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《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》1986,249(1):102-115
An accelerator-driven steady state neutron source will require a high current, high energy, 100% duty factor accelerator. No suitable accelerator has yet been built, but the technology to do so existsand examples of all of the likely components have been tested. This paper reviews some of the component test programs with comments on the problems specific to this application. 相似文献
A. Pietropaolo E. Perelli Cippo G. Gorini M. Tardocchi E.M. Schooneveld C. Andreani R. Senesi 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2009,608(1):121-124
An investigation of the gamma background was carried out in the VESUVIO spectrometer at the ISIS spallation neutron source. This study, performed with a yttrium–aluminum–perovskite (YAP) scintillator, follows high resolution pulse height measurements of the gamma background carried out on the same instrument with the use of a high-purity germanium detector. In this experimental work, a mapping of the gamma background was attempted, trying to find the spatial distribution and degree of directionality of the different contributions identified in the previous study. It is found that the gamma background at low times is highly directional and mostly due to the gamma rays generated in the moderator–decoupler system. The other contributions, consistently to the findings of a previous experiment, are identified as a nearly isotropic one due to neutron absorption in the walls of the experimental hall, and a directional one coming from the beam dump. 相似文献
Barquero R Méndez R Iñiguez MP Vega HR Voytchev M 《Radiation protection dosimetry》2002,101(1-4):493-496
The photoncutron ambient dose around a 18 MV medical electron lineal accelerator has been measured with LiF:Mg,Ti chips of 3 x 3 x 1 mm inside moderating spheres. During the measurements a water phantom was irradiated in a field of 40 x 40 cm2. Two methods have been considered for comparison. In the first, a TLD-600/TLD-700 pair at the centre of a 25 cm diameter paraffine sphere was used, with the system behaving as a rem meter. In the second method, TLD-600/TLD-700 pairs, bare and at the centre of 7.6, 12.7, 20.3, 25.4, and 30.5 cm diameter polyethylene Bonner spheres were used to obtain the neutron spectrum. This was unfolded using the BUNKIUT code with the SPUNIT algorithm and the UTA4 and ARKI response functions. The neutron dose was followed by multiplying the unfolded neutron spectrum by the ambient dose equivalent to neutron fluence conversion factors. Both methods result in 0.5 mSv x Gy(-1) m away from the isocentre. 相似文献
Raimondi N Tournier B Groetz JE Piot J Riebler E Crovisier P Chambaudet A Cabanné N 《Radiation protection dosimetry》2002,101(1-4):197-200
In order to evaluate the neutron doses around nuclear fissile objects, a comparative study has been made on several neutron dosemeters: bubble dosemeters, etched-track detectors (CR-39) and 3He-filled proportional counters used as dose-rate meters. The measurements were made on the ambient and the personal dose equivalents H*(10) and Hp(10). Results showed that several bubble dosemeters should have been used due to a low reproducibility in the measurements. A strong correlation with the neutron energy was also found, with about a 30% underestimation of Hp(10) for neutrons from the PuBe source, and about a 9% overestimation for neutrons from the 252Cf source. Measurements of the nuclear fissile objects were made using the CR-39 and the dose-rate meters. The CR-39 led to an underestimation of 30% with respect to the neutron dose-rate meter measurements. In addition, the MCNP calculation code was used in the different configurations. 相似文献
Yasuhiro Masuda 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2000,440(3):682-684
Ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) production in superfluid helium with spallation neutrons is discussed. A source is described, where superfluid helium is located in a cold moderator of deuterium at 20 K surrounded by a thermal moderator of heavy water at 300 K. A lead target is installed in the thermal moderator for neutron production via a medium energy proton induced spallation reaction. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that a UCN density of the order of 105 n/cm3 is achievable with an acceptable heat load for the helium cryostat. 相似文献
Recent spallation neutron source shielding activities in support of the neutron beam shutters and the hot cell walls are presented. Existing neutron beam shutters can be replaced with concrete at low power or with concrete and steel at approximately 500 kW of beam power. Potential voids in the hot cell walls are analysed to determine the impact on dose rates as a function of void size. A change in the type of shielding work is noted as the project moved from the early design stages as a 'green field' site to the current stage as a construction project nearing completion, where issues to be addressed are approaching retrofit-type analyses. 相似文献
Paulo R. P. Coelho Aucyone A. Da Silva Jose R. Maiorino 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》1989,280(2-3):270-272
The neutron energy spectra of the following sources were measured using a fast-neutron spectrometer with NE-213 liquid scintillator: 252Cf, Am-Be and T(d, n)4He from a Van de Graaff accelerator (400 keV). The measured proton recoil pulse-height data were unfolded using the FANTI code to obtain the neutron energy spectrum. The spectrometer gives neutron spectra in the range of 2–16 MeV, with 6% intrinsic efficiency and a resolution between 4% and 11%. The 252Cf neutron energy spectrum was measured and the results obtained showed good agreement with the spectrum usually published in the literature, which can be fitted by the expression N(E) =√E exp(− E/T) with the constant T = 1.42 MeV. 相似文献
Leray S Boudard A David JC Donadille L Villagrasa C Volant C 《Radiation protection dosimetry》2005,115(1-4):242-246
The high-energy programme of the HINDAS European project has provided a large amount of experimental data and led to a better understanding of the spallation reaction mechanism and the development of more reliable spallation models. These data, or the new models, which have been implemented into high-energy transport codes, can be now used to predict with a larger confidence or, at least with a known uncertainty, some important quantities for the design of spallation sources. In this paper, examples concerning the residue production in a Pb-Bi target and the high-energy neutrons escaping the target are presented. In the first case, the activity and the amount of radioactive volatile elements that can be released, in case of a containment failure, are calculated and the level of confidence of the calculation is assessed. The second example shows that the models correctly predict the high-energy tail of the neutron spectrum, which is important for radioprotection in the facility. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2002,476(1-2):440-445
