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利用DELTA-2000测试仪对电缆试样进行介质损耗角正切(tanδ)的测量试验,发现电缆试样的tanδ开始为负值,但随着测量电压的升高,tanδ逐渐增大,之后tanδ变成正值,直到试样发生表面击穿.对试验结果进行分析,得到电缆试样的tanδ值为负值的主要原因是外界电磁场对电桥的干扰和标准电容损耗较大,并提出了相应的技术处理措施. 相似文献
介绍CATV干线传输电视信号时因电缆的衰减、环境温度的变化,造成干线电平波动的主要原因,造成干线电平波动的主要原因,以及采用什么样的措施和方法来调整补偿这些波动的电平。 相似文献
提出了用传输线模型分析一维不均匀介质中波传播的瞬态响应。这种方法将一维不均匀介质用多层介质近似,并进一步用级联的传输线模型等效。分析的过程是:首先对局限在某一时间段内的输入电磁信号进行傅里叶变换得出其频谱,然后研究该频谱的主要分量在所研究介质中的传播,并得出波传播方向任一截面上瞬态信号的频谱,最后通过快速傅里叶变换得出时域瞬态响应。这种方法适用范围广,数值计算方便,只要离散时间间隔足够小,抽样点数足够大,就能达到一定的精度。 相似文献
本文针对单颗粒生物大分子结构的富里叶变换三维重建法,包括原理、方法和一些主要成果,就其发展过程中所遇到的困难,以及由此在电镜技术、制样方法、图像处理方面获得的进步作了较全面的介绍。 相似文献
本文应用时域有限差分法(FDTD)和离散傅立叶变换(DFT)分析和计算了一种开口式同轴加热装置内部谐振场和外部辐射场,给出了使用两种不同激励源以及是否使用扼流槽后的场的结果。测量结果显示了这处方法的准确性。这种可移动的开口式加热器可以方便地提升对材料进行热处理的温度。 相似文献
This paper studies the round-off analysis, design and implementation, and applications of the multiplier-less Fast Fourier
Transform-like (ML-FFT) transformation proposed by Chan et al. [1, 2]. The ML-FFT parameterizes the twiddle factors in the
conventional FFT algorithm as certain rotation-like matrices and approximates the associated parameters inside these matrices
by the sum-of-power-of-two (SOPOT) or canonical signed digits representations, hence avoiding expensive multiplications. The
error due to the SOPOT approximation is called the coefficient round-off error and it has been studied in [1, 2]. This paper
studies the signal round-off error arising from internal rounding and develops a recursive noise model for ML-FFT. Using this
model, a random search algorithm is proposed to minimize the hardware resources for realizing the ML-FFT subject to a prescribed
output bit accuracy. To address the irregular structure of the ML-FFT due to the varying number of SOPOT terms used, a framework
for its software implementation is also developed. The resulting algorithm has a regular implementation structure and is shown
to offer a good performance similar to their floating-point counterpart. Finally, a new ML-FFT for real-valued input, called
the ML-RFFT, is proposed. Because of the symmetry in the algorithm, it only requires about half the number of additions as
required by the ML-FFT. Using the mappings between the DFT and the DCTs and DWTs, new ML-FFT-based transformations called
ML-DCTs and ML-DWTs are derived. Design examples are given to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methods.
Part of this work was presented at ISCAS’2003 [19] and ISCAS’2004 [20].
K. M. Tsui received his B.Eng. and M.Phil. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from The University of Hong Kong in 2001
and 2004, respectively. He is currently pursuing the degree of Ph.D. at the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Hong Kong. His main research interests are in digital signal processing, multirate filter-banks and wavelets,
digital filter design, realization and application.
S. C. Chan (S87–M92) received his B.Sc. (Eng) and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Hong Kong in 1986 and 1992, respectively.
He joined City Polytechnic of Hong Kong in 1990 as an assistant Lecturer and later as a University Lecturer. Since 1994, he
has been with the department of electrical and electronic engineering, the University of Hong Kong, and is now an associate
He was a visiting researcher in Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA and Microsoft China at 1998 and 1999, respectively. His
research interests include fast transform algorithms, filter design and realization, multirate signal processing, communications
signal processing, and image-based rendering. Dr. Chan is currently a member of the Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee
of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He was Chairman of the IEEE Hong Kong Chapter of Signal Processing from 2000 to
2002. 相似文献
介绍一种基于离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的全方向M型超声心动图运动曲线频域滤波技术。全方向M型心动图是利用B超获取的心脏各结构的序列图像,沿各个方向提取的心脏某结构部位灰度点位置变化在时间轴上展开得到的运动轨迹,其边缘线即全方向M型心动图边界代表了了该灰度点的运动方程。依据其特点及要求,通过对不同区域的频域滤波效果比较,提出了分段滤波方法,实现了消除噪声干扰及减弱阶梯效应的影响的目的,从而保证了对全方向M型心动图的动态信息进一步分析的可靠性。 相似文献
一种利用短时DFT分析实现全数字2DPSK接收机解调的新算法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文提出了一种简单而实用的利用短时DFT(ST-DFT)分析实现全数字2DPSK接收机的解调算法。该算法对由多谱勒效应引起的时变频率漂移具有鲁棒性。由于该算法是通过检测在载频处的瞬时能量谱的跳变来实现2DPSK信号的解调,所以该算法不需要进行专门的载波相位恢复、符号定时,且具有较好的抗噪性能,实现起来简单。 相似文献
DTFT频谱细化特性分析及其快速算法设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
该文介绍了离散时间傅里叶变换 (Discrete Time Fourier Transform, DTFT)的一种等价定义式,分析了DTFT与线性调频Z变换(Chirp-Z transform)的联系与区别,推导出DTFT是一种特殊形式的Chirp-Z变换,具有频谱细化特性。设计了DTFT的快速算法,给出了算法实现步骤。算法计算量分析表明:在相同频率分辨率下,DTFT快速算法的计算量比Chirp-Z变换快速算法小。仿真结果验证了理论推导的正确性和DTFT在频率估计方面的优越性。 相似文献
传统的2维大规模滤波器组的设计方法具有复杂度高的缺点。该文提出一种设计2维双原型滤波器组的快速方法,该方法利用近似完全重构的条件,并采用完全过采样的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)调制滤波器组来设计。新算法将两个原型滤波器的设计问题归结为一个无约束优化问题,其中目标函数为滤波器组的总体失真(传递失真和混叠失真)与原型滤波器阻带能量的加权和,利用目标函数的梯度向量,通过双迭代机制求解该优化问题。单步迭代中,利用矩阵求逆的等效条件和块Toeplitz矩阵求逆的快速算法,显著地降低了计算复杂度。理论分析和数值实验表明,新算法可以得到整体性能更好的滤波器组,计算复杂度大幅度降低,故可以快速设计大规模的2维滤波器组。 相似文献