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利用中试规模的人工湿地对污泥进行了为期4 a的生态稳定化处理。系统占地80 m 2,填料层厚度为0.6 m,超高0.5 m,湿地植物选用芦苇。系统前2 a为污泥负荷期,后2 a自然稳定期。进泥TS、VS、含水率分别为平均22.34 g/L、7.76 g/L和97%,污泥负荷平均0.691 kg(TS)/m 2·d。在第1 a的系统调整期内,渗滤液COD去除率在60%~80%;而第2 aCOD去除率低于第1 a,为40%~50%;出水COD在100~200 mg/L之间。在负荷期内,随着运行时间的延长,也即随着污泥积存厚度的增加,渗滤液透过积泥层的时间变化不定,即渗滤液并非均匀下渗,而是部分渗滤液优先沿阻力最小的植物茎壁、根系以及积存污泥中大的孔隙向下流动。在第3 a和第4 a的自然稳定期内,污泥脱水较为充分,含水率分别降至平均34.3%和30.5%;污泥有机质含量分别降至平均16.8%和10.24%;稳定化污泥的全氮和全磷含量分别为平均0.98%和0.27%。对比发现,系统内植物量和植物营养成分都比野生植物高。  相似文献   

自热式高温好氧消化技术用于污泥处理   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
系统介绍了自热式高温好氧消化(ATAD)的原理及特点,并详细介绍了ATAD在国外(特别是欧洲和北美)的应用现状及在我国的应用前景。自热式高温好氧消化技术具有反应速度快、停留时间短、病原菌灭活效果好等优点,特别适合于小规模污水处理厂污泥的处理,在我国还没有应用实例。  相似文献   

Developments in the Thermal Drying of Sewage Sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of heat to dried sewage sludge has been practised by the water industry for many years. Early technologies were effective but their utilization of energy was not so efficient. Other industries have faced up to this problem and, as a result, have developed thermal-drying techniques which are more efficient and therefore more cost effective. In recent years, the transfer of this technology to sewage-sludge drying has been taking place, and some companies have designed dryers specifically for this purpose. Commercial and legal pressures have also focused attention on the final product and its use in agriculture, horticulture, land reclamation, landfill, incineration, and as a substitute for fuel.
This paper reviews the work which has been undertaken to determine the changes which occur as sewage sludge is dried, and discusses the technology which is available at present. Factors influencing capital and operating costs and product choice are also included.  相似文献   

W ithin THE LAST few years there has been a resurgence of UK interest in incineration as a sludge disposal option. However, the last plant installed in the UK represented the technology and design thinking of the 1970s and there have been significant developments since that time. These are reviewed in this paper.
Especial attention is given to changes in legislation and attitudes concerning the environmental impact of incineration, and the effects on process selection. The wide range of options for the achievement of autothermic operation are itemized and a brief review of costs given.
It is considered likely that incineration will have an increased role in the future, though continuing to be rather specialized. Keeping an open mind on equipment selection is urged, as is the conduct of an organized programme of work to establish process design information before going out to tender.  相似文献   

水蚯蚓原位消解技术用于污泥减量的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用水蚯蚓原位消解污泥技术对诸暨和浏阳市污水处理厂的三种工艺、四项工程进行改造,通过生产性试验考察了污泥减量效果以及对去除污染物的影响。结果表明,耦合后的工艺的污泥减量效果显著,其污泥产率最小为0.015 kg/m3,污泥减量可达81.7%,污泥的沉降性变好,MLVSS/MLSS值降至36.7%。系统工艺的耦合调整可使对COD的去除率增加8.9%,出水水质能稳定达到GB 18918—2002的一级B标准。同时,水蚯蚓原位消解污泥技术对于不同地区的水处理工艺均具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

The basic principles of composting are applied to the treatment of sewage sludge. Composting systems are reviewed, and it is demonstrated by reference to international experience that composting is a viable method for sludge treatment. Current attitudes and approaches to the composting option in the UK are discussed and opportunities for further development are identified.  相似文献   

白沙门污水处理厂(30×104m3/d)是海口市利用德国政府软贷款兴建的第一座城市污水处理厂,处理工艺为高负荷生物处理加深海排放。2005年以前,该厂污泥仅经重力浓缩后直接离心脱水。在消化池投入运行后,污泥利用厌氧消化进行稳定处理及离心脱水,产生的沼气用来发电,其废热用于加热消化池污泥。从消化对污泥脱水、污泥量及其经济效益和环境影响等方面进行对比分析,阐明消化作为稳定工艺的必要性。在运行中应加强对沼气脱硫塔的维护,避免由于磷酸铵镁(MAP)的形成而堵塞污泥管道,同时还应积累对沼气发电机组的操作及其维护的经验。  相似文献   

Current Technologies for Sludge Treatment and Disposal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the current sludge technologies and discusses likely future trends associated with those technologies. It describes the role of thickening, dewatering, pasteurization, stabilization, thermal destruction and product enhancement to satisfy environmental standards. Reference is made to technologies which, for decades, have been associated with sewage sludge but where market conditions have forced R and D initiatives to be introduced and commercialized.  相似文献   

污水处理厂污泥处理与处置探索   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
嘉兴联合污水处理厂引进德国Passavant Roediger污泥脱水系统,脱水后的污泥含固率达45%。脱水污泥经干化后,运至邻近水泥厂作为水泥生产的原料而被综合利用。该厂污泥处理与处置的方法真正实现了污染物的零排放,具有经济可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了郑州和天津的2座污水处理厂污泥消化系统(包括设计污泥量及含水率、污泥投配系统、消化池型及参数选择、搅拌系统、沼气系统、热水循环系统)的设计。对其中郑州某污水处理厂的运行情况进行分析,总结其存在的问题及从中应吸取的经验。可供污水处理厂污泥消化系统的设计参考。  相似文献   

