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Ningbo's seaport hydrogen refueling station was used as the research object. The effects of different leakage angles, wind direction, roof shape, leakage hole diameters, temperature, and humidity on the diffusion of hydrogen leakage were studied by numerical simulation. The influence of leakage angle on hydrogen leakage is mainly reflected in the presence or absence of obstacles. The volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud was reduced by 31.16%, and the volume of the hazardous hydrogen cloud was reduced by 63.22% when there was no obstacle. The wind direction can significantly impact hydrogen leakage, with downwind and sidewind accelerating hydrogen discharge and reducing the risk. At the same time, headwind significantly increases the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud. Compared with no wind, the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud increased by 71.73% when headwind, but the volume of the hazardous hydrogen cloud decreased by 24.00%. If hydrogen shows signs of accumulation under the roof, the sloping roof can effectively reduce the hydrogen concentration under the roof and accelerate the hydrogen discharge. When the leakage angle θ = 90°, the sloping roof reduced the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud by 11.74%. The leakage process was similar for different leak hole diameters in the no wind condition. The inverse of the molar fraction of hydrogen on the jet centerline was linearly related to the dimensionless axial distance of the jet in different cases. Using a least squares fit, the decay rate was obtained as 0.0039. In contrast, temperature and humidity have almost no effect on hydrogen diffusion. Hydrogen tends to accumulate on the lower surface of the roof, near the roof pillars and the hydrogen dispenser. In this paper, a set of hydrogen detector layout schemes was developed, and the alarm success rate was verified to be 83.33%.  相似文献   

The dissemination of fuel-cell vehicles requires cost reduction of hydrogen refueling stations. The temperature of the supplied hydrogen has currently been cooled to approximately −40 °C. This has led to larger equipment and increased electric power consumption. This study achieves a relaxation of the precooling temperature to the −20 °C level while maintaining the refueling time. (1) Adoption of an MC formula that can flexibly change the refueling rate according to the precooling temperature. (2) Measurement of thermal capacity of refueling system parts and re-evaluation. Selection from multiple refueling control maps according to the dispenser design (Mathison, et al., 2015). (3) Calculation of the effective thermal capacity and reselection of the map in real time when the line is cooled from refueling of the previous vehicle (Mathison, and Handa, 2015). (4) Addition of maps in which the minimum assumed pressures are 10 and 15 MPa. The new method is named MC Multi Map.  相似文献   

One of the main obstacles of the diffusion of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) is the refueling system. The new stations follow the refueling protocol from the Society of Automotive Engineers where the way to reach the target pressure is not explained. This work analyzes the thermodynamics of a hydrogen fueling station in order to study the effects of the cascade storage system topology on the energy consumption for the cooling facility. It is found that the energy consumption for cooling increases, expanding the total volume of the cascade storage system. Comparing the optimal and the worst volume configurations of the cascade storage tanks at different ambient temperatures, the energy saving is approximately 12% when the average ambient temperature is 20 °C and around 20% when the average ambient temperature is 30 °C. The energy consumption for cooling is significantly influenced by the topology of the cascade storage system and it is particularly relevant in the case of low daily-dispensed amount of hydrogen.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fueling stations are emerging around and in larger cities in Europe and United States together with a number of hydrogen vehicles. The most stations comply with the refueling protocol made by society of automotive engineers and they use a cascade fueling system on-site for filling the vehicles. The cascade system at the station has to be refueled as the tank sizes are limited by the high pressures. The process of filling a vehicle and afterward bringing the tanks in refueling station back to same pressures, are called a complete refueling cycle. This study analyzes power consumption of refueling stations as a function of number of tanks, volume of the tanks and the pressure in the tanks. This is done for a complete refueling cycle. It is found that the energy consumption decreases with the number of tanks approaching an exponential function. The compressor accounts for app. 50% of the energy consumption. Going from one tank to three tanks gives an energy saving of app. 30%. Adding more than four tanks the energy saving per extra added tank is less than 4%. The optimal numbers of tanks in the cascade system are three or four.  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation approach to investigate an optimal hydrogen refueling method is proposed. The proposed approach simulates a transient temperature, pressure and mass flow rate of hydrogen flowing inside filling equipment in an actual station during the refueling process to an Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) tank. The simulation model is the same as in an actual hydrogen refueling station (HRS), and consists of a Break-Away, a hose, a nozzle, pipes and an FCV tank. Therefore, we can set actual configurations and thermal properties to the simulation model, and then simulate the temperature, pressure and mass flow rate of hydrogen passing through each position based on the supply conditions (temperature and pressure) at the Break-Away. In this study, the simulated temperature, pressure and mass flow rate are compared with the corresponding experimental data. Therefore, we show that the dynamic simulation approach can accurately obtain those values at each position during the refueling process and is an effective step in proposing the optimal refueling method.  相似文献   

