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Using C.I. Reactive Yellow 3 as the target compound, the effect of the combined use of ozonation and post-biodegradation on the decrease in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was investigated, and the synergistic effect (the difference in the amounts of DOC removed by the biological process between solutions with and without ozonation) was estimated. A decrease in DOC concentration was observed during ozonation and ΔO3/ΔDOC was decreased from 16.0 to 5.2 with increasing ozonation time. Moreover, an enhancement of biodegradability was shown. A further decrease in DOC concentration was observed during the biodegradation after ozonation. The total amount of DOC removed by the combined method was increased from 73.6 mg at 30 min to 159.9 mg at 4 h. The synergistic effect was in the range of 22.7 to 39.2 mg. BOD5 was a better indicator of the synergistic effect than BOD5/DOC. 相似文献
A characterization method to evaluate the composition of background organic matters in terms of adsorbability was presented
and applied to synthetic and domestic wastewater. The binomial distribution of DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) fraction in
relation of a characterizing variable, the Freundlich coefficient, k, was proposed to describe the initial composition of
wastewater by a finite number of pseudospecies. This method was tested for removal of DOC by using granular and powdered activated
carbons. These experiments enable us to get information on the distribution function of species in the solution. From the
results obtained in this work, kinetic experimental data were predicted on the assumption that the diffusion coefficients
were unchanged during the experiments. It was confirmed to be effective in determining the initial composition and describing
the equilibria of the DOC. From the experiments, it was found that this synthetic solution has a sigmoid type isotherm on
activated carbons. This implies that there are two different adsorption regions in a system, favourable and unfavourable cases,
depending on the solution concentration. This unfamiliar problem can be solved by using a characterization method based on
IAST-Freundlich model. 相似文献
臭氧氧化对可溶性有机物构成的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实验目的在于对溶解性有机物进行分类及考察,研究臭氧氧化影响四种溶解性有机物:1.可生物降解不可吸附;2.可生物降解可吸附;3.可吸附不可生物降解;4.不可吸附不可生物降解。(NA&BDOC、B&ADOC、NB&ADOC、NRDOC)的因素及趋势。实验结果表明臭氧不能同时去除四种溶解性有机物。而是影响它们所占比例.使可生物降解性有机物增加,可吸附性有机物减少。根据实验结果可优选出后续生物活性炭净水效果的最佳的臭氧投加量和停留时间。实验结果可为工程设计提供有益的参考价值。 相似文献
The effects of applying ozone into the source water of Cheng-Ching Lake Water Works (CCLWW) on the analysis of AOC (assimilable organic carbon) were compared in the laboratory and pilot-scale tests. CCLWW takes its raw water from an eutrophic lake. A pilot plant, established in CCLWW in southern Taiwan, was performed to improve the quality of water obtained by the former treatment processes. The direct application of ozone to the source water of CCLWW is called the pre-O3 process. The post-O3 process involves the treatment of effluent with ozone through a sand filter, following other treatments, including pre-O3, coagulation and sedimentation. In a laboratory test, a 0.45 μm membrane filter was used to replace the facility of filtration for a sand filter. AOCTotal comprises AOCP17 and AOCNOX, which were determined using the P. fluorescens strain P17 and the Spirillum species strain NOX, respectively. During over 2 years' sampling in eutrophic lake, it revealed that AOCP17 contributed substantially to AOCTotal. However, the filtrate from the source water obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter had an AOCTotal much lower than that of the source water, especially for the considerable decrease of AOCP17. Also, the AOC value in source water is increased with algae number but not with NPDOC (non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon). This result indicated that algae