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Our objective was to determine the relative rates ofin vivo triglyceride (TG) secretion and the composition of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) in rats fed different dietary saturated fats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (150–200 g) were fed diets containing 16% corn oil, or 14% butterfat, 14% beef tallow, 14% olive oil, or 14% coconut oil plus 2% corn oil for 5 wk. Changes in plasma TG specific radioactivity were determined in individual, unanesthetized fasted rats after injection of 100 μCi [2-3H]glycerol. Nonlinear regression analysis using a 2-compartment model was used to determine the fractional rate constant for TG turnover in plasma. The plasma TG pool was 33–40% larger with beef tallow than with corn, olive or coconut oil feeding (p<0.05), and 20% larger with beef tallow than with butterfat feeding. The rate of TG secretion into plasma (mg/min/100 g body weight) was 60% higher in animals fed beef tallow than corn or coconut oil (p<0.05) and 26–33% higher in animals fed beef tallow than olive oil or butterfat. Differences in VLDL composition (% wt) were also noted. Our data suggest that greater TG secretion is the primary factor contributing to the larger TG pool with ingestion of beef tallow relative to butterfat, corn or coconut oil. These results suggest that different dietary saturated fats have unique effects on TG metabolism in rats. Presented in part at the 1990 meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in Washington, D.C. (see ref. 1).  相似文献   

Growth of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma induces hyperlipemia in mice. In the present study using male Swiss-Webster mice, we examined whether the usual elevations of plasma triglyceride levels in cancerous mice would occur in the absence of dietary fat. Hypertriglyceridemia developed at a similar rate and to a comparable degree in tumorous mice eating a fat-free (58% glucose) diet and in those fed Purina chow. Maximal hyperlipidemia was observed on day 6 or day 8 in tumorous mice fed either diet. To determine whether the endogenous cancer-induced hyperlipidemia was due to hypersecretion of triglycerides by the liver, triglyceride secretion rates were studied 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 days after tumor inoculation using Trition WR-1339. The secretory rates did not increase prior to or during the development of hypertriglyceridemia in tumorous mice and were not significantly different from those of control mice. On days 10 and 12, triglyceride secretion actually decreased in tumorous mice. Other possible causes for hypertriglyceridemia are discussed in light of the present findings of undetectable differences in triglyceride secretion rates accompanying growth of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice. A preliminary report of some of the present data was presented at the 1976 meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists. Supported in part by VA Medical Research and NIH, USPHS Grant No. CA 15813.  相似文献   

Male Vervet monkeys (7/treatment) were fed a “Western” diet containing 46.2% calories as fat, 39.8% as carbohydrate and 14.0% as protein. The diet was augmented with 10% cellulose or 10% pectin. A third (control) group of seven monkeys was fed a commercial ration augmented with fruit and bread. After 34 weeks, serum cholesterol levels were elevated significantly in the two test groups compared with the controls but there was no difference between the two fiber-fed groups. Serum triglycerides were unaffected. Liver cholesterol levels were the same in all three groups but liver triglyceride levels were lower in the monkeys fed cellulose. Biliary lipids were similar in all three groups as were the calculated lithogenic indices. The average aortic sudanophilia (percent of total area) in the three groups was cellulose, 10.6±2.5; pectin, 8.1±2.5; and control, 1.1±0.4. One animal in each of the groups fed “Western” diet exhibited an atherosclerotic plaque. The results indicate that there is no difference between pectin and cellulose with regard to their effects on either lipidemia or aortic sudanophilia in Vervet monkeys fed a Western-type diet.  相似文献   

