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This study found a long run equilibrium relationship among population, labor force participation rate and employment, in which population is positively related to employment and negatively related to labor force participation rate. We proved that employment growth from new business investment causes increase in population in the state of Washington in spite of its beautiful environment and amenities. The causality does not operate in reverse way. We decomposed the time series into stationary components and non-stationary components and interpreted each component on the basis of historical economic condition of Washington. The response of the labor force participation rate to an impulse in employment supports Bartik's (1993) and Yeo and Holland's (2004) findings. Obviously the result is the opposite of Blanchard and Katz's (1992) finding that the long-run effect of job growth on the labor force participation rate is negligible. With regard to the party who benefits from job growth, we suspect that most of new jobs are captured by in-migrants because the pattern of the stationary component of employment and net migration is quite similar and the impulse response of population is significantly higher than that of employment.  相似文献   

John  Loomis  Tom  Fox 《景观设计》2009,(2):48-53
新建成的姜国国家视听资料保存中心(简称NAVCC)占地16万平方米,坐落于弗吉尼亚州乡间.距首都华盛顿仅有1小时的车程.该项目包括原有的地下建筑群与新建的半地下办公和实验大楼.SWA集团计划在场地周目栽种大片树木,再现弗吉尼亚州中部常见的森林草地的自然风光.为在这里工作的研究人员和档案管理者营造出郁郁葱葱的工作环境,国会图书馆所收藏的电影,广播和录音资料都储藏和保存在这里.  相似文献   

Pepper Canyon大楼是一座为临时使用者服务的永久性建筑,常常作为一个永久性的承担基地来举办各类学术活动,包括教室、会议空间、教研员工办公室等。由于承租人每几年就要变换一次.因此,这座承租建筑必须比通常的教学建筑更富有弹性。每个部门对于办公区域内部的工作组团方式以用教学区域的视听需求等内容的要求都不尽相同。因此.Pepper Canyon大楼的设计更加灵活,并用尽可能少的改变容纳新的部门。  相似文献   

The simultaneous impact of massing on both energy consumption and renewable energy production potential is studied by taking the case of office buildings in Washington D.C. A Baseline design with a square footprint is compared with eleven massing alternatives: three rectangular parallelepiped designs with aspect ratios of respectively 2, 3, and 4, along the east-west orientation; three rectangular parallelepiped designs with aspect ratios of respectively 2, 3, and 4, along the north-south orientation; two H-shaped designs; one cross-shaped design; and two pyramidal buildings with wall slopes of respectively 86° and 83°. With differences between the best performing massing alternative and the worst performing massing alternative of more than 10% in terms of energy consumption, and more than 20% in terms of renewable energy production, massing is found to significantly impact both energy use and energy production. Consideration of both energy consumption and renewable energy production potential suggests that, for temperate climates such as Washington D.C., buildings with H-shaped footprints, buildings with crossshaped footprints, and buildings with high aspect ratio footprints are preferable when targeting net-zero energy status.  相似文献   

Since 1960, New York City's Midtown district has experienced an office building boom with the construction of seventy million square feet (650 300 m2) of new office space in one hundred eleven buildings. During this period it became increasingly clear that this new generation of superscale office towers, such as AT & T and IBM, were overpowering their context by dramatically diminishing the daylighting available to the public streets, parks, plazas, and neighboring buildings.The prime cause of this environmental dilemma was the permissive and subjective manner in which the City Planning Commission reviewed Midtown buildings. The waiving of the rigid as-of-right or automatic height and setback regulations for a negotiated review, conceived to encourage good architecture, resulted in daylighting conditions which were measurably worse than those that, in part, led to the call for zoning to protect public access to “light and air” in 1916. The as-of-right zoning regulations which were enacted to guarantee an adequate level of solar access had been superceded by negotiated or discretionary zoning and in the process one of the original goals of zoning was lost.Responding to the defined need for procedural certainty, public accountability, and design and development flexibility, the consultants proposed a performance system of as-of-right zoning based on objective criteria and measurement techniques. The centerpiece of the new building bulk regulations is a modified Waldram Diagram on which the daylighting performance of a building is evaluated against a threshold and standard. The threshold and standard were systematically derived from an analysis of the sixty-year historical expectation for daylight in Midtown. The performance system as adopted by the City is presently being programmed for computer evaluation.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that environmental certification (EC) affects rental rates in non-residential buildings, but there is still little understanding of how tenants differentiate such buildings from those without EC. This paper examines whether and how tenants perceive value creation in EC premises in Sweden. The findings (based on 29 questionnaire responses and 14 interviews with tenants in EC buildings) inform landlords and tenants on the development of EC strategies for improved organizational outcomes. EC creates value for tenants principally as support for their environmental management and reporting (e.g., low energy demand). EC is important for tenants internally, raising employee environmental awareness and improving employee attraction and retention. Tenants are generally positive about employee morale, indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and rental costs. However, it is not clear if such perceptions are dependent on features of modern premises in general, such as new fixtures, fittings and furnishings, and space-efficiency or from some EC-related feature. Tenants do not identify health or productivity increase in their EC premises. Findings suggest that the research focus should be shifted from investigating health and productivity increases through IEQ improvement to understanding the motivational improvement through value alignment with employees through EC.  相似文献   

