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Integrated river basin management (IRBM) calls for participatory practices involving stakeholders along transnational river landscapes. Understanding the complex and diverse views regarding participation is a prerequisite for meaningful involvement of civil actors, especially in a transnational context. In a case study along the Lower Rhine river, we assessed and compared cognitive perceptions towards IRBM of citizen initiatives and nature organizations from Germany and the Netherlands and their previous experiences with participation processes.We found large differences between the four actor groups in motivations to participate as well as in levels of trust towards institutions. This study also showed different views on participation between the two countries with regard to the problem definition, nature images and the perceived relationships between government organisations on the one hand and citizen initiatives and nature organisations on the other hand.The findings suggest that views vary between citizen initiatives and nature organizations within a country and that cultural notions add to the complexity of transnational participation. In transnational participation processes, the varying views between actor groups should be taken into account, as well as the complexities among countries even within actor groups.  相似文献   

The importance of simulation models to assess the impacts of droughts and the effects of mitigation options on water supply systems is well known. However a common procedure about the exploitation of model results is not established yet. Vulnerability is used to characterize the performance of the system, and it can be a helpful indicator in the evaluation of the most likely failures. In this paper a water allocation model is applied to the water supply system of the upper Tiber Basin (Central Italy) in which both surface waters (rivers, reservoirs) and ground waters (wells, springs) are exploited to feed mainly irrigation and civil users. Drought vulnerability indices are calculated to analyze the performance of the supply system under different climate and management conditions. Water shortage scenarios are simulated as a progressive reduction of mean precipitation, an increase in its standard deviation or a combination of both. The model shows that the safety of the water supply system mainly relies on the reservoirs and that the foreseen increased exploitation of the springs to replace contaminated wells, could be seriously limited by discharge decrease during fall. The vulnerability reduction obtained by a hypothetical augmentation of the storage capacity through additional small reservoirs was positively tested by the model. In conclusion vulnerability indices and synoptic risk maps demonstrated to be useful tools to analyze the model outputs. They provide easy-to-read scenarios to be used in a decision making framework considering negotiating among the main users.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Tremendous variation exists in how cities, states, countries, and other jurisdictional areas classify water use and consumption. Additionally, water conservation...  相似文献   

东江流域上下游经济协调发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东江是广东省重要的饮用水源,担负着香港、深圳、广州、惠州、东莞、河源等地的供水任务,流域上下游之间的经济发展差距较大。为促进流域经济协调发展,分析了东江流域上游与下游之间、与其它流域上游之间的差距,侧重寻找水资源开发利用和保护过程中存在的影响上游经济发展的因素,探讨缩小差距的方法和流域经济协调发展的路子。  相似文献   

The international community has affirmed the human right to water in a number of international treaties, declarations and other documents. Most notably, the United Nations (UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted in November 2002 a General Comment on the Right to Water setting out international standards and obligations relating to the right to water. Based on the UN concept of water as a human right for selected Arab countries in the Middle East (Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon), the paper analyses if and to what extent these concepts are acknowledged. It aims to identify the scale of knowledge of and commitment to the UN concept in the region, and the main areas of concern in each country regarding water as a human right. The paper summarizes the main challenges facing strategic and coordinated action towards the UN concept of water as a human right, identifies what types of processes and institutions need to be developed to meet the challenges of the concept, and provides best practice examples from countries that have shown innovation. Objectives and priority ideas for activities of non-governmental organizations are recommended.

