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对于“城市大事件与城市发展”这个主题.我理解主要讨论的是城市大事件作为城市发展的动力之一所发挥的作用或影响,两者是因果关系。不同的城市大事件将给城市发展和建设带来不同的建设速度和建设效果。  相似文献   

巴塞罗那扩展区多层高密度街坊的发展与启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文系统论述了多层高密度城市建筑类型在巴塞罗那扩展区的发展历程,及其在巴塞罗那当代城市建设中的继承和发扬,指出多层高密度城市和建筑形态对解决我国当前城市化进程中所面临的、在人多地少的前提下建设可持续发展的城市生活环境具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

李倞 《风景园林》2017,24(10):34-43
巴塞罗那自20世纪80年代开始"城市再启动计划",将城市快速路的建设与公共空间营建紧密结合起来,以此作为实现城市复兴的重要途径之一,已经取得了显著成效。研究巴塞罗那快速路所遵循的交通效率与公共活力并重的发展战略,分析快速路与景观网络相结合的巨大潜力,从快速路作为连贯的城市景观廊道、快速路交叉口与景观节点的结合、快速路作为整合区域景观网络的骨架3个方面,归纳了巴塞罗那基于快速路的景观网络构建的核心策略。最后,总结了巴塞罗那不再将快速路的建设看作是一项单独的城市交通改善工程,而是在不断尝试将现代道路的快速交通需求与传统街道所具有的引导公共流动的能力结合起来的最优途径,对中国城市的快速路建设具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

大事件(主要指人为的社会性事件)对城市发展影响不仅体现城市的建筑与景观方面,也体现在城市的文化,生活等方面。今天,城市管理者越来越注意讲求城市特色、竞争力和城市的文化身份、推进城市经济发展,而大事件恰好可为实现上述目标提供机会。  相似文献   

本文论述了当前巴塞罗那不同尺度都市区发展的城市项目,以此总结巴塞罗那都市建设之路。  相似文献   

毕凯 《山西建筑》2012,38(4):10-11
首先探讨了城市建设理论的发展,然后通过与欧洲城市巴塞罗那的扩展演化过程进行对比,揭示了国内某些城市在扩展更新中存在的问题,并通过一个典型小尺度山地城市的规划案例,提出城市发展应当重视小尺度与功能混合的土地利用的方式,摒弃过大的城市尺度。  相似文献   

巴塞罗那公共空间改造及对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对巴塞罗那城市沿革及公共空间政策背景的分析,分别介绍了巴塞罗那公共空间政策在两个不同阶段的经验,即小型公共空间的改造与建设、以奥运场馆为主的大型空间的更新与建设。最后提出中国城市更新应当结合公共空间展开,城市更新政策要保证连续性、全面性和公平性;城市公共空间设计应当注重保护城市文脉,以人为本,突出地方特色。  相似文献   

西  胡安·布斯盖茨    吴焕    李婧   《建筑师》2019,(3):6-14
本文论述了当前巴塞罗那不同尺度都市区发展的城市项目,以此总结巴塞罗那都市建设之路。  相似文献   

杨猛 《室内设计》2009,(6):47-51
本文以西班牙巴塞罗那扩展区城市空间演变的历史为研究对象,再现了这段少有人知的城市历史。巴塞罗那扩展区建设的历史清晰地呈现出了城市空间与社会生产的辩证关系:城市空间变化的过程同样也是社会运动的过程,城市规划方案的竞争同时也是政治力量的角逐。  相似文献   

巴塞罗那是欧洲著名的旅游胜地之一.同样也是连接与包容各种文化的家园.本文从建筑师的角度出发,阐述了巴塞罗那的概况与城市结构.并着重归纳了该市所显现出的城市意象.  相似文献   

Antoni Dura-Guimera   《Cities》2003,20(6):387
This paper explores the processes of deconcentration or suburbanization in the Barcelona metropolitan area in Catalonia, Spain. In it I describe the major social forces driving changing land-use patterns and posit the question: Is there a particularly Mediterranean form of urban deconcentration? Although the growing preference of Catalans for a life at the urban periphery in some ways mimics American patterns of suburbanization, I argue that there are limits to the applicability of Anglo-American theories of deconcentration for the Mediterranean city. After briefly setting out the historical context for urban development in Barcelona, I describe the changing morphology of the city in recent years and explore the major trends—the pursuit of security, immigration from the developing world, changing family structures, among others—that make the process of deconcentration in Barcelona particularly Mediterranean in character.  相似文献   

