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This paper suggests definitions of three elem ents essential to successful irrigation- w ater rights, infrastructure capable of delivering the service im plied in the w ater right, and assigned operational responsibilities. D epending on w hether the basic elem ents are properly m atched, system s are defined as 'functional' or 'dysfunctional'. The im portance of interactions among these factors is illustrated through field exam ples. It is argued that perform ance analysis of dysfunctional system s is problem atic, and functionality may be a prerequisite to significant im provem ents in perform ance. The definition of water rights, particularly as undocumented and unregulated usage develops, is likely to present the most difficult challenge to achieving functionality.  相似文献   

Key performance aspects of a 92 000 ha rice irrigation system in central Thailand are reviewed, with reference to water-distribution performance, agricultural performance and plan-implementation performance. Farmers have invested heavily in recent years in pumps, principally for access to shallow groundwater. This allows independent agricultural decision making by farm households. It is shown that tail-end farmers, who have the highest intensity of pumps, achieve the best agricultural performance. The performance in terms of canal water distribution and plan implementation is erratic. Absence of appropriate water-measurement facilities, insufficient information flows concerning water quantities and wide variations of farmer strategies seem to be significant reasons for these difficulties.  相似文献   

An assessment of three institutional models for irrigation management in Vietnam is presented. The first model is a joint management by a state agency and farmer organization; the second is a shared management by a quasi-state and farmer organization; and the third is management solely by a farmer organization. The first model is a conventional management system, whereas the latter two models have recently been introduced in a limited number of projects as a result of the government policy on reform in the irrigation sector. Three study sites are identified to represent three management models. Apart from the institutional framework and selected management functions, water distribution and agricultural productivity are evaluated and compared. Results indicate the better performance of management models with increased involvement of farmers in the decision-making process. It is recommended that the hydraulic boundaries should be taken into consideration in reforming management systems for irrigation projects.  相似文献   

漳河灌区农民用水户协会绩效评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对漳河灌区55个农民用水户协会及其范围内201户和10个村、组,19个非农民用水户协会范围内的村组及其范围内49户用水户.40个与农民用水户协会相关的管理单位的调查,对漳河灌区农民用水户协会的绩效进行了评价.总的来说农民用水户协会的建立取得了许多明显的成效,但也存在一些问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

A national Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) in Egypt was initiated in 1984 after the USAID allocated the required funds to implement the project in eleven command areas. Sincethen, the project has been extended to other areas, among which is El-Mahmoudia area of 280,000 Feddans (117,600 ha). This study aims at investigating the major expected impacts ofthe project and to highlight any recommendations and/or measures to be taken before, during, and after its implementation. A key element to implement such study was thedevelopment of a numerical approach, capable of quantifying theunrecorded re-circulated irrigation water, so that the water balance can be adjusted accordingly. The calculations have shown that the project has minimal effect on two major drains and consequently on their intercepting lakes. The developed approach has represented a simple and practical tool to implement a reasonable evaluation of different scenarios for the project future impacts.  相似文献   

武清县污水灌溉情况及影响分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
详细介绍了天津市武清县的污水灌溉情况 ,从受影响较大的地下水、土壤、农作物、人群健康等四个方面分析了武清县的污染情况 ,指出长期使用污水灌溉已对武清县的环境造成了较大的影响 ,应予以足够的重视  相似文献   

