proper interim target during the process of international negotiations over GHG reductions but also highlights the prominence of addressing the emissions from the industrial sector as the top priority.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. Although leakage from monitored CO2 injection sites has been minimal to non-existent, experience from the natural gas storage industry suggests that, if it becomes a widely deployed technology, leaks may be expected from some storage sites. Natural occurrences of CO2 in the geosphere, some of which have been exploited, provide insights into the types of emissions that might be expected from anthropogenic CO2 storage sites. CO2 emission sites are commonly found in clusters in CO2-prone geological provinces: the most common natural emissions sites in sedimentary basins consist of carbonated springs and mofettes. These represent at worst only a local hazard. In volcanic and hydrothermal provinces, more energetic emissions may occur due to active supply from degassing magma. These include rare, sudden emissions from fissures and craters that have caused fatalities. It is unlikely that such provinces would be considered for CO2 storage Major lake overturn events such as occurred at Lake Nyos in 1986 are considered highly unlikely to occur as a result of CO2 storage, not least because CO2 levels in lake waters can be monitored and remediated. Natural CO2 fields indicate that under favourable conditions CO2 can be retained in the subsurface for millions of years. The main risk from man-made CO2 storage sites that does not have any close analogy in nature is considered to be a well blowout. A blowout that took place at a natural CO2 field provides some indication of the likely hazard.  相似文献   

The increasing awareness of the effects of climate change on the environment and the economic pressure on oil supply has focused international attention on reducing CO2 emissions and energy usage across all sectors. In order to meet their Kyoto protocol commitments and in line with European Union policy, the Irish government has introduced a carbon-based tax system for new vehicles purchased from the 1st of July 2008. This new legislation aims to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector, a sector which is responsible for a significant proportion of both. This paper presents the results of the development, calibration, and application of a car choice model which predicts the changes in CO2 emissions intensity from new vehicle purchases as a result of the changes in vehicle tax policy and fuel price in Ireland. The model also predicts the impact of such changes on tax revenue for the Irish government and the changes in the split between the number of diesel and petrol vehicles purchased. The investigation found that the introduction of these new carbon-based taxes in Ireland will result in a reduction of 3.6–3.8% in CO2 emissions intensity and a reduction in annual tax revenue of €191 M.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for a global panel consisting of 69 countries using a dynamic panel data model. To make the panel data analysis more homogenous, we also investigate the determinants of CO2 emissions for a number of sub-panels. These sub-panels are constructed based on the income level of countries. In this way, we end up with three income panels; namely, high income, middle income, and low income panels. The time component of our dataset is 1985–2005 inclusive. Our main findings are that trade openness, per capita GDP, and energy consumption, proxied by per capita electric power consumption and per capita total primary energy consumption, have positive effects on CO2 emissions. Urbanisation is found to have a negative impact on CO2 emissions in high income, middle income, and low income panels. For the global panel, only GDP per capita and per capita total primary energy consumption are found to be statistically significant determinants of CO2 emission, while urbanisation, trade openness, and per capita electric power consumption have negative effects on the CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

To better understand the reductions in local air pollution that will result from the implementation of current Chinese energy policy, as well as the co-benefit for greenhouse-gas emission reductions, a Shanghai case study was conducted. The MARKAL model was used to forecast energy consumption and emissions of local air pollutants under different energy policy scenarios and also to analyze the associated reductions in CO2 emissions. The results show that energy policies in Shanghai will significantly reduce SO2 and PM10 emissions and will also achieve the co-benefit of mitigating the increase of CO2 emissions. In energy policy scenarios, SO2 emissions during the period 2000–2020 will maintain the same level as in 2000; and the annual rate of increase of CO2 emissions will be reduced to 1.1–1.2%, compared with 2.7% under a business-as-usual scenario. The problem for the future will be NOx emissions, which are projected to increase by 60–70% by 2020, due to expansion of the transportation system.  相似文献   

Yihsu Chen   《Energy Economics》2009,31(5):667-675
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a state-level effort by ten northeast states in the U.S. to control CO2 emissions from the electric sector. The approach adopted by RGGI is a regional cap-and-trade program, which sets a maximal annual amount of regional CO2 emissions that can be emitted from the electric sector. However, incoherence of the geographic scope of the regional electricity market is expected to produce two undesirable consequences: CO2 leakage and NOx and SO2 emissions spillover. This paper addresses these two issues using transmission-constrained electricity market models. The results show that although larger CO2 leakage is associated with higher allowance prices, it is negatively related to CO2 prices if measured in percentage terms. On the other hand, SO2 and NOx emissions spillover increase in commensurate with CO2 allowance prices. Demand elasticity attenuates the effect of emissions trading on leakage and emissions spillover. This highlights the difficulties of designing a regional or local climate policy.  相似文献   

In order to identify approaches for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant optimization it is necessary to analyse where and why the losses in the process occur. Therefore a structured exergy analysis of an IGCC with carbon capture was performed to identify losses on a plant, subsystem and individual component level.The investigation of the IGCC base case revealed an exergetic efficiency of 40%. Thus, 60% of the whole fuel exergy is lost in the process. On the subsystem level it was found that the major loss contributor is the combined cycle followed by the gas treatment section and the gasification island. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the significance of the losses is higher in upstream processes than in downstream processes. On the individual component level it is shown that 80% of all exergy losses in the plant are caused by just 4 components. Since two of them are related to the gas conditioning an advanced hot gas clean-up (HGCU) system was proposed which improves exergy efficiency of the IGCC plant by 5.2%-points. However, assuming an ideal IGCC process an exergy efficiency of 54.1% was calculated demonstrating significant potential for further optimization of the technology.  相似文献   

