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Gradual type systems offer a smooth continuum between static and dynamic typing by permitting the free mixture of typed and untyped code. The runtime systems for these languages, and other languages with hybrid type checking, typically enforce function types by dynamically generating function proxies. This approach can result in unbounded growth in the number of proxies, however, which drastically impacts space efficiency and destroys tail recursion.  相似文献   

The advent of proof-carrying code has generated significant interest in reasoning about low-level languages. It is widely believed that low-level languages with jumps must be difficult to reason about by being inherently non-modular. We argue that this is untrue. We take it seriously that, differently from statements of a high-level language, pieces of low-level code are multiple-entry and multiple-exit. And we define a piece of code to consist of either a single labelled instruction or a finite union of pieces of code. Thus we obtain a compositional natural semantics and a matching Hoare logic for a basic low-level language with jumps. By their simplicity and intuitiveness, these are comparable to the standard natural semantics and Hoare logic of While. The Hoare logic is sound and complete wrt. the semantics and allows for compilation of proofs of the Hoare logic of While.  相似文献   

The advent of proof-carrying code has generated significant interest in reasoning about low-level languages. It is widely believed that low-level languages with jumps must be difficult to reason about because of being inherently non-modular. We argue that this is untrue. We take it seriously that, unlike statements of a high-level language, pieces of low-level code are multiple-entry and multiple-exit. And we define a piece of code as consisting of either a single labelled instruction or a finite union of pieces of code. Thus we obtain a compositional natural semantics and a matching Hoare logic for a basic low-level language with jumps. By their simplicity and intuitiveness, these are comparable to the standard natural semantics and Hoare logic of While. The Hoare logic is sound and complete wrt the semantics and allows for compilation of proofs of the Hoare logic of While.  相似文献   

一种用于Java程序验证编译的标签类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈晖  陈意云  茹祥民 《软件学报》2005,16(3):346-354
在基于语言考虑代码安全性的工作中,往往需要将高级语言程序翻译成类型化低级语言的程序进行类型检查.许多高级语言具有类型调度结构,在向低级语言的编译过程中需要用标签机制来实现.针对具有多继承接口的Java程序包含的一种特殊的类型调度结构,提出了一种新的标签类型.包含这种标签类型的低级语言能够有效地实现Java程序中的接口调用.这种对接口调用的编译方法被用在一个以类型化低级语言为验证语言的Java字节码即时编译器中.  相似文献   

We address the problem of applying resource-bounded functional programming languages in practice on object-oriented virtual machines which include calls to native methods coded in low-level languages without garbage collection support. We consider the application of a functional language with a high-level type system which incorporates measures of heap space consumption in types on such an execution platform. We supplement the syntactic type inference procedure of the functional language with a separate analysis which estimates the costs of memory leaks incurred by calls to garbage collection-ignorant functions.  相似文献   

Although static typing provides undeniable benefits for the development of applications, dynamically typed languages have become increasingly popular for specific scenarios. Since each approach offers different benefits, the StaDyn programming language has been designed to support both dynamic and static typing. This paper describes the minimal core of the StaDyn programming language. Its type system performs type reconstruction over both dynamic and static implicitly typed references. A new interpretation of union and intersection types allows statically gathering the type information of dynamic references, which improves runtime performance and robustness. The evaluation of the generated code has shown how our approach offers an important runtime performance benefit.  相似文献   