污泥厌氧消化/热电联产是一项重要节能工艺技术,对于提高资源和能源利用效率意义重大。完善的管理是保证污泥消化及热电联产系统稳定高效运行的关键环节。麦岛污水处理厂将Multiflo?Trio初沉污泥与生物滤池剩余污泥进行混合,形成沼气产率较高的混合污泥,并进行中温厌氧消化,所产沼气进入热电联产系统用于发电及沼气锅炉,回收余热作为污泥消化及厂区采暖热源。10余年来,麦岛污水处理厂的污泥消化及热电联产系统实现了安全、稳定、高效的运行,保证了污泥的资源化、减量化、无害化处理及利用。介绍了青岛麦岛污水处理厂污泥厌氧消化及热电联产的运行情况,探讨如何在污泥消化及热电联产间做好运行管理和调控,使之形成良性循环。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current methods of sludge technology, and compares them with those discussed by Ashton in 1904. The paper also plots the development of some of the current technology over the last century, particularly those methods of treatment which were mentioned by Ashton but were not in existence at the time.
The 1990s have been a most interesting era, and have probably seen more changes in sludge technology than any other decade this century. The most significant impact will be due to the cessation of the sea disposal route which, at the beginning of the 1990s, was used for about 30% of the total sludge production in England and Wales and approximately 76% of the total sludge produced in Scotland.  相似文献   

A NEW integrated sludge treatment plant was installed at Colburn sewage treatment works (STW) in 1986. The plant comprises a number of novel features including a continuous gravity thickener features including a continuous gravity thickener, a pasteurization unit using submerged combustion of digester gas for sludge heating, a peat-bed odour control system, and a 'pump-our/pump-in'prefabricated anaerobic digester. Plant operation is controlled automatically by a computer system The performance of the thickener has been in accordance with predictions and has achieved at least a halving of raw sludge volume. The submerged combustion plant has consistently heated the sludge to 70°C with high efficiency of gas utilization before the anaerobic digestion stage. Some problems were experienced with the continuity of supply of the raw sludge but overall the plant has performed very satisfactorily with the production of a high quality disinfected and stabilized sludge for use by local farmers.  相似文献   

为了实现污泥的稳定化、减量化和无害化,对城市污水处理厂的浓缩污泥和厌氧消化污泥进行了好氧处理试验研究.试验结果表明,污泥好氧处理使污泥中有机物质含量降低,臭味减小.厌氧污泥经好氧消化处理后,一方面使污泥得到稳定化和减量化;另一方面,可以把污泥中的致病菌杀死.污泥经好氧消化后沉降性能有明显提高,絮凝剂的加入使其脱水性能也得到一定的改善.  相似文献   

Wet air oxidation and other thermal processes can be used on all sludges, whether they are raw, mixed or digested. The process sterilizes the sludge and gives a considerable reduction in volume. However, apart from the high capital costs which are associated with this technique, one of its principal disadvantages is the high strength of the (effluent) liquor.
This study investigated the feasibility of treating the liquor using an anaerobic digester, which resulted in a good reduction in BOD and a reasonable reduction in COD. The liquor was still strong, but could be returned to the inlet works of a sewage-treatment plant without causing significant organic overloading.  相似文献   

武汉市南太子湖污水处理厂的进水污染物浓度较高,而脱水机效率不高,导致大量污泥无法及时排出,氧化沟的污泥浓度长期维持在7 000 mg/L左右,运行费用较高.经分析,造成脱水机效率不高的主要原因是在无浓缩池的情况下,污泥调节池中的污泥浓度不高所致.拟将现仅为一个搅拌区的调节池分为搅拌区及沉淀区,在沉淀区利用滗水器连续滗出清水,以提高调节池的污泥浓度.通过在污泥调节池上增设沉淀区和加装滗水器后,大幅提高了脱水污泥量,降低了氧化沟的污泥浓度及电耗.该方法具有投资少、见效快、维护管理简便、出水水质好等优势,具有推广价值.  相似文献   

堆肥处理对排水污泥中重金属的钝化作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
讨论了城市排水污泥中重金属的含量和形态分布特征,分析了堆肥处理对污泥中重金属结合形态转化的影响。根据不同学者的研究结果,提出堆肥处理可降低污泥中Zn、Cu、Pb、Mn等重金属的活性,并指出堆肥处理是降低污泥在土地利用中重金属污染风险的途径。  相似文献   

李朝阳  李辰 《中国给水排水》2013,29(18):146-148
某污水处理厂主要处理工业园区内的生产废水,进水水质变化大且水质复杂,由于未设水质调节设施,废水处理难度较大,而有时存在的企业偷排现象,会直接导致污水厂生物处理系统的异常,主要表现为活性污泥中毒。详细分析和探讨了运行中由pH值、盐分及油脂导致的活性污泥中毒现象,并提出了相应的控制措施,可为出现类似污泥中毒现象的污水处理厂提供参考。  相似文献   

电动力修复技术去除城市污泥中的重金属研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
分析了城市污水处理厂污泥中重金属的形态,重点考察了不同形态的Cd、Zn在电动力作用下的去除率。结果表明,污泥经电动力作用5d后,对Cd、Zn的总去除率分别为64.50%、65.02%,其中对易被植物吸收的非稳态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态)Cd、Zn的去除效果尤为明显,去除率分别高达68.60%、75.73%。可见,应用电动力修复技术去除污泥中的重金属是可行的,修复后的污泥可进行土地利用。  相似文献   

概述了城市污水处理厂污泥土地利用的两种方式 :农用及园林绿化 .提出污泥的土地利用是解决污泥处置问题的有效途径  相似文献   

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