Table 1.?Egypt: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 2.?Palestine: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 3.?Jordan: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 4.?Lebanon: evaluation of the UN criteria


Streamflow simulation is often challenging in mountainous watersheds because of irregular topography and complex hydrological processes. Rates of change in precipitation and temperature with respect to elevation often limit the ability to reproduce stream runoff by hydrological models. Anthropogenic influence, such as water transfers in high altitude hydropower reservoirs increases the difficulty in modeling since the natural flow regime is altered by long term storage of water in the reservoirs. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used for simulating streamflow in the upper Rhone watershed located in the south western part of Switzerland. The catchment area covers 5220 km2, where most of the land cover is dominated by forest and 14 % is glacier. Streamflow calibration was done at daily time steps for the period of 2001–2005, and validated for 2006–2010. Two different approaches were used for simulating snow and glacier melt process, namely the temperature index approach with and without elevation bands. The hydropower network was implemented based on the intake points that form part of the inter-reservoir network. Subbasins were grouped into two major categories with glaciers and without glaciers for simulating snow and glacier melt processes. Model performance was evaluated both visually and statistically where a good relation between observed and simulated discharge was found. Our study suggests that a proper configuration of the network leads to better model performance despite the complexity that arises for water transaction. Implementing elevation bands generates better results than without elevation bands. Results show that considering all the complexity arising from natural variability and anthropogenic influences, SWAT performs well in simulating runoff in the upper Rhone watershed. Findings from this study can be applicable for high elevation snow and glacier dominated catchments with similar hydro-physiographic constraints.  相似文献   

The construction of the Bui Dam was expected to boost socio-economic development in Ghana. This article examines the impacts of the project on the livelihoods of the local people. Data were collected using a mixed-research approach and a case-study design. The study finds that, while there have been significant improvements with respect to resettlement and compensation issues as compared to the earlier dam projects in Ghana, there are still some shortfalls. It is recommended that agriculture be improved by providing extension services and inputs to improve food security and the economic status of the local people.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In an ever-growing environment of uncertainty, complex interactions and climate extremes, the effective implementation of Public Participation (PP) into water...  相似文献   

通过利用遥感、地理信息系统相结合的技术方法,解译万州区2000年与2004年2期遥感影像,获得该地区相关数据的矢量图及定量统计数据,结合万州区自身特点,运用包含4个指数在内的指标分析了土地利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC)特征,为该区土地的合理利用提供决策依据。结果表明:土地整体变化不大,单一动态度则各有千秋,其中较为明显的是建设用地增长突出,以及林地和耕地的减少,因此为实现该区可持续发展,必须采取措施保护耕地和林地,加强城市建设用地的管理。  相似文献   

A Decision Support System has been set up as the result of a fruitful cooperation between several public and research institutions in the framework of a large cooperation program. The DSS aims to compare spatially and temporally sectorial water demands of the Haouz-Mejjate plain (Morocco) in regard to available surface and groundwater resources. It is composed of a tool for satellite estimation of Agricultural Water Demand (SAMIR), a tool for integrated water resources planning (WEAP) and a groundwater model (MODFLOW) each of them relying on a common Geographical Information System not described here. The DSS is operating on a monthly time scale. Agricultural water demand accounts for about 80?% of the total demand. In areas where groundwater abstraction is difficult to quantify by direct methods, multitemporal remote sensing associated to the FAO methodology is a simple and efficient alternative to estimate Evapotranspiration (ET). In this work, a monthly estimate of ET from irrigated areas is derived from freely available MODIS NDVI for the 2001?C2009 period. An important part of the paper deals with the validation of these estimates with eddy covariance flux measurements installed on different irrigated crops of the region. Results are satisfactory with a minus 6.5?% error per year on the monthly time scale. This preprocessing allows to dichotomize irrigated versus non-irrigated areas, and then, to estimate groundwater abstraction in subareas distinguishing by their operating modes: traditional, dam or privately irrigated. A dynamic linkage between MODFLOW and WEAP transfers the results of one model as input data to the other. The model restitutes both spatial and temporal variations in head charges and allows the calculation of the ground water balance. After calibration, piezometric validation is acceptable for the majority of the 21 head control points.  相似文献   

