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从宏观角度着眼,认真总结国内外企业参与全球市场激烈竞争中的经验教训,阐述企业家管理艺术的高低对所在企业兴衰存亡的关系极大。  相似文献   

企业家的信息意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从全球市场竞争的宏观角度看着眼,对企业家的信息意识之涵义和功能作用作了较为深入的剖析。文章共分三个部,即信息意识与知识素养;企业家的信息意识;促使信息意识转化的条件。  相似文献   

《新材料产业》是北京新材料发展中心主办的以新材料为主题的综合性杂志。自创刊以来,得到了北京市科学技术委员会、国家科技部高新技术发展与产业化司、国家新材料产业发展战略咨询委员会等单位的大力支持,受到了业内人士的高度关注和普遍欢迎,是行业中具有影响力与号召力的品牌媒体,是《中文科技期刊数据库》收录来源期刊。  相似文献   

论述企业家及其素质与本质特征,联系全球市场竞争态势和中国的国情企业实际,研究中国企业家的特色,着重说明了当今条件下,企业家素质的培养提高,尤其要注重他们的道德修养。这是使我国企业摆脱困境,繁荣兴旺的战略举措。  相似文献   

企业创新的根本应该是人,鼓励职员成为企业的内企业家,杰出的企业,会在制度上保证失败者不受冷遇和打击,从而积极主动地推动企业的持续创新与发展,形成企业核心竞争力.  相似文献   

将者,国家安危之主也。——孙子兵法在竞争性经济中,经理的责任和他的工作决定着企业的存亡。——德鲁克  相似文献   

本文论述了现代企业经营决策者企业家应具备的基本素质,阐明企业家不仅是企业重要的生产要素,而且是最重要的资源,是企业兴衰成败的关键所在.  相似文献   

国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度,迫切需要一大批具有战略思维的现代企业家,社会主义市场经济为造就诸多具有战略思维的现代企业家,提供了广阔的土壤和丰富的营养。在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业不再是政府部门的附属物而成为自主经营的实体和市场竞争的主体。千变万...  相似文献   

论述我国企业在走上世界参与竞争的进程中,虽然有诸多不利因素的存在,但是只要我国企业家讲究竞争策略,娴熟运用竞争技巧,同样可以赢得竞争的胜利,开创理想的新局。即得用户者得市场,实力并非企业竞争制胜的唯一因素,企业家提高竞争技巧是当务之急。  相似文献   

营销决策是围绕企业总体发展和重要经营活动的目标、方针和策略,由企业经营者或营销管理部门在对企业外部环境和内部条件进行调查、预测、分析的基础上,提出或制定企业营销活动方案的过程。在企业生产经营已从计划经济向市场经济逐步转轨变型的过程中,搞好企业的营销决策,其重要性是显而易见的。一、ftAMH$jl#A、P#$#N科学的营销决策,来自于对市场进行科学的调查、分析、预测,掌握营销决策的第一手材料。企业在制定营销决策之前,需要对市场进行哪些调查、分析与预测呢?1.市场经济政策的调查、分析与预测。在计划经济向市场…  相似文献   

Existing models of strategic decision making typically assume that only the attributes of the currently played game need be considered when reaching a decision. The results presented in this article demonstrate that the so-called "cooperativeness" of the previously played prisoner's dilemma games influence choices and predictions in the current prisoner's dilemma game, which suggests that games are not considered independently. These effects involved reinforcement-based assimilation to the previous choices and also a perceptual contrast of the present game with preceding games, depending on the range and the rank of their cooperativeness. A. Parducci's (1965) range frequency theory and H. Helson's (1964) adaptation level theory are plausible theories of relative judgment of magnitude information, which could provide an account of these context effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

袁静 《四川冶金》2010,32(1):63-67
随着全球经济竞争的日趋白炽化,企业经营的策略规划与管理也愈来愈受到重视,如何制定企业未来发展最佳策略并付诸实施,无疑是企业决策者必须面对的最重要问题。作者结合自身管理经验提出企业要发展必须管理创新,并提出创新管理几大重心。  相似文献   

