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The problems of water-colour management in peatland catchments are discussed. Colour may be managed in three areas of the reservoir catchment system: on the catchment itself, in the channel/conduit system and within the reservoir. Whilst a number of workers have considered the management of catchment areas and some have evolved tributary turnout strategies, no previous research has considered the role of the reservoir in the amelioration or enhancement of water colour. The management of water colour at Thornton Moor catchment (near Bradford) is described. In this catchment a staged approach has been adopted, with colour being managed in an integrated manner at three stages along the catchment/conduit/reservoir system.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of aggradation due to sediment accumulation upstream reservoirs had been studied in this research. For this purpose, groups of experiments were conducted in a laboratory with 25 m long, 0.80 m wide and 0.70 m deep channel. A block was built at the end of the channel to work as a dam to impound water. The channel was supplied with drainage pipes on both sides to release water out in a manner similar to what happens in reservoirs. The bed of the channel was filled with sand of 0.80 mm median sieve diameter and 0.72 geometric standard deviation. The slope was 0.0093 for all experiments. Two sizes of sand were used representing the sediment. The median diameter and geometric standard deviation of the first were 0.365 mm and 0.46 mm, respectively. The second sample had 0.65 mm median diameter and 0.67 standard deviation. A total of 70 experiments were conducted in two groups to examine effects of sediment transport rate, particle size of sediment and flow velocity on aggradation characteristics. The results showed that there was a strong linear direct relationship between aggradation elements (length and depth) with the rate of sediment transport. Groups of dimensionless parameters affecting the aggradation characteristics were used to develop empirical equations to predict the length, maximum depth of aggradation and predict transient bed profile. The results of empirical approach were compared with the measurement data and previous numerical method. The results indicated that the percentage error was 19% to 31% for length of aggradation and -21% to 26% for maximum depth of aggradation. The results also showed that the sediment materials were deposited closer to the body of the dam when the released water from the dam is higher than the inflow.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the evolution of river-bank erosion management and the developing role of geomorphology in this field. The location and design of a traditional solution to erosion on the River Brock, Forest of Bowland is considered, and its failure under moderate flood conditions is analysed. The geomorphological processes at work at the site are identified and assessed, and conclusions for the ongoing management of the site are presented. The future role of geomorphology in river managment is also considered.  相似文献   

A study of two major environmental issues in upland water management is presented. Discolouration and reservoir sedimentation are seen to affect water managers on different timescales and to different degrees. Rates of reservoir sedimentation, adjusted for empirically derived trap efficiency, are measured and found to be higher than previously believed. A link between sediments found within the reservoir basin and the generation of colour is described.  相似文献   

Roadford reservoir, located in the River Tamar catchment and commissioned in 1989, operates in conjunction with two other reservoirs and increased abstraction from six rivers in North and South Devon. The scheme affects the flow regime in all rivers, as well as their water quality, ecology and, particularly, their important salmon and sea trout fisheries. The paper describes how the detailed operating rules for the scheme have been designed to minimize the impact on the environment by means of changes to the flow regime, without jeopardizing the yield of the scheme. The complex operating rules include the zoning of the reservoir storage, varying prescribed minimum flows, spate sparing rules, and special releases for fisheries purposes. A programme of environmental monitoring will allow further refinement of the operating rules.  相似文献   

段丙庆  林观众 《规划师》2008,24(12):83-86
控制功能作为控制性详细规划的核心功能,多年来在规划管理中发挥着重要作用,但在各城市大面积控制性详细规划覆盖运动后,控制性详细规划在实际管理操作中暴露出种种问题,尤其是控制功能和作用的缺失问题,在这种形势下,有必要重新认识控制性详细规划的控制功能,构建适合于规划管理的控制体系。  相似文献   

朱明 《安徽建筑》2007,14(3):205-206
水库工程质量的好坏直接关系到城市安全。文章主要介绍了合肥市大房郢水库工程施工过程中质量管理的主要方法、途径和措施,旨在为类似工程质量管理提供依据。  相似文献   

M ajor benefits can be derived from the comprehensive use of risk management techniques in water supply distribution management.
The paper identifies particular areas where financial benefits can be gained and examines savings, risks, and consequences of failure of critical supply links, recommending contingency planning to minimize the impact of occasional failures.
Better management of service reservoirs is identified as a key element in improved management and methods of realizing savings are illustrated. Suggestions are made on how the inherent robustness of the distribution system can be exploited to meet high diurnal and seasonal peaks.
Emphasis is placed on the value to be derived from sensible use of network analysis simulation and the control of pressure in the distribution system.  相似文献   

