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为了给南通地区地下水的合理开发和利用提供理论依据,利用各种水化学系数和变化图示对研究区内深层和浅层地下水的咸化机理进行了分析。结果表明:研究区内深层地下水中、西部水化学演化以正常的水-岩作用为主,东部沿海特别是寅阳镇一带深层地下水则主要因淋滤古海相地层盐分而使TDS增高;远离海边的大部分地区浅层地下水TDS增高主要与溶解地层盐分和蒸发作用有关,沿海地带尤其是东南角寅阳镇、海晏镇一带浅层地下水由于受到一定程度的现代海水入侵影响,其TDS显著增高。针对该区域地下水水化学变化特征,提出地下水系统改良措施:合理开发利用高TDS地下水可增加区域水资源量,增强调蓄能力,减轻对深层淡水资源的潜在威胁;逐渐增大地下咸水的开采量,从长远意义上逐步改良盐碱地,以利于水土资源利用及生态环境改善。  相似文献   

天津滨海地区城市供水调节水库水质咸化原因与改善途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对天津市滨海地区的北塘水库沉积物(0~40 cm)中有机物、全盐量、钠离子和氯离子等浓度进行测定,运用沉积物盐渍化和碱化度(ESP)等方法,探讨滨海地区蓄淡水库水质咸化的主要影响因素和改善途径。结果表明:咸化浅层地下水的补给是水库咸化的重要因素,扩大水源地保护区范围,加强水库周边排沥设施建设,使地下水深度降至水库的临界深度以下,是水库水质咸化首要的改善途径。  相似文献   

基于单位象元尺度的黑龙港流域农用地下水资源供需分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源匮乏和土地资源相对贫瘠是黑龙港流域最为严重的资源环境问题,基于对研究区遥感图像进行监督分类后得到的农业种植结构的分析,并运用作物缺水量和地下水资源供需短缺量、供需比的计算模型,开展了单位象元尺度的农业水资源供需平衡研究。结果表明,研究区冬小麦、水果和蔬菜分布较多的区域缺水最为严重,缺水量2 400m3/hm2以上的达到1.45万km2,占总面积的42.2%。据此,提出了区域水土资源优化配置方案,即在水资源短缺、土壤盐渍化或沙化地区,以种植耐干旱和耐盐咸的作物为主;在水资源丰沛、土壤有机质含量高和保蓄能力强的地区,以种植对水土资源要求高的作物为主。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of the effects of groundwater table control under different irrigation water amounts on the water and salinity balance and on crop yield. Two experimental areas, the Pingluo and Huinong experimental sites, were selected to collect the required data. The agro-hydrological model Soil Water-Atmosphere-Plant (SWAP) was used to analyse the water flows and salt transport processes for different groundwater levels and irrigation scenarios. Six scenarios, which resulted from different groundwater table regimes combined with different irrigation amounts, were simulated. The results show that high groundwater tables due to the excessive irrigation are the main cause of the large amount of drainage water and low crop yield;reducing irrigation water without a lower groundwater table will not lead Io a large reduction of the drainage water, and will reduce the crop yield even more; to lower the groundwater table is a good measure to control the drainage water and increase crop yield.  相似文献   

宁夏平罗县井渠结合灌区地下水盐运移规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以综合治理井渠结合灌区土壤盐碱化为目标,针对宁夏平罗县井渠结合灌区下游灌水难、排水难和盐碱化严重等问题,采用渠灌井排、井沟联合使用等措施,对作物进行适量和适时灌溉,充分利用地下水资源,并监测井渠结合灌溉条件下田间土壤含盐量、地下水矿化度和水位埋深的变化情况,分析地下水埋深和矿化度对土壤含盐量的影响。结果表明:井渠结合灌溉对降低地下水位效果显著。以黄河水为主要灌溉水源的宁夏银北自流灌区,地下水矿化度变化幅度较小;灌溉后的土壤表层含盐量骤降,0~40 cm土层的盐分变化较大;土壤盐分与地下水矿化度具有较强的线性正相关性,与地下水埋深呈负相关。研究成果对干旱半干旱区灌区水资源优化配置、盐碱地改良具有参考价值。  相似文献   

后套平原地下水资源分布不均,人口和经济集中于城镇,地表水漫灌导致了土壤盐渍化,对地区社会经济可持续发展造成了严重影响。因此,评价地下水可持续性已经成为该地区发展规划首先要解决的问题。地下水可持续性可以直观有效地反映一个地区地下水利用程度,对地下水资源管理具有重要参考价值。以后套平原地区地下水开采面临的问题为出发点来选择评价指标,利用综合评价方法计算了评价单元上的地下水可持续性水平。结果显示,黄河南岸和东北部地区可持续性最差,中部北部地区可持续较好,地下水资源的开发潜力较大的行政区位于杭锦后旗和五原县北部,而磴口县和乌拉特前旗大部分地区地下水可持续性差,荒漠化严重,不宜再继续发展耗水产业。  相似文献   