Metabolic responses to essential fatty acid-deficiency in rats include an increased rate of triglyceride secretion into the plasma, a large reduction in the HDL1 plasma lipoprotein concentration, and increased concentrations of liver triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters. Because of differences in the types of EFA-deficient diets used, it is not clear whether these responses were solely due to the absence of EFA from the diet or whether saturated fat, or differences in acyl group chain length in this fat, might be responsible. Therefore, we fed rats diets differing only in amounts and kinds of fat, and measured triacylglycerol secretion rates and liver concentrations of triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters, for comparison with our earlier measurements of plasma high density lipoprotein subpopulations in rats fed exactly the same diets. The purified diets contained either no fat, 5% by weight hydrogenated coconut oil, 5% hydrogenated cottonseed oil, or each of these three diets supplemented with 1% safflower oil, or 5% corn oil. We also fed some rats a nonpurified stock diet for comparison with literature reports. The present results indicate that the metabolic responses to essential fatty acid deficiency described above are definitely due to essential fatty acid-deficiency and not to the presence or chain length of acyl groups in saturated fat in the diet. Presented in part at the May 1984 meeting of the American Oil Chemists' Society in Dallas, Texas.  相似文献   

Human hearts from medico-legal autopsies were obtained from 3 regions of India where the edible oils used are different. These 3 population groups consumed either mustard oil (Calcutta), coconut oil (Trivandrum) or peanut oil (Madras). Among the saturated fatty acids, lauric acid was found only in the myocardium of subjects from Trivandrum (3.5% of the total fatty acids [TFA]), heptadecanoic acid only in the samples from Madras (1.4% TFA) and arachidic acid only in those of Calcutta (1.9% TFA). Erucic acid was present only in the samples received from Calcutta and acted as a marker of mustard oil consumption. It had a mean concentration of 5.6% TFA. From the level of erucic acid present in the myocardial lipid, it is apparent that, at the level of intake of mustard oil prevalent in India, the risk of developing myocardial fibrosis is slight.  相似文献   

Female (Exp. I) or male (Exp. II) weanling rats were fed diets containing either 2% Solka-Floc or 2% agar for 28-day periods. Some groups received 1% cholesterol, either added in crystalline form or first dispersed in the oil portion of the diet, and some agar groups received their diet in a gelled form. Feces were collected for a 3-day period after 2 weeks (Exp. II) or during the fourth week (Exp. I) of experimentation. Serum and liver cholesterol, total liver lipids, fecal lipids, and fecal sterols were determined. The results indicated that cholesterol feeding increased serum cholesterol, total liver, and fecal lipids, liver cholesterol, and fecal sterols. Substitution of agar for Solka-Floc in dry (nongelled) diets further increased total liver lipids (Exp. I), but had no significant effect upon any other measured parameter. Gelling of 1% cholesterol agar diets, in contrast to the 1% cholesterol dry agar diet, resulted in reduced liver cholesterol in both experiments. Gelling significantly increased fecal sterols after 2 weeks feeding (Exp. II), but no significant differences were observed after 4 weeks feeding (Exp. I) when compared to 1% cholesterol-fed groups. Small, nonsignificant increases of liver cholesterol and total liver lipids with similar reduction of fecal sterols resulted from dispersing the cholesterol in the oil portion of the diet prior to mixing. The results indicate that (a) inclusion of 2% agar in rat diets and (b) dispersing cholesterol in oil had little effect upon serum, liver, or fecal lipids in cholesterol-fed rats. However, gelling the agar diets reduced liver cholesterol, possibly by initial reduction of dietary cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   

