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As part of a Queensland survey, we made an assessment of the attitudes of general practitioners to continuing education. We analysed responses for age, sex, type and geographical location of practice. Almost all the respondents (99%) agreed that commitment to CME is lifelong. Most of them did not feel that there is too much concern with keeping up-to-date. Recognition of their own educational needs is a problem for a sizeable minority. Most feel that GP skills can be taught through CME courses, which should focus on patient management. Informal communication with colleagues is a useful mode of learning. Although exactly half the doctors felt that CME should be mandatory, a greater proportion of younger doctors were in favour.  相似文献   

A survey of Queensland general practitioners was carried out to assess their needs and attitudes regarding obstetric practice. Less than half of the respondents now practise obstetrics, and many general practitioners felt a lack of support from specialist obstetricians, paediatricians, and anaesthetists. Many of the respondents expressed needs for further obstetric training, especially in labour ward management and neonatal care; however, few were able to attend extended courses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the practice of routine postnatal check-ups, many women experience problems in the months after childbirth. General practitioners (GPs) are involved in routine postnatal care, yet little research has been undertaken to explore this role. AIM: To report the views of Australian GPs as to what physical examination and discussion should take place at the routine six week postnatal check-up and to determine the influence of gender on the approach to the check-up. METHOD: Postal survey of 1104 Australian GPs, yielding an eligible sample of 1022. RESULTS: A total of 715/1022 (70%) usable surveys returned. Over 65% of GPs recommend routine examination of the abdomen, blood pressure, perineum, vagina, pelvic floor, and breasts at the six week check-up. Fewer than a half the sample believed that physical problems (urine and bowel symptoms, back problems), sexual issues, relationship and parenting issues should be routinely discussed. After controlling for age, practice location, obstetric practice, and qualifications, the sex of the GP remains an important factor influencing the GP's approach to postnatal care. Female GPs are three times more likely to believe that maternal feelings should be discussed routinely and about twice as likely to believe that infant sleeping/behaviour, maternal sleeping/diet/tiredness, coping with other children, relationship with partner, and household work should form part of the routine discussion with all recent mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Sex of practitioner and older age (60 years or more) are the two most important influences on a GP's approach to postnatal care. This study indicates a need for GPs to shift their focus from routine examination to indicated examination to allow more time to discuss common postnatal problems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that bereaved individuals suffer increased rates of physical and mental ill health. Bereavement support has recently been advocated as an area of prevention in primary care, with suggestions that general practitioners (GPs) should adopt protocols for the active follow-up of their bereaved patients, which relies on the early notification of deaths by hospitals and hospices. Little is known about the routine care currently provided by GPs and primary health care teams (PHCTs) to support their bereaved patients. AIMS: To explore GPs' perceptions of patient death notifications by hospitals and hospices. To describe practice policies relating to patient deaths and the provision of bereavement support. METHOD: Postal questionnaires were sent to senior partners of a random sample of 500 general practices in South Thames Health Region. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-three practitioners responded (71%). Hospitals were perceived to be significantly slower than hospices in notifying deaths (P < 0.0001). One hundred and ninety-six practices (56%) kept death registers, 230 (65%) discussed deaths together, and 142 (40%) identified bereaved relatives. One hundred and thirty-seven practices (39%) routinely offered bereaved relatives contact with a PHCT member; while 133 (38%) supported only those who asked for help. Routine support was significantly more likely to be provided by practices that kept a death register, discussed deaths together, identified bereaved relatives, and had a special interest in palliative care. CONCLUSIONS: GPs perceive hospitals to be slower than hospices at notifying deaths, particularly in the first 24 hours. They are divided over whether bereavement support should be proactive or reactive. Keeping a practice death register, discussing deaths together, and identifying newly bereaved relatives are activities related to providing routine bereavement care.  相似文献   

The oxidation of methionine residues in recombinant methionyl human granulocyte colony stimulating factor with hydrogen peroxide has been investigated. Kinetic data of the oxidation were obtained by using reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography. The stability-indicating capability of this system was confirmed with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. In the pH range 1.9-7.5, the kobs value for the oxidation process is constant. Above pH 7.5, kobs tends to increase with increasing pH. In the pH range 1.9-11.8, four oxidation products were detected in RP-HPLC. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that one mono-, one di- and two trioxidation products were formed. Using the cyanogen bromide cleavage method the nature of the oxidation products was determined. The mono-oxidation product is the protein with Met121 oxidized, while the dioxidation product has oxidized Met121 and Met126 residues. The trioxidation products are the proteins with Met121, Met126 and Met137 or Met0, Met121 and Met126 oxidized.  相似文献   

