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In this paper, a new intelligent method for the fault diagnosis of the rotating machinery is proposed based on wavelet packet analysis (WPA) and hybrid support machine (hybrid SVM). In fault diagnosis for mechanical systems, information about stability and mutability can be further acquired through WPA from original signal. The faulty vibration signals obtained from a rotating machinery are decomposed by WPA via Dmeyer wavelet. A new multi-class fault diagnosis algorithm based on 1-v-r SVM approach is proposed and applied to rotating machinery. The extracted features are applied to hybrid SVM for estimating fault type. Compared to conventional back-propagation network (BPN), the superiority of the hybrid SVM method is shown in the success of fault diagnosis. The test results of hybrid SVM demonstrate that the applying of energy criterion to vibration signals after WPA is a very powerful and reliable method and hence estimating fault type on rotating machinery accurately and quickly.  相似文献   

直推式支持向量机(TSVM)是在利用有标签样本的同时,考虑无标签样本对分类器的影响,并且结合支持向量机算法,实现一种高效的分类算法。它在包含少量有标签样本的训练集和大量无标签样本的测试集上,具有良好的效果。但是它有算法时间复杂度比较高,需要预先设置正负例比例等不足。通过对原有算法的改进,新算法在时间复杂度上明显下降,同时算法效果没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

为了保证某型导弹发射台的战备完好性,需要对其进行故障预测和健康评估。为此采集了发射台电动机构的振动信号,用小波分析方法提取了特征向量,在研究支持向量机模式识别和回归估计基本原理的基础上,设计了电动机构的最小二乘支持向量机预测模型和故障映射模型,实现了对电动机构状态趋势的预测和故障预报。采用电动机构的历史数据对模型进行了验证,结果表明,基于支持向量机的预测模型和故障映射模型可以有效地对电动机构进行故障预测。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的不平衡数据分类算法的研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对不平衡数据分类问题,提出了基于Smote与核函数修改相结合的算法。首先用Smote方法处理数 据,降低不平衡度;然后以黎曼几何为依据,利用保角变换,对核函数进行修改,提高支持向量机的分类泛化能 力;最后用修改后的支持向量机对新的数据进行处理。实验结果表明,这种方法能在保持整体正确率的前提下 有效地提高少数类样本的分类准确率。  相似文献   

基于小波变换和支持向量机的音频分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
音频特征提取是音频分类的基础,而音频分类又是内容的音频检索的关键。综合分析了语音和音乐的区别性特征,提出一种基于小波变换和支持向量机的音频特征提取和分类的方法,用于纯语音、音乐、带背景音乐的语音以及环境音的分类,并且评估了新特征集合在SVM分类器上的分类效果。实验结果表明,提出的音频特征有效、合理,分类性能较好。  相似文献   

针时标准支持向量机多分类算法不能解决多主题文本分类问题,提出了一种基于超球支持向量机的多主题文本分类算法.该算法用超球支持向量机训练得到每个超球,计算待分类文本到每个超球球心的距离,依据距离得到隶属度向量,最后根据隶属度向量判定该文本所属的主题.实验结果表明,该算法具有更好的召回率,准确率和F1值.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的兼类文本分类算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对兼类文本,提出了两种基于支持向量的分类算法.一种是采用1-a-1方法训练子分类器,通过子分类器得到待分类样本的隶属度矩阵,依据隶属度矩阵每行元素和判定该文本所属类别.另一种是采用1-a-r方法训练子分类器,通过子分类器得到待分类样本的隶属度向量,根据隶属度向量判定该文本所属的类别.实验结果表明,这两种算法都具有较好的准确率,召回率和F1值.  相似文献   

从工业生产过程实用的观点出发,鉴于小波变换能有效地对信号进行消噪的优点和支持向量机的卓越学习性能,探讨基于小波和支持向量机的故障趋势预报,并结合专家系统建立解释机制。将其用于工业精对苯二甲酸(PTA)生产过程中对二甲苯(PX)氧化反应器尾氧浓度故障预报的结果表明:该方法能准确地对尾氧浓度故障趋势进行预测,并同时给出故障产生的概率大小,为PX氧化反应器的安全平稳操作提供了保证。  相似文献   

Support vector machines (SVMs) are one of the most popular methodologies for the design of pattern classification systems with sound theoretical foundations and high generalizing performance. The SVM framework focuses on linear and nonlinear models that maximize the separating margin between objects belonging in different classes. This paper extends the SVM modeling context toward the development of additive models that combine the simplicity and transparency/interpretability of linear classifiers with the generalizing performance of nonlinear models. Experimental results are also presented on the performance of the new methodology over existing SVM techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel nonparallel classifier, named sparse nonparallel support vector machine (SNSVM), for binary classification. Different with the existing nonparallel classifiers, such as the twin support vector machines (TWSVMs), SNSVM has several advantages: It constructs two convex quadratic programming problems for both linear and nonlinear cases, which can be solved efficiently by successive overrelaxation technique; it does not need to compute the inverse matrices any more before training; it has the similar sparseness with standard SVMs; it degenerates to the TWSVMs when the parameters are appropriately chosen. Therefore, SNSVM is certainly superior to them theoretically. Experimental results on lots of data sets show the effectiveness of our method in both sparseness and classification accuracy and, therefore, confirm the above conclusions further.  相似文献   

基于复小波和支持向量机的纹理分类法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对图像纹理分类问题,提出了一种将二元树复小波变换与支持向量机相结合的分类方法,通过二元树复小波变换对纹理图像进行四层分解,提取各子频带小波系数模的均值和标准方差组成特征向量,利用支持向量机作为分类器实现纹理图像分类。对20类Brodatz纹理图像的分类实验表明,提出的方法具有较高的分类精度,在有限训练样本的情况下比传统的分类算法平均正确率有10%左右的提高,体现了该方法的有效性和良好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