关于做好高校基建管理工作的思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
林炜 《国外建材科技》2007,28(3):157-158
高等学校基建管理工作关系到学校事业的发展,如何让有限的资金发挥最大的效益,满足学校发展的要求,需要进行探索和思考。文中阐明只有严格按基建程序办事,在工程实施的各阶段严格管理,有效控制,才能提高工程质量,生产出用户满意的产品。  相似文献   

王铁忠 《城市建筑》2013,(24):176-176
农业是我国经济建设中最为基础的产业,水库在农田水利的灌溉和调节水资源方面发挥着十分重要的作用,对保障农业增产增收和社会稳定意义重大。本文主要就水库建设过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决策略,以便能够更好地促进水库事业的发展。  相似文献   

人工湿地技术由于具有投资成本低、便于管理、生态化等特点,近几年在城市雨水控制利用领域得到快速发展.以马来西亚布城(Putrajaya)湿地为例,介绍了人工湿地技术在流域雨水管理中的应用.布城湿地设计过程中将水质净化、水力调节、景观美学、生态修复等多个目标统筹考虑,以确保城区人工湖水体水质满足人体接触景观娱乐用水标准,提高防洪涝标准,修复和改善生态环境,提升城市的宜居能力.湿地采用多单元和多级设计方法,以提高湿地水力性能和净化能力,最大化大型植物种植面积,同时便于湿地的维护管理.该项目近10年的运行效果表明,采用人工湿地控制雨水径流非常有效.  相似文献   

This paper reports upon a study to determine whether buffer strips could improve the quality of soil-water draining from conifer-afforested slopes. Three sites in the Monachyle Glen catchment in the Trossachs (West Central Scotland) were sampled and several chemical indices were determined. Buffer strips engendered some variable and qualified improvements in soil-water concentrations of some ions, although the improvement was accompanied by the anticipated loss of bases. Improvements in soil-water quality were related to soil characteristics - soils containing organic matter being more effective than mineral soils.  相似文献   

项目管理法在管理学中具有非常重要的地位,如果将这种方法应用于建筑工程管理中一定会具有很好地效果。本文对项目管理法在建筑工程管理中的应用进行了详细的说明,希望能够有效提高建筑工程管理的工作效率。  相似文献   

超声萃取/气相色谱法测定污泥中的硝基苯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用超声萃取/气相色谱法测定了污泥中的硝基苯含量。研究了混合溶剂的比例及用量、超声萃取时间、盐析剂投量等因素对测定结果的影响。采用该方法测定以蒸馏水和松花江水为本底制备的泥样时的平均回收率分别为91.6%~97.4%和83.4%,RSD分别为1.9%~4.4%和7.1%。该方法简便、快速,从样品预处理到检测完毕只需90min。  相似文献   

本文针对目前建筑工程施工阶段造价失控普遍存在的现象进行了分析,指出了造价确定与控制中存在的问题,并提出了一些确实可用的造价控制方法。  相似文献   

水利工程河道管理急需改变"重建轻管"的现状。论文从管理现状及护岸损坏成因分析河道管理的缺陷,为同类工程管理方式提供参考。  相似文献   

通过电化学极化的测量方法 ,研究了碳钢储油罐在不同成品油沉积液中的相对腐蚀性 .得出碳钢在不同油品沉积液中的腐蚀速度有明显差别 ;沉积液的酸碱度不同 ,对油罐的腐蚀也有较大影响 .  相似文献   

在当前中国的建设项目管理系统中,应重点加强安全管理制度和质量管理体系,其中质量和安全是当前各方建设的关注点。此外,根据工程施工进度和成本来看,需要建立相应的管理制度,最终使企业获得更好的利益。  相似文献   

谢小妹 《城市建筑》2014,(29):123-123
在当前中国的建设项目管理系统中,应重点加强安全管理制度和质量管理体系,其中质量和安全是当前各方建设的关注点。此外,根据工程施工进度和成本来看,需要建立相应的管理制度,最终使企业获得更好的利益。  相似文献   

黄敏能 《城市建筑》2014,(12):361-361
水库工程在水利水电工程中占据着重要地位,水库施工质量的控制及管理具有深远的意义。本文以竹银水库为实例,对水库施工过程的质量控制及管理进行了分析和探讨,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

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