Because lipoproteins and platelet aggregation have been implicated in atherogenesis, relative differences in the response of these variables to dietary fat saturation were compared in three species of monkeys differing in their susceptibility to atherosclerosis (cebus, rhesus, and squirrel monkeys). Both long-term (8–12 years) and short-term (8 weeks) responses to diets containing 31% fat calories were examined in the same monkeys. As expected, long-term feeding of coconut oil by comparison to corn oil produced significantly higher plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apoB, and triglycerides, as well as higher ratios of LDL/HDL cholesterol and apo B/apo A-I. These responses were characteristic of all species with cebus being most responsive and rhesus the least. The shortterm plasma cholesterol response to animal fats (butter, lard, beef tallow) was significantly less than that to coconut oil. When fish oil was substituted for two-thirds of either corn oil or coconut oil, exceptional decreases occurred in plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as in HDL cholesterol and apo A-I concentrations despite the fact that the fish oil diets contained more saturated fat and less polyenes than the corn oil diet. Platelet aggregation tended to increase with saturated fat consumption and greatly decreased with fish oil intake in all monkeys, although cebus monkeys were ten-fold more resistant to platelet aggregation than the other two species. The molecular species of platelet phosphatidylcholine (PC) varied with both the dietary fat fed and species of monkey. An inverse correlation (r=−0.60; p<0.001) was found between changes in one such PC molecular species (18∶0−20∶4) induced by diet and the platelet aggregation threshold. These results demonstrate that the lipemic and platelet responses to dietary saturated fat depend upon both the type of fat (i.e., the specific combination of dietary fatty acids, including the chain length of saturated fatty acids and the degree of polyunsaturation) and the species of monkey (genetic component) in which the response is elicited.  相似文献   

Simultaneous administration of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG) for 4 weeks to rats fed 20% saturated fats prevented rise of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids. Except phospholipids, other liver lipids were significantly decreased. HMG administration for 4 weeks along with atherogenic diet significantly decreased cholesterol and phospholipids of serum, liver, aorta, and heart. The phospholipids of epididymal fat and brain were also significantly lowered. The triglyceride levels in serum, liver, and epididymal fat were significantly decreased. The maximal hypolipidemic effect of HMG was observed in serum. U.S. Patent No. 3629449, dated December 21, 1971, on “Process of combatting hypercholesterolemia.” A part of the work submitted to Aligarh Muslim University for Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

Samples of table margarines, so-called polyunsaturated table margarines, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and so-called polyunsaturated hydrogenated vegetable oils were shown by infrared spectroscopy to contain hydrogenated components. Examination of the sterols from these oils by argentation thin layer chromatography and gas liquid chromatography did not reveal campestanol, stigmastanol, or Δ22-stigmastenol, the expected hydrogenation products of the natural sterols. The sterol compositions of the above samples, animal fats, and blends of hydrogenated vegetable oils and animal fats were determined. The compound 24-methyl cholest-7-en-3β-ol was identified tentatively in sunflower and safflower oils.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition and glyceride distribution of fatty acids in pork, beef and lamb depot fats from different localities within the same animal were determined by a combination of gas liquid chromatography and lipase hydrolysis techniques. The glyceride distribution was calculated according to the method of Vander Wal, based on the 1, 3-random and 2-random distribution pattern. Both fatty acid composition and glyceride structure were found to vary depending on the position within the animal from which the depot fat was obtained. Presented at the AOCS meeting in Chicago, October, 1964.  相似文献   

Male rats were administered 1.5 ml safflower oil by gastric intubation 0, 4, and 8 hr after a 16 hr fast. Plasma, liver, and adipose tissue were collected 16 hr after the last fatty meal. Rats fasted for 16 hr served as controls. Following fat feeding, the fatty acid composition of the very low density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and hepatic triglyceride were similar, as were the percentages of 18:2 in the very low density lipoprotein and hepatic cholesteryl esters. The phospholipids of liver and plasma lipoproteins were similar in the control groups, except that more 16:0 was present in the plasma lipoproteins. After fat feeding, the plasma lipoproein phospholipids were enriched with 18:2 more than were the hepatic phospholipids. Furthermore, the percentage of 18:2 in phospholipid was much less than in triglyceride or cholesteryl esters. Clearly, esterified lipids of liver and plasma lipoproteins (very low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, and high density lipoprotein), and to a lesser extent, adipose tissue, were enriched with 18:2 derived from dietary triglyceride fatty acid even 16 hr after the terminal meal. A major proportion of the very low density lipoprotein isolated by ultracentrifugation in zonal rotors from plasma of fat fed animals had a faster rate-zonal mobility than did the very low density lipoprotein isolated from plasma of control animals. The very low density lipoprotein isolated from plasma of fat fed rats contained fewer moles of phospholipids, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters, relative to triglyceride than did the very low density lipoprotein from plasma of animals not receiving safflower oil. The molar ratio triglyceride:phospholipid:cholesterol:cholesterol esters in the very low denity lipoprotein was 100:42.0:22.1:44.5 in the control group and 100:35.4:17.8:19.5 in the fat fed animals. It is postulated that an important biochemical mechanism by which dietary triglyceride fatty acids consumed by the animal over a long period of time alter plasma concentrations of triglyceride, phospholipids, and cholesterol esters is the directive influence of plasma free fatty acid, derived from dietary triglyceride, on the secretion of very low density lipoprotein lipids by the liver.  相似文献   

