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朱道平 《信息网络》2003,(12):27-29
随着现代通信技术的迅猛发展,宽带业务越来越受到大客户的青睐,章结合电信企业营销范例,就大客户宽带业务的差异化营销、整合营销、关系营销,宽带产业链等营销策略进行了探讨与剖析。  相似文献   

本文以中国科学院计算机网络信息中心超级计算中心(以下简称超级计算中心)客户服务工作为研究对象,运用 K-means 算法对客户进行细分,进而对每类客户群提出相应的差异化服务策略。实施差异化服务策略可以更好地分配资源、提供更有效的客户服务。  相似文献   

In order to meet the increasingly more complex needs of customers and respond to decreasing product margins, product‐oriented firms have developed a growing interest in extending their service business. Over the last couple of years, most product‐oriented companies have explored the numerous opportunities offered by traditional customer service and product‐related services. Currently, these opportunities have reached a certain level of maturity. A number of practitioners and theorists stress the growing importance of customer support services. However, the entry point to the theorizing is the observation that very few product‐oriented firms have already innovated customer support services successfully. In most firms, cognitive biases limit the motivation of managers to facilitate creative potential for new customer support services. In this paper, four cognitive biases are elaborated through 12 mini‐cases and 8 in‐depth cases. The results suggest that disbelief in the financial potential, risk aversion, tendency to set over‐ambitious objectives, and fundamental attribution error plays a critical role in creating customer support services. These four cognitive biases, and the key factors in overcoming them, provide guidance for managers who aim to facilitate creative potential for customer support services.  相似文献   

面对信息和网络技术的飞速发展,经济的全球化和信息化,社会对通信服务的需求呈现出多样化、个性化和复合化的趋势,进而向电信运营商的网络能力、服务方式和服务品质提出了更高、更新的要求。为了满足快速变化着的市场需求,中国电信提出了面向大客户的“零距离”服务、全球端到端一站服务,以进—步提高大客户服务水平。大客户贴心服务网站,作为零距离服务的重要内容,将大客户服务渠道延伸到客户桌面上,建立个性化沟通渠道,推送个性化激励政策,及时了解客户需求,从而保证客户网络应用的成功。一、建设“大客户贴心服务网站”的意义1.将“电信…  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current trends within the software industry that have affected the evolution of software support and its move to the Internet. Accordingly, it proposes a scheme for an Internet support framework within the software industry, and analyses the specific elements required for building and implementing such a system. The framework leverages and extends on strategic analysis discussed by Rayport and Viokla [1]. The evolution of ‘live’ support to Internet services emulates the evolution from the Physical Value Chain (PVC) to the Virtual Value Chain (VVC) discussed by them. In particular, the benefits of this proposed scheme to both the customer and the organisation are outlined.  相似文献   

从讯宝加入库托罗拉.成为摩托罗拉企业移动业务开始,就发现双方在客户至上.团队工作.勤于创新,追求质量.商业道德等方面拥有共同的价值观,这一默契使企业移动业务在销售额和利润方面都有显著增长.  相似文献   

中国电信一直把大客户视为企业重要的战略资源和合作伙伴,提出要以世界级先进电信运营商为标杆、全面提升服务水平,并强调要帮助客户创造价值,实现与客户共同发展。  相似文献   

论文对云计算服务链中客户感知价值的主要特征进行分析,并借鉴参考加拿大IT产业服务部门的顾客感知价值表的分类方法,提出不确定云计算服务复杂环境下构成客户感知价值驱动因素对应的评价指标。然后,分析客户感知价值的形成过程,运用SE-RVQUAL理论的"期望-感知"模型方法,提出客户感知价值模型及评价方法。为解决客户感知价值的动态识别、评价方法的随机鲁棒优化问题提供一种新的思路和解决方案。  相似文献   

A customer journey map (CJM) is a widely used tool to represent user experience with a service. Although numerous companies have used this tool to improve existing services or to develop new services, the maps are neither consistent nor mutually compatible because no clear design process for a CJM has been presented. This study aimed to develop a design process and rule sets for a CJM based on a human factors approach. The 10‐step process and the rule sets were built on case studies of 25 categories of mobile services. Large‐scale case studies were conducted with mobile service providers and combined with the result of a user diary method that collected users’ daily activities and the difficulties that the user perceived when performing a task. We suggested various methods for using the CJM to generate new service opportunities. The proposed design process and the way for opportunity discovery can help service designers to develop unified CJMs and to identify innovative service ideas.  相似文献   

VOD客户服务及计费系统中重要记录管理的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了VoD客户服务及计费系统中重要记录管理的功能需求和设计思想,应用C++BuiIder有条件地选择重要记录进行转储(有点类似于备份)、恢复以及删除的实现技术.  相似文献   

