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发展与生态是当前北京城市建设的两大突出主题.温榆河生态走廊(朝阳段)将会成为东部发展带上的一块生态绿洲,兼具发展与生态的双重功能.温榆河生态走廊(朝阳段)位于北京东北部,距首都机场1.5km,范围介于温榆河河道中心及温榆河大道之间,总用地面积45.18km2.它是北京城市规划确定的重点绿色生态功能区之一,成为新北京建设的时代地标.  相似文献   

发展与生态是当前北京城市建设的两大突出主题。温榆河生态走廊(朝阳段)将会成为东部发展带上的一块生态绿洲,兼具发展与生态的双重功能。温榆河生态走廊(朝阳段)位于北京东北部,距首都机场1.5km,范围介于温榆河河道中心及温榆河大道之间,总用地面积45.18km2。它是北京城市规划确定的重点绿色生态功能区之一,成为新北京建设的时代地标。  相似文献   

我国在发展过程中面临着严重的生态危机,但由于缺乏现实的实施手段和管理体制,生态理念还很难真正落实.基于此,本文引入了生态设计的理念,以"温榆河绿色生态走廊规划(朝阳段)"为案例,来探讨生态设计理念如何在规划设计中进行本土化表达,以期探索一种能结合本土实际的生态化发展模式.  相似文献   

温榆河生态走廊的建设,为北京城市近郊区域的可持续发展注入了新的活力。 发展与生态是当前北京城市建设的两大突出主题,东部是未来北京城市空间与产业发展的主要方向,而温榆河生态走廊将会成为东部发展带上的一块生态绿洲,兼具发展与生态的双重功能。EDSA认为:作为未来的世界城市,生态与全球环境的概念应当在北京的区域规划中加以强调,此项目也是主规划师陈跃中大景观理念的一个实践,旨在规划未来新城的发展,达成河域的自然环境与城市发展之间的平衡。[编者按]  相似文献   

李颖 《华中建筑》2006,24(12):169-174
襄樊鱼梁洲经济开发区总体规划为鱼梁洲的未来发展提供了一个清晰的策略性框架.并为整个洲岛提供了概念性景观生态规划。通过科学分析为基础的旅游策略与生态环境策略以及关于生态保育的原则,提供了一个真正的城下绿心设计。  相似文献   

付飞  董靓 《中国园林》2012,28(9):57-61
当今城市河流面临生态环境恶化、干扰影响加剧、河流景观匀质化等情况,呈不可持续发展的态势.国内外众多学者对城市河流景观的生态廊道功能和结构的研究已取得一定进展,而对于廊道的三维空间特征综合性研究还未涉及.笔者尝试运用景观生态学理论对河岸景观廊道二维断面空间表征进行模式化归纳,并提出不同模式下的河岸线状绿地匀质空间的优化设计策略,策略考虑了模式的空间、时间特征以及实践指导性;同时,在廊道纵深方向,利用廊道网络特征指数,进行河岸线状绿地匀质空间的网络空间结构定量分析;实现了城市河流景观的生态廊道三维特征辨识与优化,也为多尺度综合研究城市河流景观生态功能提供新视角、新途径.  相似文献   

罗荣祥 《市政技术》2007,25(6):464-466,478
将流域生态学理论和内容与大溪河流域的河岸生态整治联系起来,在分析整个流域自然环境特点基础上,将大溪河河岸生态整治设计分为场镇河岸防护堤绿化景观设计和防护林生态工程设计两种,并按不同的设计、场地、位置,确定了树种以及植物的配置和布局;并对河岸整治后将会产生的生态、社会和经济效益做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

城镇生态环境保护,对城市持续发展,加速开发与建设具有重要战略意义.城镇位于自然环境之中,保护城镇生态环境,首先要保护城镇的区域生态环境.合理开发与利用生物资源,保持自然生态维持在一个良性循环中,建立生态经济协调发展战略,使从单纯的经济发展转向经济社会发展和生态环境建设结合的同步发展,开发应用生态技术保持区域生态环境.然后加强城镇的生态环境保护.科学规划、合理布局工业、发展生态工艺,保护环境;加强全城镇绿化系统规划与建设等措施保护城镇生态环境.只有把保护城镇区域生态环境同保护城镇生态环境结合起来,统一规划,才能达到城镇生态环境保护的目的.  相似文献   

巴蜀民居的生态特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对设计与生态环境的基本概念、理论、原理和方法的论述,建构了一个关于建筑设计与生态环境的基本理论框架。从理论与实际的结合上,阐明了生态建筑设计的思想及我国传统文化中的可持续发展思想。针对巴蜀民居的生态特性加以分析,思考并回答了可持续发展在我国建筑设计中的重要意义。  相似文献   

对生态透水性混凝土与传统混凝土的性能进行了对比,对生态透水性混凝土的研究现状、制备工艺、性能试验方法和应用情况进行了简述,并分析了目前生态透水性混凝土存在的问题。生态透水性混凝土在道路路面雨水管理以及河岸护坡等方面发挥了一定的作用,可较好地改善生态环境,其发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