While extending irrigated areas to augment agricultural production, irrigation efficiency should be increased not only to improve the agricultural production but also to obtain the sustainable use of valuable and limited water resources. Through the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which is a linear programming technique to determine the relative efficiency of a decision-making unit, it is possible to decide whether the use of water in an irrigation district is efficient or not. In this study, an input oriented DEA model is constituted to focus on the efficient use of inputs, and the method is applied to the irrigation districts having similar types of agriculture in the Buyuk Menderes Basin, Turkey. This paper aims to determine the efficient irrigation district(s), in other words where the application of water is the most profitable, considering two inputs; water volume supplied and the total irrigated area, and one output, the total value of agricultural production. The weight restrictions consistent with decision makers’ value judgements are added as constraints into the DEA models to prevent excessive weight flexibility assigned to inputs and outputs. The results have provided the efficiency scores of the irrigation districts and numerically delineated desired features of the irrigation districts for maximum efficiency. The analyses for three study years have inferred the robustness of the results. It is concluded that DEA is a practical tool for detecting local inefficiencies and proposing possible improvements for irrigation districts that could offer the greatest potential for growth.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the importance of an institutional mechanism to allocate and distribute irrigation water properly, to reduce conflicts and to mobilize financial support for sustainable rice production. The study reveals that the contributing factors affecting the performance of farmer-managed irrigation systems for rice production are plot size and the application of seed, fertilizer and pesticides, and the influencing factors are water adequacy during the dry season and a fixed schedule of intermittent flow of water distribution. Water inadequacy and dissatisfaction on the timeliness of water distribution are the potential sources of conflicts, whereas the ability of farmers to pay irrigation fees and the acceptance of a fee system are the major concerns about the financial support for irrigation operation and maintenance. The accountability of a water user's association is the main factor influencing the success of an institutional role in the sustainability of rice production.  相似文献   

以徐州市为研究区域,对自然干旱的评估问题进行了研究,包括单指标评估、多指标综合评估,以县为基本计算单元的点干旱评估、由点到整个研究区域的干旱综合评估;同时,对采取灌溉措施后的综合旱情评估问题也进行了研究,并对灌溉效益的评价方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes irrigation-poverty linkages, and determines how and to what extent irrigation contributes to poverty alleviation, and whether there are any spatial patterns in poverty in irrigation systems. It also identifies conditions under which irrigation has greater anti-poverty impacts. The analysis is based on primary data collected during the 2000--2001 agricultural year, from four selected irrigation systems and rainfed areas in Java. The results indicate that irrigation has significant poverty reducing impacts. Poverty varies across irrigation systems and across locations within the systems. In general, crop productivity is relatively higher and poverty is lower in middle parts of the systems compared to head and tail parts. Further, locational differences in poverty are more pronounced in larger systems where locational inequities in water distribution and productivity differences are also high. Crop productivity, the size of landholdings and location of households are important determinants of poverty, in addition to demographic factors such as family size. The smaller the systems with well managed infrastructure, relatively equitable water distribution and diversified cropping patterns supported with market infrastructure, the greater the poverty reducing impacts of irrigation. Overall, the study findings suggest that improving the performance of irrigation systems by enhancing land and water productivity, diversifying cropping patterns and improving water distribution across locations would help reduce poverty in presently low productivity-high poverty parts of the systems.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) has expressed concern about the current high cost of the Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) implemented in the “old lands” of the lower reaches of the Nile River. Because the IIP is financed through fees paid by the direct beneficiaries of the project, i.e., irrigation water users, these same Egyptian agricultural producers are especially sensitive to the higher than expected costs that the project has incurred to date. The objective of the current study is to evaluate whether this cost reduction is associated with any deficiency in irrigation performance. This Monitoring and Evaluation (M&;E) study aims to answer questions such as: Does reducing pump capacity and increased pump operation affect the farmers negatively? And, does the use of electricity instead of diesel fuel affect the farmers positively? Six indicators were used to compare new design criteria in the W10 and the IIP1 irrigation system designs, water savings, irrigation cost, irrigation time, night irrigation, and land savings. The W10 project design achieved the minimum actual operating cost per unit of area and per unit of water compared to the IIP1 project design on both Meet Yazied and El-Mesk Canals. The total cost per unit of area in the W10 project design is lower than IIP1 by 19.33% and 24.92% on the Meet Yazied and El-Mesk Canals, respectively. The total cost per unit of water in the W10 design is also lower than IIP1 on the Meet Yazied and El-Mesk Canals. Average irrigation time for rice and cotton crops cultivated in the W10 area are higher than average irrigation time for these crops cultivated in the IIP1 area for all locations on the Mesqa (head, middle and tail), because of increased pump operation in the W10 area (16 to 20 h d???1). The number of irrigation events at the head of the Sefsafa Canal in the W10 area is higher than on the Meet Yazied and El-Mesk Canals in the IIP1 areas because of the increased pump operation in the W10 area.  相似文献   

