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目的 研究7075航空高强度铝合金带筋壁板时效成形过程中工艺参数对零件回弹的影响,以提高筋板类零件的产品质量。方法 利用正交试验开展不同工艺参数组合下的带筋壁板时效成形试验,并对带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹率进行极差分析和规律曲线分析。结果 带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹同时受到时效参数和筋板结构参数的影响,各因素按对回弹的影响程度由大到小的顺序依次为时效时间、筋条厚度、筋条高度和时效温度,筋条结构参数对调节构件回弹有重要作用,并且回弹率实测值基本处于回弹率随工艺参数变化的拟合曲线附近。结论 回弹率随时效时间和筋条高度的增加表现为非线性下降趋势,随筋条厚度的增加呈现线性上升趋势。7075铝合金带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹行为可以用回弹率回归方程进行较为合理的描述。  相似文献   

铝合金时效成形及时效成形铝合金   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
介绍了铝合金时效成形的方法、基本原理、工艺特点及应用情况,概括了国外研究铝合金时效成形工艺及相关可时效成形铝合金的现状,重点阐述了时效成形对铝合金微观组织结构的影响.  相似文献   

为评价搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)构件的可时效成形性,对7075铝合金FSW构件固溶处理后进行时效成形工艺,试验研究了固溶处理影响下FSW构件时效成形后构件性能的变化规律.试验结果表明,固溶处理后时效成形工艺有助于提高FSW构件的抗拉强度、延伸率和电导率.固溶处理后180℃时效成形时,FSW试样抗拉强度峰值显著提高,达到449.4 MPa,是仅时效成形工件抗拉强度的139.5%,为原始焊接试样抗拉强度的1.4倍,此时焊件延伸率达到峰值4.2%,固溶处理对试样延伸率有一定的提升作用.微观结构观察结果表明,固溶处理的引入对FSW构件时效成形过程焊缝区特征组织产生显著影响,有助于消除焊缝的不均匀组织特征的影响,从而有利于成形试样的性能均匀化和提高.  相似文献   

制备具有不同原位TiC颗粒含量的喷射成形7075铝合金,在610℃和620℃二次加热并保温30min,淬火固定其半固态组织后采用扫描电镜进行观察,利用平均截线法统计其平均晶粒尺寸,分析不同颗粒含量对喷射成形7075铝合金半固态组织的影响规律。结果表明,当原位TiC颗粒含量达到2.91%(体积分数,下同)时已经产生良好的钉扎效果,使得合金基本保持喷射成形组织特征,能够满足后续的半固态成形工艺要求,与7075铝合金相比,抗拉强度提高4.2%,TiC颗粒的含量减少至1.73%和1.15%时,局部区域发生晶粒的异常长大现象,使合金组织的均匀化程度下降。  相似文献   

蠕变时效对7050铝合金板材组织与性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过金相显微、透射电子显微、电子拉伸和剥落腐蚀实验研究了7050铝合金板材蠕变时效与人工时效的微结构及性能。结果表明:蠕变时效过程中施加的应力使板材不断产生变形,为η′析出相提供了大量形核点,析出相尺寸更加细小,特别是晶界无沉淀带较人工时效明显变窄,晶界析出相不连续。与人工时效相比,蠕变时效试样的抗拉强度和抗剥落腐蚀性能略有提高。  相似文献   

对7075铝合金进行深冷-时效复合处理(DCT-T6),使用TEM、SEM和拉伸测试等手段对其表征,研究了深冷-时效复合处理对其显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,与T6处理相比,DCT-T6处理可提高晶内析出相密度、减小析出相的尺寸、提高位错密度和生成亚晶。在深冷时间为3~6 h时,随着深冷时间的延长η’相的密度先提高后降低,晶界析出相(GBP)的尺寸、两相间距、线缺陷数量、η相密度、位错密度以及亚晶数量增大,合金的伸长率降低,抗拉强度先提高后降低。深冷4 h为拐点。深冷时间为4 h时合金的抗拉强度达到最大值645 MPa,比T6样品提高13.1%;深冷时间为3 h时合金的伸长率达到最大值13%,比T6样品提高了44.4%。  相似文献   

通过微观组织分析、力学性能检测和断口形貌分析,研究了铝合金气瓶的二次时效对其微观组织和力学性能的影响。研究发现,二次时效后,铝合金的析出相更细小弥散均匀,其屈服强度和抗拉强度都会有所提升。  相似文献   

时效成形对2324铝合金组织及性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了时效成形对2324铝合金力学性能的影响,利用透射电镜观察了时效成形过程中的微观组织.研究了时效成形产生的"应力位向效应"及其对力学性能的影响,对"应力位向效应"的特征和产生原因进行了分析.结果表明:由于外加应力造成了平行应力方向和垂直应力方向扩散系数的差异,导致析出相择优生长.无应力时效时析出相沿{201}晶面族均匀析出,时效成形过程中析出相沿平行(111)方向择优生长,择优生长方向主要取决于外加应力的方向.  相似文献   