褚晓伟 《山西建筑》2012,38(28):237-238
根据文峪河综合整治工程的基本概况,就文峪河橡胶坝蓄水工程设计标准及工程等级作了简要介绍,并从总平面布置、河道治理横断面设计、蓄水工程水源方案、建筑物设计方案等方面具体阐述了该工程设计方案,为同类工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Riparian zone is a typical ecotone that connects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. At the same time, environmental stress magnifies here and the natural regulation of rivers is extremely active. In other words, the most dynamic and vibrant interactions between rivers and landscapes occur in riparian zones. However, the construction of dams and the operation of reservoirs have turned many riparian zones into river/reservoir alternation interfaces, influenced the shaping of hydrological and water environment, and the basin ecosystem as well. By introducing the definition and ecological characteristics of river/reservoir interface, this paper proposes the strategies and technical framework for the ecological design of river/reservoir interface. By studying the ecosystem restoration project of river/reservoir interface of Pengxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chongqing, which emphasizes the comprehensive element design, structural design, functional design, and process design, this paper aims to provide a reference for related research and practice on river ecosystem restoration. The results of ecological performance analysis showed that the restored ecosystem of the Wuyangba river/reservoir interface has an obvious increase in habitat type diversity and biodiversity, a strong ability of plant communities to adapt to seasonal water level fluctuation, and an improvement in purifying non-point source pollution. The project demonstrates the coordination and symbiosis of interface ecological restoration and waterfront landscape construction and optimization. The project offers an innovative effort in exploring ecosystem restoration design and practice of river/reservoir interfaces. The design strategies and framework can be a reference for other ecosystem restoration cases that are affected by water level fluctuation in river/reservoir interfaces.  相似文献   

AECOM 《风景园林》2018,25(9):101-108
新加坡·南京生态科技岛滨江风光带(大江侧)示范区景观设计旨在通过广泛的生态种植、森林保护、湿地恢复和栖息地创造等措施,提升自然环境的韧性,同时顺应当地的气候变化。项目组在确保生态不受干扰的前提下,结合现状对部分开放空间节点进行了细致的规划和设计,并在视野开阔的场地设置滨江观景平台。该项目的建成,为场地生态基础设施的建立奠定良好的基础,全面保护、保育长江滨水沿线12km的野生动植物栖息地,提高生态多样性并改善城市生态  相似文献   

珠三角三级绿道网络规划构建实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
何昉  高阳  锁秀  叶枫 《风景园林》2011,(1):66-71
目前作为景观都市主义集大成者的珠三角绿道网已经实现全面贯通,初步完成了预期的首年任务.而在珠三角绿道网的理论和实践研究过程中,通过对珠三角绿道网生态容量的计算,发现只有进行珠三角三级绿道网络构建,实现城市和社区绿道网的合理规划布局、棕地再利用、不同功能组团转换,才能将珠三角绿道网的生态、社会和经济效益最大化.  相似文献   

黄山风景区旅游公路Z103线云谷寺至汤口边坡工程段是地质构造中的高大边坡工程,主要地层为强~中风化花岗岩,边坡防治主要采用SNS生态防护网,该技术为风景区边坡加固与防护提供了工程实例.  相似文献   

华能集团人才创新创业基地办公楼东侧结构单元,采用混合结构体系(局部6-15轴至6-19轴为四层顶托柱转换)。因造型奇特,受力复杂,结构存在多处关键构件,如悬挑桁架与剪力墙核心筒连接处节点、球形办公室与支撑桁架连接节点等,为保证结构的安全性,利用ABAQUS分析软件,对这些关键节点进行了有限元建模,在大震工况下对关键节点的性能进行了弹塑性有限元分析。结果表明:在大震下,各关键节点除局部单元出现塑性外,节点的整体性能处于弹性状态,满足大震不屈服的抗震性能要求。  相似文献   

As one of the eight major green wedges within Shanghai’s overall urban planning in the city center, Sanlin Valley Park serves as an important intersection between ecological corridors along the Huangpu River and Shanghai’s outer ring road. During the rapid urbanization process, the city’s ecology has been facing constant deterioration. Furthermore, the city is experiencing an alarming loss of biodiversity, as well as increasingly severe urban heat island effect. To alleviate these issues, the project adopts a “valley” concept as the core of its design and utilizes thoughtful design strategies in five aspects: water management, wind corridors and micro-climates, ecosystem, transportation, and program and experience. With these strategies, the design team aims to improve the site’s connectivity, restore its ecology, reshape habitats, create a resilient landscape, and forge a vibrant urban hub that can also serve as the city’s ecological research base. During the design process, the design team adopts certain principles of landscape practices within the USA — that a project should encourage public participation of all socio-economic levels and place emphasis on the experience and benefits of the public. This form of multi-lateral cooperation allows for the park to constantly have its design plan reviewed and improved. It also allows for iterative responses to issues on the ground during construction. Last but not least, it instigates careful considerations of how to manage the park and its ecosystem, both in terms of cost and feasibility. By adopting all of these principles, the design team aspires to truly accede to citizens’ needs, all while introducing a sustainable ecosystem that would, ultimately, contribute to a much improved ecology and economy.  相似文献   

The problem of rural water ecological environment is becoming growingly prominent, and its ecological management is of great significance. From sponge cities to sponge villages, it is an effective way to use the low-impact development(LID) technology to solve rural water ecological environment problems. Through the investigation and analysis of the hydrology, soil, runoff, vegetation and other factors in the Wei River wetland of Fengxi New City of Xixian New Area, this study attempts to construct a LID route suitable for managing the rural water ecological environment in the northwest, so as to provide a reference for the construction of green infrastructure and sponge cities of rural areas in the northwest.  相似文献   

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