numbers existing in the eutrophic lake might affect the analysis of AOC. Following the pre-O3 process at the pilot-scale plant, the AOCP17 was markedly lower than that of the source water, and AOCNOX was slightly higher than that of the source water. However, when post-O3 was added to the effluent from a sand filter at the pilot-scale plant, AOCNOX exceeded that before post-O3, while AOCP17 differed slightly from that before post-O3. Apparently, this difference may be due to the algae number existing in the water samples. These results were verified by applying ozone to the source water, and to filtrate obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter in a lab-scale test, respectively. 相似文献
A novel catalyst for the ozonation process was prepared by loading manganese on the granular activated carbon (GAC). Nitrobenzene was used as a model refractory organic micropollutant in this study. The catalytic activity of GAC and the Mn-loaded GAC were studied respectively. The removal efficiency of nitrobenzene by Mn-loaded GAC catalyzed ozonation could reach 34.2–49.9%, with the oxidation efficiency being about 1.5–2.0 times higher than that achieved in GAC catalyzed ozonation and 2.0–3.0 times higher than that achieved by ozonation alone. The effect of pH and the t -butanol on the GAC/ozone process was discussed. The optimum condition for preparing the catalyst was studied. 相似文献
A.W.C. van der Helm P.W.M.H. Smeets E.T. Baars L.C. Rietveld J.C. van Dijk 《臭氧:科学与工程》2007,29(5):379-389
Experimental research was carried out for calibration and validation of a model describing ozone decay and ozone exposure (CT), decrease in UV absorbance at 254 nm (UVA254), increase in assimilable organic carbon concentration and bromate formation. The model proved to be able to predict these parameters on the basis of the applied ozone dosage. The experimental ozone dosages ranged from 0.4 mg-O3/L to 0.9 mg-O3/L for natural water with a dissolved organic carbon concentration of 2.4 mg-C/L. The UVA254 was found to be an effective parameter for estimation of rapid ozone decay for natural water under experimental conditions tested. The experimental setup consisted of a bench-scale plug flow reactor (approximately 100 L/h) with dissolved ozone dosing. 相似文献
Photocatalytic ozonation of organics under simulated solar irradiation with a g-C3N4 nanosheet was investigated. g-C3N4 was prepared by calcinations of urea and characterized by TEM, BET, XRD and UV-Vis. Oxalic acid and bisphenol A were used as model substances to evaluate its catalytic ability. The results showed that g-C3N4 possess 2D nanosheet structure. The degradation ratio of oxalic acid and bisphenol A with g-C3N4/O3/Solar was 1.50 and 1.92 times as great as the sum ratio when it was individually degraded by g-C3N4/Solar and O3, separately. The results of recycling experiment indicated that g-C3N4 catalyst is very stable under experimental conditions. 相似文献
Seoung-Hyun Kim Tae-Won Kim Dae-Lim Cho Dae-Haeng Lee Jo-Chun Kim Hee Moon 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2002,19(5):895-902
The background organics in water and wastewater are necessary to fractionate into groups or components according to the difference
in adsorbability. In this study, the background organics were fractionated in terms of the adsorptive strength described by
the Freundlich isotherm constants k and n with the assumption that the fractionated components differ in the value of k but
have the same value of n based on the IAST (Ideal Adsorption Solution Theory) using binomial concentration distribution. A
simple characterization for water and wastewater with a certain amount of DOC in terms of adsorbability was applied to three
types of organic mixtures contained in different water sources. The composition of each organic mixture was successfully evaluated
to describe the IAE (Integral adsorption experiments) data of the total organic carbon by using this characterization procedure.