研究了预处理(15%预变形+100℃×5h预时效)对2124铝合金板材蠕变时效成形微结构与力学性能的影响。结果表明,富Fe(Si)杂质相粒子在蠕变成形过程中会因应力集中效应而破碎,从而改善材料性能,固溶-淬火后直接进行蠕变时效处理,θ′相在{100}面上的析出行为呈现出明显的应力位向效应,但基体中存在的弥散第二相粒子周围存在着很大的晶格畸变能,能促进析出第二相的形核、长大,局部降低应力位向效应。在本研究条件下,预处理使得{111}面上析出了Ω强化相,显著提高了2124铝合金蠕变时效后的强度,但不会显著降低延伸率。  相似文献   

目的 针对7075高强铝合金构件在固溶-淬火-时效处理过程中成形精度低的问题,提出了7075高强铝合金预强化冷成形工艺,研究7075高强铝合金构件冷成形强化机制。方法 基于高强铝合金短流程高性能成形技术,经过固溶-时效处理,获得预强化处理的7075铝合金板料,使用预强化处理的7075铝合金板料冷成形试制帽形梁。通过拉伸试验、杯突试验测试预强化处理的7075铝合金板料及帽形梁力学性能,并通过透射电子显微镜试验解释7075高强铝合金构件冷成形强化机制。结果 预强化处理的7075铝合金板料抗拉强度为540 MPa,延伸率为19.3%,强度接近7075铝合金T6态强度水平,塑性接近7075铝合金O态塑性水平。杯突值为16.6mm,达到7075铝合金O态的87%。使用预强化处理的7075铝合金板料冷成形试制的帽形梁表面质量良好,无破裂等情况。经过烤漆工艺后,帽形梁抗拉强度为(560±5)MPa,屈服强度为(480±5)MPa,与7075高强铝合金T6态强度相当。结论 预强化处理的7075铝合金板料基体内部存在大量GPⅡ区组织,这有助于提高7075高强铝合金的强度和塑性。使用预强化处理的7075铝...  相似文献   

In this paper, the hardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation E100, S−N curves, and fatigue performance of 7075 aluminum alloy were obtained after aged at 170 °C for different times (10 h, 15 h, and 20 h). Additionally, the microstructure and fatigue fracture of the alloy were observed. The investigation results show that as the forming time increased, the hardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength decreased, the elongation first decreased, then increased, and the fatigue limit increased. As the forming time increased, the metastable phase gradually transformed into a steady phase and coarsened, the width of precipitate free zone increased, and the width of the fatigue strip decreased. After creep age forming for 20 h, the precipitate free zone was the widest, approximately 100 nm.  相似文献   

为研究7050T451铝合金蠕变时效本构模型,在160℃、不同应力条件下进行单轴拉伸蠕变试验,分析了蠕变应变、屈服强度和微观组织随时间的变化规律.基于高强铝合金析出强化理论,建立了能描述蠕变时效成形宏观及微观变化的本构方程,并运用遗传算法对材料常数进行拟合优化.研究表明,该模型在不同应力水平下与试验结果吻合良好,能够用来模拟分析蠕变时效成形过程.  相似文献   

通过力学性能、电导率测试和TEM分析,对10 mm厚7075铝合金脉冲变极性等离子弧焊(pulse variable polarity plasma arc welding,PVPPAW)接头的双级时效行为特征进行研究,并确定了较为合理的双级时效工艺。结果表明:7075铝合金PVPPAW接头的抗拉强度随着终时效温度的升高和终时效时间的延长先增大后减小。经160℃,12 h终时效处理后的接头抗拉强度为545.1 MPa,比焊态时提高了37%。此时接头的电导率为27.9%IACS,抗应力腐蚀性能有所提高。焊缝中心主要强化相为η′相和η相,随着终时效温度的升高和终时效时间的延长,晶内与晶界的析出相逐渐长大和粗化,晶界的无沉淀析出带变宽。  相似文献   

基于热加工图的7075铝合金热塑性变形工艺参数优化识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机上进行多组热压缩试验,得到7075铝合金在成形温度573~723K,应变速率0.01~10s-1下的真应力-应变数据,用此数据作为计算应变速率敏感指数(m值)、功率耗散因子(η值)、失稳判据(ξ(ε.)值)三重判据的基本模型。通过三重判据构建包含应变在内的7075铝合金热加工图,并观察试样变形后的微观组织来验证热加工图,最终判断该合金在试验范围内的最佳变形参数。结果表明7075铝合金热加工的安全区集中在高温低应变速率区,并随着应变的增加,η值逐渐增加;通过金相观察,稳定变形区,材料由于变形发生动态再结晶而使晶粒细化;不稳定变形区,裂纹伴随着流动位错带的产生而被发现,因此可以通过包含应变的热加工图所确定的最佳工艺参数来保证无缺陷的7075铝合金锻件。  相似文献   