冀中山前平原农灌用水与地下水承载力适应性状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对冀中太行山前平原浅层地下水严重超采与农林灌溉用水之间关系问题,应用地学的模数理念、水量均衡理论方法和MapGIS空间特征分析技术,建立了农灌用水与地下水承载力之间适应性状况评价方法及指标体系,以0.49km2剖分单元精度识别了冀中山前平原农林灌溉用水强度及其与浅层地下水可采资源量之间适应性状况。结果表明,冀中山前平原农林灌溉导致的"极严重不适应"或"严重不适应"状态是浅层地下水超采的主要原因,其中小麦等夏粮作物灌溉用水主导了这些农灌区地下水超采,蔬菜作物和耗水型果林灌溉开采对地下水的影响呈显著增加趋势,应重视这种非理性加剧影响因素。  相似文献   

Encouraging shallow groundwater use through water table management or controlled drainage in irrigated areas can relief crop water stress under water shortage condition. But substituting fresh irrigation water with saline groundwater may speed up salinity buildup in the crop root zone, and consequently increase water use for salt leaching. With a proposed analytical model, this paper presents a case study demonstrating the effect of encouraging shallow groundwater use through controlled drainage on salt and water management in a semi-arid irrigation area in northwestern China. Based on the average rainfall condition, the model assumes that salt accumulates in the crop root zone due to irrigation and shallow groundwater use; till the average soil salinity reaches the crop tolerance level, leaching irrigation is performed and the drainage outlet is lowered to discharge the salt-laden leaching water. For the relatively salt tolerant crop–cotton in the study area, the predicted leaching cycle was as long as 751 days using the fresh water (with salinity of 0.5 g/L) irrigation only; it was shortened to 268 days when the water table depth was controlled at 2 m and 23% of the crop water requirement was contributed from the saline groundwater (with salinity of 4.43 g/L). The predicted leaching cycle was 140 days when the water table depth was controlled at 1.5 m and groundwater contribution was 41% of the crop water requirement; it was shortened to 119 days when the water table depth was controlled at 1.2 m and the groundwater contribution was 67% of the crop water requirements. So the benefit from encouraged shallow groundwater use through controlled drainage is obtained at the expense of shortened leaching cycle; but the shallow groundwater use by crops consists of a significant portion of crop water requirements, and the leaching cycle remains long enough to provide a time window for scheduled leaching in the off season of irrigation. Weighing the pros and cons of the encouraged shallow groundwater use may help plan irrigation and drainage practices to achieve higher water use efficiency in saline agricultural areas.  相似文献   

基于WET的红寺堡灌区土壤盐渍化分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宁夏中北部黄河灌区的土壤盐渍化问题已经成为影响宁夏农业生产的重要问题之一,红寺堡灌区是宁夏扶贫扬黄灌溉工程重点开发的新灌区,土壤盐渍化问题尤为严重,急需治理改良。本文分析了潜水位埋深、地质、水文地质条件等与土壤盐渍化的关系;同时,在宁夏首次应用WET土壤水分温度电导率速测仪(以下简称WET)测试了灌区土壤的电导率等参数,对土壤盐渍化进行了评价。结果表明:在红寺堡灌区,潜水埋深自北向南逐渐增大,TDS浓度自北向南逐渐减小,全盐量的变化也是由北向南逐渐减小。地下水位埋深浅,地下水TDS值高的区域土壤盐渍化严重。在红寺堡镇、海子塘、甜水河脑及上游地段土壤全盐量达到了区内最大值,这些地区土壤盐渍化严重,其中甜水河脑及上游地段属于重盐渍化区。  相似文献   

In low lying deltaic areas in temperate climates, groundwater can be brackish to saline at shallow depth, even with a yearly rainfall excess. For primary production in horticulture, agriculture, and terrestrial nature areas, the fresh water availability may be restricted to so-called fresh water lenses: relatively thin pockets of fresh groundwater floating on top of saline groundwater. The persistence of such fresh water lenses, as well as the quantity and quality of surface water is expected to be under pressure due to climate change, as summer droughts may intensify in North-West Europe. Better understanding through modelling of these fresh water resources may help anticipate the impact of salinity on primary production. We use a simple model to determine in which circumstances fresh water lenses may disappear during summer droughts, as that could give rise to enhanced root zone salinity. With a more involved combination of expert judgement and numerical simulations, it is possible to give an appraisal of the hazard that fresh water lenses disappear for the Dutch coastal regions. For such situations, we derive an analytical tool for anticipating the resulting salinization of the root zone, which agrees well with numerical simulations. The provided tools give a basis to quantify which lenses are in hazard of disappearing periodically, as well as an impression in which coastal areas this hazard is largest. Accordingly, these results and the followed procedure may assist water management decisions and prioritization strategies leading to a secure/robust fresh water supply on a national to regional scale.  相似文献   


