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It was designed and constructed a new thermogravitational column able to operate at high pressures (up to 50 MPa). This new thermogravitational column is of the cylindrical type with closed ends. It is made of stainless steel. The length of the column is 0.5 m and the gap between its two walls is variable. First, the column was validated at atmospheric pressure by means of measurements of the thermodiffusion coefficient of well-known binary mixtures. Then, this new thermogravitational column was used to measure the thermodiffusion coefficient of the binary mixtures 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphtalene∕isobutylbenzene, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphtalene∕n-dodecane, and isobutylbenzene∕n-dodecane at high pressures and within the pressure range between 0.1 and 20 MPa at a mean temperature of 25?°C. We have found a linear dependence between the thermodiffusion coefficient and the pressure.  相似文献   

A novel fiber optic sensor for the simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature is reported. The sensor consists of a high-birefringence fiber loop mirror and a section of single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure. The single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure served as a refractometer while the high-birefringence fiber loop mirror was used to measure temperature. The multimode interference valley of the single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure was sensitive to the surrounding refractive index of liquids (96.42 nm/refractive index unit) and had almost no response to temperature fluctuations. The high-birefringence fiber loop mirror was highly sensitive to temperature (1.98 nm/°C) but was insensitive to changes in refractive index. The theoretical and experimental results demonstrated simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index. The optimum resolution was 2.07 × 10?4 refractive index units and 0.01°C.  相似文献   

邢曼男 《光学精密工程》2008,16(7):1196-1202
摘 要:本文介绍了一种用玻璃毛细管精确测量微量液体折射率的新方法。这种方法基于共轴球面光学系统的成像原理,通过读数显微镜对吸入待测液体后毛细管的焦点位置进行单一参数的测量,进而计算出待测液体的折射率。用此方法测量了纯水、乙醇、乙二醇、丙三醇的折射率,各种待测样品的需要量小于0.002 ml;对纯水和乙醇样品,折射率测量精度优于0.0003;对乙二醇和丙三醇样品,折射率测量精度优于0.0007。选用适当的毛细管参数,可以进一步提高这种测量方法的测量精度,扩展折射率的测量范围。该方法具有待测液体用量极少、使用的设备简单、操作方便和折射率测量精度高的特点。论文对实验测量误差以及进一步提高测量精度作了详细的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

The U-shaped multimode fiber structure is proposed to measure the refractive index of liquid. In the previous work, the U-shaped structure by single-mode fiber has been widely investigated. However, the large bending loss restricted its practical applications, especially for the reflection-type fiber probe. To reduce the bending losses, the multimode fiber is used as the bending section of the fiber sensor in this study. The structures with different bending radiuses are fabricated to verify this design. Moreover, to simplify the interrogation method, the differential intensity interrogation method is used by cascading two fiber Bragg gratings after the U-shaped fiber structure. The low bending loss of the proposed structure is helpful to measure the reflected light power by fiber Bragg gratings. The influence of incident light power fluctuation was largely suppressed by this differential method. In addition, the sensitivity is also increased by a factor of 2 compared with the intensity interrogation method using one-cascaded fiber Bragg grating. The experimental results show that the refractive index sensitivities are ?115.09?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3405–1.3874 and ?260.24?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3874–1.4223, respectively.  相似文献   

The problem of measuring the refractive index in a spherical wave using the Toepler method with a two-sectional photodetector is considered. A technique for determining the width and amplitude of a wave perturbation from the measured time dependence of a schlieren signal is presented. It is shown experimentally that when a water surface is irradiated with an HF-laser pulse (the pulse energy is 50 mJ, the duration is 60 ns), an elastic wave with a width of ~2 mm and an amplitude that is inversely proportional to the travelled distance is excited. The minimum recorded value of the refractive-index gradient is ~3 × 10–8 mm–1; the absolute measurement error of the refractive index is 1.5 × 10–8. The obtained sensitivity and accuracy exceed the results that were previously published. The proposed approach is characterized by the extreme simplicity of the equipment, as well as by the easiness of the experimental implementation and processing of the measurement results.  相似文献   