The dietary and nutritional role of fats and oils is quite complex, as evident in the new biological findings about some of their components that are essential to man. Fats and oils must be considered for both their quantitative and qualitative aspects, their fatty acid compositions and relationships with average diets in different countries should be emphasized. Because of some adverse physiological effects ascribed to saturated fatty acids, a tendency to increase the intake of polyunsaturated vegetable oils has occurred to provide a good source of essential fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid. However, saturated fats still are an important part of the diet in developed countries, especially “invisible” fats. Research must continue that is related to modifications fats and oils undergo during industrial processes which affect their nutritional value. Compositions of many fats and oils are provided.  相似文献   

Owe Johnson 《Lipids》1974,9(1):57-60
The effect of ethanol, given by gastric tube or by intraperitoneal injection, on the liver triglyceride concentration in fasted and ad libitum fed rats was investigated. Ethanol, independent of the route of administration, increased the liver triglyceride concentration in fasted rats during an 8 hr period but caused a much smaller increase in the ad libitum fed rats. The incorporation of intravenous injected3H-oleic acid into the liver triglycerides increased significantly after ethanol feeding in fasted but not in fed rats. Based upon this and the plasma free fatty acid concentrations, it is concluded that ethanol causes a marked increase in the utilization of plasma free fatty acids for synthesis of liver triglycerides in fasted but not in fed rats. It is suggested that this is part of the explanation for the different responses to ethanol of the liver triglyceride concentrations in fasted and fed rats.  相似文献   

A method for calculating all of the individual structures of triglyceride molecules (ISTM) of fats and oils based on a digital computer program using operational language FORTRAN is presented. Qualitative and quantitative results of gas liquid chromatographic analysis of fatty acids after their stereospecific pancreatic lipolysis from C-1,3 positions of triglyceride molecules were used as main input data. The individual structures are determined with respect to the possible mono-, di-, and tricomponent combinational types of triglyceride molecules. The resulting individual structures of triglyceride molecules are presented in concentrational expressions: weight percentages, molar values, molar percentages, and molar fractions. Moreover, some other information (graphical interpretations included) concerning triglyceride molecule structures are also obtained. Two applications of this method for triglyceride molecule individual structure determinations of maize and rapeseed oils are presented.  相似文献   

The matrix concept was used to characterize the chromatographic rules in the elution of molecular species of triglyceride. To prove the hypothesis experimentally, cacao butter, palm oil, linseed oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil and triglyceride of “Ogonori” (Gracilaria verrucosa) were examined. A matrix model was suggested to help determine the individual molecular species of naturally occurring triglycerides.  相似文献   

Kalra S  Mahmood S  Nagpaul JP  Mahmood A 《Lipids》2002,37(5):463-468
Consumption of dietary oil, viz., corn, fish, coconut, or olive, induced the secretion of surfactant-like particles (SLP) in rat intestine. These lipoprotein particles differ in (i) levels of alkaline phosphatase activity, (ii) lipid composition, and (iii) FA composition in response to feeding of different oils. The secreted particles had similar buoyancy (1.07–1.08 g/mL) and cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratios (0.61–0.72) except that feeding coconut oil to rats produced SLP with a low (0.18) cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio compared to control animals. It is concluded from these observations that feeding different oils induces the secretion of lipoprotein particles in rat intestine with different chemical compositions.  相似文献   

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