丁岩 《景观设计》2008,(6):58-61
铸造广场占地111 480m^2,坐落于旧金山南市场区两条主街——第一个大街和霍华德大街的交会处,周围为办公和零售楼群,该项目旨在提供一个与市中心办公楼群相比,面积更大,地板样式更的一流的工作环境,并通过地下通风设计来改善楼群底层的环境,广场的四块建筑区域为公共用地,为营造一处新的城市空间提供了不可多得的机会,也是该项目的关键.  相似文献   

The knowledge of building stock energy data of a country is a very significant tool for energy benchmarks establishment, energy rating procedures and building classification boundaries determination, according to the Directive 2002/91/EC and its implementation in EU Member States. The lack of building energy databases in many EU Countries, including Greece, and the difficulties of collecting them lead to the investigation of other potential solutions. The aim of this paper is to present a method of a Virtual Building Dataset (VBD) creation for office buildings in Greece. The philosophy of VBD is based on the creation and simulation of random office buildings that could be found or built in Greece, taking into account the Greek constructional and operational characteristics of office buildings and Greek legislation. The VBD consists of 30,000 buildings (10,000 in each climatic zone) with their detailed constructional and operational data and of their simulation outputs: the annual specific energy consumption for heating, cooling, artificial lighting, office equipment and an indoor thermal comfort indicator. Based on VBD results the energy and indoor thermal comfort benchmarks for office building sector in Greece are assessed and presented.  相似文献   

多租户大型商用办公楼配电系统中的谐波污染日趋严重,由此引起的纠纷也时有发生。本文引入了二层公共连接点(PCC),并讨论了短路容量的确定和用户间的谐波电流允许值的分配等问题。为供用电三方澄清了谐波要求。将公共连接点上的谐波限值和一些实测结果进行了比较,发现谐波畸变水平超过限值的情况经常发生物租户供电电路,并对其原因进行了简要分析。指出在高层办公楼中,租户接入配电网处的电压谐波限值应考虑适当放宽。为实  相似文献   

本文以德江县就业与社会保障服务中心设计研究为中心,通过对总平面设计以及建筑单体设计的分析,从规划和设计理念入手,分析了现代化行政办公楼的设计要点,以期对现代化行政办公楼设计研究提供参考性的意见。  相似文献   

The lack of an effective indoor air quality (IAQ) metric causes communication concerns among building tenants (the public), building managers (decision-makers), and IAQ investigators (engineers). The Indoor Air Pollution Index (IAPI) is developed for office buildings to bridge this communication discord. The index, simple and easily understood, employs the range of pollutant concentrations and concentrations in the subject building to estimate a unitless single number, the IAPI, between 0 (lowest pollution level and best IAQ) and ten (highest pollution level and worst IAQ). The index provides a relative measure of indoor air pollution for office buildings and ranks office indoor air pollution relative to the index distribution of the US office building population. Furthermore, the index associates well with occupant symptoms, percentage of occupants with persistent symptoms. A tree-structured method is utilized in conjunction with the arithmetic mean as the aggregation function. The hierarchical structure of the method renders not only one index value, but also several sub-index values that are critical in the study of an office air environment. The use of the IAPI for IAQ management is illustrated with an example. The decomposition of the index leads to the ranking of sampled pollutants by their relative contribution to the index and the identification of dominant pollutant(s). This information can be applied to design an effective strategy for reducing in-office air pollution.  相似文献   