用预抽气真空腔法测量及补偿空气折射率的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
空气折射率的补偿效果在高精度激光干涉测量中起着“瓶颈”作用。分析了空气折射率的补偿原理,回顾了几种空气折射率的测量方法及特点。在此基础上,深入研究了用预抽气真空腔测量与补偿空气折射率的测量原理、方法和装置。该方法保持了干涉法测量空气折射率能充分反映所有导致折射率变化的环境因素的特点,避免了测量过程中由于抽气过程给测量带来的干扰。通过空气折射率测量及补偿实验,证实了该方法的可行性,测量结果经补偿后可使精度提高一个数量级。  相似文献   

This study examined the action of anisosmotic media on the volume of nucleated erythrocytes isolated from Rana temporaria. Elevation of medium osmolarity from 100 to 345 mOsm resulted in attenuation of mean cell volume by more than 3-fold, estimated by hematocrit measurement. By contrast to this 'classic' erythrocyte volume evaluation technique, we did not observe any significant cell volume modulation by examining the 3D reconstruction of erythrocyte interference images obtained by laser interference microscopy. Comparative analysis of mean cell volume, phase height and cell area appraised by laser interference microscopy showed that the lack of visible alterations of phase image geometry was caused by sharp elevation of the average refractive index of the cytoplasm in shrunken cells. Thus, our results show for the first time that laser interference microscopy in combination with a direct method for cell volume measurement may be employed for estimation of the refractory index of intracellular milieu and for assessment of changes of physical chemical properties of the cytoplasm evoked by diverse stimuli including osmotic stress.  相似文献   

A method for studying the temperature dependence of the effective refractive index of optical waveguides was proposed and tested. The samples were heated using a Peltier thermo-optic module. This technique is simple and easy and improves the measurement accuracy and capabilities of temperature studies of optical waveguides and the materials from which they are made. Obtained dependences can be used to determine the thermo-optic coefficient of film materials. The method was tested on optical waveguides using SiO2-TiO2 films produced by sol-gel technology.  相似文献   

A setup for measuring the refractive indices of transparent solid samples of optical ceramics using shifts of a beam by a plane-parallel plate in a wavelength range of 400–1200 nm was developed. The minimum cross-sectional sizes of the investigated objects are 5–12 mm, and their thicknesses are 0.3–1.0 mm. A standard sample and a precise system for forming and recording optical signals equipped with a stepping motor with a step discreteness of <1 μm were used to improve the measurement accuracy of the refractive index. The cross-sectional size of the measuring beam is ?1 mm. The accuracy in determining the refractive index is ±0.004.  相似文献   

根据菲涅耳公式,推导出了溶液折射率和线偏振光反射率的关系,分别测定不同待测溶液折射率下线偏振光p分量和s分量的反射率,并与理论结果进行比较。实验用阿贝折射仪测定不同浓度下Na_2CO_3溶液的折射率;立足于光纤传感系统,以棱镜为敏感元器件、光为测量媒介,在敏感角入射的情况下,采用光电探测器对偏振光信号进行探测,经光电变换后利用信号调理电路实现信号采集,模数转换后运用单片机实现信息的处理,测定不同浓度溶液的反射率,与理论结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法在实时测量液体折射率的灵敏度、精度方面有较大改善。  相似文献   


Ice fraction (or ice concentration, IC) of the ice slurry flowing through the pipe is very difficult to measure directly and in real time in ice slurry type system in thermal energy storage system. Measuring IC is very important to calculate the capacity of cold energy supplied through a pipeline. Ice fraction measurement methods have been reported as using density, electric resistance, electric conductivity, freezing point etc. However, the conventional methods are not perfect in terms of the resolution and accuracy. In this study, a new method is suggested to measure the IC of the ice slurry flowing through a pipe, which is used for a refractometer with low electrical noise and high resolution. To measure IC of the flowing ice slurry aqueous solution in pipe, it was installed in the test section to mass flow meter, refractometer, cyclone, and RTD (Resistance temperature detector) sensor. From the experiment, IC measurement method by using refractive index showed better result than others for the ice slurry in pipeline flowing or slurry tank.