The new ICPR60 recommendations and the consideration of the ALARA principle have led the operators of nuclear facilities to evaluate with a higher care, the doses received by workers. The aim of this paper is to present a recent study concerning mixed field characterisation at a workplace located in a reprocessing laboratory.As a first step, neutron spectrum determination was achieved by two ways: simulation using MCNP code and experimental measurements with Bonner spheres and recoil proton counters. Neutron spectrum allowed the evaluation of dosimetric quantities. Measurements were then performed with different devices routinely used in radioprotection. The authors describe the measurement techniques, present the results obtained, and finally compare and discuss them. 相似文献
R. L. Burman L. L. Daemen 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》1996,370(2-3):335-340
Effects arising from a water target places in the ISIS spallation facility, used for both neutron and neutrino experiments, are considered. Calculations are presented for the neutrino flux from stopped μ+ decay, and for the neutron fluxes from the ISIS moderators, for several versions of a water target situated upstream of the ISIS spallation source. Two possible configurations, that enhance the neutrino flux by 39–80% and produce relatively little reduction in neutron flux, are outlined. 相似文献
A spallation ultra-cold neutron source--UCN source--is scheduled to start operation at PSI in 2006 using up to 2 mA 590 MeV protons from the ring cyclotron. It will be operated in a pulsed mode with an average current of 20 microA. For safe maintenance, during operation as well as handling, transport and storage of the UCN target assembly after its lifespan, detailed knowledge about the activation induced by the impinging protons and secondary radiation fields is required. The Monte Carlo transport code MCNPX was coupled with the European Activation System--EASY--to calculate the residual nuclide production in the UCN target assembly. The nuclide inventory is finally used to design the shielded exchange flask that is needed to safely remove and transport the UCN target assembly after its lifespan to a hotcell for dismantling. 相似文献
Advantages and limitations of nuclear physics experiments at an ISIS-class spallation neutron source
M. Mocko G. Muhrer F. Tovesson 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2008,589(3):455-464
Nuclear physics experiments have a long history of being conducted on spallation neutron sources. Like other experiments, these measurements take advantage of the identification of the incident neutron energy by the time-of-flight (ToF) technique. However, in some ways these experiments are often in direct conflict with other experiments. Especially in large (ISIS or SNS class) facilities, the design of the source often reflects a compromise between different experimental needs and requirements. It has been a long standing question for nuclear physics experiments how limiting these compromises are and how they can be dealt with. We have therefore calculated the incident neutron energy spectrum, along with the gamma background spectrum, for flight path (FP) 5 at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (Lujan Center) including a detailed evaluation of the signal shape. We will discuss the advantages and limitations of the nuclear physics experiments at FP-5 in the light of our results. 相似文献
I. A. Yaritsyna 《Measurement Techniques》1975,18(9):1366-1367
Barry DP Trbovich MJ Danon Y Block RC Slovacek RE Leinweber G Burke JA Drindak NJ 《Radiation protection dosimetry》2005,115(1-4):139-143
Neutron capture and transmission measurements were performed by the time-of-flight technique at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute LINAC using metallic neodymium samples. The capture measurements were made at the 25-m-long flight station with a 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector, and the transmission measurements were performed at 15 and 25 m flight stations with a 6Li glass scintillation detector. After the data were collected and reduced, resonance parameters were determined by simultaneously fitting the transmission and capture data with the multilevel R-matrix Bayesian code SAMMY. The resonance parameters for all naturally occurring neodymium isotopes lie within the energy range of 1.0-500 eV. The resulting resonance parameters were used to calculate the capture resonance integral with this energy region and were compared to calculations obtained when using the resonance parameters from ENDF-B/VI. The RPI parameters gave a resonance integral value of 32 +/- 0.5 b that is approximately 7% lower than that obtained with the ENDF-B/VI parameters. The current measurements significantly reduce the statistical uncertainties on the resonance parameters when compared with previously published parameters. 相似文献
L. A. Charlton J. M. Barnes T. A. Gabriel J. O. Johnson J. M. Carpenter R. K. Crawford 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》1997,400(2-3):419-427
Results found during initial NSNS target station neutronic design efforts are reported including the success of comparing neutron sources at 1 eV and moderator performance normalized to 1 eV. The usefulness of an analytic form is demonstrated. The angular dependence of the neutron current from a moderator face is presented together with the changes in neutron current with variation of moderator width, poison plate location and moderator material. The formation of an equilibrium state at low neutron energy is also discussed. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》1988,271(3):662-670
Dose measuring systems for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of brain tumors are presented. The systems are a real-time monitoring system, an integral measuring system and a 10B concentration measuring system. The real-time monitoring with a small PN junction silicon detector made it possible to simultaneously measure the thermal neutron flux and the gamma dose rate in a patient during neutron therapy. Another monitoring of dose equivalents of thermal neutrons and gamma rays was performed with a BGO scintillation detector connected to an optical fiber. The accurate neutron fluence and gamma dose were determined with the integral measurements of the foil activation method and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) after irradiation. Kerma doses of thermal neutrons and gamma-rays were also measured with the TLD at the same time. Preliminary measurements of 10B concentration in tissue and blood of a patient were carried out by prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy. 相似文献