非凸在线支持向量机(LASVM-NC)具有抗噪能力强和训练速度快的优点,而词频相关频率积(tf.rf)则是一种自适应能力很强、分类性能非常好的文本特征。通过把非凸在线支持向量机和词频相关频率积相结合,提出了一种新的文本分类方法,即LASVM-NC+tf.rf。实验结果表明,这种方法在LASVM-NC与多种其他特征的结合中性能是最好的,且与SVM+tf.rf相比,不仅所产生的分类器具有泛化能力更强、模型表达更稀疏的优点,而且在处理含噪声的数据时具有更好的鲁棒性,在处理大规模数据时具有快得多的训练速度。  相似文献   

基于超球支持向量机的兼类文本分类算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对兼类文本,提出了一种分类算法。对属于同一类别的文本,利用超球支持向量机在特征空间中求得一个能包围该类尽可能多文本的最小超球,使各类文本之间通过超球分隔开,达到分类效果。对待分类文本,计算它到各超球球心的距离,根据距离判定该文本所属的类别。实验结果证明,该算法不仅具有较快的分类速度,而且具有较高的分类精度。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the use of relevance vector machines (RVMs) for content-based image classification and compares it with the conventional support vector machine (SVM) approach. Different wavelet kernels are included in the formulation of the RVM. We also propose a new wavelet-based feature extraction method that extracts lesser number of features as compared to other wavelet-based feature extraction methods. Experimental results confirm the superiority of RVM over SVM in terms of the trade-off between slightly reduced accuracy but substantially enhanced sparseness of the solution, and also the ease of free parameters tuning.  相似文献   

一种基于并行支持向量机的网络入侵检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
构造了一种基于并行支持向量机(Parallel Support Vector Machines,简称PSVMs)的网络入侵检测(Intrusion Detection,ID)方法,多个并行的支持向量机在分布式的计算机系统环境上运行。利用反馈对初始的分类器进行更新,避免了初始训练样本的分布差异过大而对分类器性能产生的潜在影响。将其与神经网络检测模型进行对比,实验证明,该方法在保持较低误警率的同时有着很好的检测率,在训练时间上优于传统BP网络方法,并且能保证较好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

Texture classification using the support vector machines   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Shutao  James T.  Hailong  Yaonan 《Pattern recognition》2003,36(12):2883-2893
In recent years, support vector machines (SVMs) have demonstrated excellent performance in a variety of pattern recognition problems. In this paper, we apply SVMs for texture classification, using translation-invariant features generated from the discrete wavelet frame transform. To alleviate the problem of selecting the right kernel parameter in the SVM, we use a fusion scheme based on multiple SVMs, each with a different setting of the kernel parameter. Compared to the traditional Bayes classifier and the learning vector quantization algorithm, SVMs, and, in particular, the fused output from multiple SVMs, produce more accurate classification results on the Brodatz texture album.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高图像压缩效率和质量,提出一种离散小波变换(DWT)和最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)相融合的图像压缩方法(DWT-LSSVM)。采用DWT对图像分解,得到低频系数和高频系数,采用LSSVM归学习逼近高频系数,并采用混沌粒子群算法对LSSVM参数进行优化,对支持向量、权重和低频系数进行编码,得到数据压缩数据流。仿真结果表明,DWT-LSSVM获得了较高的压缩比,可以较好满足图像传输的实时性要求。  相似文献   

王金艳  冯建武  刘万里 《计算机应用》2007,27(12):2896-2898
针对支持向量机中两类不平衡数据的分离超平面的偏移问题提出一种校正方法:先对两类样本数据在核空间中进行核主成分分析,分别求出两类样本数据的在特征空间中的主要特征值;然后根据两样本容量以及各自的特征值所提供的信息,对两类数据给出惩罚因子比例;最后通过优化训练产生一个新的分离超平面。该分类面校正了标准支持向量机的分类误差,与标准的支持向量机相比,该方法不仅平衡了错分率,同时还能减少错分率。实验结果验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Breast cancer can be effectively detected and diagnosed using the technology of digital mammography. However, although this technology has been rapidly developing recently, suspicious regions cannot be detected in some cases by radiologists, because of the noise or inappropriate mammogram contrast. This study presents a classification of segmented region of interests (ROIs) as either benign or malignant to serve as a second eye of the radiologists. Our study consists of three steps. In the first step, spherical wavelet transform (SWT) is applied to the original ROIs. In the second step, shape, boundary and grey level based features of wavelet (detail) and scaling (approximation) coefficients are extracted. Finally, in the third step, malignant/benign classification of the masses is implemented by giving the feature matrices to a support vector machine system. The proposed system achieves 91.4% and 90.1% classification accuracy using the dataset acquired from the hospital of Istanbul University in Turkey and the free Mammographic Image Analysis Society, respectively. Furthermore, discrete wavelet transform, which produces 83.3% classification accuracy, is applied to the coefficients to make a comparison with the SWT method.  相似文献   

提出基于公共矢量的最小类内方差支持向量机(CV-MCVSVM),用于提高噪音人脸图像分类问题中的抗噪性能。它继承了最小类内方差支持向量机(MCVSVMs)的优点,引入了由公共矢量(CVs)构成的散度矩阵Scom,由于CVs包含了样本中的共同信息,因此CV-MCVSVM在定义中将每个样本减去了CVs的均值,保留了更多的分类信息,进一步提高了抗噪能力。给出了CV-MCVSVM的推导过程。经实验验证,在含有噪音人脸图像的分类问题中,CV-MCVSVM获得了比MCVSVMs和总间隔v-支持向量机(TM-v-SVM)更好的分类性能。  相似文献   

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