Batch experiments as well as the membrane-PAC hybrid system experiments were conducted with three different types of PACs. 相似文献
The oxidation of various organic compounds in aqueous solution was studied using catalytic ozonation (TOCCATA process) and conventional ozonation. The aim of the work is to assess catalytic ozonation efficiency for the mineralization of various organic compounds in order to envisage its application on real effluents. The selected organic compounds (about 30) are commonly found in industrial wastewaters. Comparative experiments were performed in batch mode at laboratory scale. Investigations were focused on ozone consumption rate, variations of total organic carbon, oxidation by-products and oxidation rate. Catalytic and conventional ozonation treatments were compared considering kinetic data, mineralization extent, and effect of organic functionalities. Catalytic ozonation system according to the TOCCATA process was able to convert organic compounds which were totally inert to ozone treatment and permitted considerably enhanced reaction rates when compounds were reactive to ozonation. 相似文献
A study was conducted on the efficacy of ozonation in removing dissolved organic matter (DOM) in biotreated textile effluents and effects on its biodegradability and adsorbability. Results showed the efficient removal of color and fluorescence compounds were achieved through ozonation, due to increasing hydrophilicity and lowering molecular weight of DOM. A significant biodegradability improvement was also observed, and DOM adsorbability on activated carbon was highly dependent on ozone dosage. As the key parameter, consumed 3.8 g O3/?g TOC0 was the optimal dosage in the hybrid process combining ozonation with biological activated carbon (BAC) for wastewater reclamation. 相似文献
The focus of this work was to determine the effect of ozone on the removal of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from a secondary effluent and its relation with the permeated flux behavior in an ultrafiltration membrane. To assess the ozone action, the DOM of the secondary effluent was fractionated into its hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic fractions, using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins. Ozone increased the hydrophilic fraction from 32% to 42%, and this percentage remained unchanged after ultrafiltration of the secondary effluent. Permeate flux dropped to 52% in the first hour of membrane operation, but when ozone was applied as a pretreatment, it could be maintained at 84% within the first hour. 相似文献
This paper presents experimental results of the catalytic ozonation of Songhua River water in the presence of nano-TiO2 supported on Zeolite. The removal efficiency of TOC and UV254, the variation of AOC and molecular weight distribution of organics was studied. Results showed that TOC and UV254 removal efficiency by ozone was improved in the presence of TiO2/Zeolite, and increased by 20% and 25%, respectively. The part of organic compounds less than 1000 Da increased in ozonation, but decreased in catalytic ozonation. The AOC of water increased in catalytic ozonation, and the increase of AOC was particularly obvious when ozone dose increased from 28.8 mg·L?1 to 46.6 mg·L?1. The degradation and transformation of organic compounds was analyzed by means of GC-MS. The total number of organic compounds was reduced from 50 in the untreated water to 36 and 20, respectively, in ozonation and catalytic ozonation. The removal efficiency of the total organic compounds peak area in ozonation and catalytic ozonation were 23.5% and 62.5%, respectively. Most of the hydrocarbons could be removed easily in ozonation and catalytic ozonation. The organic compounds having hydroxyl, carboxyl or carbonyl groups were hard to be removed in ozonation, but could be removed efficiently in the presence of TiO2/Zeolite. 相似文献
The concentration of easily assimilable organic carbon (AOC) as determined with growth measurements using wo bacterial cultures, increased linearly with ozone dosage at values below 1 mg O3/mg of C. Moreover, a linear relationship was found between AOC increase and the decrease of UV absorbance of water after ozonation with various dosages. Biological filtration in water treatment reduced AOC concentrations, but the remaining values were above the AOC concentration before ozonation. This AOC removal was attended with an increased colony count in the filtrate. The AOC concentration of drinking water produced by the application of ozone in water treatment decreased during distribution. The greatest decrease was observed with the highest AOC concentration. Also in this situation, the highest colony counts were found. To date, ozonation is applied in seven water treatment plants in the Netherlands. 相似文献
Patrick A. Hacker Christine Paszko-Kolva Mic H. Stewart Roy L. Wolfe Edward G. Means III 《臭氧:科学与工程》1994,16(3):197-212
Pilot-plant studies were conducted in two source waters to determine the effects of predisinfection with ozone alone and with a combination of hydrogen peroxide and ozone (PEROXONE) on the production of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) compounds. Colorado River water (CRW) and State project water (SPW) from Northern California were treated with ozone alone at applied dosages ranging from 1 to 4 mg/L and with PEROXONE at hydrogen peroxide/ozone (H2O2/O3) ratios of 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.30. Ozonation of CRW with applied dosages of 1.0,2.0, and 4.0 mg/L increased AOC concentrations from 70μg C/L to 275, 350, and 224 μg C/L, respectively. Ozonation of SPW with an applied dosage of 4.0 mg/L elevated AOC concentrations from 70 to 522μg C/L. 相似文献