新联通有3G和2G多种移动业务,又有原来固网业务,这些专业优势,在新形势下将成为联通主要的利润增长点.  相似文献   

Climate science is a Big Data domain that is experiencing unprecedented growth. In our efforts to address the Big Data challenges of climate science, we are moving toward a notion of Climate Analytics-as-a-Service (CAaaS). We focus on analytics, because it is the knowledge gained from our interactions with Big Data that ultimately produce societal benefits. We focus on CAaaS because we believe it provides a useful way of thinking about the problem: a specialization of the concept of business process-as-a-service, which is an evolving extension of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS enabled by Cloud Computing. Within this framework, Cloud Computing plays an important role; however, we see it as only one element in a constellation of capabilities that are essential to delivering climate analytics as a service. These elements are essential because in the aggregate they lead to generativity, a capacity for self-assembly that we feel is the key to solving many of the Big Data challenges in this domain. MERRA Analytic Services (MERRA/AS) is an example of cloud-enabled CAaaS built on this principle. MERRA/AS enables MapReduce analytics over NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data collection. The MERRA reanalysis integrates observational data with numerical models to produce a global temporally and spatially consistent synthesis of 26 key climate variables. It represents a type of data product that is of growing importance to scientists doing climate change research and a wide range of decision support applications. MERRA/AS brings together the following generative elements in a full, end-to-end demonstration of CAaaS capabilities: (1) high-performance, data proximal analytics, (2) scalable data management, (3) software appliance virtualization, (4) adaptive analytics, and (5) a domain-harmonized API. The effectiveness of MERRA/AS has been demonstrated in several applications. In our experience, Cloud Computing lowers the barriers and risk to organizational change, fosters innovation and experimentation, facilitates technology transfer, and provides the agility required to meet our customers’ increasing and changing needs. Cloud Computing is providing a new tier in the data services stack that helps connect earthbound, enterprise-level data and computational resources to new customers and new mobility-driven applications and modes of work. For climate science, Cloud Computing’s capacity to engage communities in the construction of new capabilities is perhaps the most important link between Cloud Computing and Big Data.  相似文献   

第十一届中国机器学习会议(CCML2008)由中国人工智能学会机器学习专业委员会和中国计算机学会人工智能与模式识别专业委员会联合主办,大连海事大学承办,该系列会议每两年举行一次,现已成为国内机器学习界最主要的学术活动.此次会议将为机器学习及相关研究领域的学者交流最新研究成果、进行广泛的学术讨论提供便利,并且将邀请罔内机器学习领域的著名学者做精彩报告.  相似文献   

<正>第十一届中国机器学习会议(CCML2008)由中国人工智能学会机器学习专业委员会和中国计算机学会人工智能与模式识别专业委员会联合主办,大连海事大学承办。该系列会议每两年举行一次,现已成为国内机器学习界最主要的学术活动。此次会议将  相似文献   

面对复杂多变的需求,需要我们梳理出业务的本质,并设计一套与之相适应、易扩展的框架结构,让业务组件化,组件服务化,通过灵活的服务组装,来满足灵活多样的业务需求。本文旨在通过对中国电信CEP协议的剖析,指引如何通过对整个CEP层次结构进行归纳总结,体系化实现服务能力的封装与开放。  相似文献   

"2009中国会议产业交流合作大会暨会议组织者联谊会年会"在1月9日-10日在北京远望楼宾馆成功举行。本次会议是中国会议组织者联谊会系列会议的第三届,也是《会议》杂志首次邀请包括会议组织者、会议酒店、会议公司等会议产业链各方共同参加的一次盛会。本次会议有近500人参加,会上发布了数百家会议组织机构09年的会议计划和会议信息,与会各方还就大家共同关心的话题进行了广泛而深入的交流。大会的效果超出了很多会议代表的预期。  相似文献   

The development of electronic commerce (E-commerce) has led to great changes in the tourism industry in many countries around the world including China. The Chinese tourism industry has invested large amounts of money over last few years in the development of what is known as the 'Golden Tourism Project.' This study sheds more light on this project by investigating online tourism service development in China from three perspectives: the tourism website, the tourism website user and the tourism website provider. The results show that the majority of tourism website providers are regional tourism destination organizations that mainly provide comprehensive local tourism information and online services. The results also show the level of regional economic development has a significant impact on the construction of these local tourism websites. Through conducting a questionnaire survey, this paper identifies the types of web users and their evaluation for tourism websites. It assesses the level of current user satisfaction and discusses the principal barriers of implementation of online tourism services in China from a technical, financial and organizational point of view respectively. It is found that obtaining information is still the main aim of web users, however, the difficulties are slow Internet access and high fees. In conclusion, this paper proposes possible approaches to improve the quality of online tourism services in China.  相似文献   

韩国三星计算机安全公司是三星集团下属子公司,由于互联网的突飞猛进的发展,三星集团审时度势地拓展了服务目标,将保护全球信息安全服务提上工作日程,将三星SDS、Unitel、三星电子、S1以及三星科技研发中心等三星集团五大机构的信息安全技术整合一体,于2000年3月20日在韩国汉城正式成立三星计算机安全公司(SECUi.COM),专门从事网络安全产品的研发、生产及全球范围的销售。服务范围包括提供全方位的网络安全解决方案、网络安全顾问咨询以及网络安全监管服务等。产品线囊括NXG防火墙、secuiSCAN漏洞扫描、secuiVPN、IPS,secuiESM…  相似文献   


Following the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC), terrorism and security experts agreed that the U.S. financial services industry was a prime target for future terrorist attacks. Experts warned that the industry's disaster recovery plans were out-of-date, designed primarily to withstand natural disasters, and no match for the destructive power of an intentional terrorist attack. While the tragic events of September 11, 2001 confirmed experts' foreboding predictions of future attacks on the U.S. financial system, was the financial services industry inadequately prepared to recover from such an attack?  相似文献   

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