The combination of fiber-loop ring-down spectroscopy and a long-period fiber grating were employed in an intensity-interrogated refractive index sensing method using a broad band light source and the specifically designed long-period fiber grating. Compared with the traditional long-period-fiber-grating based refractive index sensors, this approach monitored the decay of the optical signal passing through the loop of the long fiber grating. The decay time changed regularly when the grating was immersed in surrounding media with varying refractive indices. This instrumentation offered reduced cost and eliminated the influence of source fluctuation. The sensitivity and resolution were 2421 ns/RIU and 3 × 10?4 for refractive index values from 1.3330–1.3737.  相似文献   

A technique for measuring the variation of refractive index of a liquid as a function of temperature or solute concentration using a Mach-Zender interferometer is described. The principal difficulty of obtaining a uniform temperature along the optical path in the sample liquid while simultaneously varying the temperature at a reasonable rate is overcome by heating the liquid in a separate vessel and injecting the heated fluid into the test vessel as a series of jets to encourage turbulent mixing. An equivalent resolution in the refractive index variation of 2x10(-6) was obtained. The above method was used to determine the variation of refractive index in a 0.1% NaCl/H(2)O solution in the temperature range 23 degrees -33 degrees C.  相似文献   

待测介质折射率对光纤SPR光谱的特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高光纤传感器的灵敏度和检测精度,达到精确测量的目的。基于表面等离子体共振(SPR)理论及TFCalc软件,仿真研究光纤表面等离子体共振传感器的反射光谱特性,考查待测介质折射率在一定范围内变化对反射光谱特性的影响。研究结果表明,当入射角一定时,表面等离子体共振的最佳膜厚随待测介质折射率的减小而减小;当膜厚和入射角度不变时,表面等离子体共振波长随待测介质折射率的减小向短波长方向移动。共振吸收峰随待测介质折射率的减小移动的距离越小,且逐渐变窄,传感器的灵敏度逐渐提高。  相似文献   

H Gabry? 《Microscopica acta》1978,80(3):215-218
Interference microscopy method has been used for measuring the refractive indices of cell wall and cytoplasm of two plant species: Funaria hygrometrica and Lemna trisulca. The refractive index of the cytoplasm was determined by measuring the centrifuged cells. The mean values obtained for different wavelengths lie in the range 1.41-1.42.  相似文献   

The present study provides quantitative data on the physicochemical properties of binary mixtures of a special class of bio‐based lubricity additives — elektrionised vegetable oils — with various classes of mineral base oils. A specific emphasis is placed upon viscosity blending relationships, solubility and seal compatibility. Experimental data are rationalised using appropriate theoretical models, which can be readily applied to property blending practice. It is shown that
  • For elektrionised vegetable oil/mineral oil binary systems, viscosity blending calculations can be guided by using Roegiers or Grunberg–Nissan blending equations. The Roegiers equation works especially well for systems showing large deviation from ideal behaviour.
  • Elektrionised vegetable oils can be used as mild solvency improvers for non‐conventional base oils produced by hydrocracking and isodewaxing technology or through gas‐to‐liquid conversion, Elektrion C (Elektrion s.a., Bruxelles, Belgium) being a more potent solvency improver than Elektrion R.
  • Elektrionised vegetable oils demonstrate good seal compatibility in combination with various mineral basestocks. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

以半导体矩形波导材料为例,提出了正在研究中的全内反射型光控光开关的光注入及光生载流子对折射率影响的分析模型.得出在控制光照射方向上半导体材料的折射率随控制光强度变化而变化的分布情况.并分别得到了1.55μm和1.31μm通讯波长的光控光开关的控制光(0.8μm)强度阈门.  相似文献   

光生载流子对半导体波导材料折射率影响的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以半导体矩形波导材料为例,提出了正在研究中的全内反射型光控光开关的光注入及光生载流子对折射率影响的分析模型.得出在控制光照射方向上半导体材料的折射率随控制光强度变化而变化的分布情况.并分别得到了1.55μm和1.31μm通讯波长的光控光开关的控制光(0.8μm)强度阈门.  相似文献   

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