王双 《中外建筑》2009,(8):35-38
光影作为一种重要的设计语言越来越为建筑师、景观设计师等所重视。在西班牙海滨城市巴塞罗那,这种设计语言更是被融人到城市设计的方方面面。变化的自然光影讲述着不同空间中人的活动,使人们在巴塞罗那仿佛置身于一场关于自然、场所、活动的神奇之旅。  相似文献   

Abstract:   The seismic risk of the buildings of Barcelona, Spain, is analyzed by using a method based on the capacity spectrum. The seismic hazard in the area of the city is described by means of the reduced 5% damped elastic response spectrum. Obtaining fragility curves for the most important building types of an urban center requires an important amount of information about the structures and the use of nonlinear structural analysis tools. The information on the buildings of Barcelona was obtained by collecting, arranging, improving, and completing the database of the housing and current buildings. The buildings existing in Barcelona are mainly of two types: unreinforced masonry structures and reinforced concrete buildings with waffled slab floors. In addition, the Arc-View software was used to create a GIS tool for managing the collected information to develop seismic risk scenarios. This study shows that the vulnerability of the buildings is significant and therefore, in spite of the medium to low seismic hazard in the area of the city, the expected seismic risk is considerable.  相似文献   

黄艳 《建筑细部》2006,4(3):312-312
位于Avenida Diagonal两条大街交汇处的光荣广场,曾经被19世纪的城市规划师Ildefons Cerda设想为巴塞罗那市众人观注的新焦点,而现在却只是一个不大引人注意的交通汇合处,而且广场的中央是一个破烂,荒芜的公园。  相似文献   

The Royal Institute of British Architects since 1848 has advised the Monarch on the award of the Royal Gold Medal to individuals for distinguished services to architecture. In 1999 precedent was broken to award the Royal Gold Medal to the City of Barcelona. The Journal of Architecture is celebrating this award by publishing the 'Jury Citation' and 'Notes accompanying the Jury's Citation', followed by the texts of three of the speeches which preceded and followed the presentation: 'Award of the Royal Gold Medal to Barcelona' by Robert Maxwell; 'Architecture and City in an Open World' by Pasqual Maragall i Mira (Mayor in 1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995 and 1997); and 'Ten points on an Urbanistic Methodology' by Oriol Bohigas (who, as architect, served Barcelona City Council as Delegate for Urban Affairs 1979-1983, Co-ordinator for Urban Affairs 1983-4, Urbanism Special Advisor 1984-1991 and elected Councillor for Culture 1991-4). The example of Barcelona as revealed through these texts provides insights, and evidence of a collective inspiration, to be emulated wherever urban regeneration forms part of a political and social agenda shared by city authorities, business interests, designers and citizens.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2014, new life was injected into the auspicious squares and parks of the city centre of historic Barcelona by the Enric Miralles Foundation. This came in the form of celebrative temporary installations commissioned from teams, including among them Odile Decq, Yael Reisner and Peter Cook, Grafton Architects and Urban-Think Tank. Commemorating the 300th anniversary of the end of the siege of Barcelona, each group of collaborators was asked by the curators, architect Benedetta Tagliabue and theatre director Àlex Ollé, to create a structure that embodied a universal principle, such as diversity, democracy and identity. Benedetta Tagliabue describes the project.  相似文献   

塞尔达的新城规划的目标就是设计一个为自己心中的理想社会服务的城市,所以塞尔达先为城市居民设想好了理想的社会生活,然后再给了他们城市蓝图。他的规划从城区关系到街区划分无不体现了他的人道主义理想。  相似文献   

城市滨水区是城市更新发展中最有潜力的地区.成功的滨水区开发能有效带动城市的再发展。通过对巴塞罗那城市滨水区的发展演变和再利用模式的分析,阐述了不同时期的政策决策对滨水区开发的影响,并总结了公共政策的几大特征,提出从公共政策角度实现滨水空间的本质回归是我国滨水区成功再开发的关键。  相似文献   

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