The cost of hydrogen in early fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) markets is dominated by the cost of refueling stations, mainly due to the high cost of refueling equipment, small station capacities, lack of economies of scale, and low utilization of the installed refueling capacity. Using the hydrogen delivery scenario analysis model (HDSAM), this study estimates the impacts of these factors on the refueling cost for different refueling technologies and configurations, and quantifies the potential reduction in future hydrogen refueling cost compared to today's cost in the United States. The current hydrogen refueling station levelized cost, for a 200 kg/day dispensing capacity, is in the range of $6–$8/kg H2 when supplied with gaseous hydrogen, and $8–$9/kg H2 for stations supplied with liquid hydrogen. After adding the cost of hydrogen production, packaging, and transportation to the station's levelized cost, the current cost of hydrogen at dispensers for FCEVs in California is in the range of $13–$15/kg H2. The refueling station capacity utilization strongly influences the hydrogen refueling cost. The underutilization of station capacity in early FCEV markets, such as in California, results in a levelized station cost that is approximately 40% higher than it would be in a scenario where the station had been fully utilized since it began operating. In future mature hydrogen FCEV markets, with a large demand for hydrogen, the refueling station's levelized cost can be reduced to $2/kg H2 as a result of improved capacity utilization and reduced equipment cost via learning and economies of scale.  相似文献   

Dispenser allocation to hydrogen refueling stations aims at minimizing the number of dispensers while ensuring satisfactory performance of vehicle queues during the peak hour of a peak day. A queuing model is developed in this study to evaluate the queuing performance at such stations by incorporating the statistical and thermodynamic characteristics of refueling. An optimization framework is proposed to determine the minimal number of dispensers required to meet the upper limits imposed on two important performance measures: mean waiting time and mean queue length. Reasonable upper limits are provided for 70 MPa stations according to the effects of dispenser allocation and station capacity on queuing performance. Server (dispenser nozzle) utilization under the optimal dispenser allocation generally increases with an increase in station size and tends to exceed 50% for large stations. The proposed approach can offer significant performance improvements for small stations and considerable savings in the number of dispensers for large ones.  相似文献   

Numerous accidents in HRSs have been reported worldwide in accident databases; therefore, many researchers have performed quantitative risk assessments (QRAs) of HRSs to enable risk-informed decision making in determining the safety distances or risk mitigation measures. The HRSs, located in urban areas such as Tokyo in Japan, are situated in congested areas with tall buildings and high population density; thus, they have relatively narrow station areas. However, the QRAs are generally suitable for large plants such as nuclear power plants or chemical plants; therefore, relatively small plants or installations, such as HRSs, have not yet been considered as QRA objects. Hence, it is necessary to conduct detailed QRAs with risk analyses and reduce the applied uncertainties for relatively small plants or installations. We applied a model-based approach of risk assessment to model the HRS process using multi-physics system-level modeling and simulated a target system using Modelica—an equation-based, object-oriented modeling language that allows acausal modeling of complex cyber-physical systems The primary aim of this study was to conduct a QRA of an HRS based on multi-physics system-level modeling. First, we modeled the HRS components and physical relationships between the components using basic physical equations. Then, we elucidate a QRA based on the constructed model. The difference in the leakage rates due to the leak positions and dynamic behavior of the model parameters were calculated using the constructed model. Finally, we estimated the individual risks of all the scenarios and compared the resulting risk contours based on the constructed model that includes the hydrogen-fuel dynamic behavior with those based on the traditional model. These results indicate that it is possible to assess whether the risks around the station boundary are acceptable based on the scenario information obtained by evaluating the risks near the station.  相似文献   

