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《Journal of Nuclear Energy》1973,27(10):741-745
The energy dependent cross-section for the 115In(n, n′)115mIn reaction was measured in the neutron energy region from 3·37 to 4·89 MeV with a 2 MeV van de Graaff accelerator. A pair of semiconductor proton recoil counters composed of a polyethylene radiator and a silicon detector was used for the absolute measurement of the neutron flux at the indium sample.A comparison of the average cross section, 175 ± 6 mb, which was measured with a fission plate, with the average cross-section calculated with the energy dependent cross-section and the Maxwellian fission neutron spectrum is presented and discussed. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》1986,16(1):56-60
The use of the 9Be(p,α)6Li (Ep = 330 keV) reaction as a tool for the profiling of implanted Be is described.Pile-up problems, caused by elastically scattered particles, requires a mylar foil to be introduced in front of the particle detector. This causes severe straggling and thus loss of depth resolution. A deconvolution technique, which is based on an iterative procedure, is described. With it, profiles are reconstructed with a depth resolution of 300 Å.The present technique was used to assess the diffusion of Be implanted into InSb and GaAs during annealing. Pronounced diffusion accompanied by Be loss was found for GaAs (Tann = 1113 K, Tmelt = 1511 K), while hardly any changes in Be profiles for InSb (Tann = 670 K, Tmelt = 798 K) could be detected. 相似文献
Akira Ichihara 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2016,53(12):2049-2055
Toward the revision of 93Nb data in the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JENDL-4.0, we calculated cross sections for metastable state production (MSP) in the (n, γ), (n, n′), (n, 2n) and (n, 3n) reactions in the incident energy (En) range from 7 keV to 20 MeV. The cross sections were evaluated using nuclear reaction models such as the spherical optical model, the multi-step statistical model, preequilibrium models, and the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA). By adjusting parameters of nuclear level densities, we could obtain the MSP cross sections which are almost consistent with the experimental data. 相似文献
《Annals of Nuclear Energy》1986,13(5):233-235
The activation method is used to measure integral cross-section ratios for 7Li(n,n′t)4He and 60Ni(n,p)60Co relative to 27Al(n,p)27Mg and 27Al(n,α)24Na in the neutron spectrum produced by bombarding a thick Be metal target with 7-MeV deuterons. The results of these measurements are found to support the evaluated differential cross-section values from ENDF/B-V (1979, 1981). 相似文献
《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(17):2019-2027
Cross sections were measured at neutron energies from 13.6 to 14.9 MeV for the reactions 23Na(n,p)23Ne and 23Na(n,α)20F, and 26Mg(n,p)26Na leading to short-lived products. The production of short-lived nuclei and the spectra accumulation have been carried out by cyclic activation method. Corrections were made for the effects of gamma ray attenuation, coincidence summing, pulse pile-up, dead time, neutron flux fluctuations and scattered low energy neutrons. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》1988,30(3):486-490
In order to investigate the corrosive behaviour of lithium in stainless steel, an analysis method is required, which gives concentrations of lithium as well as the heavier constituents of the attacked steel with a positional resolution in the micrometer range. In the Karlsruhe ion microprobe the combination of the 7Li(p, α) reaction with PIXE (for heavier elements) and with RBS (for carbon and oxygen) covers all interesting elements. With 3 MeV proton impact energy, which is just above the broad reaction cross-section maximum, the alpha particle count rate is optimized. The horizontal and vertical sweeping of the proton microbeam ( ⋍ 2.5 μm diameter) across the specimen together with the energy loss of the alpha particles on their way through the specimen to the detector reveals a three-dimensional lithium concentration distribution in the micrometer range. In the investigated samples of stainless steel the positional correlation of lithium with oxygen and chromium indicates the formation of lithium chromate complexes at the expense of the chromium content in the neighbouring zone. 相似文献
The 8B(p, γ)9C reaction plays a key role in the 7Be(p, γ)8B(p, γ)9C(α, p)12N chain which is believed to be a breakout path into the hot CNO cycles. 8B(p, γ)9C might be of importance for the evolution of massive stars with very low metallicities where 相似文献
The cross section of 9Be(p,α)6Li at low energies is important for nuclear astrophysics. But it is difficult for direct measurement because of the Coulomb barrier and electron screening effect. In order to measure the 9Be(p,α)6Li bare nucleus cross secti… 相似文献
The absolute reaction rates in Be,Pb and Fe have been measured by using the activation foil technique with different reaction energy thresholds.Thicknesses of Be,Pb and Fe spheres were 5.3,19.1 and 31.9cm.respectively,Eight kinds of activation folis were used for Fe,and four kinds each for Be and Pb,The total experimental er5ror was about 5-7%.The measured results were compared to the values calculated with the 1-D ANISN code and the ENDF/B-VI library data.The average ratio of the experimental to the calculational is less than 7% for Be and Pb,about 5-30% for Fe. 相似文献
Fumito Kitatani Hideo Harada Shinji Goko Nobuyuki Iwamoto Hiroaki Utsunomiya Hidetoshi Akimune 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2016,53(4):475-485