Conflict-resolution models can be used as practical approaches to consider the contradictions and trade-offs between the involved stakeholders in integrated water resource management. These models are utilized to reach an optimal solution considering agents interactions. In this paper, a new methodology is developed based on multi-objective optimization model (NSGA-II), groundwater simulation model, M5P model tree, fallback bargaining procedures and social choice rules to determine the optimal groundwater management policies with an emphasis on resolving conflicts between stakeholders. By incorporating the multi-objective simulation-optimization model and bargaining methods, the optimal groundwater allocation policies are determined and the preferences of the stakeholders as well as social criteria such as justice are also considered. The obtained data set, based on Monte Carlo analysis of calibrated MODFLOW model, is used for training and validating the M5P meta-models. The validated M5P meta-models are linked with NSGA-II to determine the trade-off curve (Pareto front) for the objectives. Social choice rule and fallback bargaining methods, as conflict-resolution models, are applied to determine the best socio-optimal solution among stakeholders, and their results are compared. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is verified in a case study of Darian aquifer, Fars province, Iran. Results indicated that the solutions obtained by the proposed conflict-resolution approaches have an appropriate applicability. Total groundwater withdrawal, after applying the optimal groundwater allocations, reduced to 20.85 MCM, resulting in a 4.62 m increase in the mean groundwater level throughout the aquifer.  相似文献   

Streamflow forecasts are essential for optimal management of water resources for various demands, including irrigation, fisheries management, hydropower production and flood warning. Despite operational application of Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) for long-range streamflow forecasts in United States of America by the National Weather Service River Forecast System, no such approach has been explored in New Zealand. The objective of the present paper is to explore ESP-based forecasts in New Zealand catchments, highlighting its capability for seasonal flow forecasting. In this paper, a probabilistic forecast framework based on ESP technique is presented, with the basic assumption that future weather patterns will reflect those experienced historically. Hence, past forcing data (input to hydrological model) can be used with the current initial condition of a catchment to generate an ensemble of flow predictions. In the present study employs the ESP-based approach using the TopNet hydrological model with a range of past forcing data and current initial conditions. An ensemble stream flow predictions which provide probabilistic hydrological forecasts, reflecting the intrinsic uncertainty in climate, with lead time up to three months is presented for the Rangitata, Ahuriri, and Hooker and Jollie catchments in South Island, New Zealand. Verification of the forecast over the period 2000-2010 indicates a Ranked Probability Skill Score of 23 to 69 % (over climatology) across the four catchments. In general, improvement in ESP forecasting skill over climatology is greatest in summer for all catchments studied. The ESP based forecast exhibited higher skill for a greater percentage of the forecasting period than climatology. As a result, the ESP forecast can provide better over all information for integrated water resources management purpose. ESP-based forecasts using the TopNet hydrological model have potential as tools for water resource management in New Zealand catchments.  相似文献   

随着现代水利信息资源的深入开发和利用,传统的集中式水资源管理系统集成方法已经难以满足水利专业模型的高性能和服务化需求。微服务系统架构将模型封装成服务资源,为上层高级智能应用提供模块化的底层功能,是一种细粒度、低耦合、可伸缩的水资源管理模型集成方法。在专业模型的服务化中,单个服务的运行效率是系统整体性能的关键因素。在微服务系统架构下,结合水资源管理专业模型的服务化需求,提出了一种有效的水资源管理系统服务集群化方法;在采用主流的容器技术实现专业模型服务的横向性能扩展的同时,采用网关技术实现了网络和服务的负载均衡。相关技术在金沙江下游-三峡梯级电站水资源管理决策支持系统中得到应用,可为水利信息化系统的设计和开发提供参考。  相似文献   

通过分析概率神经网络(以下称PNN)的基本结构及其训练算法,依据水资源丰沛区水资源合理配置评价指标标准,建立PNN水资源合理配置评价模型,对文山州不同规划水平年水资源配置的合理性进行综合评价。结果表明:①不同规划水平年各评价区域水资源配置评价为3~7级,即处于基本合理与合理之间,基本反映了文山州现状及中、长期水资源配置状况,符合区域发展现状,说明研究建立的PNN评价模型和评价方法是合理可行的。②概率神经网络模型在分类精度上优于误差反向传播神经网络模型,且方法简单可行,运算时间短,不存在局部最优值,能够有效实现对水资源配置合理性的综合评价,是一种可以运用的区域水资源配置合理性评价方法。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In this study, a methodology was developed for AGR assessment, including site selection, non-stationary kriging, numerical modeling, and the long-term supply and demand...  相似文献   