This study examined the origins of children's ability to make consciously false statements, a necessary component of lying. Children 2 to 5 years of age were rewarded for claiming that they saw a picture of a bird when viewing pictures of fish. They were asked outcome questions (“Do you win/lose?”), recognition questions (“Do you have a bird/fish?”), and recall questions (“What do you have?”), which were hypothesized to vary in difficulty depending on the need for consciousness of falsity (less for outcome questions) and self-generation of an appropriate response (more for recall questions). The youngest children (2? to 3? years old) were above chance on outcome questions, but it was not until age 3? that children performed above chance on recognition questions or were capable of maintaining false claims across question types. Findings have implications for understanding the emergence of deception in young children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

整体承包采购是战略采购管理的一个重要方面,本文首先探讨了整体承包采购的含义,具有的优势,并据此研究整体承包的基本原则与实践方法,最后在战略采购管理模式下整体承包采购模式获得的经济效果.  相似文献   

Proportion compatible manipulations are often used to index strategic processes in selective attention tasks. Here, a subtle confound in proportion compatible manipulations is considered. Specifically, as the proportion of compatible trials increases, the ratio of complete repetitions and complete alternations to partial repetitions increases on compatible trials but decreases on incompatible trials. This confound is demonstrated to lead to an overestimation in the magnitude of the proportion compatible effect in the context of both a Stroop and a Simon task. Implications for previous research and directions for future research using proportion compatible manipulations are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

胡乃联  丁岳祥 《黄金》1999,20(7):52-54
简要介绍焦家金矿生产经营辅助决策系统的组成,基本功能,技术特点和运行环境,对系统开发中取得的经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

从现代企业管理意识、管理技巧等方面论述了观现代企业管理的要求;同进阐述了决策者在决策时要遵循唯实、唯诚和求是的基本信条。  相似文献   

针对我国一些有色金属矿山面临资源枯竭、企业经营困难的问题 ,国家实行了矿山关闭破产政策 ,这些企业的战略转移成为当务之急。本文以有色金属矿山关闭企业面临的挑战和机遇为出发点 ,把企业外部环境分析作为确定战略转移的基本条件 ,把企业内部的剩余资源和竞争实力分析作为确定是否实施战略转移的根本依据 ,进而明确有色金属矿山关闭企业的战略转移趋势 ,即原有产业的延伸扩展或进入新行业的战略转移。  相似文献   

The authors show that a strategic retrieval process--the distinctiveness heuristic--is a powerful mechanism for reducing false memories in the elderly. Individuals studied words, pictures, or both types of items and then completed a recognition test on which the studied items appeared once, whereas the new words appeared twice. After studying either pictures only or a mixture of pictures and words, both younger and older adults falsely recognized fewer repeated new words than did participants who studied words. Studying pictures provided a basis for using a distinctiveness heuristic during the recognition test: Individuals inferred that the absence of memory for picture information indicates that an item is "new." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of diversity in individual prediscussion preferences on group decision quality was examined in an experiment in which 135 three-person groups worked on a personnel selection case with 4 alternatives. The information distribution among group members constituted a hidden profile (i.e., the correct solution was not identifiable on the basis of the members' individual information and could be detected only by pooling and integrating the members' unique information). Whereas groups with homogeneous suboptimal prediscussion preferences (no dissent) hardly ever solved the hidden profile, solution rates were significantly higher in groups with prediscussion dissent, even if none of these individual prediscussion preferences were correct. If dissent came from a proponent of the correct solution, solution rates were even higher than in dissent groups without such a proponent. The magnitude of dissent (i.e., minority dissent or full diversity of individual preferences) did not affect decision quality. The beneficial effect of dissent on group decision quality was mediated primarily by greater discussion intensity and to some extent also by less discussion bias in dissent groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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