Complementary therapy (CT) has become increasingly popular with the general public and interest from the health professions has been rising. There has been no study focusing on the pattern of availability of CT within urban and inner-city general practice. We aimed to describe the prevalence and pattern of access to complementary therapy in this setting, identifying the characteristics of practices offering CT and the perceived barriers to service provision. We sent a postal questionnaire to all 254 general practices on the Birmingham Family Health Services Authority list. Practices were asked whether they offered any access to CTs, how services were organized and which therapies were available and to identify any barriers to provision. 175 practices (68.9%) responded. Half of the practices offered access to CT. Of these, half offered an in-house service, usually provided by the doctor (81.8%). Of GPs practising therapies themselves, 58% began in or after 1990. Seventeen separate therapies were offered, most commonly acupuncture, osteopathy, chiropractic, hypnotherapy and homoeopathy. Practices significantly more likely to offer access to CT were of larger list size and training or teaching practices. They were equally likely to be fundholders or non-fundholders. Practices offering an in-house service tended to be fundholding, training and of larger list size. Finance was perceived as the major barrier. In the area studied, many patients now have some access to CT within primary care, often within their own practice. In the main, therapies offered are the 'medically acceptable face' of complementary medicine.  相似文献   

Different catabolic conditions have their special characteristics of intracellular biochemical changes. The objective of the presented work is to assess the concentration of free amino acids in muscles of patients with colorectal carcinoma. In a group of 17 patients the free amino acid level was assessed in tissues and plasma. Material was collected on operation by biopsy of the rectus abdominis muscle, the concentration of different amino acids was assessed by the HPLCV method with fluorescent detection. For statistical evaluation the T-test was used. From the results ensues that in patients with colorectal cancer in plasma statistically significantly lower taurine, glutamine, valine, tyrosine levels were found, intracellularly significantly reduced levels of taurine, glutamic acid, methionine and ornithine were recorded. Significantly elevated intracellular levels of valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine were found. Assessment of the tissue aminoacidogram is the first step when attempting to influence the intracellular amino acid concentration by defined dietetic preparations.  相似文献   

We report a case of a depressed patient who received a full course of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 2 weeks post four-vessel coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). ECT was well tolerated, and a full remission was induced. In spite of the lack of information in the literature concerning guidelines for administering ECT to a patient with recent postoperative status, we were encouraged by this patient's response. This case suggests that ECT may be considered a viable treatment option for refractory depression associated with severe medical comorbidity and recent post-operative status such as in CABG.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: So far no study has shown that patients with a chronic illness benefit from seeing the same doctor in general practice although many believe this to be so. AIM: Epilepsy was chosen as an example to test the hypothesis that if patients see the same doctor more often in general practice they are more likely to discuss personally important aspects of their illness. METHODS: In this cross-sectional survey 99 patients aged 15-84 years with active epilepsy were interviewed at home and then their records were reviewed. The patients came from four large Southampton group practices, one with a strict personal list system and three with combined lists. Outcome measures included reported discussion of feelings about stopping medication, stigma and concealment and the patient's relationship with practice doctors. Continuity was assessed from the records. RESULTS: Discussion of epilepsy was not significantly associated with continuity of doctor but was significantly associated with ease of talking to one or more doctors. CONCLUSION: Encouraging patients with epilepsy to see the same doctor may be less important than improving doctors' communication skills and paying specific attention to the psychosocial aspects of epilepsy as well as to seizure control. It is recommended that a simple checklist including these items is used when a patient's care is reviewed.  相似文献   

Preparation of advanced practice nurses (APNs) with acute care skills relevant to today's health care environment is a challenge faced by nurse educators, care providers, professional organizations, and regulatory agencies. The acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) is prepared to provide multidimensional, risk-appropriate management of medically vulnerable patients with serious illness in a variety of settings. ACNPs conduct comprehensive health assessments, order and interpret diagnostic tests, diagnose and manage health problems and disease-related symptoms, prescribe and evaluate drugs and treatments, and coordinate care during setting transitions. Working independently and collaboratively the ACNP enhances access to care and quality of care for patients and families through cost-effective, outcome-oriented practice. This article describes health care market factors fostering ACNP practice, ACNP practice domain, the University of Washington ACNP program, and collaborative contributions from educators, care providers, professional organizations, and regulatory groups needed to implement the role.  相似文献   

The majority of residents responding to a 1995 survey of program directors and chief residents at 244 family medicine residency programs in the United States reported they had no clinical experience in cervical cap fitting, diaphragm fitting or IUD insertion and removal. For all family planning methods except oral contraceptives, no more than 24% of residents had experience with 10 or more patients. Although 29% of programs included first-trimester abortion training as either optional or routine, only 15% of chief residents had clinical experience providing first-trimester abortions. Five percent of residents stated they certainly or probably would provide abortions, while 65% of residents stated they certainly would not provide abortions. A majority (65%) of residents agreed that first-trimester abortion training should be optional within family practice residency programs. Residents were more likely to agree with inclusion of optional abortion training and with the appropriateness of providing abortions in family practice if their program offered the training.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) readily makes corresponding complexes not only with ferrous iron but also with ferric iron. However, NO-ferric complexes of many heme proteins were unstable, while horseradish peroxidase formed the very stable NO-ferric porphyrin complex with a shift of the Soret band of the absorption wavelength from 396.5 nm to 420.0 nm. The concentration of NO in aqueous media could be monitored by measuring the absorption changes, and the detection limit was 10 nM. The simple procedure is convenient for concentration determination of NO solution.  相似文献   