This study concerns MC Formula and the table-based protocol hydrogen fueling methods described in SAE J2601 2016 edition fueling protocols for light duty gaseous hydrogen surface vehicles. It considers the overall efficiency and performance of the two methods. This is achieved by dynamic simulations, using the Dymola hydrogen fueling station library. The MC formula and table-based methods are implemented in the library and different simulations are performed, to evaluate the performance of the two different fueling methods under various conditions. The efficiency is evaluated according to; fueling time, State of Charge levels and total energy consumption. The MC formula is up to 26% faster. The state of charge levels are similar between the table-based and MC formula. The energy consumption for the MC formula is up to 6.9% higher than for the table-based method. Comparing consecutive fuelings without recharging the station, the table-based method is able to fill 7 vehicles and the MC formula 5 vehicles.  相似文献   

Basing on the Spallart-Allmaras turbulence model and the real gas equation of state, a numerical model is proposed in this paper to study the mechanism of temperature rise within hydrogen vehicle cylinder during refueling. The model is validated by comparing calculated results with experimental data. With the validated model, the effect of mass filling rate, initial pressure within cylinder and ambient temperature on the maximum temperature rise during refueling are investigated. The study shows that the maximum temperature rise increases with the growth in mass filling rate and ambient temperature, while it descends as the initial pressure increases. Finally, an empirical formula is obtained by fitting numerical results and effective methods for temperature control is given.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the National Fuel Cell Research Center at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) has operated the first U.S. publicly accessible hydrogen refueling station (HRS). During this period, the UCI HRS supported all manufacturers in the early, pre-commercialization years of the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV). This paper describes and analyzes the performance of the UCI HRS during the first five years of FCEV commercialization, over which time the station has dispensed the most hydrogen daily in the California network. The station performance is compared to aggregate data published by NREL for all U.S. HRSs. Using the Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model, typical daily refueling profiles are analyzed to determine the effect on HRS design. The results show different daily refueling profiles could substantially affect HRS design and ultimately the cost of hydrogen. While technical issues have been reduced, the compressor, dispenser, and fueling rate are areas for improvement.  相似文献   

As hydrogen refueling stations become increasingly common, it is clear that a high level of economic efficiency and safety is crucial to promoting their use. One way to reduce costs is to use a simple orifice instead of an excess flow valve, which Japanese safety regulations have identified as a safety device. However, there is concern about its effect on refueling time and on risk due to hydrogen leakage. To clarify the effect, we did a study of model-based refueling time evaluation and quantitative risk assessment for a typical refueling station. This study showed that an orifice is an effective alternative safety device. The increase in refueling time was less than 10%, based on simulations using a dynamic physical model of the station. Neither was there a significant difference in the risk between a configuration with excess flow valves and one with an orifice.  相似文献   

Lack of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) has hindered the diffusion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) in the Chinese transport market. By combining the agent-based model (ABM) and the experience weighted attraction (EWA) learning algorithm, this paper explores the impact of government subsidy strategy for HRSs on the market diffusion of HFCVs. The actions of the parties (government, HRS planning department and consumers) and their interactions are taken into account. The new model suggests dynamic subsidy mode based on EWA algorithm yields better results than static subsidy mode: HFCV purchases, HRS construction effort, total number of HRSs and expected HRS planning department profits all outperform static data by around 27%. In addition, choosing an appropriate initial subsidy strategy can increase the sales of HFCVs by nearly 40%. Early investment from government to establish initial HRSs can also increase market diffusion efficiency by more than 76.7%.  相似文献   