In areas having scarce canal water and poor quality groundwater, an opportunity exists to use the two sources conjunctively for irngation water supply. However, the use of saline water, either in isolation or by mixing with canal water, threatens soil salinization, unless steps are taken to protect the salt balance in the root zone. A deterministic linear programming model has been developed, incorporating both leaching requirements and the salinity response function of crops, to find the optimal cropping pattern and optimum use of saline groundwater. The model was applied to a canal command area.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has a large and growing population that will demand more food and place greater pressure on resources. Dry season irrigated Boro rice production is important for national food security. Dry season irrigation mainly uses groundwater, but the extent of its use is not well known. We assessed groundwater use and water productivity of Boro in the northwest region of Bangladesh using remote sensing based energy balance modelling, crop classification and secondary statistics. The energy balance modelling shows a large spatial variation in the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from about 325 to 470 mm, with an overall spatial average of 365 mm during dry season. The estimated values of ETa correspond well with independent values from field and regional scale soil and water balance modelling results. From spatial estimates of ETa and effective rainfall, we computed regional net groundwater use for Boro production in 2009 as 2.4 km3. Groundwater is being used unsustainably in some areas, and a spatial time series (1990 to 2010) of pre- and post-monsoon groundwater depth changes in the northwest region of Bangladesh suggests that, with the current level of groundwater use, falling groundwater levels may pose a long term threat to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in much of the region. Boro water productivity varies from 0.95 to 1.35 kg/m3, allowing the identification of high performing “bright” and low performing “hot” spots and the development of strategies to reduce crop yield/productivity gaps and ensure future food security.  相似文献   

This paper finds productivity-enhancing effects of watercourse-level water users’ associations for farms at the tail of a watercourse and for those that rely exclusively on groundwater – two groups that are marginalized from surface water use and more likely to rely increasingly on groundwater. Yet, heavy reliance on groundwater consumes vast energy resources and leads to environmental degradation through overdraft and groundwater salinization. Improving the management of surface water through functioning watercourse-level institutions can increase use efficiency across water, energy and land resources through increasing agricultural productivity of those now least able to access fresh surface water resources.  相似文献   


The North China Plain (NCP) is one of China's most important social, economic, and agricultural regions. Currently, the Plain has 17,950 thousand ha of cultivated land, 71.1 percent of which is irrigated, consuming more than 70 percent of the total water supply. Increasing water demands associated with rapid urban and industrial development and expansion of irrigated land have led to overexploitation of both surface and the ratio of groundwater resources, particularly north of the Yellow River. In 1993, the ratio of groundwater exploitation to recharge in many parts of the NCP exceeded 1.0; in some areas, the ratio exceeded 1.5. Consequently, about 1.06 million ha of water-short irrigated areas in the NCP also have poor water quality. Persistent groundwater overexploitation in the northern parts of the NCP has resulted in water-level declines in both shallow and deep aquifers. According to data from 600 shallow groundwater observation wells in the Hebei Plain, the average depth to water increased from 7.23 m in 1983 to 11.52 m in 1993, indicating an average water-table decline of 0.425 m/year. Water table declines are not uniformly distributed throughout the area. Depletion rates are generally greatest beneath cities and intensively groundwater-irrigated areas. Water-table declines have also varied over time. With the continued decline of groundwater levels, large depression cones have formed both in unconfined and confined aquifers beneath the Hebei Plain. Groundwater depletion in the NCP has severely impacted the environment. Large tracts of land that overlie cones of depression have subsided, seawater has intruded into previously freshwater aquifers in coastal plains, and ground-water quality has deteriorated due to salinization, seawater intrusion, and untreated urban and industrial wastewater discharge. In order to balance groundwater exploitation with recharge, the major remedial measures suggested are to strengthen groundwater management, to raise water use efficiency, to adjust the water-consumed structure, and to increase water supply  相似文献   

本文针对甘州区城北郊地下水位大面积上升引起的农田淹没并造成农作物严重减产等地质灾害问题,调查分析了地下水上升及造成灾害的原因,提出了建成通畅的排水系统和建立健全完善的管理制度的治理对策,经实践应用,对有效防治地下水环境地质灾害十分有效。  相似文献   