Fatigue behavior of AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy coated with ZrN by PVD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present investigation has been conducted in order to study the effect of the deposition of a ZrN coating, of 3 μm in thickness, on the static mechanical properties and fatigue behavior of a 7075-T6 aluminum alloy substrate. It has been determined that the coating deposition process gives rise to a significant decrease in such properties, which is not fully compensated for the presence of the film. When fatigue tests were carried out in a 3 wt.% NaCl solution at low alternating stresses, the ZrN film partially compensated for the decrease in fatigue properties of the coated substrate. Extensive delamination of the coating from the substrate was observed under the action of cyclic stresses greater than approximately 220 MPa. Below this stress and in the presence of NaCl, the behavior of the coated material approached that of the uncoated alloy, which highlighted the good corrosion resistance of the ZrN coating and its ability to protect the substrate when it remained adhered to the latter.  相似文献   


In order to improve the mechanical properties and reduce fabrication cost of large sheet metal parts, creep age forming (CAF) technology was developed, which is a process combined creep forming and heat treatment together. Springback of the workpiece in CAF is directly related to process parameters, such as, aging time, experimental stress and temperature. The aim of this paper is to establish a set of creep constitutive model, which can accurately predict the springback of 2124 aluminium alloy in CAF. A series of creep tests were carried out under different stress levels as 200, 225 and 250 MPa, and different temperatures as 185, 190 and 195°C for the solid solution treated and quenched 2124 aluminium alloy. Based on creep test data, a set of classic creep constitutive equations were established. Some important conclusions were drawn: the fitting curves of the constitutive equations could describe the test data in a good way; the creep strain increases with the increasing aging time, temperature and experimental stress. Then the springback of 2124 aluminium alloy during CAF process were analyzed by the finite element software MSC.Marc. Comparisons between the experiment analyses and finite element models show good correlation, and approve the forecast capability of FEM simulation for springback after CAF. At the end, the influence of process parameters on springback is studied, which provides essential foundation for designer to evaluate scheme and to optimise tool system design.  相似文献   

The self-organization behaviors of multiple adiabatic shear bands (ASBs) in the 7075 T73 aluminum alloy were investigated by means of the thick-walled cylinder (TWC) technique. Shear bands first nucleate at the inner boundary of the aluminum alloy tube and propagate along the maximum shear stress direction in the spiral trajectory. On the cross section of the specimen, shear bands distribute either in the clockwise or the anticlockwise direction. The number of ASBs in the clockwise direction is roughly twice that in the anticlockwise direction. However, the 7075 annealed alloy does not generate any shear band under the same experimental conditions.Numerical simulation with coupled thermo-mechanical analysis was carried out to investigate the evolution mechanism of adiabatic shear bands. Both uniform and non-uniform finite element models were created. The simulation results of the non-uniform model are in better agreement with those of the experiment. In the non-uniform case, the spacing between ASBs is larger than that of the uniform model, and most of the ASBs prefer to propagate in the clockwise direction. For the first time, two types of particles (second phase), hard particles and soft particles, are separately introduced into the metal matrix in the non-uniform model to simulate their effects on the self-organization of ASBs. The soft particles reduce the time required for ASBs nucleation. Stress collapse first occurs at the region where the soft particles are located and most of the ASBs pass through these soft particles. However, ASBs propagate along the paths that are adjacent to the hard particles instead of passing through them. As experimental observations, there is no shear band nucleating in the annealed alloy in simulation. Under the same conditions, the energy barrier for the formation of ASBs in the annealed aluminum alloy is about 2.5 times larger than that in the T73 alloy, which means that the adiabatic shearing is less likely to nucleate in the annealed alloy. This is consistent with the experimental and numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

王刚  谷诤巍  李欣  于歌 《材料工程》2022,50(12):152-159
以2 mm厚的7075-H18高强度铝合金板材为研究对象,采用微观组织分析、显微硬度测试、动力学建模与计算相结合的方法,对板材的淬火敏感性、等温相变行为及转变动力学进行系统研究,构建"时间-温度-性能"关系图。结果表明:7075-H18板材具有较高的淬火敏感性。"时间-温度-性能"关系图的鼻尖温度约为350℃,孕育期仅为0.23 s,淬火敏感温度区间为271~404℃,转变量为0.5%的曲线对应的临界线性冷却速率为969.7℃/s,超过了冷模淬火所能达到的冷却速率。板材在等温淬火过程中主要形成粗大的η平衡相,等温时间越长,晶内与晶界的η相尺寸越大,晶界η相越趋于连续分布,且无沉淀析出带变宽。基于实验数据构建的等温转变动力学模型,对7075-H18板材的等温相变过程进行准确预测,板材在350℃等温过程中沉淀相的析出速率最大,等温相变类型为"形核-长大"型相变,相变过程为层片状沉淀相的长大、增厚及互相吞并。理论计算结果与透射电子显微镜下观测到的η相特征以及"时间-温度-性能"关系图相一致。  相似文献   

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