Dynamic languages are suitable for developing specific applications where runtime adaptability is an important issue. On the contrary, statically typed languages commonly provide better compile‐time type error detection and more opportunities for compiler optimizations. Because both approaches offer different benefits, there exist programming languages that support hybrid dynamic and static typing. However, the existing hybrid typing languages commonly do not gather type information of dynamic references at compile time, missing opportunities for improving compile‐time error detection and runtime performance. Therefore, we propose some design principles to implement hybrid typing languages that continue gathering type information of dynamically typed references. This type information is used to perform compile‐time type checking of the dynamically typed code and improve its runtime performance. As an example, we have implemented a hybrid typing language following the proposed design principles. We have evaluated the runtime performance and memory consumption of the generated code. The average performance of the dynamic and hybrid typing code is at least 2.53× and 4.51× better than the related approaches for the same platform, consuming less memory resources. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are two approaches to formalizing the syntax of typed object languages in a proof assistant or programming language. The extrinsic approach is to first define a type that encodes untyped object expressions and then make a separate definition of typing judgements over the untyped terms. The intrinsic approach is to make a single definition that captures well-typed object expressions, so ill-typed expressions cannot even be expressed. Intrinsic encodings are attractive and naturally enforce the requirement that metalanguage operations on object expressions, such as substitution, respect object types. The price is that the metalanguage types of intrinsic encodings and operations involve non-trivial dependency, adding significant complexity. This paper describes intrinsic-style formalizations of both simply-typed and polymorphic languages, and basic syntactic operations thereon, in the Coq proof assistant. The Coq types encoding object-level variables (de Bruijn indices) and terms are indexed by both type and typing environment. One key construction is the boot-strapping of definitions and lemmas about the action of substitutions in terms of similar ones for a simpler notion of renamings. In the simply-typed case, this yields definitions that are free of any use of type equality coercions. In the polymorphic case, some substitution operations do still require type coercions, which we at least partially tame by uniform use of heterogeneous equality.  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a general framework for verifying the safety properties of machine-language programs. PCC proofs are usually written in a logic extended with language-specific typing rules; they certify safety but only if there is no bug in the typing rules. In foundational proof-carrying code (FPCC), on the other hand, proofs are constructed and verified by using strictly the foundations of mathematical logic, with no type-specific axioms. FPCC is more flexible and secure because it is not tied to any particular type system and it has a smaller trusted base. Foundational proofs, however, are much harder to construct. Previous efforts on FPCC all required building sophisticated semantic models for types. Furthermore, none of them can be easily extended to support mutable fields and recursive types. In this article, we present a syntactic approach to FPCC that avoids all of these difficulties. Under our new scheme, the foundational proof for a typed machine program simply consists of the typing derivation plus the formalized syntactic soundness proof for the underlying type system. The former can be readily obtained from a type-checker, while the latter is known to be much easier to construct than the semantic soundness proofs. We give a translation from a typed assembly language into FPCC and demonstrate the advantages of our new system through an implementation in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

The flexibility offered by dynamically typed programming languages has been appropriately used to develop specific scenarios where dynamic adaptability is an important issue. This has made some existing statically typed languages gradually incorporate more dynamic features to their implementations. As a result, there are some programming languages considered hybrid dynamically and statically typed. However, these languages do not perform static type inference on a dynamically typed code, lacking those common features provided when a statically typed code is used. This lack is also present in the corresponding IDEs that, when a dynamically typed code is used, do not provide the services offered for static typing. We have customized an IDE for a hybrid language that statically infers type information of dynamically typed code. By using this type information, we show how the IDE can provide a set of appealing services that the existing approaches do not support, such as compile-time type error detection, code completion, transition from dynamically to statically typed code (and vice versa), and significant runtime performance optimizations. We have evaluated the programmer׳s performance improvement obtained with our IDE, and compared it with similar approaches.  相似文献   

Starting from the seminal work of Volpano and Smith, there has been growing evidence that type systems may be used to enforce confidentiality of programs through non-interference. However, most type systems operate on high-level languages and calculi, and “low-level languages have not received much attention in studies of secure information flow” (Sabelfeld and Myers, [Language-based information-flow security. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2003; 21:5–19]). Therefore, we introduce an information flow type system for a low-level language featuring jumps and calls, and show that the type system enforces termination-insensitive non-interference.Furthermore, information flow type systems for low-level languages should appropriately relate to their counterparts for high-level languages. Therefore, we introduce a compiler from a high-level imperative programming language to our low-level language, and show that the compiler preserves information flow types.  相似文献   

Realizability interpretations of logics are given by saying what it means for computational objects of some kind to realize logical formulae. The computational objects in question might be drawn from an untyped universe of computation, such as a partial combinatory algebra, or they might be typed objects such as terms of a PCF-style programming language. In some instances, one can show that a particular untyped realizability interpretation matches a particular typed one, in the sense that they give the same set of realizable formulae. In this case, we have a very good fit indeed between the typed language and the untyped realizability model — we refer to this condition as (constructive) logical full abstraction.We give some examples of this situation for a variety of extensions of PCF. Of particular interest are some models that are logically fully abstract for typed languages including non-functional features. Our results establish connections between what is computable in various programming languages and what is true inside various realizability toposes. We consider some examples of logical formulae to illustrate these ideas, in particular their application to exact real-number computability.  相似文献   