以河套平原2000年和2006年遥感影像为数据源,应用遥感和GIS手段,通过统计和空间分析,研究了该地区盐渍化土地动态变化,并对其变化的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:从2000年到2006年,研究区盐渍化土地面积明显减少,年平均降低率为5.34%;轻度和中度盐渍化土地程度均有减轻,轻度盐渍化土地占总土地比例由10.35%减少到6.82%,中度盐渍化土地由4.67%减少到1.94%,重度盐渍化土地程度变化不明显,由5.15%变为4.96%。综合分析认为,土地盐渍化是多种自然环境条件(包括区域蒸降比、地下水埋深、包气带岩性)和人类活动共同作用下的综合产物,但与地下水矿化度没有明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

Rachid  G.  Alameddine  I.  El-Fadel  M. 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(15):5139-5153

Coastal aquifers are vulnerable to saltwater intrusion (SWI) due to several drivers particularly increased water demand and groundwater overexploitation associated with population growth, reduced groundwater recharge, and lately climate change. This study examines the status of SWI in four data scarce coastal aquifers located along the Eastern Mediterranean by assessing how water cycle seasonality, water deficits, and changes in land use and land cover (LULC) have contributed to increased salinity. A framework that combines field monitoring with hydro-geochemical techniques, as well as multivariate and inferential statistical analysis was used to identify the main SWI drivers at play at each aquifer. The overall assessment showed that all four pilot areas exhibited signs of salinization with different severities. The current state of the aquifers ranged from slightly saline (TDS < 1500 ppm) to highly saline (15,000 < TDS < 31,000 ppm). While the level of the SWI was significantly correlated to the dominant land uses at each site, the extent of the water deficit played a dominant role in explaining the occurrence and intensity of observed SWI rates. The findings suggest a synergistic effect between increased water deficits and urbanization and SWI. Site specific measures are discussed for mitigating the impacts of land use, water demand and deficit towards the sustainable management of the groundwater aquifers.


河套平原地下高矿化咸水分布广泛,使得河套地区土壤盐渍化、沙漠化等环境问题突出。因此针对河套平原高矿化咸水水化学类型、分布特征、成因机理进行了调查研究。研究表明:河套平原受地质、氧化、还原因子影响,表现出21种水化学类型,主要以Na+Ca+Mg-HCO_3+SO_4+Cl和Na+Mg-HCO_3+SO_4+Cl型水为主;河套平原地下水呈现出明显的水平分带规律,自西向东由北向南可分出5条高矿化水分布带;高矿化带离子成分主要来源于蒸发-浓缩作用,主要受气候、沉积环境、水文地质条件等因素的影响,而后套平原扇前洼地、黄河北岸和西山嘴高矿化水分布带的地下水则受深层海相沉积地下水的影响。研究结果可为区域水资源合理配置,促进水资源开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Poor water resource management is an important factor in soil salinization in arid areas. In this study, the status of soil salinization and its controlling factors are summarized for the Yinchuan Plain, North-West China. The conjunctive use of surface water diverted from the Yellow River and groundwater abstracted from a shallow aquifer is proposed to alleviate soil salinization in the plain. Scenarios are designed and simulated to determine the optimal proportions at which groundwater should be exploited for irrigation in the three cities of the plain. Policies and suggestions regarding sustainable water resources and soil salinization research in the plain are recommended.  相似文献   

在干旱区内陆盆地,地下水对植被的分布有很大的影响。在格尔木河中游地区,同样发现植被依赖地下水分布的特征。通过归一化植被指数(NDVI)的遥感影像数据与地下水埋深的实地观测数据来研究分析植被覆盖对地下水埋深的关系。研究结果表明:当地下水埋深小于4m时,NDVI均值与标准差均随着地下水埋深的增加而减小。当地下水埋深大于4m但小于8m时,植被生长开始逐渐受到影响,对地下水的敏感性开始减弱。当地下水埋深超过8m时,植被覆盖严重下降,并且对地下水埋深变化表现的愈加不敏感。8m被认为是影响研究区植被覆盖的地下水埋深上限,超过该上限,地区生态环境会受到严重影响;不同植被类型受地下水的影响也不同:水柏枝的生长与地下水关系较密切,芦苇盐生草甸与膜果麻黄可能受土壤盐渍化的影响其生长状况与地下水的关系较复杂。对比不同研究区研究成果,由于降雨、蒸散发等气象要素、水文地质条件、人类活动等多方面因素的不同,植被覆盖与地下水的相关性有明显差异。  相似文献   

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