Two models of a dimethyl ether (DME) fuel production plant were designed and analyzed in DNA and Aspen Plus. The plants produce DME by either recycle (RC) or once through (OT) catalytic conversion of a syngas generated by gasification of torrefied woody biomass. Torrefication is a mild pyrolysis process that takes place at 200–300 °C. Torrefied biomass has properties similar to coal, which enables the use of commercially available coal gasification processing equipment. The DME plants are designed with focus on lowering the total CO2 emissions from the plants; this includes e.g. a recycle of a CO2 rich stream to a CO2 capture plant, which is used in the conditioning of the syngas.  相似文献   

Microalgae present some advantageous qualities for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from ethanol biorefineries. As photosynthetic organisms, microalgae utilize sunlight and CO2 to generate biomass. By integrating large-scale microalgal cultivation with ethanol biorefineries, CO2 sequestration can be coupled with the growth of algae, which can then be used as feedstock for biodiesel production. In this case study, a 50-mgy ethanol biorefinery in Iowa was evaluated as a candidate for this process. Theoretical projections for the amount of land needed to grow algae in raceway ponds and the oil yields of this operation were based on the amount of CO2 from the ethanol plant. A practical algal productivity of 20 g m−2 d−1 would require over 2,000 acres of ponds for complete CO2 abatement, but with an aggressive productivity of 40–60 g m−2 d−1, a significant portion of the CO2 could be consumed using less than 1,000 acres. Due to the cold temperatures in Iowa, a greenhouse covering and a method to recover waste heat from the biorefinery were devised. While an algal strain, such as Chlorella vulgaris, would be able to withstand some temperature fluctuations, it was concluded that this process is limited by the amount of available heat, which could maintain only 41 acres at 73 °F. Additional heating requirements result in a cost of 10–40 USD per gallon of algal oil, which is prohibitively expensive for biodiesel production, but could be profitable with the incorporation of high-value algal coproducts.  相似文献   

An experimental study of Ni/MgO solid solution catalyst in CO2 reforming of toluene was conducted in this paper. Experimental parameters were reduction temperature, reaction temperature, CO2/toluene mole ratio, and toluene feed rate.  相似文献   

A plant concept for hydrogen production from waste gasification coupled with cement manufacturing is presented. Hot precalcined cement meal, from the operating cement process, is used as heat carrier to provide energy required by the parallel arranged gasifier. The amount of CaO present in the cement meal operates simultaneously as an effective in situ CO2CO2-sorbent. First, a practical case study was devised to be able to perform simulations for estimation of expected hydrogen yield. The influence of different operation parameters of the gasifier and the hydrogen separation unit (steam-to-fuel ratio, pyrolysis temperature, PSA efficiency) was studied based on chemical equilibrium calculations. The simulation results indicate, that the coupling provides advantages for both processes. The production of a hydrogen-rich gas via thermal gasification benefits from the continuously available fresh CaO, which improves fuel conversion reactions and captures CO2CO2 in situ. High-calorific streams from gasification process remaining after hydrogen separation may substitute fossil fuels needed for cement process. For a steam/fuel ratio of 0.3 and a PSA efficiency of 0.7, the calculated hydrogen energy yield is 46% of fuel energy input.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of both economic growth and financial development on environmental degradation using a panel cointegration technique for the period between 1980 and 2007, except for Russia (1992-2007). In long-run equilibrium, CO2 emissions appear to be energy consumption elastic and FDI inelastic, and the results seem to support the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. The causality results indicate that there exists strong bidirectional causality between emissions and FDI and unidirectional strong causality running from output to FDI. The evidence seems to support the pollution haven and both the halo and scale effects. Therefore, in attracting FDI, developing countries should strictly examine the qualifications for foreign investment or to promote environmental protection through the coordinated know-how and technological transfer with foreign companies to avoid environmental damage. Additionally, there exists strong output-emissions and output-energy consumption bidirectional causality, while there is unidirectional strong causality running from energy consumption to emissions. Overall, the method of managing both energy demand and FDI and increasing both investment in the energy supply and energy efficiency to reduce CO2 emissions and without compromising the country’s competitiveness can be adopted by energy-dependent BRIC countries.  相似文献   

Jia Li  Xi Liang  Tim Cockerill 《Energy》2011,36(10):5916-5924
China has been building approximately 1 GW of new coal-fired power plant per week since 2005. Power plants now in construction may continue to operate until 2040. “CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Ready” enables and eases the subsequent retrofitting of a plant to be able to capture carbon dioxide later in that plant’s lifetime. Building on the definitions of the IEA GHG (IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme) and GCCSI (Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute), this study suggests a novel concept ‘CCS Ready Hub’ for implementing CCS Ready. A CCS Ready Hub not only includes a number of new coal-fired power plants but also integrates other existing stationary carbon dioxide emissions sources into the planning for potential infrastructure. We conducted a case study of Guangdong province in China with a detailed engineering and economic assessment in Shenzhen City. The study first reviewed the potential storage sites and analysed the existing stationary emissions sources in Guangdong using a GIS (Geographic Information System) approach. Thereafter, we focused on investigating the economic benefits of a ‘CCS Ready Hub’ at a potential 4 GW new USCPC (ultra-supercritical pulverised coal-fired) power plant in Shenzhen. Using the cost of carbon dioxide avoidance in 2020 as a criterion, we found that the concept of a CCS Ready Hub to finance CCS Ready at a regional planning level rather than at an individual plant is preferred since it significantly reduces the overall cost of building an integrated CCS system to reduce carbon emissions in the future.  相似文献   

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