The nature and intensity of institutional interventions at the secondary unit level in the rehabilitation of the Gal Oya Left Bank irrigation system were different. The focus of this paper is to examine the impacts of these different interventions on the performance of secondary units using a time-series impact assessment model. The impact assessment model appears to be able to describe with some precision the trends in the system as a whole, as well as distinguish between different impacts in different units. The results of the analysis demonstrate that areas that were intensively organized showed the greatest capacity to adopt improved management techniques quickly. However, these well-organized areas also happened to be more favoured before rehabilitation and have realized least satisfactory overall benefits. Tail-end areas, even though they were less intensively organized, showed the best overall performance in terms of water use, production and water productivity. But they took longer to respond fully to improved water delivery conditions.  相似文献   

文章介绍了欧阳海水电站从实践出发,通过强化管理和技术改造等手段来提高经济效益,提出了争取最大发电效益的办法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the effects of participatory irrigation management in Sri Lanka. The study is based on the application of a methodology developed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to assess the impact of irrigation management transfer on the performance of irrigated agriculture. Performance is measured from several perspectives: financial, irrigation management, and agricultural productivity levels. Piecewise linear regression models are fitted to compare trends in performance during the five-year period before transfer and five years after. The results show that there has been a significant drop in government's recurrent expenditure for irrigation over time. The decline is not confined to schemes where participatory management had been introduced but to other schemes as well. The cost of irrigation to farmers has remained the same before and after transfer. The analysis reveals that irrigation management transfer alone did not bring about significant improvements in the quality of irrigation or agricultural productivity levels. However, in schemes where both management transfer and physical rehabilitation had occurred, significant improvements in agricultural productivity were noted.  相似文献   

改进的TOPSIS模型在污水灌溉安全性评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 选择开封市惠济河水作为污灌引水点的样本水体,采用标准方法对灌溉水质进行监测分析。考虑到 TOPSIS 法在进行综合评价时的不足之处 , 提出了运用垂直距离代替欧氏距离进行评价 , 通过建立改进的 TOPSIS 模型,对污水灌溉安全性进行了评价研究。结果表明,开封市惠济河水质低于国家灌溉水质标准,直接用来灌溉或进行其他用途是不安全的,且重金属污染较严重。研究成果为水体的科学管理和污染防治提供决策依据,在水资源可持续开发利用中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章着重介绍了2006年以来湖南省大型灌区全面开展民主评议政风行风工作的具体做法和所取得的良好效果。通过灌区民主评议行风工作,促进了灌区的建设和管理,改变了灌区的精神面貌,实现了灌区的科学发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents an objective easy-to-use methodology for rapidly assessing the capacity of the m anagers and users of an irrigation system to respond positively to interventions to im prove performance, and for identifying the types of interventions likely to succeed. The 'Performance Improvement Capacity Audit' is based on five basic questions on system design, operations, data collection, management framework and the will to manage. It is applied retrospectively on five systems to demonstrate its potential usefulness. The methodology complements others which focus on assessing actual and potential system performance.  相似文献   

本文对汾河二坝灌区作物生长缺水现状和二坝水文站以上可利用的洪水资源进行了统计。认为二坝以上每年来洪是解决灌区农作物受旱的水源之一。调查分析了灌区历年来的引洪量、引洪特点、经验和教训。对今后引洪中可能存在的问题及其它工程进行了分析并提出了建议。  相似文献   

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