Psychology has been recognized as a health care science and profession, and psychologists have been working clinically with medically ill patients and within organized health care settings and hospitals for decades. The potentially daunting environment of organized health care should be seen by psychology as an opportunity to further develop and expand its scope of practice. With knowledge of that environment's rules, regulations, ethics, bylaws, and traditions, the clinically competent psychologist who is first seeking to practice in hospitals should succeed alongside psychologists with busy practices who are already exclusively or occasionally within an organized health care setting or medical facility. This article reviews issues of competency, credentialing, privileges, bylaws, and practice expansion to guide psychologists toward a successful hospital practice with medically ill patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drug metabolism influences the pharmacotoxicological properties of a vast array of compounds and is controlled by a complex system of drug-metabolizing enzymes. A thorough understanding of this system allows the more effective development of therapeutic drugs as well as a significant improvement of risk assessment. The early identification of optimal therapeutic problems relating to drug metabolism could reduce the development costs for pharmaceuticals. Recently, techniques using transgenes have become available for this purpose. In these approaches the genetic information for the enzyme under investigation is expressed in vitro or in vivo, following gene transfer. This approach is called 'heterologous expression'. This article illustrates some examples in which molecular biological methods have been used to analyze those enzymes which control the pharmacotoxicological properties of drugs. Particular emphasis has been placed on the use of these methods to characterize extrahepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes such as those in the skin.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the attitudes and reported behaviours of New Zealand general practitioners concerning colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis with special consideration of the use of faecal occult blood tests. METHOD: A postal survey of a random sample of 400 New Zealand general practitioners. RESULTS: The response rate to the survey was 63%. Most of the respondents did not support a screening programme for average risk patients but did support screening in high risk groups. General practitioners favoured a screening programme offered by themselves rather than a centrally organised screening programme. A majority of respondents agreed that there was a lack of clear guidelines and a need for education regarding screening for bowel cancer. CONCLUSION: Guidelines for colorectal cancer screening are required for New Zealand general practitioners. There appears to be a need for medical education concerning screening for colorectal cancer in particular and screening and prevention in general.  相似文献   

Managed care significantly affects the service delivery patterns, business structures, ethics, and professional concerns of independent practitioners. This survey assessed psychologists' perceptions of the effects of managed care on practice and ethics. Most respondents reported significant increases in dependence on managed care services for income. Negative effects included loss of control over ethical decisions and potential harm to patients from erosion of confidentiality. A majority of respondents reported encountering ethical concerns not addressed by the American Psychological Association ethics code. Findings suggest directions for practice development, for public policy addressing confidentiality, and for clarification of ethical responsibilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social work practice in health care must change to better meet the needs of individuals and their families as the system of care changes from an acute care focus to a community based focus and as individuals seek more active participation in their own care decisions. Practitioners and educators must renew their partnership to create a practice based on the needs of individuals to move most effectively through a more complex system of care and back home again. A paradigmatic shift can redefine social work in health care for the future. Renewed leadership with vision is required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General practitioners (GPs) have a central role in palliative care, yet research continues to reveal room for improvement in symptom control at home. There is a need to evaluate how well-prepared GPs are for this task of caring for the dying at home. AIM: To evaluate the training in palliative care GPs have received throughout their careers. METHOD: Postal survey of 450 randomly selected East Anglian GP principals, investigating training in five areas of palliative care (pain control, control of other symptoms, communication skills, bereavement care, use of syringe driver), as clinical students, junior hospital doctors, GP trainees (registrars), and GP principals. RESULTS: A response rate of 86.7% was obtained. While GPs were clinical students, training was uncommon, (32% reported no training in pain control, and 58% no training in bereavement care), although there has been a significant increase in more recent years. Training as junior doctors was particularly uncommon (over 70% report no training in communication skills or bereavement care); there was some evidence of an increase in more recent years. During the GP trainee year, training was much more common. For GP principals, most areas had been covered, although over 20% reported no training in communication skills and bereavement care. During the community-based years as trainee and principal, training was significantly more common than during the hospital-based years of training as clinical student and junior doctor. CONCLUSIONS: There is a continuing need for medical education in palliative care. Particular attention should be paid to the basic medical education of clinical students and the training of junior doctors, especially regarding communication skills and bereavement care.  相似文献   

A survey of the attitudes and practices of general practitioners in Northern Ireland regarding contraception and abortion was carried out in 1994 and 1995 with a randomized sample of 154 physicians. The vast majority of doctors who received requests for contraceptives from their patients fulfilled those request (94%). Overall, 13% of the doctors said a married patient had requested an abortion in the past three months, and 34% had had a similar request from an unmarried patient. Two-thirds thought that a woman together with her physician should decide whether to terminate a pregnancy, 19% did not think the choice should be left with the woman and her physician and 13% were undecided. Sixty-six percent believed that a joint strategy of improving contraceptive use and reducing premarital intercourse is the best approach for preventing unwanted pregnancy among teenagers, 21% specified only improving contraceptive use and 13% indicated only reducing premarital intercourse.  相似文献   

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