The applicability of a sequential process of ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide process for the removal of soluble organic compounds from a pre-coagulated municipal sewage was examined. 6–25% of initial T-CODCr was removed at the early stage of ozonation before the ratio of consumed ozone to removed T-CODCr dramatically increased. Until dissolved ozone was detected, 0.3 mgO3/mgTOC0 (Initial TOC) of ozone was consumed. When an ozone/hydrogen peroxide process was applied, additional CODCr was removed. And we elucidated that two following findings are important for the better performance of ozone/hydrogen peroxide process; those are to remove readily reactive organic compounds with ozone before the application of ozone/hydrogen peroxide process and to avoid the excess addition of hydrogen peroxide. Based on these two findings, we proposed a sequential process of ozonation and multi-stage ozone/hydrogen peroxide process and the appropriate addition of hydrogen peroxide. T-CODCr, TOC and ATU-BOD5 were reduced to less than 7 mg/L, 6 mgC/L and 5 mg/L, respectively after total treatment time of 79 min. Furthermore, we discussed the transformation of organic compounds and the removal of organic compounds. The removal amount of CODCr and UV254 had good linear relationship until the removal amounts of CODCr and UV254 were 30 mg/L and 0.11 cm?1, respectively. Therefore UV254 would be useful for an indicator for CODCr removal at the beginning of the treatment. The accumulation of carboxylic acids (formic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid) was observed. The ratio of carbon concentration of carboxylic acids to TOC remaining was getting higher and reached around 0.5 finally. Removal of TOC was observed with the accumulation of carboxylic acids. When unknown organic compounds (organic compounds except for carboxylic acids) were oxidized, 70% was apparently removed as carbon dioxide and 30% was accumulated as carboxylic acids. A portion of biodegradable organic compounds to whole organic compounds was enhanced as shown by the increase ratio of BOD/CODCr. 相似文献
P. Hartemann C. Danglot M.M. Bourbigot L. Pottenger Z. Elias J.L. Paquin 《臭氧:科学与工程》1987,9(3):179-193
Studies were carried out on-site in a potable water production plant utilizing ozonation treatment at three stages of the process. The quality of water in the treatment line was studied by chemical analysis, but also for toxicity to Hela cells after XAD resin concentration, and for mutagenesis to Salmonella Ames strains and mammalian cells V79 HGPRT system. With a sufficient dose of ozone and activated carbon adsorption, the initial cytotoxicity of the raw water and the mutagenic or promoter activity are destroyed. 相似文献
Jung A Rhim 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2006,23(1):38-42
The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) properties for the influent of the BAC pilot plant have shown a 42% biodegradable fraction
and a 58% non-biodegradable fraction. The biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) was degraded entirely by biodegradation;
the removal efficiency was 65–83%. The BDOC removal efficiency at empty bed contact time (EBCT) 15 minutes was larger than
at EBCT 8 minutes. At increasing EBCT, a more slowly biodegradable fraction of BDOC (H2) was utilized. The non-biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (NBDOC) was removed mostly by adsorption, and the removal amount
was 24–58%. Therefore, the DOC was removed by adsorption and biodegradation; the removal efficiency by biodegradation was
31%, and that by adsorption was 24%. The breakthrough behaviors of DOC and NBDOC continued to be saturated as the bed volume
increased, whereas the BDOC breakthrough curves maintained a certain ratio according to the bed volume. 相似文献
The effects of pre-ozonation and subsequent biological treatment on the decrease in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and color from dyeing wastewater were investigated. Moreover, the compositions of organic compounds in raw wastewater (RW) and the respective treated waters were estimated, and microscopic observations of the mixed liquor were conducted. The amount of ozone required to remove 1 mg of DOC and the DOC removal rate brought about by pre-ozonation ranged from 6.6 to 13.2 mgO3/mgC and 12 to 15%, respectively. The total amount of DOC removed was increased by the combined use of pre-ozonation and subsequent biological treatment, and pre-ozonation did not necessarily lead to an increase in the amount of DOC removed by biological treatment. However, this combined method was effective in decreasing color and adsorbable organic halide formation potential (AOXFP). The rates of the dyestuff in RW and the respective treated waters were less than 10% of total DOC, and those of the other non-biodegradable compounds were much higher than those of the dyestuff. The morphological difference was observed in the predominant bacteria in RW with and without pre-ozonation. 相似文献