The energy transition which refers to shift of the energy system from fossil-based resources to renewable and sustainable energy sources becomes a global issue to mitigate the progression of climate change. Hydrogen can play an important role in long-term decarbonization of energy system and achievement of carbon neutrality. Currently, the utilization of hydrogen in the energy system is focused on a road transportation sector as a fuel in a vehicle fleet.Compressing gaseous hydrogen is the most well-established technology for storage in hydrogen-fueled vehicles. The refueling hydrogen requires short filling time while ensuring the safety of storage tanks in a vehicle. However, a fast filling of hydrogen in high pressure leads to a rapid temperature rise of hydrogen stored in tank. Therefore, many numerical and experimental studies have been carried out to analyze the filling process. Various thermo-physical properties of gaseous hydrogen such as density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity are required for the numerical studies and the accurate hydrogen properties are essential to obtain reliable results.In this work, a polynomial equation is proposed with respect to temperature and pressure in ranges of 223.15 K < T < 373.15 K and 0.1 MPa < P < 100.1 MPa to present various hydrogen thermo-physical properties by adopting different coefficients. The coefficients are determined by a machine learning method to regress the equation using a great number of reference data. The equation is trained, tested, and validated using different datasets for each property. The order of the equation has been changed from 2 to 5. Then, the accuracies are estimated and compared with respect to the order. The average relative errors (REs) of the 5th order equation are assessed to lower than 0.3% except for molar volume and entropy. The accuracy of the equation is also examined with experimental data and other correlation equations for density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity which are required for numerical simulations of hydrogen refueling. The proposed equation presents better accuracy for viscosity and thermal conductivity than literature equations. In density calculation, a literature equation shows better performance than the proposed equation, but the difference between their accuracies is not so significant. In calculation time comparison, it is revealed that the proposed equation rapidly responses adequate to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.Results of the study can provide accurate and reliable hydrogen property values in a fast and robust means specifically for simulation of hydrogen refueling process, but not restricted only to the process. Correlation equations proposed in the present work can aid in optimizing a hydrogen value chain including production, storage, and utilization by providing accurate hydrogen property.  相似文献   

The consequences of hydrogen leaks and explosions are predicted for the sake of the safety in hydrogen refueling stations. In this paper, the effect of wind speed on hydrogen leak and diffusion is analyzed in different regions of a hydrogen refueling station, and the influence of delayed ignition time on hydrogen explosion after an accidental hydrogen leak is further studied by numerical simulation. Results show that the effect of wind speed on the probability of hydrogen fires is distinctive in different regions of hydrogen refueling station. The size of combustible clouds in the trailer front region and the outer region increases in the low wind speed case, and the front of combustible clouds is formed in a spherical shape in the outer region, which can greatly increase the probability of hydrogen explosion. However, the high wind speed may cause an increase of the risk of accidents in the near ground region. Moreover, a non-linear correlation is shown between the rate of combustible cloud dissipation and wind speed after the hydrogen stops leaking. In addition, it is found that an increase in delayed ignition time may lead to an increase in explosion intensity, which is related with the larger high temperature area and stronger explosion overpressure. Two flame fronts and the reverse propagation of the explosion overpressure can be observed, when the delayed ignition time is larger.  相似文献   

Fuel cell vehicles using green hydrogen as fuel can contribute to the mitigation of climate change. The increasing utilization of those vehicles creates the need for cost efficient hydrogen refueling stations. This study investigates how to build the most cost efficient refueling stations to fuel small fleet sizes of 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 fuel cell busses. A detailed physical model of a hydrogen refueling station was built to determine the necessary hydrogen storage size as well as energy demand for compression and precooling of hydrogen. These results are used to determine the refueling costs for different station configurations that vary the number of storage banks, their volume and compressor capacity.It was found that increasing the number of storage banks will decrease the necessary total station storage volume as well as energy demand for compression and precooling. However, the benefit of adding storage banks decreases with each additional bank. Hence the cost for piping and instrumentation to add banks starts to outweigh the benefits when too many banks are used. Investigating the influence of the compressor mass flow found that when fueling fleets of 2 or 4 busses the lowest cost can be reached by using a compressor with the minimal mass flow necessary to refill all storage banks within 24 h. For fleets of 8, 16 and 32 busses, using the compressor with the maximum investigated mass flow of 54 kg/h leads to the lowest costs.  相似文献   