To increase software performance, it is now common to use hardware accelerators. Currently, GPUs are the most widespread accelerators that can handle general computations. This requires to use GPGPU frameworks such as Cuda or OpenCL. Both are very low-level and make the benefit of GPGPU programming difficult to achieve. In particular, they require to write programs as a combination of two subprograms, and, to manually manage devices and memory transfers. This increases the complexity of the overall software design. The idea we develop in this paper is to guarantee expressiveness and safety for CPU and GPU computations and memory managements with high-level data-structures and static type-checking. In this paper, we present how statically typed languages, compilers and libraries help harness high level GPGPU programming. In particular, we show how we added high-level user-defined data structures to a GPGPU programming framework based on a statically typed programming language: OCaml. Thus, we describe the introduction of records and tagged unions shared between the host program and GPGPU kernels described via a domain specific language as well as a simple pattern matching control structure to manage them. Examples, practical tests and comparisons with state of the art tools, show that our solutions improve code design, productivity, and safety while providing a high level of performance.  相似文献   

Dynamical consistency in hierarchical supervisory control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hierarchical control theory is presented founded upon the trace-dynamical consistency property, which is an extension of the notion of dynamical consistency (DC) to the supervisory case of automata with disablable transitions. Partitions of a system state space are considered for which both the trace-DC and the (non-blocking) in-block controllability (IBC) conditions hold; it is shown that low-level non-blocking controllable languages project up to such languages in the high-level system, and that, when the (non-blocking) IBC condition also holds, high-level non-blocking controllable languages map down to such languages in the low-level system. It is demonstrated that the resulting pairs of low-level and high-level languages satisfy a version of the hierarchical consistency condition found in the existing language-based hierarchical supervisory control theory. The structures produced in the formulation of hierarchical control in this paper permit efficient regulator design (and, in particular, repeated re-design) for hierarchy-compatible language specifications; such specifications consist of low-level languages whose maximal controllable sublanguages are realizable by a combination of a high-level (possibly history-dependent) regulator and a set of (state-dependent) low-level regulators (specified block-wise). An algorithm is proposed which facilitates the construction of (non-blocking) IBC partitions of systems with vocalized states. Examples are presented, including a material transfer line with re-entrant flow and a double queue  相似文献   

In object programming languages, the Visitor design pattern allows separation of algorithms and data structures. When applying this pattern to tree‐like structures, programmers are always confronted with the difficulty of making their code evolve. One reason is that the code implementing the algorithm is interwound with the code implementing the traversal inside the visitor. When implementing algorithms such as data analyses or transformations, encoding the traversal directly into the algorithm turns out to be cumbersome as this type of algorithm only focuses on a small part of the data‐structure model (e.g., program optimization). Unfortunately, typed programming languages like Java do not offer simple solutions for expressing generic traversals. Rewrite‐based languages like ELAN or Stratego have introduced the notion of strategies to express both generic traversal and rule application control in a declarative way. Starting from this approach, our goal was to make the notion of strategic programming available in a widely used language such as Java and thus to offer generic traversals in typed Java structures. In this paper, we present the strategy language SL that provides programming support for strategies in Java. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a reasoning infrastructure for proving statements about resource consumption in a fragment of the Java Virtual Machine Language (JVML). The infrastructure is based on a small hierarchy of program logics, with increasing levels of abstraction: at the top there is a type system for a high-level language that encodes resource consumption. The infrastructure is designed to be used in a proof-carrying code (PCC) scenario, where mobile programs can be equipped with formal evidence that they have predictable resource behaviour.  相似文献   

编程语言类型系统的类型安全性可以保证程序运行时满足基本安全属性,包括控制流安全, 内存安全等.类型化编程语言都需要一个类型检查器来检查程序的良类型性,因此编程语言的具体实现是否能保证类型安全性,还依赖类型检查器的可靠性.本文给出一种类型化汇编语言,然后给出相应的类型检查器,并证明了此类型检查器的可靠性,从而保证经过类型检查的汇编程序的安全性.文本的所有工作,包括类型化汇编语言、类型检查器以及相关定理证明,均已在证明辅助工具Coq中实现.本文方法也可用于证明类型化高级语言的类型检查器的可靠性.  相似文献   

V. R. Prasad 《Software》1980,10(7):507-517
This paper investigates the ways and uses of permitting a variable number of routine parameters in typed high-level languages. The problem is first introduced through the notions: optional parameters, multiple parameters and polymorphic parameters. The optional parameter mechanism is motivated by the advantages of the conventional practice of omitting certain actual parameters in routine calls as permitted in some low-level languages. The multiple parameter mechanism facilitates restructuring of routine definitions so that multiple calls to the same routine can be replaced by a single call. The polymorphic parameter mechanism permits routine definitions which can operate on different types of data. These three notions together provide a powerful means of permitting a variable number of parameters in typed languages. The power of the mechanism is illustrated by a specific application: if such a mechanism is introduced in Pascal, the language definition can be completely freed from the need for predefining files and the standard input/output routines, at the same time retaining most of its programming convenience.  相似文献   

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