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In this paper, a new zero-voltage transition current-fed full-bridge converter with a simple auxiliary circuit is introduced for high step-up applications. In this converter, for the main switches, zero-voltage switching condition is achieved at wide load range. Furthermore, all semiconductor devices of the employed simple auxiliary circuit are fully soft switched. The proposed converter is analyzed and a prototype is implemented. The experimental results presented confirm the validity of the theoretical analysis. Finally, the proposed auxiliary circuit is applied to other current-fed topologies such as current-fed push-pull and half-bridge converters to provide soft switching.  相似文献   

提出一种利用多谐振实现开关管软开关的全桥Boost变换器.其将变压器漏感作为谐振电感,利用电感与电容谐振实现桥臂开关管和箝位开关管的软开关.桥臂开关管工作于零电流开通与零电压关断状态.有源箝位电路既可抑制变换器工作时可能出现的振荡电压,又可将箝位电容吸收的能量返还回主电路,且箝位开关管工作于零电压开通与零电流关断状态.最后利用硬件实验验证了其多谐振软开关特性.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的倍流整流方式下的ZVS-PWM全桥变换器,通过在次级加入一个简单的无损吸收网络,可基本消除由于变压器漏感较大而引起的二次侧整流二极管上的电压尖峰及振荡,分析了该系统的工作原理.仿真结果验证了该方案的可行性.  相似文献   

对于移相全桥零电压开关PWM变换器,在全负载范围内实现所有开关器件零电压开关和减少占空比丢失之间是矛盾的。如果在电路中增加一个辅助电路,根据负载情况在续流期间为滞后桥臂的零电压开关提供能量,能在全负载范围内实现所有开关器件的零电压开关和减少占空比丢失,但电路中存在严重的环流问题。文中提出新的拓扑结构通过增加一个双向开关和相应的驱动电路,有效地减少了环流带来的损耗。实例分析和仿真验证了这种拓扑的优点。  相似文献   

A hybrid full-bridge (H-FB) three-level (TL) converter can realize zero-voltage-switching for switches with the use of resonant inductance (including the leakage inductance of the transformer) and intrinsic capacitors of the switches. As it can operate in three-level and two-level (2L) modes, the secondary rectified voltage is always close to the output voltage over the input-voltage range; thus, the output filter requirement is significantly less. Meanwhile, the voltage stress of the rectifier diodes can also be reduced. Therefore, the H-FB TL converter is very attractive for wide input-voltage-range applications. However, there is a serious voltage oscillation across the rectifier diodes caused by reverse recovery like the Buck-derived converters. In this paper, two clamping diodes are introduced to the H-FB TL converter to eliminate the voltage oscillation across the rectifier diodes. The arrangement of the positions of the resonant inductance and the transformer is discussed. The operation principle of the proposed converter is analyzed in details. A 1.2-kW prototype was built and tested in the laboratory to verify the operation of the proposed converter.  相似文献   

为解决全桥硬开关电路的开关损耗问题,提高电源效率,研究了一种移相全桥软开关电路。与传统电路相比具有开关损耗小、EMI噪声低、工作频率高、电源效率高等优点。详细介绍了移相全桥电压PWM软开关电路谐振工作的全过程,最后给出了PWM软开关电路占空比丢失的原因及解决办法。  相似文献   

次刚  张榆平 《通信电源技术》2011,28(1):11-13,18
文章介绍了一种带辅助谐振网络的移相全桥ZVS软开关变换器的设计方法,分析了电路工作方式,并对参数选择做了详细介绍,最后给出了仿真结果和仿真波形,证明了设计的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

移相全桥ZVS ZCS变换器双闭环控制系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以移相全桥ZVSZCS变换器作为控制对象,分析了平均电流模式的电压电流双闭环控制系统的控制原理,用MATLAB中的可视化工具SISOTOOL设计了电压电流双闭环的PI调节参数,减少了设计的复杂性和重复性。最后通过MATLAB/Simulink仿真软件搭建出电压电流双闭环控制系统的仿真模型,验证了设计结果的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a new three-phase high power current-fed dc/dc converter with an active clamp. A three-phase dc/dc converter with high efficiency and voltage boosting capability is designed for use in the interface between a low-voltage fuel-cell source and a high-voltage dc bus for inverters. Zero-voltage switching in all active switches is achieved through using a common active clamp branch, and zero current switching in the rectifier diodes is achieved through discontinuous current conduction in the secondary side. Further, the converter is capable of increased power transfer due to its three-phase power configuration, and it reduces the rms current per phase, thus reducing conduction losses. Moreover, a delta-delta connection on the three-phase transformer provides parallel current paths and reduces conduction losses in the transformer windings. An efficiency of above 93% is achieved through both improvements in the switching and through reducing conduction losses. A high voltage ratio is achieved by combining inherent voltage boost characteristics of the current-fed converter and the transformer turns ratio. The proposed converter and three-phase PWM strategy is analyzed, simulated, and implemented in hardware. Experimental results are obtained on a 500-W prototype unit, with all of the design verified and analyzed.   相似文献   

This paper presents a novel soft-switching half-bridge dc–dc converter with high-frequency link. The newly proposed soft-switching dc–dc converter consists of a single-ended half-bridge inverter controlled by an asymmetrical pulsewidth-modulation scheme and a center-tapped diode rectifier. In order to attain the wide range of soft commutation under constant switching frequency, the single active edge-resonant snubber cell composed of a lossless inductor and a switched capacitor is employed for the half-bridge inverter leg, providing and assisting zero-current-switching operations in the switching power devices. The practical effectiveness of the proposed soft-switching dc–dc converter is demonstrated by the experimental results from an 800 W–55 kHz prototype. In addition, the feasibility of the dc–dc converter topology is proved from the viewpoints of the high efficiency and high power density.   相似文献   