We have modeled an approach for dispensing pressurized hydrogen to 350 and/or 700 bar vehicle vessels. Instead of relying on compressors, this concept stores liquid hydrogen in cryogenic pressure vessels where pressurization occurs through heat transfer, reducing the station energy footprint from 12 kW h/kgH2 of energy from the US grid mix to 1.5–2 kW h/kgH2 of heating. This thermal compression station presents capital cost and reliability advantages by avoiding the expense and maintenance of high-pressure hydrogen compressors, at the detriment of some evaporative losses. The total installed capital cost for a 475 kg/day thermal compression hydrogen refueling station is estimated at about $611,500, an almost 60% cost reduction over today's refueling station cost. The cost for 700 bar dispensing is $5.23/kg H2 for a conventional station vs. $5.45/kg H2 for a thermal compression station. If there is a demand for 350 bar H2 in addition to 700 bar dispensing, the cost of dispensing from a thermal compression station drops to $4.81/kg H2, which is similar to the cost of a conventional station that dispenses 350 bar H2 only. Thermal compression also offers capacity flexibility (wide range of pressure, temperature, and station demand) that makes it appealing for early market applications.  相似文献   

Hydrogen as compressed gas is a promising option for zero-emission fuel cell vehicle. The fast and efficient refueling of high pressure hydrogen can provide a convenient platform for fuel cell vehicles to compete with conventional gasoline vehicles. This paper reports the finding of adiabatic simulation of the refueling process for Type IV tank at nominal working pressure of 70 MPa with considering the station refueling conditions. The overall heat transfer involved in refueling process was investigated by heat capacity model based on MC method defined by SAE J2601. The simulation results are validated against experimental data of European Commission's Gas Tank Testing Facility at Joint Research Centre (GasTef JRC), Netherlands. The results confirmed that end temperature and state of charge significantly depends on refueling parameters mainly supply hydrogen temperature and filling rate.  相似文献   

The rollout of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) requires the initial deployment of an adequate network of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs). Such deployment has proven to be challenging because of the high initial capital investment, the risk associated with such an investment, and the underutilization of HRSs in early FCEV markets. Because the compression system at an HRS represents about half of the station's initial capital cost, novel concepts that would reduce the cost of compression are needed. Argonne National Laboratory with support from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) has evaluated the potential for delivering hydrogen in high-pressure tube-trailers as a way of reducing HRS compression and capital costs. This paper describes a consolidation strategy for a high-pressure (250-bar) tube-trailer capable of reducing the compression cost at an HRS by about 60% and the station's initial capital investment by about 40%. The consolidation of tube-trailers at pressures higher than 250 bar (e.g., 500 bar) can offer even greater HRS cost-reduction benefits. For a typical hourly fueling-demand profile and for a given compression capacity, consolidating hydrogen within the pressure vessels of a tube-trailer can triple the station's capacity for fueling FCEVs. The high-pressure tube-trailer consolidation concept could play a major role in enabling the early, widespread deployment of HRSs because it lowers the required HRS capital investment and distributes the investment risk among the market segments of hydrogen production, delivery, and refueling.  相似文献   

The future success of fuel cell electric vehicles requires a corresponding infrastructure. In this study, two different refueling station concepts for fuel cell passenger cars with 70 MPa technology were evaluated energetically. In the first option, the input of the refueling station is gaseous hydrogen which is compressed to final pressure, remaining in gaseous state. In the second option, the input is liquid hydrogen which is cryo-compressed directly from the liquid phase to the target pressure. In the first case, the target temperature of −33 °C to −40 °C [1] is achieved by cooling down. In the second option, gaseous deep-cold hydrogen coming from the pump is heated up to target temperature. A dynamic simulation model considering real gas behavior to evaluate both types of fueling stations from an energetic perspective was created. The dynamic model allows the simulation of boil-off losses (liquid stations) and standby energy losses caused by the precooling system (gaseous station) dependent on fueling profiles. The functionality of the model was demonstrated with a sequence of three refueling processes within a short time period (high station utilization). The liquid station consumed 0.37 kWh/kg compared to 2.43 kWh/kg of the gaseous station. Rough estimations indicated that the energy consumption of the entire pathway is higher for liquid hydrogen. The analysis showed the high influence of the high-pressure storage system design on the energy consumption of the station. For future research work the refueling station model can be applied to analyze the energy consumption dependent on factors like utilization, component sizing and ambient temperature.  相似文献   

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