为顺应河流生态可持续发展,提出健康河流、生命河流等概念,维持河流生态系统健康已经成为流域综合管理的必然趋势。综合运用水文学、水力学、泥沙地貌学和水生生态学的基本理论和方法研究河流生态健康的表征因子,确定各因子的阈值,建立流域性水体水质可续发展评价体系。以河流可持续发展为基础,引用代表性的相关指标进行筛选,对流域水质指标进行数值化分析,以苏子河流域水质特性为研究对象,选取出评估河流健康状况的环境因子,客观反映出中小河流域健康状况,为河流的可持续管理和生态环境建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The international community has affirmed the human right to water in a number of international treaties, declarations and other documents. Most notably, in November 2002 the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted General Comment No. 15 on the right to water, setting out general standards and obligations related to the right to water. This paper analyses if and to what extent the UN concept is acknowledged in Palestine while focusing (a) on water rights allocation between Palestine and its neighbour Israel, taking the commonly shared Mountain Aquifer as an example; and (b) the governmental obligations with regard to the human right to water which broadly are to be categorized in obligations to respect, protect and fulfil this right. The paper analyses whether the institutional setting within the Palestinian water sector is appropriate to meet the challenge of the UN concept. The main obstacles and challenges facing strategic and coordinated governmental action towards the UN concept are discussed. While outlining the most important characteristics of the Palestinian water sector, the criteria of the UN concepts are evaluated. Finally, the paper discusses the precondition for the implementation of the human right to water in Palestine.  相似文献   

通过对水电建设项目环境影响评价公众参与实际工作中存在的问题进行总结分析,针对各相关利益者提出相应的要求及改善措施,以进一步提高在实际工作中公众参与的有效性。  相似文献   

水资源承载力作为评价地区水资源安全与否的一个基本度量,其理论与应用研究意义重大。根据DPSIR框架展开水资源承载力因子分析,得到一个4层递阶结构的指标初选框架,并构建了一套全面的水资源承载力指标体系。以汉江流域为例,采用层次分析-模糊综合评价法(AHP-Fuzzy)展开水资源承载力评价与预测。分析结果表明不调水情况下,江汉流域3级分区中,丹江口以上分区水资源承载力优于其他2分区;实施调水后,各分区水资源承载力受跨流域调水的影响而发生变化,均可认为已达到基本可承载状态。  相似文献   

The facility allocation optimization of Low-impact development (LID) optimization has been used widely to prevent and tackle urban storm water pollution. However, uncertainties existing in nature and human society would influence the size and total cost of LID. To study the influence of the uncertainties on LID optimization allocation, the research develops the model of LID optimization allocation under uncertainty. The principle of the model is establishing primarily the LID optimization model based on certain numbers and identifying the uncertainties. Hence, the model integrates the uncertainty programming, including interval programming, fuzzy programming, stochastic programming, chance constraint programming (CCP) and scenario programming. The model of LID optimization allocation under uncertainty is established with the conditions. The developed uncertainty model tackles multiple types of uncertainties, and the results of the model are in the interval form in multiple scenarios. The model analyses the effects of uncertainties on the size and total cost of LID in this way. The study shows that the uncertainties in rainfall, infiltration rate, release coefficient, funds and unit price all have a significant influence on the size and total cost of LID when these uncertainty factors overlay. A higher violation probability of CCP corresponding to LID sizing results to a wider interval number of the corresponding uncertainty. The developed method of the study is universal, and the method could be extended to other cases of LID optimization allocation to speculate the influence of uncertainties.  相似文献   

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