This paper outlines a soft-switching mechanism based on zero-voltage-zero-current-switching (ZVZCS) principle for the front-end isolated dc/dc converter of an isolated three-phase rectifier-type high-frequency-link bidirectional power converter. In conjunction with a back-end dc/ac converter operating with a novel patent-filed hybrid modulation scheme outlined in , , and that reduces the number of hard-switched commutation per switching cycle, the proposed ZVZCS scheme can lead to less overall switching losses than other conventional switching schemes. The proposed ZVZCS scheme is effective for various load conditions, operates seamlessly with a simple active-clamp circuit, and is suitable for applications where low-voltage dc to high-voltage three-phase ac power conversion is required.   相似文献   

为了提高高频隔离型光伏并网发电系统的效率,减小占空比丢失,消除整流二极管的寄生振荡,采用了无源钳位的ZVZCS变换器拓扑.详细分析了其工作原理及软开关技术实现条件,介绍了变换器关键参数的设计方法.通过matlab软件对该变换器进行了仿真分析,仿真结果表明了理论分析的正确性和参数设计的合理性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a zero-voltage switching (ZVS) two-transformer full-bridge (TTFB) pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converter with lossless diode-clamp rectifier for a plasma display panel sustaining power module (PSPM). The TTFB converter has series-connected two transformers which act as an output inductor as well as a main transformer. Although the naturally doubled leakage inductor due to the series-connected two transformers contributes to achieve the ZVS of the lagging leg, it creates a serious voltage ringing across the output rectifier diodes. This results in the heavy voltage stresses across the rectifier diodes. Thus the dissipative snubber circuits are required in spite of the severe power dissipation. To overcome these problems, a new lossless diode-clamp rectifier (LDCR) is employed as the output rectifier, which helps the voltage across rectifier diodes to be clamped at one half the output voltage ($V_o/$2) or a full output voltage$(V_o)$. Therefore, no dissipative snubber circuits for the rectifier diodes are needed and a high efficiency as well as a low noise output voltage can be realized. In addition, the clamping capacitors of the LDCR can help considerably to reduce the primary circulating current. The operations, analysis, and design consideration of proposed converter are presented. Also, a 425-W, 385-$V_ dc$input, 170-$V_ dc$output prototype is constructed and experimental results show the validity of the proposed converter.  相似文献   

An interleaved current-fed full-bridge converter has the capability to step up the voltage while maintaining a low input current ripple. Therefore, it is suitable for application such as a front-end converter for fuel cell where the source current ripple has to be small. However, since the source voltage varies with change in load profile, it is a challenge to design a stable controller that works well for a wide operating range. In this paper, an energy-based approach using a Brayton–Moser modeled passivity-based controller is proposed along with an augmented integrator to achieve voltage regulation under wide operating range. Experimental results verify that the proposed controller is able to achieve good dynamic performance and stable operation under wide operating range.   相似文献   

在空间矢量调制三相全桥移相ZVS-PWM变换器的基础上,提出一种软开关范围较宽的新型空间矢量调制变换器。该变换器既具有单位功率因数和低的输入电流谐波失真,而且电路的所有功率开关均可实现软开关(ZVS、ZCS)。文中分析了这种电路的工作过程和工作波形,给出了工程设计的一些规则,并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

A single-phase high-frequency transformer-isolated soft-switching single-stage ac-to-dc converter with low-line-current distortion is presented. The circuit configuration is obtained by integrating two discontinuous current mode (DCM) boost converters with a DCM full-bridge buck converter. The zero-voltage switching for the top switches is achieved automatically, whereas bottom switches are aided by zero-voltage transition circuits. The output voltage is regulated by duty-cycle control at constant switching frequency. The intervals of operation and steady-state analysis are presented. A systematic design procedure is presented with a 1-kW converter design example. PSPICE simulation and experimental results obtained from a 1-kW laboratory prototype are presented for a wide variation in line and load conditions.  相似文献   

提出了一种带辅助网络的ZVS PWM全桥三电平直流变换器,很好地解决了ZVS PWM移相全桥三电平变换器中滞后桥臂不容易实现软开关的问题,同时具有开关管电压应力小的特点。加入辅助网络后可以减小谐振电感,达到降低占空比丢失目的。文章分析了变换器的原理,最后通过对一个输出400V,10A的变换器的仿真进行了验证。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new family of soft-switching pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converters is introduced. In this family of converters, two switches operate out of phase and share the output current while providing soft-switching condition for each other. A buck converter, from this family of converters, is analyzed and its operating modes are discussed. The adoption of regular PWM control circuit to the proposed converters is presented. A prototype converter is implemented and its experimental results are illustrated.  相似文献   

A full-bridge dc--dc converter employing a diode rectifier in the output experiences a severe voltage overshoot and oscillation problem across the diode rectifier caused by interaction between junction capacitance of the rectifier diode and leakage inductance of the transformer. The pronounced reverse-recovery current of high-power diodes significantly contributes to these issues by increasing power loss and voltage overshoot. Conventional energy recovery clamping circuits suffer from high voltage overshoot if the converter input voltage is wide. In this paper, a novel energy recovery clamp circuit is proposed to overcome this problem. The proposed circuit requires neither active switches nor lossy components. Therefore, the proposed circuit is very promising in high-voltage and high-power applications. Performance of the proposed circuit is verified both theoretically and experimentally with a 70-kW dc--dc converter.   相似文献   

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