The 77Se (γ, n) cross section was measured for the energy range from 7.6 to 13.8 MeV by using quasi-monochromatic laser-Compton scattering γ-rays. The advanced method to deduce γ-ray strength functions from (γ, n) cross section was developed. By utilizing the method, the γ-ray strength functions of 77, 78, 80Se were deduced so as to reproduce the 77, 78, 80Se (γ, n) cross sections measured in this work and previous systematic measurements. The inverse (n, γ) cross sections for 76, 77, 79Se isotopes were calculated using the statistical model calculation code CCONE with the deduced γ-ray strength functions. The uncertainty of the calculated 79Se(n, γ)80Se cross section was evaluated by comparing the calculations and the experimental data on 76, 77Se (n, γ) cross sections. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》1988,34(4):465-469
The nuclear reaction 7Li(p, α)4He induced by a primary beam of 1.5 MeV protons was used for measuring depth profiles of Li in Al. From the experiments with a detection angle of 90° a detection sensitivity of about 400 ppm was obtainable for a proton incidence at 30° from the surface. The best depth resolution was about 0.1 μm at 85° incidence. The sampling depth was over 17 μm at 50° incidence. These results are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. After the measurement of the reaction cross section, the applicability of the method to analyzing Li behaviour in solids was experimentally demonstrated on an AlLi (3.53 at.%) alloy. 相似文献
Hani Negm Hideaki Ohgaki Izuru Daito Takehito Hayakawa Heishun Zen Toshiteru Kii 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(6):811-820
The dependence of the nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) yield on the target thickness was studied. To this end, an NRF experiment was performed on 238U using a laser Compton back-scattering (LCS) γ-ray beam at the High Intensity γ-ray Source facility at Duke University. Various thicknesses of depleted uranium targets were irradiated by an LCS γ-ray beam with an incident beam energy of ~2.475 MeV. The scattering NRF γ-rays were measured using an High-purity Germanium (HPGe) detector array positioned at scattering angles of 90° relative to the incident γ-beam. An analytical model for the NRF reaction yield (NRF RY model) is introduced to interpret the experimental data. Additionally, a Monte Carlo simulation using GEANT4 was performed to simulate the NRF interaction for a wide range of target thicknesses of the 238U. The measured NRF yield shows the saturation behavior. The results of both of the simulation and the analytical model can reproduce the saturation curve of the scattering NRF yield of 238U against the target thickness. In addition, we propose a method to deduce the precise integral cross section of the NRF reaction by fitting the NRF yield dependency on the target thickness without any absolute measurements. 相似文献
Mustafa Karadag Haluk Yücel 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2008,266(11):2549-2555
The thermal-neutron cross-section and the resonance integral for the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction were measured by the activation method using a 55Mn monitor as single comparator. Analytical grade MnO2 and Yb2O3 powder samples with and without a cylindrical 1 mm Cd shield box were irradiated in an isotropic neutron field obtained from three 241Am-Be neutron sources. The gamma-ray spectra from the activated samples were measured with a calibrated n-type high-purity Ge detector. The experimental results were corrected for the correction factors calculated for thermal and epithermal neutron self-shielding effects, epithermal neutron spectrum shape and gamma-ray self attenuation. Thus, the thermal neutron cross-section for the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction is found to be 126.5 ± 6.6 b, relative to that of the 55Mn monitor. The resonance integral value for the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction is found to be 59.6 ± 8.5 b, at cadmium cut-off energy of a 0.55 eV. Using the measured cadmium ratios of 55Mn and 174Yb, the result for resonance integral of the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction has also been obtained relative to the reference value of the 55Mn monitor. The present results for the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction agree well only with the recent experimental ones obtained by Kafala et al. [1] and De Corte and Simonits [2] within uncertainty limits. However, the previously reported experimental data for the thermal neutron cross-section for this reaction are distributed between 24 and 141 b, and similarly the experimental values for the resonance integral value also show a large scatter in the range of 30-69 b. 相似文献
1.Measurements The experiments were performed on 400 kV Cockcroft-Walton acceleratorof Nanjing University,using the T(d,n)~4He reaction to produce 14.6MeVneutrons.The energy of the incident deuterons was 200keV,the deuteroncurrent was 40μA,and the neutron yield was about 2×10~8 n/s.The ZnS neu-tron detector was used as flux monitor.Each sample to be measured was packedtogether in two standard sample foils of the same dimensions(2×1cm~2 rectang-lar foils and purities better than 99.5%)to form a sandwich so that they areirradiated in the same geometry.The γ-ray activities of the irradiated samplesand monitor foils were measured with a GEM-25210 type HPGe γ-spectrometer.The efficiency of this detector was determined with a ~(152)Eu standard γ source. 相似文献
The beryllium abundance acts as a key role for understanding the inhomogeneous Big Bang nucleosynthesis. In order to measure the 9Be(p, α)6Li bare nucleus cross section and S(E) factor at astrophysical energies, the Trojan Horse Method (THM) can be appli… 相似文献