该项目规定了一个新火车站和主要的公共广场作为一个标志性发展项目的焦点,由六栋新楼、一个2000m^2的大型公共广场和一个有1,000个车位的地下停车场组成。该设计在地块的北端建设两栋分别为26层和36层的住宅楼,大约有700套公寓,在地块的南端,有三栋10层的商业办公楼朝向太平洋高速公路。零售和餐厅部分大约有4,500m^2,包括食品市场和一个超市。  相似文献   

Gert Wingårdh     
From his main office in Gothenburg, Sweden's second city, Gert Wingårdh has spawned a practice that has brought him national success. He has completed two embassy buildings for the Swedish foreign office in Washington DC and Berlin and two major museums. Timothy Tore Hebb describes the work of an architect whose designs are able to be both responsive to the natural environment and ingenious in their juxtapositions and contrasts. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

马勒米邮局是一座小型公共建筑,位于阿拉马勒米商业广场的一个角上,旁边紧邻另外一座大楼。它将成为沿贝克莱提街布置的低层公共建筑与城市多功能活动中心和游泳池之间的联系纽带。  相似文献   

Agglomeration and relocation: Manufacturing plant relocation in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the magnitude of localization economies by analysing the relocation pattern of Korean establishments in the manufacturing sector. Relocation of establishments is identified by their move across the border of wards, counties, or cities and distinguished between beyond and within their workers' commuting distance. It seems that relocation beyond commuting distance costs more than that within commuting distance since the former includes additional costs related with searching for, hiring, and training new workers. Key findings of this paper show that external benefits from agglomeration are large enough to be recognized by manufacturers through relocation beyond the border of their workers' commuting area. When the own industry's share of employment in all manufacturing industries becomes doubled through relocation, the probability for establishments to relocate over a long distance across the boundary of their workers' commuting area rises by 17 per cent. The results for sub‐samples divided by the age of establishments show that older establishments are more likely to relocate over a long distance to an area with disproportionate presence of establishments in the same industry. These results seem to fit product life cycle theory by Duranton and Puga. As the production process of the product becomes standardized, the firms producing that product tend to relocate to the specialized area where they can reduce the production costs by increasing dependence on the existing intermediate input suppliers, who are more likely to appear in a more specialized area.  相似文献   

对湖南平和堂商业大厦投入使用后3年来空调、通风、防排烟系统的运行情况进行了追踪调查、分析和总结,提出了设计综合性商业办公大厦空调系统应注意的问题。  相似文献   

This contribution reinforces Currie’s article in Vernacular Architecture 49 to demonstrate that tenants of all kinds, free and customary, usually arranged for the building of the dwellings and subsidiary buildings on their holdings. Lords built only in special circumstances, and tenants normally organised construction by obtaining materials and hiring carpenters. The expectation that tenants were responsible for buildings was often expressed in manorial courts in the period 1360–1520, but neglect of buildings also caused some concern in the period before 1349. This rather technical argument is placed in a more general context of the reappraisal of peasant capacities and agency.  相似文献   

A study was made to determine the effects of various parameters on the fire load characteristics of office buildings. This and future studies are expected to form the basis for improving fire resistant design requirements. Note: Dr. Culver is Program Manager, Building Technology Programs, Center for Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2002,34(2):135-153
The potential for optimum energy use and conservation of natural resources in representative southern and northern European office buildings is evaluated using the new European TOBUS methodology and software for office building refurbishment. Various scenarios are being accessed for energy and water conservation in office buildings. The proposed retrofit actions focus in the areas of space heating and cooling, artificial and natural lighting, service hot water, office equipment, elevators and sanitary water. The resulting conservation and related costs are taken into account in order to help the auditor classify the retrofit actions for an audited building. The TOBUS methodology and tools have been implemented to study four Hellenic office buildings and two from Denmark in order to demonstrate the applicability of the overall approach. Energy conservation in Hellenic and Danish buildings range for space heating from 5 to 71 and 0.5 to 6%, for space cooling from 1 to 38 and 4 to 20%, for artificial lighting from 40 to 53 and 26 to 62%, for office equipment from 13 to 62 and 13 to 87% and for elevators at 35 and 23%, respectively. Sanitary water conservation can reach 74% in all audited buildings.  相似文献   

"正"-浩然正气,这一成语凝练的概括了人类所推崇的普世价值一公平与正义,它也作为一种风格气质,演绎成建筑形象语汇,融入到政府办公建筑的设计中.  相似文献   

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